You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import * as ICAL from 'ical.js';
export interface PimType {
uid: string;
toIcal(): string;
clone(): PimType;
export class EventType extends ICAL.Event implements PimType {
color: string;
static isEvent(comp: ICAL.Component) {
return !!comp.getFirstSubcomponent('vevent');
static fromVCalendar(comp: ICAL.Component) {
return new EventType(comp.getFirstSubcomponent('vevent'));
get title() {
return this.summary;
get start() {
return this.startDate.toJSDate();
get end() {
return this.endDate.toJSDate();
get allDay() {
return this.startDate.isDate;
get desc() {
return this.description;
toIcal() {
let comp = new ICAL.Component(['vcalendar', [], []]);
comp.updatePropertyWithValue('prodid', '-//iCal.js EteSync Web');
comp.updatePropertyWithValue('version', '4.0');
return comp.toString();
clone() {
const ret = new EventType(new ICAL.Component(this.component.toJSON()));
ret.color = this.color;
return ret;
export enum TaskStatusType {
NeedsAction = 'NEEDS-ACTION',
Completed = 'COMPLETED',
InProcess = 'IN-PROCESS',
Cancelled = 'CANCELLED',
export class TaskType extends EventType {
color: string;
static fromVCalendar(comp: ICAL.Component) {
return new TaskType(comp.getFirstSubcomponent('vtodo'));
constructor(comp: ICAL.Component | null) {
super(comp ? comp : new ICAL.Component('vtodo'));
get finished() {
return this.status === TaskStatusType.Completed ||
this.status === TaskStatusType.Cancelled;
set status(status: TaskStatusType) {
this.component.updatePropertyWithValue('status', status);
get status(): TaskStatusType {
return this.component.getFirstPropertyValue('status');
set dueDate(date: ICAL.Time | undefined) {
if (date) {
this.component.updatePropertyWithValue('due', date);
} else {
get dueDate() {
return this.component.getFirstPropertyValue('due');
clone() {
const ret = new TaskType(new ICAL.Component(this.component.toJSON()));
ret.color = this.color;
return ret;
export class ContactType implements PimType {
comp: ICAL.Component;
constructor(comp: ICAL.Component) {
this.comp = comp;
toIcal() {
return this.comp.toString();
clone() {
return new ContactType(new ICAL.Component(this.comp.toJSON()));
get uid() {
return this.comp.getFirstPropertyValue('uid');
get fn() {
return this.comp.getFirstPropertyValue('fn');