354 lines
16 KiB
354 lines
16 KiB
// Load #1, load as little as possible because we are in a race to get the loading screen up.
], function (nThen, ApiConfig, DomReady, SFCommonO) {
var Nacl = window.nacl;
var href, hash;
// Loaded in load #2
nThen(function (waitFor) {
}).nThen(function (waitFor) {
var obj = SFCommonO.initIframe(waitFor, true);
href = obj.href;
hash = obj.hash;
}).nThen(function (/*waitFor*/) {
var privateKey, publicKey;
var channels = {};
var getPropChannels = function () {
return channels;
var addData = function (meta, CryptPad, user, Utils) {
var keys = Utils.secret && Utils.secret.keys;
var parsed = Utils.Hash.parseTypeHash('pad', hash.slice(1));
if (parsed && parsed.auditorKey) {
meta.form_auditorKey = parsed.auditorKey;
meta.form_auditorHash = hash;
var formData = Utils.Hash.getFormData(Utils.secret);
if (!formData) { return; }
var validateKey = keys.secondaryValidateKey;
meta.form_answerValidateKey = validateKey;
publicKey = meta.form_public = formData.form_public;
privateKey = meta.form_private = formData.form_private;
meta.form_auditorHash = formData.form_auditorHash;
var addRpc = function (sframeChan, Cryptpad, Utils) {
sframeChan.on('EV_FORM_PIN', function (data) {
channels.answersChannel = data.channel;
Cryptpad.getPadAttribute('answersChannel', function (err, res) {
// If already stored, don't pin it again
if (res && res === data.channel) { return; }
Cryptpad.pinPads([data.channel], function () {
Cryptpad.setPadAttribute('answersChannel', data.channel, function () {});
var getAnonymousKeys = function (formSeed, channel) {
var array = Nacl.util.decodeBase64(formSeed + channel);
var hash = Nacl.hash(array);
var secretKey = Nacl.util.encodeBase64(hash.subarray(32));
var publicKey = Utils.Hash.getCurvePublicFromPrivate(secretKey);
return {
curvePrivate: secretKey,
curvePublic: publicKey,
var u8_slice = function (A, start, end) {
return new Uint8Array(Array.prototype.slice.call(A, start, end));
var u8_concat = function (A) {
var length = 0;
A.forEach(function (a) { length += a.length; });
var total = new Uint8Array(length);
var offset = 0;
A.forEach(function (a) {
total.set(a, offset);
offset += a.length;
return total;
var anonProof = function (channel, theirPub, anonKeys) {
var u8_plain = Nacl.util.decodeUTF8(channel);
var u8_nonce = Nacl.randomBytes(Nacl.box.nonceLength);
var u8_cipher = Nacl.box(
var u8_bundle = u8_concat([
u8_nonce, // 24 uint8s
u8_cipher, // arbitrary length
return {
key: anonKeys.curvePublic,
proof: Nacl.util.encodeBase64(u8_bundle)
var checkAnonProof = function (proofObj, channel, curvePrivate) {
var pub = proofObj.key;
var proofTxt = proofObj.proof;
try {
var u8_bundle = Nacl.util.decodeBase64(proofTxt);
var u8_nonce = u8_slice(u8_bundle, 0, Nacl.box.nonceLength);
var u8_cipher = u8_slice(u8_bundle, Nacl.box.nonceLength);
var u8_plain = Nacl.box.open(
return channel === Nacl.util.encodeUTF8(u8_plain);
} catch (e) {
return false;
sframeChan.on('Q_FORM_FETCH_ANSWERS', function (data, _cb) {
var cb = Utils.Util.once(_cb);
var myKeys = {};
var myFormKeys;
var accessKeys;
var CPNetflux, Pinpad;
var network;
var noDriveAnswered = false;
nThen(function (w) {
], w(function (_CPNetflux, _Pinpad) {
CPNetflux = _CPNetflux;
Pinpad = _Pinpad;
Cryptpad.getAccessKeys(w(function (_keys) {
if (!Array.isArray(_keys)) { return; }
accessKeys = _keys;
_keys.some(function (_k) {
if ((!Cryptpad.initialTeam && !_k.id) || Cryptpad.initialTeam === _k.id) {
myKeys = _k;
return true;
Cryptpad.getFormKeys(w(function (keys) {
if (!keys.curvePublic && !keys.formSeed) {
// No drive mode
var answered = JSON.parse(localStorage.CP_formAnswered || "[]");
noDriveAnswered = answered.indexOf(data.channel) !== -1;
myFormKeys = keys;
Cryptpad.makeNetwork(w(function (err, nw) {
network = nw;
}).nThen(function () {
if (!network) { return void cb({error: "E_CONNECT"}); }
if (myFormKeys.formSeed) {
myFormKeys = getAnonymousKeys(myFormKeys.formSeed, data.channel);
var keys = Utils.secret && Utils.secret.keys;
var curvePrivate = privateKey || data.privateKey;
if (!curvePrivate) { return void cb({error: 'EFORBIDDEN'}); }
var crypto = Utils.Crypto.Mailbox.createEncryptor({
curvePrivate: curvePrivate,
curvePublic: publicKey || data.publicKey,
validateKey: data.validateKey
var config = {
network: network,
channel: data.channel,
