You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

385 lines
8.9 KiB

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2017 EteSync Authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
import * as ICAL from "ical.js";
import * as zones from "./data/zones.json";
import moment from "moment";
import * as uuid from "uuid";
export const PRODID = "-//iCal.js EteSync iOS";
export interface PimType {
uid: string;
collectionUid?: string;
itemUid?: string;
toIcal(): string;
clone(): PimType;
export function timezoneLoadFromName(timezone: string | null) {
if (!timezone) {
return null;
let zone = zones.zones[timezone];
if (!zone && zones.aliases[timezone]) {
zone = zones.zones[zones.aliases[timezone]];
if (!zone) {
return null;
if (ICAL.TimezoneService.has(timezone)) {
return ICAL.TimezoneService.get(timezone);
const component = new ICAL.Component("vtimezone");
zone.ics.forEach((zonePart: string) => {
component.addSubcomponent(new ICAL.Component(ICAL.parse(zonePart)));
component.addPropertyWithValue("tzid", timezone);
const retZone = new ICAL.Timezone({
tzid: timezone,
ICAL.TimezoneService.register(timezone, retZone);
return retZone;
export function parseString(content: string) {
content = content.replace(/^[a-zA-Z0-9]*\./gm, ""); // FIXME: ugly hack to ignore item groups.
return new ICAL.Component(ICAL.parse(content));
export class EventType extends ICAL.Event implements PimType {
public collectionUid?: string;
public itemUid?: string;
public static isEvent(comp: ICAL.Component) {
return !!comp.getFirstSubcomponent("vevent");
public static fromVCalendar(comp: ICAL.Component) {
const event = new EventType(comp.getFirstSubcomponent("vevent"));
// FIXME: we need to clone it so it loads the correct timezone and applies it
return event.clone();
public static parse(content: string) {
return EventType.fromVCalendar(parseString(content));
public color: string;
get timezone() {
if (this.startDate) {
return this.startDate.timezone;
} else if (this.endDate) {
return this.endDate.timezone;
return null;
get title() {
return this.summary;
set title(title: string) {
this.summary = title;
get start() {
7 years ago
return this.startDate.toJSDate();
get end() {
7 years ago
return this.endDate.toJSDate();
get allDay() {
return this.startDate.isDate;
get desc() {
return this.description;
get lastModified() {
return this.component.getFirstPropertyValue("last-modified");
set lastModified(time: ICAL.Time) {
this.component.updatePropertyWithValue("last-modified", time);
get rrule() {
return this.component.getFirstPropertyValue("rrule");
set rrule(rule: ICAL.Recur) {
this.component.updatePropertyWithValue("rrule", rule);
public toIcal() {
const comp = new ICAL.Component(["vcalendar", [], []]);
comp.updatePropertyWithValue("prodid", PRODID);
comp.updatePropertyWithValue("version", "2.0");
return comp.toString();
public clone() {
const ret = new EventType(ICAL.Component.fromString(this.component.toString()));
ret.color = this.color;
ret.collectionUid = this.collectionUid;
ret.itemUid = this.itemUid;
return ret;
export enum TaskStatusType {
NeedsAction = "NEEDS-ACTION",
Completed = "COMPLETED",
InProcess = "IN-PROCESS",
Cancelled = "CANCELLED",
export enum TaskPriorityType {
Undefined = 0,
High = 1,
Medium = 5,
Low = 9
export const TaskTags = ["Work", "Home"];
5 years ago
export class TaskType extends EventType {
public collectionUid?: string;
public itemUid?: string;
public static fromVCalendar(comp: ICAL.Component) {
const task = new TaskType(comp.getFirstSubcomponent("vtodo"));
// FIXME: we need to clone it so it loads the correct timezone and applies it
return task.clone();
public static parse(content: string) {
return TaskType.fromVCalendar(parseString(content));
public color: string;
constructor(comp?: ICAL.Component | null) {
super(comp ? comp : new ICAL.Component("vtodo"));
get finished() {
