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EteSync - Secure Data Sync
+A skeleton app for running your own [Etebase](https://www.etebase.com) server
+# Installation
+## From source
+Before installing the EteSync server make sure you install `virtualenv` (for **Python 3**):
+* Arch Linux: `pacman -S python-virtualenv`
+* Debian/Ubuntu: `apt-get install python3-virtualenv`
+* Mac/Windows/Other Linux: install virtualenv or just skip the instructions mentioning virtualenv.
+Then just clone the git repo and set up this app:
+git clone https://github.com/etesync/server-skeleton.git
+cd server-skeleton
+# Set up the environment and deps
+virtualenv -p python3 venv # If doesn't work, try: virtualenv3 venv
+source venv/bin/activate
+pip install -r requirements.txt
+# Configuration
+If you are familiar with Django you can just edit the [settings file](etesync_server/settings.py)
+according to the [Django deployment checklist](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/howto/deployment/checklist/)
+if you are not, we will soon provide a simple configuration file for easy deployment like we had with EteSync.
+Some particular settings that should be edited are:
+ * [`ALLOWED_HOSTS`](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.11/ref/settings/#std:setting-ALLOWED_HOSTS)
+ -- this is the list of host/domain names or addresses on which the app
+will be served
+ * [`DEBUG`](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.11/ref/settings/#debug)
+ -- handy for debugging, set to `False` for production
+ * [`SECRET_KEY`](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.11/ref/settings/#std:setting-SECRET_KEY)
+ -- an ephemeral secret used for various cryptographic signing and token
+generation purposes. See below for how default configuration of
+`SECRET_KEY` works for this project.
+Now you can initialise our django app
+./manage.py migrate
+And you are done! You can now run the debug server just to see everything works as expected by running:
+./manage.py runserver
+Using the debug server in production is not recommended, so please read the following section for a proper deployment.
+# Production deployment
+EteSync is based on Django so you should refer to one of the following
+ * The instructions of the Django project [here](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/howto/deployment/wsgi/).
+ * Instructions from uwsgi [here](http://uwsgi-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorials/Django_and_nginx.html).
+There are more details about a proper production setup using uWSGI and Nginx in the [wiki](https://github.com/etesync/server/wiki/Production-setup-using-uWSGI-and-Nginx).
+The webserver should also be configured to serve Etebase using TLS.
+A guide for doing so can be found in the [wiki](https://github.com/etesync/server/wiki/Setup-HTTPS-for-EteSync) as well.
+# Usage
+Create yourself an admin user:
+./manage.py createsuperuser
+At this stage you can either just use the admin user, or better yet, go to: ```www.your-etesync-install.com/admin```
+and create a non-privileged user that you can use.
+That's it!
+Now all that's left is to open the EteSync app, add an account, and set your custom server address under the "advance" section.
+# `SECRET_KEY` and `secret.txt`
+The default configuration creates a file “`secret.txt`” in the project’s
+base directory, which is used as the value of the Django `SECRET_KEY`
+setting. You can revoke this key by deleting the `secret.txt` file and the
+next time the app is run, a new one will be generated. Make sure you keep
+the `secret.txt` file secret (don’t accidentally commit it to version
+control, exclude it from your backups, etc.). If you want to change to a
+more secure system for storing secrets, edit `etesync_server/settings.py`
+and implement your own method for setting `SECRET_KEY` (remove the line
+where it uses the `get_secret_from_file` function). Read the Django docs
+for more information about the `SECRET_KEY` and its uses.
+# Updating
+First, run `git pull --rebase` to update this repository.
+Then, inside the virtualenv:
+1. Run `pip install -U -r requirements.txt` to update the dependencies.
+2. Run `python manage.py migrate` to perform database migrations.
+You can now restart the server.
+# Supporting Etebase
+Please consider registering an account even if you self-host in order to support the development of Etebase, or help by spreading the word.