//! a bitcoin core RPC client. const std = @import("std"); const ArenaAllocator = std.heap.ArenaAllocator; const Atomic = std.atomic.Value; const base64enc = std.base64.standard.Encoder; const types = @import("types.zig"); pub const Client = struct { allocator: std.mem.Allocator, cookiepath: []const u8, addr: []const u8 = "", port: u16 = 8332, // each request gets a new ID with a value of reqid.fetchAdd(1, .monotonic) reqid: Atomic(u64) = Atomic(u64).init(1), pub const Method = enum { getblockchaininfo, getblockhash, getmempoolinfo, getnetworkinfo, }; pub const RpcError = error{ // json-rpc 2.0 RpcInvalidRequest, RpcMethodNotFound, RpcInvalidParams, RpcInternalError, RpcParseError, // general purpose errors RpcMiscError, RpcTypeError, RpcInvalidAddressOrKey, RpcOutOfMemory, RpcInvalidParameter, RpcDatabaseError, RpcDeserializationError, RpcVerifyError, RpcVerifyRejected, RpcVerifyAlreadyInChain, RpcInWarmup, RpcMethodDeprecated, // p2p client errors RpcClientNotConnected, RpcClientInInitialDownload, RpcClientNodeAlreadyAdded, RpcClientNodeNotAdded, RpcClientNodeNotConnected, RpcClientInvalidIpOrSubnet, RpcClientP2pDisabled, RpcClientNodeCapacityReached, // chain errors RpcClientMempoolDisabled, }; pub fn Result(comptime m: Method) type { return types.Deinitable(ResultValue(m)); } pub fn ResultValue(comptime m: Method) type { return switch (m) { .getblockchaininfo => BlockchainInfo, .getblockhash => []const u8, .getmempoolinfo => MempoolInfo, .getnetworkinfo => NetworkInfo, }; } pub fn MethodArgs(comptime m: Method) type { return switch (m) { .getblockchaininfo, .getmempoolinfo, .getnetworkinfo => void, .getblockhash => struct { height: u64 }, }; } fn RpcRequest(comptime m: Method) type { return struct { jsonrpc: []const u8 = "1.0", id: u64, method: []const u8, params: MethodArgs(m), }; } fn RpcResponse(comptime m: Method) type { return struct { id: u64, result: ?ResultValue(m), @"error": ?struct { code: isize, //message: ?[]const u8, // no use for it atm }, }; } /// makes an RPC call to the addr:port endpoint. /// the returned value must be deinit'ed when done. pub fn call(self: *Client, comptime method: Method, args: MethodArgs(method)) !Result(method) { const addrport = try std.net.Address.resolveIp(self.addr, self.port); const reqbytes = try self.formatreq(method, args); defer self.allocator.free(reqbytes); // connect and send the request const stream = try std.net.tcpConnectToAddress(addrport); defer stream.close(); const reader = stream.reader(); _ = try stream.writer().writeAll(reqbytes); // read and parse the response try skipResponseHeaders(reader, 4096); const body = try reader.readAllAlloc(self.allocator, 1 << 20); // 1Mb should be enough for all response types defer self.allocator.free(body); return self.parseResponse(method, body); } /// reads all response headers, at most `limit` bytes, and returns the index /// at which response body starts or error.EndOfStream. /// single header length must be at most `limit` or 1024, whichever is smaller. fn skipResponseHeaders(r: anytype, comptime limit: usize) !void { var n: usize = 0; var buf: [@min(1024, limit)]u8 = undefined; while (true) { const slice = try r.readUntilDelimiter(&buf, '\n'); n += slice.len + 1; // delimiter is not included in the slice if (n > limit) { return error.StreamTooLong; } if (slice.len == 0 or (slice.len == 1 and slice[0] == '\r')) { return; } } } fn parseResponse(self: Client, comptime m: Method, b: []const u8) !Result(m) { var resp = try types.Deinitable(RpcResponse(m)).init(self.allocator); errdefer resp.deinit(); resp.value = try std.json.parseFromSliceLeaky(RpcResponse(m), resp.arena.allocator(), b, .{ .ignore_unknown_fields = true, .allocate = .alloc_always, }); if (resp.value.@"error") |errfield| { return rpcErrorFromCode(errfield.code) orelse error.UnknownError; } if (resp.value.result == null) { return error.NullResult; } return .{ .value = resp.value.result.?, .arena = resp.arena }; } /// callers own returned value. fn formatreq(self: *Client, comptime m: Method, args: MethodArgs(m)) ![]const u8 { const req = RpcRequest(m){ .id = self.reqid.fetchAdd(1, .monotonic), .method = @tagName(m), .params = args, }; var jreq = std.ArrayList(u8).init(self.allocator); defer jreq.deinit(); try std.json.stringify(req, .