You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

533 lines
20 KiB

This file contains invisible Unicode characters!

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that may be processed differently from what appears below. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal hidden characters.

], function (Util, Messages, Crypto) {
var Nacl = window.nacl;
var Hash = window.CryptPad_Hash = {};
var uint8ArrayToHex = Util.uint8ArrayToHex;
var hexToBase64 = Util.hexToBase64;
var base64ToHex = Util.base64ToHex;
Hash.encodeBase64 = Nacl.util.encodeBase64;
Hash.decodeBase64 = Nacl.util.decodeBase64;
// This implementation must match that on the server
// it's used for a checksum
Hash.hashChannelList = function (list) {
return Nacl.util.encodeBase64(Nacl.hash(Nacl.util
var getEditHashFromKeys = Hash.getEditHashFromKeys = function (secret) {
var version = secret.version;
var data = secret.keys;
if (version === 0) {
return + secret.key;
if (version === 1) {
if (!data.editKeyStr) { return; }
return '/1/edit/' + hexToBase64( +
'/' + Crypto.b64RemoveSlashes(data.editKeyStr) + '/';
if (version === 2) {
if (!data.editKeyStr) { return; }
var pass = secret.password ? 'p/' : '';
return '/2/' + secret.type + '/edit/' + Crypto.b64RemoveSlashes(data.editKeyStr) + '/' + pass;
var getViewHashFromKeys = Hash.getViewHashFromKeys = function (secret) {
var version = secret.version;
var data = secret.keys;
if (version === 0) { return; }
if (version === 1) {
if (!data.viewKeyStr) { return; }
return '/1/view/' + hexToBase64( +
if (version === 2) {
if (!data.viewKeyStr) { return; }
var pass = secret.password ? 'p/' : '';
return '/2/' + secret.type + '/view/' + Crypto.b64RemoveSlashes(data.viewKeyStr) + '/' + pass;
var getFileHashFromKeys = Hash.getFileHashFromKeys = function (secret) {
var version = secret.version;
var data = secret.keys;
if (version === 0) { return; }
if (version === 1) {
return '/1/' + hexToBase64( + '/' +
Crypto.b64RemoveSlashes(data.fileKeyStr) + '/';
if (version === 2) {
if (!data.fileKeyStr) { return; }
var pass = secret.password ? 'p/' : '';
return '/2/' + secret.type + '/' + Crypto.b64RemoveSlashes(data.fileKeyStr) + '/' + pass;
Hash.getUserHrefFromKeys = function (origin, username, pubkey) {
return origin + '/user/#/1/' + username + '/' + pubkey.replace(/\//g, '-');
var fixDuplicateSlashes = function (s) {
return s.replace(/\/+/g, '/');
Hash.ephemeralChannelLength = 34;
Hash.createChannelId = function (ephemeral) {
var id = uint8ArrayToHex(Crypto.Nacl.randomBytes(ephemeral? 17: 16));
if ([32, 34].indexOf(id.length) === -1 || /[^a-f0-9]/.test(id)) {
throw new Error('channel ids must consist of 32 hex characters');
return id;
Hash.getChannelIdFromKey = function (publicKey) {
if (!publicKey) { return; }
return uint8ArrayToHex(Hash.decodeBase64(publicKey).subarray(0,16));
Hash.createRandomHash = function (type, password) {
var cryptor;
if (type === 'file') {
cryptor = Crypto.createFileCryptor2(void 0, password);
return getFileHashFromKeys({
password: Boolean(password),
version: 2,
type: type,
keys: cryptor
cryptor = Crypto.createEditCryptor2(void 0, void 0, password);
return getEditHashFromKeys({
password: Boolean(password),
version: 2,
type: type,
keys: cryptor
Version 0
Version 1
var parseTypeHash = Hash.parseTypeHash = function (type, hash) {
if (!hash) { return; }
var options;
var parsed = {};
var hashArr = fixDuplicateSlashes(hash).split('/');
if (['media', 'file', 'user', 'invite'].indexOf(type) === -1) {
parsed.type = 'pad';
parsed.getHash = function () { return hash; };
if (hash.slice(0,1) !== '/' && hash.length >= 56) { // Version 0
