from fastapi import status, HTTPException import typing as t from pydantic import BaseModel from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError as DjangoValidationError class HttpErrorField(BaseModel): field: str code: str detail: str class Config: orm_mode = True class HttpErrorOut(BaseModel): code: str detail: str errors: t.Optional[t.List[HttpErrorField]] class Config: orm_mode = True class CustomHttpException(HTTPException): def __init__(self, code: str, detail: str, status_code: int = status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST): self.code = code super().__init__(status_code, detail) @property def as_dict(self) -> dict: return {"code": self.code, "detail": self.detail} class AuthenticationFailed(CustomHttpException): def __init__( self, code="authentication_failed", detail: str = "Incorrect authentication credentials.", status_code: int = status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, ): super().__init__(code=code, detail=detail, status_code=status_code) class NotAuthenticated(CustomHttpException): def __init__( self, code="not_authenticated", detail: str = "Authentication credentials were not provided.", status_code: int = status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, ): super().__init__(code=code, detail=detail, status_code=status_code) class PermissionDenied(CustomHttpException): def __init__( self, code="permission_denied", detail: str = "You do not have permission to perform this action.", status_code: int = status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, ): super().__init__(code=code, detail=detail, status_code=status_code) class HttpError(CustomHttpException): def __init__( self, code: str, detail: str, status_code: int = status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, errors: t.Optional[t.List["HttpError"]] = None, ): self.errors = errors super().__init__(code=code or "generic_error", detail=detail, status_code=status_code) @property def as_dict(self) -> dict: return HttpErrorOut(code=self.code, errors=self.errors, detail=self.detail).dict() class ValidationError(HttpError): def __init__( self, code: str, detail: str, status_code: int = status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, errors: t.Optional[t.List["HttpError"]] = None, field: t.Optional[str] = None, ): self.field = field super().__init__(code=code, detail=detail, errors=errors, status_code=status_code) def flatten_errors(field_name: str, errors) -> t.List[HttpError]: ret: t.List[HttpError] = [] if isinstance(errors, dict): for error_key in errors: error = errors[error_key] ret.extend(flatten_errors("{}.{}".format(field_name, error_key), error)) else: for error in errors: if error.messages: message = error.messages[0] else: message = str(error) ret.append(ValidationError(code=error.code or "validation_error", detail=message, field=field_name)) return ret def transform_validation_error(prefix: str, err: DjangoValidationError): if hasattr(err, "error_dict"): errors = flatten_errors(prefix, err.error_dict) elif not hasattr(err, "message"): errors = flatten_errors(prefix, err.error_list) else: raise HttpError(err.code or "validation_error", err.message) raise HttpError(code="field_errors", detail="Field validations failed.", errors=errors)