noChainPad: true,
validateKey: keys.secondaryValidateKey,
owners: [myKeys.edPublic],
crypto: crypto,
//Cache: Utils.Cache // TODO enable cache for form responses when the cache stops evicting old answers
var results = {};
config.onError = function (info) {
cb({ error: info.type });
config.onRejected = function (data, cb) {
if (!Array.isArray(data) || !data.length || data[0].length !== 16) {
return void cb(true);
if (!Array.isArray(accessKeys)) { return void cb(true); }
network.historyKeeper = data[0];
nThen(function (waitFor) {
accessKeys.forEach(function (obj) {
Pinpad.create(network, obj, waitFor(function (e) {
console.log('done', obj);
if (e) { console.error(e); }
}).nThen(function () {
config.onReady = function () {
var myKey;
// If we have submitted an anonymous answer, retrieve it
if (myFormKeys.curvePublic && results[myFormKeys.curvePublic]) {
myKey = myFormKeys.curvePublic;
noDriveAnswered: noDriveAnswered,
myKey: myKey,
results: results
config.onMessage = function (msg, peer, vKey, isCp, hash, senderCurve, cfg) {
var parsed = Utils.Util.tryParse(msg);
if (!parsed) { return; }
if (parsed._proof) {
var check = checkAnonProof(parsed._proof, data.channel, curvePrivate);
if (check) {
delete results[parsed._proof.key];
results[senderCurve] = {
msg: parsed,
hash: hash,
time: cfg && cfg.time
sframeChan.on("Q_FETCH_MY_ANSWERS", function (data, cb) {
var answer;
var myKeys;
nThen(function (w) {
Cryptpad.getFormKeys(w(function (keys) {
myKeys = keys;
Cryptpad.getFormAnswer({channel: data.channel}, w(function (obj) {
if (!obj || obj.error) {
if (obj && obj.error === "ENODRIVE") {
var answered = JSON.parse(localStorage.CP_formAnswered || "[]");
if (answered.indexOf(data.channel) !== -1) {
} else {
return void w.abort();
return void cb(obj);
answer = obj;
}).nThen(function () {
if (answer.anonymous) {
if (!myKeys.formSeed) { return void cb({ error: "ANONYMOUS_ERROR" }); }
myKeys = getAnonymousKeys(myKeys.formSeed, data.channel);
channel: data.channel,
lastKnownHash: answer.hash,
toHash: answer.hash,
}, function (obj) {
if (obj && obj.error) { return void cb(obj); }
var messages = obj.messages;
if (!messages.length) { return void cb(); }
var res = Utils.Crypto.Mailbox.openOwnSecretLetter(messages[0].msg, {
validateKey: data.validateKey,
ephemeral_private: Nacl.util.decodeBase64(answer.curvePrivate),
my_private: Nacl.util.decodeBase64(myKeys.curvePrivate),
their_public: Nacl.util.decodeBase64(data.publicKey)
res.content._isAnon = answer.anonymous;
var noDriveSeed = Utils.Hash.createChannelId();
sframeChan.on("Q_FORM_SUBMIT", function (data, cb) {
var box = data.mailbox;
var myKeys;
nThen(function (w) {
Cryptpad.getFormKeys(w(function (keys) {
// If formSeed doesn't exists, it means we're probably in noDrive mode.
// We can create a seed in localStorage.
if (!keys.formSeed) {
// No drive mode
var answered = JSON.parse(localStorage.CP_formAnswered || "[]");
if(answered.indexOf(data.channel) !== -1) {
// Already answered: abort
return void cb({ error: "EANSWERED" });
keys = { formSeed: noDriveSeed };
myKeys = keys;
}).nThen(function () {
var myAnonymousKeys;
if (data.anonymous) {
if (!myKeys.formSeed) { return void cb({ error: "ANONYMOUS_ERROR" }); }
myKeys = getAnonymousKeys(myKeys.formSeed, box.channel);
} else {
myAnonymousKeys = getAnonymousKeys(myKeys.formSeed, box.channel);
var keys = Utils.secret && Utils.secret.keys;
myKeys.signingKey = keys.secondarySignKey;
var ephemeral_keypair = Nacl.box.keyPair();
var ephemeral_private = Nacl.util.encodeBase64(ephemeral_keypair.secretKey);
myKeys.ephemeral_keypair = ephemeral_keypair;
if (myAnonymousKeys) {
var proof = anonProof(box.channel, box.publicKey, myAnonymousKeys);
data.results._proof = proof;
var crypto = Utils.Crypto.Mailbox.createEncryptor(myKeys);
var text = JSON.stringify(data.results);
var ciphertext = crypto.encrypt(text, box.publicKey);
var hash = ciphertext.slice(0,64);
Cryptpad.anonRpcMsg("WRITE_PRIVATE_MESSAGE", [
], function (err, response) {
channel: box.channel,
hash: hash,
curvePrivate: ephemeral_private,
anonymous: Boolean(data.anonymous)
cb({error: err, response: response, hash: hash});
addData: addData,
addRpc: addRpc,
//cache: true,
noDrive: true,
hash: hash,
href: href,
useCreationScreen: true,
messaging: true,
getPropChannels: getPropChannels