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Raw Blame History

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(function () {
var factory = function (Util, Hash, CPNetflux, Sortify, nThen, Crypto, Feedback) {
var Roster = {};
// this constant is somewhat arbitrary.
// Adjust it as you like to suit performance expectations
var TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 30000; // TIMEOUT after 30s
roster: {
state: {
members: {
user0CurveKey: {
notifications: "", // required
displayName: "", // required
role: "OWNER|ADMIN|MEMBER|VIEWER", // VIEWER if not specified
profile: "",
title: ""
user1CurveKey: {
metadata: {
// guaranteed to be strings, but may be empty
topic: '',
name: '',
avatar: '',
// anything else you use may not be defined
var isMap = function (obj) {
return Boolean(obj && typeof(obj) === 'object' && !Array.isArray(obj));
var getMessageId = function (msgString) {
return msgString.slice(0, 64);
var canCheckpoint = function (author, members) {
// if you're here then you've received a checkpoint message
// that you don't necessarily trust.
// find the author's role from your knoweldge of the state
var role = Util.find(members, [author, 'role']);
// and check if it is 'OWNER' or 'ADMIN'
return ['OWNER', 'ADMIN'].indexOf(role) !== -1;
var isValidRole = function (role) {
return ['OWNER', 'ADMIN', 'MEMBER', 'VIEWER'].indexOf(role) !== -1;
var isSelfDowngrade = function (author, curve, role, state) {
// Make sure you want to describe yourself
var selfDescribe = author === curve && state[curve];
if (!selfDescribe) { return false; }
// ADMIN and OWNER can always update roles
// we only need to allow MEMBER to downgrade themselves to VIEWER
var authorRole = Util.find(state, [author, 'role']);
if (authorRole === "MEMBER") { return role === 'VIEWER'; }
var canAddRole = function (author, role, members) {
var authorRole = Util.find(members, [author, 'role']);
if (!authorRole) { return false; }
// nobody can add an invalid role
if (!isValidRole(role)) { return false; }
// owners can add any valid role they want
if (authorRole === 'OWNER') { return true; }
// admins can add other admins or members or viewers
if (authorRole === "ADMIN") { return ['ADMIN', 'MEMBER', 'VIEWER'].indexOf(role) !== -1; }
// (MEMBER, other) can't add anyone of any role
return false;
var isValidId = function (id) {
return typeof(id) === 'string' && id.length === 44;
var canDescribeTarget = function (author, curve, state) {
// you must be in the group to describe anyone
if (!state[curve]) { return false; }
// anyone can describe themself
if (author === curve && state[curve]) { return true; }
var authorRole = Util.find(state, [author, 'role']);
var targetRole = Util.find(state, [curve, 'role']);
// something is really wrong if there's no authorRole
if (!authorRole) { return false; }
// owners can do whatever they want
if (authorRole === 'OWNER') { return true; }
// admins can describe anyone escept owners
if (authorRole === 'ADMIN' && targetRole !== 'OWNER') { return true; }
// members can't describe others
return false;
var canRemoveRole = function (author, role, members) {
var authorRole = Util.find(members, [author, 'role']);
if (!authorRole) { return false; }
// owners can remove anyone they want
if (authorRole === 'OWNER') { return true; }
// admins can remove other admins or members
if (authorRole === "ADMIN") { return ["ADMIN", "MEMBER", "VIEWER"].indexOf(role) !== -1; }
// MEMBERS and non-members cannot remove anyone of any role
return false;
var canUpdateMetadata = function (author, members) {
var authorRole = Util.find(members, [author, 'role']);
return Boolean(authorRole && ['OWNER', 'ADMIN'].indexOf(authorRole) !== -1);
var shouldCheckpoint = function (me, ref) {
// if you can't send valid checkpoints, don't try
if (!canCheckpoint(me, ref.state.members)) { return false; }
// avoid sending checkpoints too often
// it's a balance between network constraints
// and the size of the roster's log
var since = ref.internal.sinceLastCheckpoint;
if (!since || typeof(since) !== 'number' || since < CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL) {
return false;
// if you can't think of any other reason not to...
return true;
var commands = Roster.commands = {};
/* Commands are functions with the signature
(args_any, base46_author_string, roster_map, optional_base64_message_id) => boolean
* throw if any of their arguments are invalid
* return true if their application to previous state results in a change
* mutate the local account of the current state
changes to the state can be simulated locally before being sent.
if the simulation throws or returns false, don't send.
