You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
255 lines
8.4 KiB
255 lines
8.4 KiB
], function (Messages) {
var $ = window.jQuery;
var Bar = {
constants: {},
/** Id of the div containing the user list. */
var USER_LIST_CLS = Bar.constants.userlist = 'cryptpad-user-list';
/** Id of the button to change my username. */
var USERNAME_BUTTON_GROUP = Bar.constants.changeName = 'cryptpad-changeName';
/** Id of the div containing the lag info. */
var LAG_ELEM_CLS = Bar.constants.lag = 'cryptpad-lag';
/** The toolbar class which contains the user list, debug link and lag. */
var TOOLBAR_CLS = Bar.constants.toolbar = 'cryptpad-toolbar';
var LEFTSIDE_CLS = Bar.constants.leftside = 'cryptpad-toolbar-leftside';
var RIGHTSIDE_CLS = Bar.constants.rightside = 'cryptpad-toolbar-rightside';
var BACK_CLS = Bar.constants.back = 'cryptpad-back';
var SPINNER_CLS = Bar.constants.spinner = 'cryptpad-spinner';
/** Key in the localStore which indicates realtime activity should be disallowed. */
// TODO remove? will never be used in cryptpad
var LOCALSTORAGE_DISALLOW = Bar.constants.localstorageDisallow = 'cryptpad-disallow';
var SPINNER = [ '-', '\\', '|', '/' ];
var uid = function () {
return 'cryptpad-uid-' + String(Math.random()).substring(2);
var $style;
var styleToolbar = function ($container, href) {
href = href || '/customize/toolbar.css';
url: href,
dataType: 'text',
success: function (data) {
var createRealtimeToolbar = function ($container) {
var $toolbar = $('<div>', {
'class': TOOLBAR_CLS,
id: uid(),
.append($('<div>', {'class': LEFTSIDE_CLS}))
.append($('<div>', {'class': RIGHTSIDE_CLS}));
return $toolbar;
var createEscape = function ($container) {
var $back = $('<div>', {
'class': BACK_CLS,
id: uid(),
}).html(Messages.back).click(function () {
window.location.href = '/';
return $back[0];
var createSpinner = function ($container) {
var $spinner = $('<div>', {
id: uid(),
'class': SPINNER_CLS,
return $spinner[0];
var kickSpinner = function (spinnerElement, reversed) {
var txt = spinnerElement.textContent || '-';
var inc = (reversed) ? -1 : 1;
spinnerElement.textContent = SPINNER[(SPINNER.indexOf(txt) + inc) % SPINNER.length];
if (spinnerElement.timeout) { clearTimeout(spinnerElement.timeout); }
spinnerElement.timeout = setTimeout(function () {
spinnerElement.textContent = '';
var createUserList = function ($container) {
var $userlist = $('<div>', {
'class': USER_LIST_CLS,
id: uid(),
return $userlist[0];
var getOtherUsers = function(myUserName, userList, userData) {
var i = 0;
var list = '';
userList.forEach(function(user) {
if(user !== myUserName) {
var data = (userData) ? (userData[user] || null) : null;
var userName = (data) ? : null;
if(userName) {
if(i === 0) { list = ' : '; }
list += userName + ', ';
return (i > 0) ? list.slice(0, -2) : list;
var createChangeName = function($container, userList, buttonID) {
var $span = $('<span>', {
id: uid(),
var $button = $('<button>', {
id: buttonID,
return $span[0];
var arrayIntersect = function(a, b) {
return $.grep(a, function(i) {
return $.inArray(i, b) > -1;
var updateUserList = function (myUserName, listElement, userList, userData, readOnly) {
var meIdx = userList.indexOf(myUserName);
if (meIdx === -1) {
listElement.textContent = Messages.synchronizing;
userList = readOnly === -1 ? userList : arrayIntersect(userList, Object.keys(userData));
if (userList.length === 1) {
listElement.innerHTML = Messages.editingAlone;
} else if (userList.length === 2) {
listElement.innerHTML = Messages.editingWithOneOtherPerson + getOtherUsers(myUserName, userList, userData);
} else {
listElement.innerHTML = Messages.editingWith + ' ' + (userList.length - 1) + ' ' + Messages.otherPeople + getOtherUsers(myUserName, userList, userData);
var createLagElement = function ($container) {
var $lag = $('<div>', {
'class': LAG_ELEM_CLS,
id: uid(),
return $lag[0];
var checkLag = function (getLag, lagElement) {
if(typeof getLag !== "function") { return; }
var lag = getLag();
var lagMsg = Messages.lag + ' ';
if(lag) {
var lagSec = lag/1000;
if (lag.waiting && lagSec > 1) {
lagMsg += "?? " + Math.floor(lagSec);
} else {
lagMsg += lagSec;
else {
lagMsg += "??";
lagElement.textContent = lagMsg;
var create = Bar.create = function ($container, myUserName, realtime, getLag, userList, config) {
var toolbar = createRealtimeToolbar($container);
createEscape(toolbar.find('.' + LEFTSIDE_CLS));
var userListElement = createUserList(toolbar.find('.' + LEFTSIDE_CLS));
var spinner = createSpinner(toolbar.find('.' + RIGHTSIDE_CLS));
var lagElement = createLagElement(toolbar.find('.' + RIGHTSIDE_CLS));
var userData = config.userData;
var changeNameID = config.changeNameID;
var saveContentID = config.saveContentID || config.exportContentID;
var loadContentID = config.loadContentID || config.importContentID;
// readOnly = 1 (readOnly enabled), 0 (disabled), -1 (old pad without readOnly mode)
var readOnly = (typeof config.readOnly !== "undefined") ? (readOnly ? 1 : 0) : -1;
var saveElement;
var loadElement;
// Check if the user is allowed to change his name
if(changeNameID) {
// Create the button and update the element containing the user list
userListElement = createChangeName($container, userListElement, changeNameID);
var connected = false;
userList.onChange = function(newUserData) {
var users = userList.users;
if (users.indexOf(myUserName) !== -1) { connected = true; }
if (!connected) { return; }
if(newUserData) { // Someone has changed his name/color
userData = newUserData;
updateUserList(myUserName, userListElement, users, userData, readOnly);
var ks = function () {
if (connected) { kickSpinner(spinner, false); }
// Try to filter out non-patch messages, doesn't have to be perfect this is just the spinner
realtime.onMessage(function (msg) { if (msg.indexOf(':[2,') > -1) { ks(); } });
setInterval(function () {
if (!connected) { return; }
checkLag(getLag, lagElement);
}, 3000);
return {
failed: function () {
connected = false;
userListElement.textContent = 'Disconnected';
lagElement.textContent = '';
reconnecting: function (userId) {
myUserName = userId;
connected = false;
userListElement.textContent = Messages.reconnecting;
lagElement.textContent = '';
connected: function () {
connected = true;
return Bar;