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globals require console
var Express = require('express');
var Http = require('http');
var Fs = require('fs');
var Path = require("path");
var nThen = require("nthen");
var Util = require("./lib/common-util");
var Default = require("./lib/defaults");
var Keys = require("./lib/keys");
var config = require("./lib/load-config");
var Env = require("./lib/env").create(config);
var app = Express();
var fancyURL = function (domain, path) {
try {
if (domain && path) { return new URL(path, domain).href; }
return new URL(domain);
} catch (err) {}
return false;
(function () {
// you absolutely must provide an 'httpUnsafeOrigin'
if (typeof(Env.httpUnsafeOrigin) !== 'string') {
throw new Error("No 'httpUnsafeOrigin' provided");
// fall back to listening on a local address
// if httpAddress is not a string
if (typeof(config.httpAddress) !== 'string') {
config.httpAddress = '';
// listen on port 3000 if a valid port number was not provided
if (typeof(config.httpPort) !== 'number' || config.httpPort > 65535) {
config.httpPort = 3000;
if (typeof(Env.httpSafeOrigin) !== 'string') {
Env.NO_SANDBOX = true;
if (typeof(config.httpSafePort) !== 'number') {
config.httpSafePort = config.httpPort + 1;
var applyHeaderMap = function (res, map) {
for (let header in map) { res.setHeader(header, map[header]); }
var setHeaders = (function () {
// load the default http headers unless the admin has provided their own via the config file
var headers;
var custom = config.httpHeaders;
// if the admin provided valid http headers then use them
if (custom && typeof(custom) === 'object' && !Array.isArray(custom)) {
headers = Util.clone(custom);
} else {
// otherwise use the default
headers = Default.httpHeaders();
// next define the base Content Security Policy (CSP) headers
if (typeof(config.contentSecurity) === 'string') { // XXX deprecate this
headers['Content-Security-Policy'] = config.contentSecurity;
if (!/;$/.test(headers['Content-Security-Policy'])) { headers['Content-Security-Policy'] += ';' }
if (headers['Content-Security-Policy'].indexOf('frame-ancestors') === -1) {
// backward compat for those who do not merge the new version of the config
// when updating. This prevents endless spinner if someone clicks donate.
// It also fixes the cross-domain iframe.
headers['Content-Security-Policy'] += "frame-ancestors *;";
} else {
// use the default CSP headers constructed with your domain
headers['Content-Security-Policy'] = Default.contentSecurity(Env.httpUnsafeOrigin);
const padHeaders = Util.clone(headers);
if (typeof(config.padContentSecurity) === 'string') {
padHeaders['Content-Security-Policy'] = config.padContentSecurity;
} else {
padHeaders['Content-Security-Policy'] = Default.padContentSecurity(Env.httpUnsafeOrigin);
if (Object.keys(headers).length) {
return function (req, res) {
// apply a bunch of cross-origin headers for XLSX export in FF and printing elsewhere
applyHeaderMap(res, {
"Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy": /^\/sheet\//.test(req.url)? 'same-origin': '',
if (Env.NO_SANDBOX) { // handles correct configuration for local development
applyHeaderMap(res, {
"Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy": 'cross-origin',
"Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy": 'require-corp',
// Don't set CSP headers on /api/ endpoints
// because they aren't necessary and they cause problems
// when duplicated by NGINX in production environments
if (/^\/api\/(broadcast|config)/.test(req.url)) { return; }
applyHeaderMap(res, {
"Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy": 'cross-origin',
// targeted CSP, generic policies, maybe custom headers
const h = [
].some((regex) => {
return regex.test(req.url);
}) ? padHeaders : headers;
applyHeaderMap(res, h);
return function () {};
(function () {
if (!config.logFeedback) { return; }
const logFeedback = function (url) {
url.replace(/\?(.*?)=/, function (all, fb) {
if (!config.log) { return; }, '');
app.head(/^\/common\/feedback\.html/, function (req, res, next) {
app.use('/blob', function (req, res, next) {
if (req.method === 'HEAD') {
Express.static(Path.join(__dirname, Env.paths.blob), {
setHeaders: function (res, path, stat) {
res.set('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
res.set('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Content-Length');
res.set('Access-Control-Expose-Headers', 'Content-Length');
})(req, res, next);
app.use(function (req, res, next) {
if (req.method === 'OPTIONS' && /\/blob\//.test(req.url)) {
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET, OPTIONS');
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'DNT,X-CustomHeader,Keep-Alive,User-Agent,X-Requested-With,If-Modified-Since,Cache-Control,Content-Type,Content-Range,Range');
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Max-Age', 1728000);
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream; charset=utf-8');
res.setHeader('Content-Length', 0);
res.statusCode = 204;
return void res.end();
setHeaders(req, res);
if (/[\?\&]ver=[^\/]+$/.test(req.url)) { res.setHeader("Cache-Control", "max-age=31536000"); }
else { res.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); }
app.use(Express.static(__dirname + '/www'));
// FIXME I think this is a regression caused by a recent PR
// correct this hack without breaking the contributor's intended behaviour.