// the author is trying to add someone to the roster
// owners can add any role
commands.ADD = function (args, author, roster) {
if (!isMap(args)) { throw new Error("INVALID ARGS"); }
if (!roster.internal.initialized) { throw new Error("UNITIALIZED"); }
if (typeof(roster.state.members) === 'undefined') {
var members = roster.state.members;
// iterate over everything and make sure it is valid, throw if not
Object.keys(args).forEach(function (curve) {
// FIXME only allow valid curve keys, anything else is pollution
if (!isValidId(curve)) {
console.log(curve, curve.length);
throw new Error("INVALID_CURVE_KEY");
// reject commands where the members are not proper objects
if (!isMap(args[curve])) { throw new Error("INVALID_CONTENT"); }
if (members[curve]) { throw new Error("ALREADY_PRESENT"); }
var data = args[curve];
// if no role was provided, assume MEMBER
if (typeof(data.role) !== 'string') { data.role = 'MEMBER'; }
if (!canAddRole(author, data.role, members)) {
if (typeof(data.displayName) !== 'string') { throw new Error("DISPLAYNAME_REQUIRED"); }
if (typeof(data.notifications) !== 'string') { throw new Error("NOTIFICATIONS_REQUIRED"); }
var changed = false;
// then iterate again and apply it
Object.keys(args).forEach(function (curve) {
// this will result in a change
changed = true;
members[curve] = args[curve];
return changed;
commands.RM = function (args, author, roster) {
if (!Array.isArray(args)) { throw new Error("INVALID_ARGS"); }
if (typeof(roster.state.members) === 'undefined') {
var members = roster.state.members;
// validate first...
args.forEach(function (curve) {
if (!isValidId(curve)) { throw new Error("INVALID_CURVE_KEY"); }
// even members can remove themselves
if (curve === author) { return; }
// but if it concerns anyone else, validate that the author has sufficient permissions
var role = members[curve].role;
if (!canRemoveRole(author, role, members)) { throw new Error("INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS"); }
var changed = false;
args.forEach(function (curve) {
// don't try to remove something that isn't there
if (!members[curve]) { return; }
changed = true;
delete members[curve];
return changed;
commands.DESCRIBE = function (args, author, roster) {
if (!args || typeof(args) !== 'object' || Array.isArray(args)) {
throw new Error("INVALID_ARGUMENTS");
if (typeof(roster.state.members) === 'undefined') {
throw new Error("NOT_READY");
var members = roster.state.members;
// iterate over all the data and make sure it is valid, throw otherwise
Object.keys(args).forEach(function (curve) {
if (!isValidId(curve)) { throw new Error("INVALID_ID"); }
if (!members[curve]) { throw new Error("NOT_PRESENT"); }
if (!canDescribeTarget(author, curve, members)) { throw new Error("INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS"); }
var data = args[curve];
if (!isMap(data)) { throw new Error("INVALID_ARGUMENTS"); }
var current = Util.clone(members[curve]);
if (typeof(data.role) === 'string') { // they're trying to change the role...
// throw if they're trying to upgrade to something greater
if (!isSelfDowngrade(author, curve, data.role, members) &&
!canAddRole(author, data.role, members)) {
// DESCRIBE commands must initialize a displayName if it isn't already present
if (typeof(current.displayName) !== 'string' && typeof(data.displayName) !== 'string') {
throw new Error('DISPLAYNAME_REQUIRED');
if (['undefined', 'string'].indexOf(typeof(data.displayName)) === -1) {
throw new Error("INVALID_DISPLAYNAME");
// DESCRIBE commands must initialize a mailbox channel if it isn't already present
if (typeof(current.notifications) !== 'string' && typeof(data.notifications) !== 'string') {
if (['undefined', 'string'].indexOf(typeof(data.notifications)) === -1) {
var changed = false;
// then do a second pass and apply it if there were changes
Object.keys(args).forEach(function (curve) {
var current = Util.clone(members[curve]);
var data = args[curve];
Object.keys(data).forEach(function (key) {
// when null is passed as new data and it wasn't considered an invalid change
// remove it from the map. This is how you delete things properly
if (typeof(current[key]) !== 'undefined' && data[key] === null) { return void delete current[key]; }
current[key] = data[key];
if (Sortify(current) !== Sortify(members[curve])) {
changed = true;
members[curve] = current;
return changed;
commands.CHECKPOINT = function (args, author, roster) {
// args: complete state
// args should be a map
if (!isMap(args)) { throw new Error("INVALID_CHECKPOINT_STATE"); }
if (!roster.internal.initialized) {
// either you're connecting from the beginning of the log
// or from a trusted lastKnownHash.