// Old hash = hash.slice(0, 32);
parsed.key = hash.slice(32, 56);
parsed.version = 0;
return parsed;
if (hashArr[1] && hashArr[1] === '1') { // Version 1
parsed.version = 1;
parsed.mode = hashArr[2]; = hashArr[3];
parsed.key = Crypto.b64AddSlashes(hashArr[4]);
options = hashArr.slice(5);
parsed.present = options.indexOf('present') !== -1;
parsed.embed = options.indexOf('embed') !== -1;
parsed.getHash = function (opts) {
var hash = hashArr.slice(0, 5).join('/') + '/';
if (opts.embed) { hash += 'embed/'; }
if (opts.present) { hash += 'present/'; }
return hash;
return parsed;
if (hashArr[1] && hashArr[1] === '2') { // Version 2
parsed.version = 2; = hashArr[2];
parsed.mode = hashArr[3];
parsed.key = hashArr[4];
options = hashArr.slice(5);
parsed.password = options.indexOf('p') !== -1;
parsed.present = options.indexOf('present') !== -1;
parsed.embed = options.indexOf('embed') !== -1;
parsed.getHash = function (opts) {
var hash = hashArr.slice(0, 5).join('/') + '/';
if (parsed.password) { hash += 'p/'; }
if (opts.embed) { hash += 'embed/'; }
if (opts.present) { hash += 'present/'; }
return hash;
return parsed;
return parsed;
parsed.getHash = function () { return hashArr.join('/'); };
if (['media', 'file'].indexOf(type) !== -1) {
parsed.type = 'file';
if (hashArr[1] && hashArr[1] === '1') {
parsed.version = 1; = hashArr[2].replace(/-/g, '/');
parsed.key = hashArr[3].replace(/-/g, '/');
return parsed;
if (hashArr[1] && hashArr[1] === '2') { // Version 2
parsed.version = 2; = hashArr[2];
parsed.key = hashArr[3];
options = hashArr.slice(4);
parsed.password = options.indexOf('p') !== -1;
parsed.present = options.indexOf('present') !== -1;
parsed.embed = options.indexOf('embed') !== -1;
parsed.getHash = function (opts) {
var hash = hashArr.slice(0, 4).join('/') + '/';
if (parsed.password) { hash += 'p/'; }
if (opts.embed) { hash += 'embed/'; }
if (opts.present) { hash += 'present/'; }
return hash;
return parsed;
return parsed;
if (['user'].indexOf(type) !== -1) {
parsed.type = 'user';
if (hashArr[1] && hashArr[1] === '1') {
parsed.version = 1;
parsed.user = hashArr[2];
parsed.pubkey = hashArr[3].replace(/-/g, '/');
return parsed;
return parsed;
if (['invite'].indexOf(type) !== -1) {
parsed.type = 'invite';
if (hashArr[1] && hashArr[1] === '1') {
parsed.version = 1; = hashArr[2];
parsed.pubkey = hashArr[3].replace(/-/g, '/');
return parsed;
return parsed;
var parsePadUrl = Hash.parsePadUrl = function (href) {
var patt = /^https*:\/\/([^\/]*)\/(.*?)\//i;
var ret = {};
if (!href) { return ret; }
if (href.slice(-1) !== '/' && href.slice(-1) !== '#') { href += '/'; }
href = href.replace(/\/\?[^#]+#/, '/#');
var idx;
ret.getUrl = function (options) {
options = options || {};
var url = '/';
if (!ret.type) { return url; }
url += ret.type + '/';
if (!ret.hashData) { return url; }
if (ret.hashData.type !== 'pad') { return url + '#' + ret.hash; }
if (ret.hashData.version === 0) { return url + '#' + ret.hash; }
var hash = ret.hashData.getHash(options);
url += '#' + hash;
return url;
if (!/^https*:\/\//.test(href)) {
idx = href.indexOf('/#');
ret.type = href.slice(1, idx);
if (idx === -1) { return ret; }
ret.hash = href.slice(idx + 2);
ret.hashData = parseTypeHash(ret.type, ret.hash);
return ret;
href.replace(patt, function (a, domain, type) {
ret.domain = domain;
ret.type = type;
return '';
idx = href.indexOf('/#');
if (idx === -1) { return ret; }
ret.hash = href.slice(idx + 2);
ret.hashData = parseTypeHash(ret.type, ret.hash);
return ret;
Hash.getRelativeHref = function (href) {
if (!href) { return; }
if (href.indexOf('#') === -1) { return; }
