
71 lines
2.6 KiB

// Stage 0, this gets cached which means we can't change it. boot2-sframe.js is changable.
// Note that this file is meant to be executed only inside of a sandbox iframe.
// IF YOU EDIT THIS FILE, bump the version (replace 1.3 in the following command with the next version.)
// grep -nr '/common/sframe-boot.js?ver=' | sed 's/:.*$//' | while read x; do \
// sed -i -e 's@/common/sframe-boot.js?ver=[^"]*@/common/sframe-boot.js?ver=1.3@' $x; done
;(function () {
var afterLoaded = function (req) {
var localStorage = {};
if (req.cfg && req.cfg.urlArgs) {
try {
localStorage = window.localStorage;
if (localStorage['CRYPTPAD_VERSION'] !== req.cfg.urlArgs) {
// new version, flush
Object.keys(localStorage).forEach(function (k) {
if (!k.indexOf('CRYPTPAD_CACHE_')) { delete localStorage[k]; }
localStorage['CRYPTPAD_VERSION'] = req.cfg.urlArgs;
} catch (e) {
localStorage = {};
window.cryptpadCache = Object.freeze({
put: function (k, v, cb) {
cb = cb || function () { };
setTimeout(function () { localStorage['CRYPTPAD_CACHE_' + k] = v; cb(); });
get: function (k, cb) {
if (!cb) { throw new Error(); }
setTimeout(function () { cb(localStorage['CRYPTPAD_CACHE_' + k]); });
req.cfg = req.cfg || {};
if (req.pfx) {
req.cfg.onNodeCreated = function (node /*, config, module, path*/) {
node.setAttribute('src', req.pfx + node.getAttribute('src'));
var txid = Math.random().toString(16).replace('0.', '');
var intr;
var ready = function () {
intr = setInterval(function () {
if (typeof(txid) !== 'string') { return; }
window.parent.postMessage(JSON.stringify({ q: 'READY', txid: txid }), '*');
}, 1);
if (req.req) { require(req.req, ready); } else { ready(); }
var onReply = function (msg) {
var data = JSON.parse(;
if (data.txid !== txid) { return; }
txid = {};
window.removeEventListener('message', onReply);
require(['/common/sframe-boot2.js'], function () { });
window.addEventListener('message', onReply);
var intr = setInterval(function () {
try {
var req = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(window.location.hash.substring(1)));
} catch (e) { console.error(e); }
}, 100);