// Either way, initialize the roster state
roster.state = args;
var metadata = roster.state.metadata = roster.state.metadata || {};
metadata.topic = metadata.topic || ''; = || '';
metadata.avatar = metadata.avatar || '';
roster.internal.initialized = true;
return true;
} else if (Sortify(args) !== Sortify(roster.state)) {
// a checkpoint must reinsert the previous state
// otherwise, you're iterating over the log from a previous checkpoint
// so you should know everyone's role
// owners and admins can checkpoint. members and non-members cannot
if (!canCheckpoint(author, roster.state.members)) { throw new Error("INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS"); }
// set the state, and indicate that a change was made
roster.state = args;
return true;
// only admin/owner can change group metadata
commands.METADATA = function (args, author, roster) {
if (!isMap(args)) { throw new Error("INVALID_ARGS"); }
if (!canUpdateMetadata(author, roster.state.members)) { throw new Error("INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS"); }
// validate inputs
Object.keys(args).forEach(function (k) {
if (args[k] === null) {
if (MANDATORY_METADATA_FIELDS.indexOf(k) === -1) { return; }
// can't set metadata to anything other than strings
// use empty string to unset a value if you must
if (typeof(args[k]) !== 'string') { throw new Error("INVALID_ARGUMENTS"); }
var changed = false;
// {topic, name, avatar} are all strings...
Object.keys(args).forEach(function (k) {
if (typeof(roster.state.metadata[k]) !== 'undefined' && args[k] === null) {
changed = true;
delete roster.state.metadata[k];
// ignore things that won't cause changes
if (args[k] === roster.state.metadata[k]) { return; }
changed = true;
roster.state.metadata[k] = args[k];
return changed;
commands.INVITE = function (args, author, roster) {
// an invitation is created with an ephemeral curve public key
// that key is ultimately given to the user you'd like on your team
// that user can exploit their possession of the public key to remove
// the pending invitation with their actual data.
if (!isMap(args)) { throw new Error('INVALID_ARGS'); }
if (!roster.internal.initialized) { throw new Error("UNINITIALIED"); }
if (typeof(roster.state.members) === 'undefined') {
var members = roster.state.members;
Object.keys(args).forEach(function (curve) {
if (!isValidId(curve)) {
console.log(curve, curve.length);
throw new Error("INVALID_CURVE_KEY");
// reject commandws wehere the members are not proper objects
if (!isMap(args[curve])) { throw new Error("INVALID_CONTENT"); }
if (members[curve]) { throw new Error("ARLEADY_PRESENT"); }
var data = args[curve];
// if no role was provided, assume VIEWER
if (typeof(data.role) !== 'string') { data.role = "VIEWER"; }
// assume that invitations are 'pending' unless stated otherwise
if (typeof(data.pending) === 'undefined') { data.pending = true; }
if (!canAddRole(author, data.role, members)) {
if (typeof(data.displayName) !== 'string' || !data.displayName) { throw new Error("DISPLAYNAME_REQUIRED"); }
//if (typeof(data.notifications) !== 'string') { throw new Error("NOTIFICATIONS_REQUIRED"); }
<ephemeralCurveKey>: {
role: ??? || 'VIEWER',
displayName: '',
pending: true,
var changed = false;
Object.keys(args).forEach(function (curve) {
changed = true;
members[curve] = args[curve];
return changed;
commands.ACCEPT = function (args, author, roster) {
if (!roster.internal.initialized) { throw new Error("UNINITIALIED"); }
if (typeof(roster.state.members) === 'undefined') {
// an ACCEPT command replaces a pending invitation's curve key with a new one
// after which the invited member can use their actual curve key to describe themselves
// the author must have been invited already...