var parsed = parsePadUrl(href);
return '/' + parsed.type + '/#' + parsed.hash;
* Returns all needed keys for a realtime channel
* - no argument: use the URL hash or create one if it doesn't exist
* - secretHash provided: use secretHash to find the keys
Hash.getSecrets = function (type, secretHash, password) {
var secret = {};
var generate = function () {
secret.keys = Crypto.createEditCryptor2(void 0, void 0, password); = base64ToHex(secret.keys.chanId);
secret.version = 2;
secret.type = type;
if (!secretHash && !window.location.hash) { //!/#/.test(window.location.href)) {
return secret;
} else {
var parsed;
var hash;
if (secretHash) {
if (!type) { throw new Error("getSecrets with a hash requires a type parameter"); }
parsed = parseTypeHash(type, secretHash);
hash = secretHash;
} else {
var pHref = parsePadUrl(window.location.href);
parsed = pHref.hashData;
hash = pHref.hash;
//var hash = secretHash || window.location.hash.slice(1);
if (hash.length === 0) {
return secret;
// old hash system : #{hexChanKey}{cryptKey}
// new hash system : #/{hashVersion}/{b64ChanKey}/{cryptKey}
if (parsed.version === 0) {
// Old hash =;
secret.key = parsed.key;
secret.version = 0;
} else if (parsed.version === 1) {
// New hash
secret.version = 1;
if (parsed.type === "pad") { = base64ToHex(;
if (parsed.mode === 'edit') {
secret.keys = Crypto.createEditCryptor(parsed.key);
secret.key = secret.keys.editKeyStr;
if ( !== 32 || secret.key.length !== 24) {
throw new Error("The channel key and/or the encryption key is invalid");
else if (parsed.mode === 'view') {
secret.keys = Crypto.createViewCryptor(parsed.key);
if ( !== 32) {
throw new Error("The channel key is invalid");
} else if (parsed.type === "file") { = base64ToHex(;
secret.keys = {
fileKeyStr: parsed.key,
cryptKey: Nacl.util.decodeBase64(parsed.key)
} else if (parsed.type === "user") {
throw new Error("User hashes can't be opened (yet)");
} else if (parsed.version === 2) {
// New hash
secret.version = 2;
secret.type = type;
secret.password = password;
if (parsed.type === "pad") {
if (parsed.mode === 'edit') {
secret.keys = Crypto.createEditCryptor2(parsed.key, void 0, password); = base64ToHex(secret.keys.chanId);
secret.key = secret.keys.editKeyStr;
if ( !== 32 || secret.key.length !== 24) {
throw new Error("The channel key and/or the encryption key is invalid");
else if (parsed.mode === 'view') {
secret.keys = Crypto.createViewCryptor2(parsed.key, password); = base64ToHex(secret.keys.chanId);
if ( !== 32) {
throw new Error("The channel key is invalid");
} else if (parsed.type === "file") {
secret.keys = Crypto.createFileCryptor2(parsed.key, password); = base64ToHex(secret.keys.chanId);
secret.key = secret.keys.fileKeyStr;
if ( !== 48 || secret.key.length !== 24) {
throw new Error("The channel key and/or the encryption key is invalid");
} else if (parsed.type === "user") {
throw new Error("User hashes can't be opened (yet)");
return secret;
Hash.getHashes = function (secret) {
var hashes = {};
secret = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(secret));
if (!secret.keys && !secret.key) {
return hashes;
} else if (!secret.keys) {
secret.keys = {};
if (secret.keys.editKeyStr || (secret.version === 0 && secret.key)) {
hashes.editHash = getEditHashFromKeys(secret);
if (secret.keys.viewKeyStr) {
hashes.viewHash = getViewHashFromKeys(secret);
if (secret.keys.fileKeyStr) {
hashes.fileHash = getFileHashFromKeys(secret);
return hashes;
Hash.findWeaker = function (href, channel, recents) {
var parsed = parsePadUrl(href);
if (!parsed.hash) { return false; }