{}, jreq.writer()); const auth = try self.getAuthBase64(); defer self.allocator.free(auth); var bytes = std.ArrayList(u8).init(self.allocator); // return value as owned slice const w = bytes.writer(); try w.writeAll("POST / HTTP/1.0\r\n"); //try w.writeAll("Host:\n", .{}); try w.writeAll("Connection: close\r\n"); try w.print("Authorization: Basic {s}\r\n", .{auth}); try w.writeAll("Accept: application/json-rpc\r\n"); try w.writeAll("Content-Type: application/json-rpc\r\n"); try w.print("Content-Length: {d}\r\n", .{jreq.items.len}); try w.writeAll("\r\n"); try w.writeAll(jreq.items); return try bytes.toOwnedSlice(); } fn getAuthBase64(self: Client) ![]const u8 { const file = try std.fs.openFileAbsolute(self.cookiepath, .{ .mode = .read_only }); defer file.close(); const cookie = try file.readToEndAlloc(self.allocator, 1024); defer self.allocator.free(cookie); const auth = try self.allocator.alloc(u8, base64enc.calcSize(cookie.len)); return base64enc.encode(auth, cookie); } // taken from bitcoind source code. // see https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/64440bb73/src/rpc/protocol.h#L23 fn rpcErrorFromCode(code: isize) ?RpcError { return switch (code) { // json-rpc 2.0 -32600 => error.RpcInvalidRequest, -32601 => error.RpcMethodNotFound, -32602 => error.RpcInvalidParams, -32603 => error.RpcInternalError, -32700 => error.RpcParseError, // general purpose errors -1 => error.RpcMiscError, -3 => error.RpcTypeError, -5 => error.RpcInvalidAddressOrKey, -7 => error.RpcOutOfMemory, -8 => error.RpcInvalidParameter, -20 => error.RpcDatabaseError, -22 => error.RpcDeserializationError, -25 => error.RpcVerifyError, -26 => error.RpcVerifyRejected, -27 => error.RpcVerifyAlreadyInChain, -28 => error.RpcInWarmup, -32 => error.RpcMethodDeprecated, // p2p client errors -9 => error.RpcClientNotConnected, -10 => error.RpcClientInInitialDownload, -23 => error.RpcClientNodeAlreadyAdded, -24 => error.RpcClientNodeNotAdded, -29 => error.RpcClientNodeNotConnected, -30 => error.RpcClientInvalidIpOrSubnet, -31 => error.RpcClientP2pDisabled, -34 => error.RpcClientNodeCapacityReached, // chain errors -33 => error.RpcClientMempoolDisabled, else => null, }; } }; pub const BlockchainInfo = struct { chain: []const u8, blocks: u64, headers: u64, bestblockhash: []const u8, difficulty: f64, time: u64, // block time, unix epoch mediantime: u64, // median block time, unix epoch verificationprogress: f32, // estimate in [0..1] initialblockdownload: bool, size_on_disk: u64, pruned: bool, //pruneheight: ?u64, // present if pruning is enabled //automatic_prunning: ?bool, // present if pruning is enabled //prune_target_size: ?u64, // present if automatic is enabled warnings: []const u8, }; pub const MempoolInfo = struct { loaded: bool, // whether the mempool is fully loaded size: usize, // tx count bytes: u64, // sum of all virtual transaction sizes as per BIP-141 (discounted witness data) usage: u64, // total memory usage total_fee: f32, // total fees in BTC ignoring modified fees through prioritisetransaction maxmempool: u64, // memory usage cap, in bytes mempoolminfee: f32, // min fee rate in BTC/kvB for tx to be accepted minrelaytxfee: f32, // current min relay fee rate incrementalrelayfee: f32, // min fee rate increment for replacement, in BTC/kvB unbroadcastcount: u64, // number of transactions that haven't passed initial broadcast yet fullrbf: bool, // whether the mempool accepts RBF without replaceability signaling inspection }; pub const NetworkInfo = struct { version: u32, subversion: []const u8, protocolversion: u32, connections: u16, // in + out connections_in: u16, connections_out: u16, networkactive: bool, networks: []struct { name: []const u8, // ipv4, ipv6, onion, i2p, cjdns limited: bool, // whether this network is limited with -onlynet flag reachable: bool, }, relayfee: f32, // min rate, in BTC/kvB incrementalfee: f32, // min rate increment for RBF in BTC/vkB localaddresses: []struct { address: []const u8, port: u16, score: i16, }, warnings: []const u8, };