var members = roster.state.members;
// so you must already be in the members list
if (!isMap(members[author])) { throw new Error("INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS"); }
// and your membership must indicate that you are 'pending'
if (!members[author].pending) { throw new Error("ALREADY_PRESENT"); }
// args should be a string
if (typeof(args) !== 'string') { throw new Error("INVALID_ARGS"); }
// ...and a valid curve key
if (!isValidId(args)) { throw new Error("INVALID_CURVE_KEY"); }
var curve = args;
// and the curve key must not already be a member
if (typeof(members[curve]) !== 'undefined') { throw new Error("MEMBER_ALREADY_PRESENT"); }
// copy the new profile from the old one
members[curve] = Util.clone(members[author]);
// and erase the old one
delete members[author];
return true;
var handleCommand = function (content, author, roster) {
if (!(Array.isArray(content) && typeof(author) === 'string')) {
throw new Error("INVALID ARGUMENTS");
var command = content[0];
if (typeof(commands[command]) !== 'function') { throw new Error('INVALID_COMMAND'); }
return commands[command](content[1], author, roster);
var simulate = function (content, author, roster) {
return handleCommand(content, author, Util.clone(roster));
Roster.create = function (config, _cb) {
if (typeof(_cb) !== 'function') { throw new Error("EXPECTED_CALLBACK"); }
var cb = Util.once(Util.mkAsync(_cb));
if (! { return void cb("EXPECTED_NETWORK"); }
if (! || typeof( !== 'string' || !== 32) { return void cb("EXPECTED_CHANNEL"); }
if (!config.keys || typeof(config.keys) !== 'object') { return void cb("EXPECTED_CRYPTO_KEYS"); }
if (! { return void cb("EXPECTED_STORE"); }
var response = Util.response(function (label, info) {
console.error('ROSTER_RESPONSE__' + label, info);
var store =;
var keys = config.keys;
var me = keys.myCurvePublic;
var channel =;
var lastKnownHash = config.lastKnownHash || -1;
// make sure we don't send -1 (ask for full history) when we are trying to create a new team
if (config.newTeam) {
lastKnownHash = undefined;
var ref = {
state: {
members: { },
metadata: { },
internal: {
initialized: false,
sinceLastCheckpoint: 0,
lastCheckpointHash: lastKnownHash,
var roster = {};
var events = {
change: Util.mkEvent(),
checkpoint: Util.mkEvent(),
roster.on = function (key, handler) {
if (typeof(events[key]) !== 'object') { throw new Error("unsupported event"); }
return roster;
}; = function (key, handler) {
if (typeof(events[key]) !== 'object') { throw new Error("unsupported event"); }
return roster;
roster.once = function (key, handler) {
if (typeof(events[key]) !== 'object') { throw new Error("unsupported event"); }
var f = function () {
return roster;
roster.getState = function () {
//if (!isMap(ref.state)) { return; }
return Util.clone(ref.state);
roster.getLastCheckpointHash = function () {
return ref.internal.lastCheckpointHash || -1;
var clearPendingCheckpoints = function () {
// clear any pending checkpoints you might have...
if (ref.internal.pendingCheckpointId) {
delete ref.internal.pendingCheckpointId;
delete ref.internal.checkpointTimeout;
var webChannel;
roster.stop = function () {
if (ref.internal.cpNetflux && typeof(ref.internal.cpNetflux.stop) === "function") {
} else {
console.log("FAILED TO LEAVE");
var ready = false;
var onCacheReady = function () {
if (!config.onCacheReady) { return; }
var state = ref.state;
if (!Object.keys(state.members || {}).length) {
// No member, corrupted cache
try {
} catch (e) { console.error(e); }
return void config.onCacheReady({error: "CORRUPTED"});
var onReady = function (info) {
webChannel = info;
ready = true;
cb(void 0, roster);
// onError (deleted or expired)
// you won't be able to connect
// onMetadataUpdate
// update owners?