// We can't have a weaker hash if we're already in view mode
if (parsed.hashData && parsed.hashData.mode === 'view') { return; }
var weaker;
Object.keys(recents).some(function (id) {
var pad = recents[id];
if (pad.href || !pad.roHref) {
// This pad has an edit link, so it can't be weaker
var p = parsePadUrl(pad.roHref);
if (p.type !== parsed.type) { return; } // Not the same type
if (p.hash === parsed.hash) { return; } // Same hash, not stronger
if (channel !== { return; } // Not the same channel
var pHash = p.hashData;
var parsedHash = parsed.hashData;
if (!parsedHash || !pHash) { return; }
// We don't have stronger/weaker versions of files or users
if (pHash.type !== 'pad' && parsedHash.type !== 'pad') { return; }
if (pHash.version !== parsedHash.version) { return; }
if (pHash.mode === 'view' && parsedHash.mode === 'edit') {
weaker = pad;
return true;
return weaker;
Hash.findStronger = function (href, channel, recents) {
var parsed = parsePadUrl(href);
if (!parsed.hash) { return false; }
// We can't have a stronger hash if we're already in edit mode
if (parsed.hashData && parsed.hashData.mode === 'edit') { return; }
var stronger;
Object.keys(recents).some(function (id) {
var pad = recents[id];
if (!pad.href) {
// This pad doesn't have an edit link, so it can't be stronger
var p = parsePadUrl(pad.href);
if (p.type !== parsed.type) { return; } // Not the same type
if (p.hash === parsed.hash) { return; } // Same hash, not stronger
if (channel !== { return; } // Not the same channel
var pHash = p.hashData;
var parsedHash = parsed.hashData;
if (!parsedHash || !pHash) { return; }
// We don't have stronger/weaker versions of files or users
if (pHash.type !== 'pad' && parsedHash.type !== 'pad') { return; }
if (pHash.version !== parsedHash.version) { return; }
if (pHash.mode === 'edit' && parsedHash.mode === 'view') {
stronger = pad;
return true;
return stronger;
Hash.hrefToHexChannelId = function (href, password) {
var parsed = Hash.parsePadUrl(href);
if (!parsed || !parsed.hash) { return; }
var secret = Hash.getSecrets(parsed.type, parsed.hash, password);
Hash.getBlobPathFromHex = function (id) {
return '/blob/' + id.slice(0,2) + '/' + id;
Hash.serializeHash = function (hash) {
if (hash && hash.slice(-1) !== "/") { hash += "/"; }
return hash;
Hash.createInviteUrl = function (curvePublic, channel) {
channel = channel || Hash.createChannelId();
return window.location.origin + '/invite/#/1/' + channel +
'/' + curvePublic.replace(/\//g, '-') + '/';
// Create untitled documents when no name is given
var getLocaleDate = function () {
if (window.Intl && window.Intl.DateTimeFormat) {
var options = {weekday: "short", year: "numeric", month: "long", day: "numeric"};
return new window.Intl.DateTimeFormat(undefined, options).format(new Date());
return new Date().toString().split(' ').slice(0,4).join(' ');
Hash.getDefaultName = function (parsed) {
var type = parsed.type;
var name = (Messages.type)[type] + ' - ' + getLocaleDate();
return name;
Hash.isValidHref = function (href) {
// Non-empty href?
if (!href) { return; }
var parsed = Hash.parsePadUrl(href);
// Can be parsed?
if (!parsed) { return; }
// Link to a CryptPad app?
if (!parsed.type) { return; }
// Valid hash?
if (parsed.hash) {
if (!parsed.hashData) { return; }
// Version should be a number
if (typeof(parsed.hashData.version) === "undefined") { return; }
// pads and files should have a base64 (or hex) key
if (parsed.hashData.type === 'pad' || parsed.hashData.type === 'file') {
if (!parsed.hashData.key) { return; }
if (!/^[a-zA-Z0-9+-/=]+$/.test(parsed.hashData.key)) { return; }
return true;
return Hash;