283 lines
11 KiB
283 lines
11 KiB
'/api/config?cb=' + Math.random().toString(16).substring(2),
], function (Config, Messages, Crypto, realtimeInput, Convert, Toolbar, Cursor, JsonOT) {
var $ = window.jQuery;
var ifrw = $('#pad-iframe')[0].contentWindow;
var Ckeditor; // to be initialized later...
var DiffDom = window.diffDOM;
window.Toolbar = Toolbar;
var userName = Crypto.rand64(8),
var andThen = function (Ckeditor) {
$(window).on('hashchange', function() {
if (window.location.href.indexOf('#') === -1) {
window.location.href = window.location.href + '#' + Crypto.genKey();
var fixThings = false;
var key = Crypto.parseKey(window.location.hash.substring(1));
var editor = window.editor = Ckeditor.replace('editor1', {
// https://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/10907
needsBrFiller: fixThings,
needsNbspFiller: fixThings,
removeButtons: 'Source,Maximize',
// magicline plugin inserts html crap into the document which is not part of the
// document itself and causes problems when it's sent across the wire and reflected back
removePlugins: 'magicline,resize'
editor.on('instanceReady', function (Ckeditor) {
var documentBody = ifrw.$('iframe')[0].contentDocument.body;
documentBody.innerHTML = Messages.initialState;
var inner = window.inner = documentBody;
var cursor = window.cursor = Cursor(inner);
var $textarea = $('#feedback');
var setEditable = function (bool) {
(typeof (bool) !== 'undefined'? bool : true));
// don't let the user edit until the pad is ready
var diffOptions = {
preDiffApply: function (info) {
// no use trying to recover the cursor if it doesn't exist
if (!cursor.exists()) { return; }
/* frame is either 0, 1, 2, or 3, depending on which
cursor frames were affected: none, first, last, or both
var frame = info.frame = cursor.inNode(info.node);
if (!frame) { return; }
var debug = info.debug = {
frame: frame,
action: info.diff.action,
cursorLength: cursor.getLength(),
node: info.node
if (info.diff.oldValue) { debug.oldValue = info.diff.oldValue; }
if (info.diff.newValue) { debug.newValue = info.diff.newValue; }
if (typeof info.diff.oldValue === 'string' && typeof info.diff.newValue === 'string') {
var pushes = cursor.pushDelta(info.diff.oldValue, info.diff.newValue);
debug.commonStart = pushes.commonStart;
debug.commonEnd = pushes.commonEnd;
debug.insert = pushes.insert;
debug.remove = pushes.remove;
if (frame & 1) {
// push cursor start if necessary
if (pushes.commonStart < cursor.Range.start.offset) {
cursor.Range.start.offset += pushes.delta;
if (frame & 2) {
// push cursor end if necessary
if (pushes.commonStart < cursor.Range.end.offset) {
cursor.Range.end.offset += pushes.delta;
postDiffApply: function (info) {
if (info.frame) {
if (info.node) {
if (info.frame & 1) { cursor.fixStart(info.node); }
if (info.frame & 2) { cursor.fixEnd(info.node); }
} else { console.error("info.node did not exist"); }
var sel = cursor.makeSelection();
var range = cursor.makeRange();
cursor.fixSelection(sel, range);
var initializing = true;
var userList = {}; // List of pretty name of all users (mapped with their server ID)
var toolbarList; // List of users still connected to the channel (server IDs)
var addToUserList = function(data) {
for (var attrname in data) { userList[attrname] = data[attrname]; }
if(toolbarList && typeof toolbarList.onChange === "function") {
var myData = {};
var myUserName = ''; // My "pretty name"
var myID; // My server ID
var setMyID = function(info) {
myID = info.myID || null;
myUserName = myID;
var createChangeName = function(id, $container) {
var buttonElmt = $container.find('#'+id)[0];
buttonElmt.addEventListener("click", function() {
var newName = prompt("Change your name :", myUserName)
if (newName && newName.trim()) {
var myUserNameTemp = newName.trim();
if(newName.trim().length > 32) {
myUserNameTemp = myUserNameTemp.substr(0, 31);
myUserName = myUserNameTemp;
myData[myID] = {
name: myUserName
editor.fire( 'change' );
// apply patches, and try not to lose the cursor in the process!
var applyHjson = function (shjson) {
var hjson = JSON.parse(shjson);
var peerUserList = hjson[hjson.length-1];
if(peerUserList.metadata) {
var userData = peerUserList.metadata;
delete hjson[hjson.length-1];
var userDocStateDom = Convert.hjson.to.dom(hjson);
userDocStateDom.setAttribute("contenteditable", "true"); // lol wtf
var DD = new DiffDom(diffOptions);
var patch = (DD).diff(inner, userDocStateDom);
(DD).apply(inner, patch);
var onRemote = function (shjson) {
if (initializing) { return; }
// remember where the cursor is
// build a dom from HJSON, diff, and patch the editor
var onInit = function (info) {
var $bar = $('#pad-iframe')[0].contentWindow.$('#cke_1_toolbox');
toolbarList = info.userList;
var config = {
userData: userList,
changeNameID: 'cryptpad-changeName'
toolbar = info.realtime.toolbar = Toolbar.create($bar, info.myID, info.realtime, info.webChannel, info.userList, config);
createChangeName('cryptpad-changeName', $bar);
/* TODO handle disconnects and such*/
var onReady = function (info) {
console.log("Unlocking editor");
initializing = false;
var onAbort = function (info) {
console.log("Aborting the session!");
// stop the user from continuing to edit
// TODO inform them that the session was torn down
var realtimeOptions = {
// the textarea that we will sync
textarea: $textarea[0],
// the websocket URL (deprecated?)
websocketURL: Config.websocketURL,
webrtcURL: Config.webrtcURL,
// our username
userName: userName,
// the channel we will communicate over
channel: key.channel,
// our encryption key
cryptKey: key.cryptKey,
// configuration :D
doc: inner,
// first thing called
onInit: onInit,
onReady: onReady,
setMyID: setMyID,
// when remote changes occur
onRemote: onRemote,
// handle aborts
onAbort: onAbort,
// really basic operational transform
transformFunction : JsonOT.validate
// pass in websocket/netflux object TODO
var rti = window.rti = realtimeInput.start(realtimeOptions);
editor.on('change', function () {
var hjson = Convert.core.hyperjson.fromDOM(inner);
if(myData !== {}) {
hjson[hjson.length] = {metadata: userList};
var interval = 100;
var first = function () {
Ckeditor = ifrw.CKEDITOR;
if (Ckeditor) {
} else {
console.log("Ckeditor was not defined. Trying again in %sms",interval);
setTimeout(first, interval);