
217 lines
6.9 KiB

/*jshint esversion: 6 */
const Util = require("./common-util");
const Core = require("./commands/core");
const Admin = require("./commands/admin-rpc");
const Pinning = require("./commands/pin-rpc");
const Quota = require("./commands/quota");
const Block = require("./commands/block");
const Metadata = require("./commands/metadata");
const Channel = require("./commands/channel");
const Upload = require("./commands/upload");
const HK = require("./hk-util");
var RPC = module.exports;
GET_FILE_SIZE: Pinning.getFileSize,
GET_MULTIPLE_FILE_SIZE: Pinning.getMultipleFileSize,
GET_DELETED_PADS: Pinning.getDeletedPads,
IS_CHANNEL_PINNED: Pinning.isChannelPinned,
IS_NEW_CHANNEL: Channel.isNewChannel,
WRITE_PRIVATE_MESSAGE: Channel.writePrivateMessage,
GET_METADATA: Metadata.getMetadata,
var isUnauthenticateMessage = function (msg) {
return msg && msg.length === 2 && typeof(UNAUTHENTICATED_CALLS[msg[0]]) === 'function';
var handleUnauthenticatedMessage = function (Env, msg, respond, Server, netfluxId) {
Env.Log.silly('LOG_RPC', msg[0]);
var method = UNAUTHENTICATED_CALLS[msg[0]];
method(Env, msg[1], function (err, value) {
if (err) {
Env.WARN(err, msg[1]);
return void respond(err);
respond(err, [null, value, null]);
}, Server, netfluxId);
RESET: Pinning.resetUserPins,
PIN: Pinning.pinChannel,
UNPIN: Pinning.unpinChannel,
CLEAR_OWNED_CHANNEL: Channel.clearOwnedChannel,
REMOVE_OWNED_CHANNEL: Channel.removeOwnedChannel,
TRIM_HISTORY: Channel.trimHistory,
UPLOAD_STATUS: Upload.status,
UPLOAD: Upload.upload,
UPLOAD_COMPLETE: Upload.complete,
UPLOAD_CANCEL: Upload.cancel,
OWNED_UPLOAD_COMPLETE: Upload.complete_owned,
WRITE_LOGIN_BLOCK: Block.writeLoginBlock,
REMOVE_LOGIN_BLOCK: Block.removeLoginBlock,
ADMIN: Admin.command,
SET_METADATA: Metadata.setMetadata,
GET_HASH: Pinning.getHash,
GET_TOTAL_SIZE: Pinning.getTotalSize,
UPDATE_LIMITS: Quota.getUpdatedLimit,
GET_LIMIT: Pinning.getLimit,
EXPIRE_SESSION: Core.expireSessionAsync,
REMOVE_PINS: Pinning.removePins,
TRIM_PINS: Pinning.trimPins,
COOKIE: Core.haveACookie,
var isAuthenticatedCall = function (call) {
if (call === 'UPLOAD') { return false; }
return typeof(AUTHENTICATED_USER_TARGETED[call] || AUTHENTICATED_USER_SCOPED[call]) === 'function';
var handleAuthenticatedMessage = function (Env, unsafeKey, msg, respond, Server) {
/* If you have gotten this far, you have signed the message with the
public key which you provided.
var safeKey = Util.escapeKeyCharacters(unsafeKey);
var Respond = function (e, value) {
var session = Env.Sessions[safeKey];
var token = session? session.tokens.slice(-1)[0]: '';
var cookie = Core.makeCookie(token).join('|');
respond(e ? String(e): e, [cookie].concat(typeof(value) !== 'undefined' ?value: []));
// discard validated cookie from message
if (!msg.length) {
return void Respond('INVALID_MSG');
var TYPE = msg[0];
Env.Log.silly('LOG_RPC', TYPE);
if (typeof(AUTHENTICATED_USER_TARGETED[TYPE]) === 'function') {
return void AUTHENTICATED_USER_TARGETED[TYPE](Env, safeKey, msg[1], function (e, value) {
Env.WARN(e, value);
return void Respond(e, value);
}, Server);
if (typeof(AUTHENTICATED_USER_SCOPED[TYPE]) === 'function') {
return void AUTHENTICATED_USER_SCOPED[TYPE](Env, safeKey, function (e, value) {
if (e) {
Env.WARN(e, safeKey);
return void Respond(e);
Respond(e, value);
return void Respond('UNSUPPORTED_RPC_CALL', msg);
var rpc = function (Env, Server, userId, data, respond) {
if (!Array.isArray(data)) {
Env.Log.debug('INVALID_ARG_FORMET', data);
return void respond('INVALID_ARG_FORMAT');
if (!data.length) {
return void respond("INSUFFICIENT_ARGS");
} else if (data.length !== 1) {
var msg = data[0].slice(0);
if (!Array.isArray(msg)) {
return void respond('INVALID_ARG_FORMAT');
if (isUnauthenticateMessage(msg)) {
return handleUnauthenticatedMessage(Env, msg, respond, Server, userId);
var signature = msg.shift();
var publicKey = msg.shift();
// make sure a user object is initialized in the cookie jar
var session;
if (publicKey) {
session = Core.getSession(Env.Sessions, publicKey);
} else {
Env.Log.debug("NO_PUBLIC_KEY_PROVIDED", publicKey);
var cookie = msg[0];
if (!Core.isValidCookie(Env.Sessions, publicKey, cookie)) {
// no cookie is fine if the RPC is to get a cookie
if (msg[1] !== 'COOKIE') {
return void respond('NO_COOKIE');
var serialized = JSON.stringify(msg);
if (!(serialized && typeof(publicKey) === 'string')) {
return void respond('INVALID_MESSAGE_OR_PUBLIC_KEY');
var command = msg[1];
if (command === 'UPLOAD') {
// UPLOAD is a special case that skips signature validation
// intentional fallthrough behaviour
return void handleAuthenticatedMessage(Env, publicKey, msg, respond, Server);
if (isAuthenticatedCall(command)) {
// check the signature on the message
// refuse the command if it doesn't validate
if (Core.checkSignature(Env, serialized, signature, publicKey) === true) {
HK.authenticateNetfluxSession(Env, userId, publicKey);
return void handleAuthenticatedMessage(Env, publicKey, msg, respond, Server);
return void respond("INVALID_SIGNATURE_OR_PUBLIC_KEY");
Env.Log.warn('INVALID_RPC_CALL', command);
return void respond("INVALID_RPC_CALL");
RPC.create = function (Env, cb) {
var Sessions = Env.Sessions;
var updateLimitDaily = function () {
Quota.updateCachedLimits(Env, function (e) {
if (e) {
Env.WARN('limitUpdate', e);
Env.intervals.dailyLimitUpdate = setInterval(updateLimitDaily, 24*3600*1000);
//Pinning.loadChannelPins(Env); // XXX
// expire old sessions once per minute
Env.intervals.sessionExpirationInterval = setInterval(function () {
cb(void 0, function (Server, userId, data, respond) {
try {
return rpc(Env, Server, userId, data, respond);
} catch (e) {
console.log("Error from RPC with data " + JSON.stringify(data));