// deleted while you are open
// emit an event
var onChannelError = function (info) {
if (Feedback) { Feedback.send('ROSTER_CHANNEL_ERROR='+(info && info.type)); }
if (info && info.type === "EUNKNOWN") {
// chainpad-netflux should recover by itself
if (!ready) { return void cb(info); }
console.error("CHANNEL_ERROR", info);
var onConnectionChange = function (info) {
if (info.state) { return; }
// Disconnect: don't send event anymore until ready
ready = false;
var onConnect = function (/* wc, sendMessage */) {
console.log("ROSTER CONNECTED");
var isReady = function () {
return Boolean(ready && me);
var onMessage = function (msg, user, vKey, isCp , hash, author) {
// count messages received since the last checkpoint
// even if they fail to parse
var parsed = Util.tryParse(msg);
if (!parsed) { return void console.error("could not parse"); }
var changed;
var error;
try {
changed = handleCommand(parsed, author, ref);
} catch (err) {
error = err.message;
var id = getMessageId(hash);
if (response.expected(id)) {
if (error) { return void response.handle(id, [error]); }
try {
if (!changed) {
response.handle(id, ['NO_CHANGE']);
} else {
response.handle(id, [void 0, roster.getState()]);
} catch (err) {
console.log('CAUGHT', err);
// if a checkpoint was successfully applied, emit an event
if (parsed[0] === 'CHECKPOINT' && changed) {
if (isReady()) {; }
// reset the counter for messages since the last checkpoint
ref.internal.sinceLastCheckpoint = 0;
ref.internal.lastCheckpointHash = hash;
} else if (changed) {
if (isReady()) {; }
// CHECKPOINT logic...
if (!isReady() || !shouldCheckpoint(me, ref)) { return; }
// a random number of seconds between 5 and 25
var delay = (1000 * Math.floor(Math.random() * 20)) + 5000;
// if you're here then you can and should send a checkpoint
// but since multiple users who can and should might be online at once
// and since they'll all trigger this process at the same time...
// we want to stagger attempts at random intervals
setTimeout(function () {
ref.internal.pendingCheckpointId = roster.checkpoint(function (err) {
if (err) { console.error(err); }
}, delay);
var isCacheCheckpoint = function (msg, author) {
var parsed = Util.tryParse(msg);
if (parsed[0] !== 'CHECKPOINT') { return false; }
var changed = simulate(parsed, author, ref);
return changed;
var metadata, crypto;
var send = function (msg, cb) {
if (!isReady()) { return void cb("NOT_READY"); }
var anon_rpc = store.anon_rpc;
if (!anon_rpc) { return void cb("ANON_RPC_NOT_READY"); }
var changed = false;
try {
// simulate the command before you send it
changed = simulate(msg, keys.myCurvePublic, ref);
} catch (err) {
return void cb(err.message);
if (!changed) { return void cb("NO_CHANGE"); }
var ciphertext = crypto.encrypt(Sortify(msg));
var id = getMessageId(ciphertext);
//console.log("Sending with id [%s]", id, msg);
response.expect(id, cb, TIMEOUT_INTERVAL);
anon_rpc.send('WRITE_PRIVATE_MESSAGE', [
], function (err) {
if (err) { return response.handle(id, [err.message || err]); }
return id;
roster.init = function (_data, _cb) {
var cb = Util.once(Util.mkAsync(_cb));
if (ref.internal.initialized) { return void cb("ALREADY_INITIALIZED"); }
if (!isMap(_data)) { return void cb("INVALID_ARGUMENTS"); }
var data = Util.clone(_data);
data.role = 'OWNER';
var members = {};
members[me] = data;
send([ 'CHECKPOINT', { members: members } ], cb);
// commands
roster.checkpoint = function (_cb) {
var cb = Util.once(Util.mkAsync(_cb));
send([ 'CHECKPOINT', Util.clone(ref.state)], cb);
roster.add = function (_data, _cb) {
var cb = Util.once(Util.mkAsync(_cb));
//var state = ref.state;
if (!ref.internal.initialized) { return cb("UNINITIALIZED"); }
if (!isMap(_data)) { return void cb("INVALID_ARGUMENTS"); }
var data = Util.clone(_data);
// don't add members that are already present
// use DESCRIBE to amend
Object.keys(data).forEach(function (curve) {
if (!isValidId(curve) || isMap(ref.state.members[curve])) { return delete data[curve]; }
send([ 'ADD', data ], cb);
roster.remove = function (_data, _cb) {
var cb = Util.once(Util.mkAsync(_cb));
