
397 lines
11 KiB

var Fs = require("fs");
var Fse = require("fs-extra");
var Path = require("path");
var nacl = require("tweetnacl/nacl-fast");
var nThen = require("nthen");
var Tasks = module.exports;
var tryParse = function (s) {
try { return JSON.parse(s); }
catch (e) { return null; }
var encode = function (time, command, args) {
if (typeof(time) !== 'number') { return null; }
if (typeof(command) !== 'string') { return null; }
if (!Array.isArray(args)) { return [time, command]; }
return [time, command].concat(args);
var randomId = function () {
var bytes =;
return (b) {
var n = Number(b & 0xff).toString(16);
return n.length === 1? '0' + n: n;
var mkPath = function (env, id) {
return Path.join(env.root, id.slice(0, 2), id) + '.ndjson';
// make a new folder every MODULUS ms
var MODULUS = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; // one day
var moduloTime = function (d) {
return d - (d % MODULUS);
var makeDirectoryId = function (d) {
return '' + moduloTime(d);
var write = function (env, task, cb) {
var str = JSON.stringify(task) + '\n';
var id = nacl.util.encodeBase64(nacl.hash(nacl.util.decodeUTF8(str))).replace(/\//g, '-');
var dir = makeDirectoryId(task[0]);
var path = Path.join(env.root, dir);
nThen(function (w) {
// create the parent directory if it does not exist
Fse.mkdirp(path, 0x1ff, w(function (err) {
if (err) {
return void cb(err);
}).nThen(function () {
// write the file to the path
var fullPath = Path.join(path, id + '.ndjson');
// the file ids are based on the hash of the file contents to be written
// as such, writing an exact task a second time will overwrite the first with the same contents
// this shouldn't be a problem
Fs.writeFile(fullPath, str, function (e) {
if (e) {
env.log.error("TASK_WRITE_FAILURE", {
error: e,
path: fullPath,
return void cb(e);
path: fullPath,
var remove = function (env, path, cb) {
Fs.unlink(path, cb);
var removeDirectory = function (env, path, cb) {
Fs.rmdir(path, cb);
var list = Tasks.list = function (env, cb, migration) {
var rootDirs;
nThen(function (w) {
// read the root directory
Fs.readdir(env.root, w(function (e, list) {
if (e) {
env.log.error("TASK_ROOT_DIR", {
root: env.root,
error: e,
return void cb(e);
if (list.length === 0) {
return void cb(void 0, []);
rootDirs = list;
}).nThen(function () {
// schedule the nested directories for exploration
// return a list of paths to tasks
var queue = nThen(function () {});
var allPaths = [];
var currentWindow = moduloTime(+new Date() + MODULUS);
// We prioritize a small footprint over speed, so we
// iterate over directories in serial rather than parallel
rootDirs.forEach(function (dir) {
// if a directory is two characters, it's the old format
// otherwise, it indicates when the file is set to expire
// so we can ignore directories which are clearly in the future
var dirTime;
if (migration) {
// this block handles migrations. ignore new formats
if (dir.length !== 2) {
} else {
// not in migration mode, check if it's a new format
if (dir.length >= 2) {
// might be the new format.
// check its time to see if it should be skipped
dirTime = parseInt(dir);
if (!isNaN(dirTime) && dirTime >= currentWindow) {
queue.nThen(function (w) {
var subPath = Path.join(env.root, dir);
Fs.readdir(subPath, w(function (e, paths) {
if (e) {
env.log.error("TASKS_INVALID_SUBDIR", {
path: subPath,
error: e,
if (paths.length === 0) {
removeDirectory(env, subPath, function (err) {
if (err) {
error: err,
path: subPath,
// concat in place
Array.prototype.push.apply(allPaths, (p) {
return Path.join(subPath, p);
queue.nThen(function () {
cb(void 0, allPaths);
var read = function (env, filePath, cb) {
Fs.readFile(filePath, 'utf8', function (e, str) {
if (e) { return void cb(e); }
var task = tryParse(str);
if (!Array.isArray(task) || task.length < 2) {
env.log("INVALID_TASK", {
path: filePath,
task: task,
return cb(new Error('INVALID_TASK'));
cb(void 0, task);
var expire = function (env, task, cb) {
// TODO magic numbers, maybe turn task parsing into a function
// and also maybe just encode tasks in a better format to start...
var Log = env.log;
var args = task.slice(2);'ARCHIVAL_SCHEDULED_EXPIRATION', {
task: task,
});[0], function (err) {
if (err) {
task: task,
error: err,
var run = = function (env, path, cb) {
var CURRENT = +new Date();
var Log = env.log;
var task, time, command, args;
nThen(function (w) {
read(env, path, w(function (err, _task) {
if (err) {
// there was a file but it wasn't valid?
return void cb(err);
task = _task;
time = task[0];
if (time > CURRENT) {
return cb();
command = task[1];
args = task.slice(2);
}).nThen(function (w) {
switch (command) {
case 'EXPIRE':
return void expire(env, task, w());
Log.warn("TASKS_UNKNOWN_COMMAND", task);
}).nThen(function () {
// remove the task file...
remove(env, path, function (err) {
if (err) {
path: path,
err: err,
var runAll = function (env, cb) {
// check if already running and bail out if so
if (env.running) {
return void cb("TASK_CONCURRENCY");
// if not, set a flag to block concurrency and proceed
env.running = true;
var paths;
nThen(function (w) {
list(env, w(function (err, _paths) {
if (err) {
env.running = false;
return void cb(err);
paths = _paths;
}).nThen(function (w) {
var done = w();
var nt = nThen(function () {});
paths.forEach(function (path) {
nt = nt.nThen(function (w) {
run(env, path, w(function (err) {
if (err) {
// Any errors are already logged in 'run'
// the admin will need to review the logs and clean up
nt = nt.nThen(function () {
}).nThen(function (/*w*/) {
env.running = false;
var migrate = function (env, cb) {
// list every task
list(env, function (err, paths) {
if (err) {
return void cb(err);
var nt = nThen(function () {});
paths.forEach(function (path) {
var bypass;
var task;
nt = nt.nThen(function (w) {
// read
read(env, path, w(function (err, _task) {
if (err) {
bypass = true;
env.log.error("TASK_MIGRATION_READ", {
error: err,
path: path,
task = _task;
}).nThen(function (w) {
if (bypass) { return; }
// rewrite in new format
write(env, task, w(function (err) {
if (err) {
bypass = true;
env.log.error("TASK_MIGRATION_WRITE", {
error: err,
task: task,
}).nThen(function (w) {
if (bypass) { return; }
// remove
remove(env, path, w(function (err) {
if (err) {
env.log.error("TASK_MIGRATION_REMOVE", {
error: err,
path: path,
nt = nt.nThen(function () {
}, true);
Tasks.create = function (config, cb) {
if (! { throw new Error("E_STORE_REQUIRED"); }
if (!config.log) { throw new Error("E_LOG_REQUIRED"); }
var env = {
root: config.taskPath || './tasks',
log: config.log,
// make sure the path exists...
Fse.mkdirp(env.root, 0x1ff, function (err) {
if (err) { return void cb(err); }
cb(void 0, {
write: function (time, command, args, cb) {
var task = encode(time, command, args);
write(env, task, cb);
list: function (olderThan, cb) {
list(env, olderThan, cb);
remove: function (id, cb) {
remove(env, id, cb);
run: function (id, cb) {
run(env, id, cb);
runAll: function (cb) {
runAll(env, cb);
migrate: function (cb) {
migrate(env, cb);