var mainPages = config.mainPages || Default.mainPages();
var mainPagePattern = new RegExp('^\/(' + mainPages.join('|') + ').html$');
app.get(mainPagePattern, Express.static(__dirname + '/customize'));
app.get(mainPagePattern, Express.static(__dirname + '/customize.dist'));
app.use("/blob", Express.static(Path.join(__dirname, Env.paths.blob), {
maxAge: Env.DEV_MODE? "0d": "365d"
app.use("/datastore", Express.static(Path.join(__dirname,, {
maxAge: "0d"
app.use("/block", Express.static(Path.join(__dirname, Env.paths.block), {
maxAge: "0d",
app.use("/customize", Express.static(__dirname + '/customize'));
app.use("/customize", Express.static(__dirname + '/customize.dist'));
app.use("/customize.dist", Express.static(__dirname + '/customize.dist'));
app.use(/^\/[^\/]*$/, Express.static('customize'));
app.use(/^\/[^\/]*$/, Express.static('customize.dist'));
// if dev mode: never cache
var cacheString = function () {
return (Env.FRESH_KEY? '-' + Env.FRESH_KEY: '') + (Env.DEV_MODE? '-' + (+new Date()): '');
var makeRouteCache = function (template, cacheName) {
var cleanUp = {};
var cache = Env[cacheName] = Env[cacheName] || {};
return function (req, res) {
var host =\:[0-9]+/, '');
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/javascript');
// don't cache anything if you're in dev mode
if (Env.DEV_MODE) {
return void res.send(template(host));
// generate a lookup key for the cache
var cacheKey = host + ':' + cacheString();
// FIXME mutable
// we must be able to clear the cache when updating any mutable key
// if there's nothing cached for that key...
if (!cache[cacheKey]) {
// generate the response and cache it in memory
cache[cacheKey] = template(host);
// and create a function to conditionally evict cache entries
// which have not been accessed in the last 20 seconds
cleanUp[cacheKey] = Util.throttle(function () {
delete cleanUp[cacheKey];
delete cache[cacheKey];
}, 20000);
// successive calls to this function
return void res.send(cache[cacheKey]);
var serveConfig = makeRouteCache(function (host) {
return [
'var obj = ' + JSON.stringify({
requireConf: {
waitSeconds: 600,
urlArgs: 'ver=' + Env.version + cacheString(),
removeDonateButton: (Env.removeDonateButton === true),
allowSubscriptions: (Env.allowSubscriptions === true),
websocketPath: config.externalWebsocketURL,
httpUnsafeOrigin: Env.httpUnsafeOrigin,
adminEmail: Env.adminEmail,
adminKeys: Env.admins,
inactiveTime: Env.inactiveTime,
supportMailbox: Env.supportMailbox,
defaultStorageLimit: Env.defaultStorageLimit,
maxUploadSize: Env.maxUploadSize,
premiumUploadSize: Env.premiumUploadSize,
restrictRegistration: Env.restrictRegistration,
}, null, '\t'),
'obj.httpSafeOrigin = ' + (function () {
if (Env.httpSafeOrigin) { return '"' + Env.httpSafeOrigin + '"'; }
if (config.httpSafePort) {
return "(function () { return window.location.origin.replace(/\:[0-9]+$/, ':" +
config.httpSafePort + "'); }())";
return 'window.location.origin';
'return obj',
}, 'configCache');
var serveBroadcast = makeRouteCache(function (host) {
var maintenance = Env.maintenance;
if (maintenance && maintenance.end && maintenance.end < (+new Date())) {
maintenance = undefined;
return [
'return ' + JSON.stringify({
lastBroadcastHash: Env.lastBroadcastHash,
surveyURL: Env.surveyURL,
maintenance: maintenance
}, null, '\t'),
}, 'broadcastCache');
app.get('/api/config', serveConfig);
app.get('/api/broadcast', serveBroadcast);
var four04_path = Path.resolve(__dirname + '/customize.dist/404.html');
var custom_four04_path = Path.resolve(__dirname + '/customize/404.html');
var send404 = function (res, path) {
if (!path && path !== four04_path) { path = four04_path; }
Fs.exists(path, function (exists) {
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8');
if (exists) { return Fs.createReadStream(path).pipe(res); }
app.use(function (req, res, next) {
send404(res, custom_four04_path);
var httpServer = Env.httpServer = Http.createServer(app);
nThen(function (w) {
Fs.exists(__dirname + "/customize", w(function (e) {
if (e) { return; }
console.log("Cryptpad is customizable, see customize.dist/ for details");
}).nThen(function (w) {
var host = config.httpAddress;
var hostName = !host.indexOf(':') ? '[' + host + ']' : host;
var port = config.httpPort;
var ps = port === 80? '': ':' + port;
var roughAddress = 'http://' + hostName + ps;
var betterAddress = fancyURL(Env.httpUnsafeOrigin);
if (betterAddress) {
console.log('Serving content for %s via %s.\n', betterAddress, roughAddress);
} else {
console.log('Serving content via %s.\n', roughAddress);
if (!Env.admins.length) {
console.log("Your instance is not correctly configured for safe use in production.\nSee %s for more information.\n",
fancyURL(Env.httpUnsafeOrigin, '/checkup/') || ''
if (config.httpSafePort) {
Http.createServer(app).listen(config.httpSafePort, config.httpAddress, w());
}).nThen(function () {
var wsConfig = { server: httpServer };
// Initialize logging then start the API server
require("./lib/log").create(config, function (_log) {
Env.Log = _log;
config.log = _log;
if (Env.OFFLINE_MODE) { return; }
if (config.externalWebsocketURL) { return; }