var state = ref.state;
if (!state) { return cb("UNINITIALIZED"); }
if (!Array.isArray(_data)) { return void cb("INVALID_ARGUMENTS"); }
var data = Util.clone(_data);
var toRemove = [];
var current = Object.keys(state.members);
data.forEach(function (curve) {
// don't try to remove elements which are not in the current state
if (current.indexOf(curve) === -1) { return; }
send([ 'RM', toRemove ], cb);
roster.describe = function (_data, _cb) {
var cb = Util.once(Util.mkAsync(_cb));
var state = ref.state;
if (!state) { return cb("UNINITIALIZED"); }
if (!isMap(_data)) { return void cb("INVALID_ARGUMENTS"); }
var data = Util.clone(_data);
if (Object.keys(data).some(function (curve) {
var member = data[curve];
if (!isMap(member)) { delete data[curve]; }
// validate that you're trying to describe a user that is present
if (!isMap(state.members[curve])) { return true; }
// don't send fields that won't result in a change
Object.keys(member).forEach(function (k) {
if (member[k] === state.members[curve][k]) { delete member[k]; }
})) {
// returning true in the above loop indicates that something was invalid
return void cb("INVALID_ARGUMENTS");
send(['DESCRIBE', data], cb);
roster.metadata = function (_data, _cb) {
var cb = Util.once(Util.mkAsync(_cb));
var metadata = ref.state.metadata;
if (!isMap(_data)) { return void cb("INVALID_ARGUMENTS"); }
var data = Util.clone(_data);
Object.keys(data).forEach(function (k) {
if (data[k] === metadata[k]) { delete data[k]; }
send(['METADATA', data], cb);
// supports multiple invite
roster.invite = function (_data, _cb) {
var cb = Util.once(Util.mkAsync(_cb));
var state = ref.state;
if (!state) { return cb("UNINITIALIZED"); }
if (!ref.internal.initialized) { return cb("UNINITIALIZED"); }
if (!isMap(_data)) { return void cb("INVALID_ARGUMENTS"); }
var data = Util.clone(_data);
Object.keys(data).forEach(function (curve) {
if (!isValidId(curve) || isMap(ref.state.members[curve])) { return delete data[curve]; }
send(['INVITE', data], cb);
roster.accept = function (_data, _cb) {
var cb = Util.once(Util.mkAsync(_cb));
if (typeof(_data) !== 'string' || !isValidId(_data)) {
return void cb("INVALID_ARGUMENTS");
send([ 'ACCEPT', _data ], cb);
nThen(function (w) {
// get metadata so we know the owners and validateKey
if (!store.anon_rpc) { return; }
store.anon_rpc.send('GET_METADATA', channel, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
return void console.error(err);
metadata = ref.internal.metadata = (data && data[0]) || undefined;
}).nThen(function (w) {
if (!config.keys.teamEdPublic && metadata && metadata.validateKey) {
config.keys.teamEdPublic = metadata.validateKey;
if (!config.keys.teamEdPublic) {
return void cb("NO_VALIDATE_KEY");
try {
crypto = Crypto.Team.createEncryptor(config.keys);
} catch (err) {
return void cb(err);
}).nThen(function () {
if (typeof(lastKnownHash) === 'string') {
console.log("Synchronizing from checkpoint");
ref.internal.cpNetflux = CPNetflux.start({
// if you don't have a lastKnownHash you will need the full history
// passing -1 forces the server to send all messages, otherwise
// malicious users with the signing key could send cp| messages
// and fool new users into initializing their session incorrectly
lastKnownHash: lastKnownHash,
crypto: crypto,
validateKey: config.keys.teamEdPublic,
owners: config.owners,
Cache: config.Cache,
isCacheCheckpoint: isCacheCheckpoint,
onCacheReady: onCacheReady,
onChannelError: onChannelError,
onReady: onReady,
onConnect: onConnect,
onConnectionChange: onConnectionChange,
onMessage: onMessage,
noChainPad: true,
return Roster;
if (typeof(module) !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
module.exports = factory(
null // no feedback here
} else if ((typeof(define) !== 'undefined' && define !== null) && (define.amd !== null)) {
require.config({ paths: { 'json.sortify': '/bower_components/json.sortify/dist/JSON.sortify' } });
], function (Util, Hash, CPNF, Sortify, nThen, Crypto, Feedback) {
return factory.apply(null, [
} else {
// I'm not gonna bother supporting any other kind of instanciation