139 lines
4.6 KiB
139 lines
4.6 KiB
'/bower_components/scrypt-async/scrypt-async.min.js', // better load speed
], function ($, Listmap, Crypto, Cryptpad, Cred) {
var Exports = {
Cred: Cred,
var Nacl = window.nacl;
var allocateBytes = function (bytes) {
var dispense = Cred.dispenser(bytes);
var opt = {};
// dispense 18 bytes of entropy for your encryption key
var encryptionSeed = dispense(18);
// 16 bytes for a deterministic channel key
var channelSeed = dispense(16);
// 32 bytes for a curve key
var curveSeed = dispense(32);
var curvePair = Nacl.box.keyPair.fromSecretKey(new Uint8Array(curveSeed));
opt.curvePrivate = Nacl.util.encodeBase64(curvePair.secretKey);
opt.curvePublic = Nacl.util.encodeBase64(curvePair.publicKey);
// 32 more for a signing key
var edSeed = opt.edSeed = dispense(32);
// derive a private key from the ed seed
var signingKeypair = Nacl.sign.keyPair.fromSeed(new Uint8Array(edSeed));
opt.edPrivate = Nacl.util.encodeBase64(signingKeypair.secretKey);
opt.edPublic = Nacl.util.encodeBase64(signingKeypair.publicKey);
var keys = opt.keys = Crypto.createEditCryptor(null, encryptionSeed);
// 24 bytes of base64
keys.editKeyStr = keys.editKeyStr.replace(/\//g, '-');
// 32 bytes of hex
var channelHex = opt.channelHex = Cryptpad.uint8ArrayToHex(channelSeed);
// should never happen
if (channelHex.length !== 32) { throw new Error('invalid channel id'); }
opt.channel64 = Cryptpad.hexToBase64(channelHex);
opt.userHash = '/1/edit/' + [opt.channel64, opt.keys.editKeyStr].join('/');
return opt;
var loadUserObject = function (opt, cb) {
var config = {
websocketURL: Cryptpad.getWebsocketURL(),
channel: opt.channelHex,
data: {},
validateKey: opt.keys.validateKey, // derived validation key
crypto: Crypto.createEncryptor(opt.keys),
logLevel: 1,
var rt = opt.rt = Listmap.create(config);
.on('ready', function () {
cb(void 0, rt);
.on('disconnect', function (info) {
cb('E_DISCONNECT', info);
var isProxyEmpty = function (proxy) {
return Object.keys(proxy).length === 0;
Exports.loginOrRegister = function (uname, passwd, isRegister, cb) {
if (typeof(cb) !== 'function') { return; }
// Usernames are all lowercase. No going back on this one
uname = uname.toLowerCase();
// validate inputs
if (!Cred.isValidUsername(uname)) { return void cb('INVAL_USER'); }
if (!Cred.isValidPassword(passwd)) { return void cb('INVAL_PASS'); }
Cred.deriveFromPassphrase(uname, passwd, 128, function (bytes) {
// results...
var res = {
register: isRegister,
// run scrypt to derive the user's keys
var opt = res.opt = allocateBytes(bytes);
// use the derived key to generate an object
loadUserObject(opt, function (err, rt) {
if (err) { return void cb(err); }
res.proxy = rt.proxy;
res.realtime = rt.realtime;
res.network = rt.network;
// they're registering...
res.userHash = opt.userHash;
res.userName = uname;
// export their signing key
res.edPrivate = opt.edPrivate;
res.edPublic = opt.edPublic;
res.curvePrivate = opt.curvePrivate;
res.curvePublic = opt.curvePublic;
// they tried to just log in but there's no such user
if (!isRegister && isProxyEmpty(rt.proxy)) {
rt.network.disconnect(); // clean up after yourself
return void cb('NO_SUCH_USER', res);
// they tried to register, but those exact credentials exist
if (isRegister && !isProxyEmpty(rt.proxy)) {
return void cb('ALREADY_REGISTERED', res);
cb(void 0, res);
return Exports;