return this.status === TaskStatusType.Completed ||
this.status === TaskStatusType.Cancelled;
set status(status: TaskStatusType) {
this.component.updatePropertyWithValue("status", status);
get status(): TaskStatusType {
return this.component.getFirstPropertyValue("status");
set priority(priority: TaskPriorityType) {
this.component.updatePropertyWithValue("priority", priority);
get priority() {
return this.component.getFirstPropertyValue("priority");
5 years ago
set tags(tags: string[]) {
this.component.updatePropertyWithValue("categories", tags.join(","));
5 years ago
get tags() {
const tags = this.component.getFirstPropertyValue("categories");
return tags ? tags.split(",") : [];
5 years ago
set dueDate(date: ICAL.Time | undefined) {
if (date) {
this.component.updatePropertyWithValue("due", date);
} else {
get dueDate() {
return this.component.getFirstPropertyValue("due");
set completionDate(date: ICAL.Time | undefined) {
if (date) {
this.component.updatePropertyWithValue("completed", date);
} else {
get completionDate() {
return this.component.getFirstPropertyValue("completed");
set relatedTo(parentUid: string | undefined) {
if (parentUid !== undefined) {
this.component.updatePropertyWithValue("related-to", parentUid);
} else {
get relatedTo(): string | undefined {
return this.component.getFirstPropertyValue("related-to");
get endDate() {
// XXX: A hack to override this as it shouldn't be used
return undefined as any;
get allDay() {
return !!((this.startDate?.isDate) || (this.dueDate?.isDate));
get dueToday() {
return this.dueDate && moment(this.dueDate.toJSDate()).isSameOrBefore(moment(), "day");
get overdue() {
if (!this.dueDate) {
return false;
const dueDate = moment(this.dueDate.toJSDate());
const now = moment();
return (this.dueDate.isDate) ? dueDate.isBefore(now, "day") : dueDate.isBefore(now);
get hidden() {
if (!this.startDate) {
return false;
const startDate = moment(this.startDate.toJSDate());
const now = moment();
return startDate.isAfter(now);
public clone() {
const ret = new TaskType(ICAL.Component.fromString(this.component.toString()));
ret.color = this.color;
return ret;
public getNextOccurence(): TaskType | null {
if (!this.isRecurring()) {
return null;
const rrule = this.rrule.clone();
if (rrule.count && rrule.count <= 1) {
return null; // end of reccurence
rrule.count = null; // clear count so we can iterate as many times as needed
const recur = rrule.iterator(this.startDate ?? this.dueDate);
let nextRecurrence =;
while ((nextRecurrence = {
if ( > 0) {
if (!nextRecurrence) {
return null; // end of reccurence
const nextStartDate = this.startDate ? nextRecurrence : undefined;
const nextDueDate = this.dueDate ? nextRecurrence : undefined;
if (nextStartDate && nextDueDate) {
const offset = this.dueDate!.subtractDateTz(this.startDate);
const nextTask = this.clone();
nextTask.uid = uuid.v4();
if (nextStartDate) {
nextTask.startDate = nextStartDate;
if (nextDueDate) {
nextTask.dueDate = nextDueDate;
if (this.rrule.count) {
rrule.count = this.rrule.count - 1;
nextTask.rrule = rrule;
nextTask.status = TaskStatusType.NeedsAction;
nextTask.lastModified =;
return nextTask;
export class ContactType implements PimType {
public comp: ICAL.Component;
public collectionUid?: string;
public itemUid?: string;
public static parse(content: string) {
return new ContactType(parseString(content));
constructor(comp: ICAL.Component) {
this.comp = comp;
public toIcal() {
return this.comp.toString();
public clone() {
return new ContactType(ICAL.Component.fromString(this.comp.toString()));
get uid() {
return this.comp.getFirstPropertyValue("uid");
set uid(uid: string) {
this.comp.updatePropertyWithValue("uid", uid);
get fn() {
return this.comp.getFirstPropertyValue("fn");
get n() {
return this.comp.getFirstPropertyValue("n");
get group() {
const kind = this.comp.getFirstPropertyValue("kind");
return kind in ["group", "organization"];