
70 lines
3.2 KiB

], function (Config, $, h, UI, Msg, Pages) {
return function () {
var urlArgs = Config.requireConf.urlArgs;
// XXX translations
Msg.register_header = "Register"; // existing key
Msg.register_notes_title = "Important notes";
Msg.register_notes = '<ul class="cp-notes-list"><li>Your password is your secret key which encrypts all of your pads. <span class="red">If you lose it there is no way we can recover your data.</span></li><li>If you are using a shared computer, <span class="red">remember to log out</span> when you are done. Only closing the browser window leaves your documents exposed. </li><li>To keep the documents you created and/or stored without being logged in, tick "Import documents from your anonymous session". </li></ul>';
Msg.register_importRecent = "Import documents from your anonymous session"; // existing key
return [h('div#cp-main', [
h('div.container.cp-container', [
h('div.row.cp-page-title', h('h1', Msg.register_header)),
h('div.row.cp-register-det', [
h('div#data.hidden.col-md-6', [
h('h2', Msg.register_notes_title),
Pages.setHTML(h('div.cp-register-notes'), Msg.register_notes)
h('div.cp-reg-form.col-md-6', [
h('img.img-fluid', {
src: '/customize/images/swallow-the-key.png?' + urlArgs
h('div#userForm.form-group.hidden', [
h('a', {
href: '/features.html'
}, Msg.register_whyRegister),
h('input.form-control#username', {
type: 'text',
autocomplete: 'off',
autocorrect: 'off',
autocapitalize: 'off',
spellcheck: false,
placeholder: Msg.login_username,
autofocus: true,
h('input.form-control#password', {
type: 'password',
placeholder: Msg.login_password,
h('input.form-control#password-confirm', {
type: 'password',
placeholder: Msg.login_confirm,
h('div.checkbox-container', [
UI.createCheckbox('import-recent', Msg.register_importRecent, true)
h('div.checkbox-container', [
h('button#register', Msg.login_register)