You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
174 lines
6.7 KiB
174 lines
6.7 KiB
const define = (x:any, y:any) => {};
const require = define;
], function (Config, nThen) { /*::});module.exports = (function() {
const Config = (undefined:any);
const nThen = require('/bower_components/nthen/index.js');
var module = { exports: {} };
var key = Config.requireConf.urlArgs;
var localStorage = {};
if (!window.cryptpadCache) {
try {
localStorage = window.localStorage || {};
if (localStorage['LESS_CACHE'] !== key) {
Object.keys(localStorage).forEach(function (k) {
if (k.indexOf('LESS_CACHE|') !== 0) { return; }
delete localStorage[k];
localStorage['LESS_CACHE'] = key;
} catch (e) {
localStorage = {};
var cacheGet = function (k, cb) {
if (window.cryptpadCache) { return void window.cryptpadCache.get(k, cb); }
setTimeout(function () { cb(localStorage['LESS_CACHE|' + key + '|' + k]); });
var cachePut = function (k, v, cb) {
if (window.cryptpadCache) { return void window.cryptpadCache.put(k, v, cb); }
setTimeout(function () {
localStorage['LESS_CACHE|' + key + '|' + k] = v;
if (cb) { cb(); }
var fixURL = function (url, parent) {
// data: blob: etc
if (/^[a-zA-Z0-9]*:/.test(url)) { return url; }
var ua = url.split('#');
var mark = (ua[0].indexOf('?') !== -1) ? '&' : '?';
ua[0] = ua[0] + mark + key;
if (ua[0].indexOf(':') === -1 && ua[0].indexOf('/') && parent) {
ua[0] = parent.replace(/\/[^\/]*$/, '/') + ua[0];
ua[0] = ua[0].replace(/^\/\.\.\//, '/');
var out = ua.join('#');
//console.log(url + " --> " + out);
return out;
var inject = function (cssText /*:string*/, url) {
var curStyle = document.createElement('style');
curStyle.setAttribute('data-original-src', url);
curStyle.type = 'text/css';
if (!document.head) { throw new Error(); }
var fixAllURLs = function (source /*:string*/, parent) {
var urlRegEx = /@import\s*("([^"]*)"|'([^']*)')|url\s*\(\s*(\s*"([^"]*)"|'([^']*)'|[^\)]*\s*)\s*\)/ig;
var result, url;
while (!!(result = urlRegEx.exec(source))) {
url = result[3] || result[2] || result[5] || result[6] || result[4];
var newUrl = fixURL(url, parent);
var quoteLen = result[5] || result[6] ? 1 : 0;
source = source.substr(0, urlRegEx.lastIndex - url.length - quoteLen - 1)
+ newUrl + source.substr(urlRegEx.lastIndex - quoteLen - 1);
urlRegEx.lastIndex = urlRegEx.lastIndex + (newUrl.length - url.length);
return source;
var loadCSS = function (url, cb) {
var xhr = new window.XMLHttpRequest();
|"GET", fixURL(url), true);
xhr.responseType = 'text';
xhr.onload = function () {
if (/^4/.test('' + this.status)) { return cb("error loading " + url); }
cb(undefined, xhr.response);
var lessEngine;
var tempCache = { key: Math.random() };
var getLessEngine = function (cb) {
if (lessEngine) {
} else {
require(['/bower_components/less/dist/less.min.js'], function (Less) {
if (lessEngine) { return void cb(lessEngine); }
lessEngine = Less;
Less.functions.functionRegistry.add('LessLoader_currentFile', function () {
return new Less.tree.UnicodeDescriptor('"' +
fixURL(this.currentFileInfo.filename) + '"');
var doXHR = lessEngine.FileManager.prototype.doXHR;
lessEngine.FileManager.prototype.doXHR = function (url, type, callback, errback) {
url = fixURL(url);
var cached = tempCache[url];
if (cached && cached.res) {
var res = cached.res;
return void setTimeout(function () { callback(res[0], res[1]); });
if (cached) { return void cached.queue.push(callback); }
cached = tempCache[url] = { queue: [ callback ], res: undefined };
return doXHR(url, type, function (text, lastModified) {
cached.res = [ text, lastModified ];
var queue = cached.queue;
cached.queue = [];
queue.forEach(function (f) {
setTimeout(function () { f(text, lastModified); });
}, errback);
var loadLess = function (url, cb) {
getLessEngine(function (less) {
less.render('@import (multiple) "' + url + '";', {}, function(err, css) {
if (err) { return void cb(err); }
cb(undefined, css.css);
}, window.less);
var loadSubmodulesAndInject = function (css, url, cb, stack) {
inject(css, url);
var nt = nThen;
nt = nt(function (w) {
css.replace(/\-\-LessLoader_require\:\s*"([^"]*)"\s*;/g, function (all, u) {
u = u.replace(/\?.*$/, '');
module.exports.load(u, w(), stack);
nt(function () { cb(); });
module.exports.load = function (url /*:string*/, cb /*:()=>void*/, stack /*:?Array*/) {
stack = stack || [];
if (stack.indexOf(url) > -1) { return void cb(); }
var timeout = setTimeout(function () { console.log('failed', url); }, 10000);
var done = function () { clearTimeout(timeout); cb(); };
cacheGet(url, function (css) {
if (css) { return void loadSubmodulesAndInject(css, url, done, stack); }
console.log('CACHE MISS ' + url);
((/\.less([\?\#].*)?$/.test(url)) ? loadLess : loadCSS)(url, function (err, css) {
if (!css) { return void console.error(err); }
var output = fixAllURLs(css, url);
cachePut(url, output);
loadSubmodulesAndInject(output, url, done, stack);
return module.exports;