/* * Copyright 2014 XWiki SAS * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ define([ '/common/common-util.js', '/customize/application_config.js', '/bower_components/chainpad/chainpad.dist.js' ], function (Util, AppConfig, ChainPad) { var module = { exports: {} }; var badStateTimeout = typeof(AppConfig.badStateTimeout) === 'number' ? AppConfig.badStateTimeout : 30000; var verbose = function (x) { console.log(x); }; verbose = function () {}; // comment out to enable verbose logging module.exports.start = function (config) { var onConnectionChange = config.onConnectionChange || function () { }; var onRemote = config.onRemote || function () { }; var onInit = config.onInit || function () { }; var onLocal = config.onLocal || function () { }; var setMyID = config.setMyID || function () { }; var onReady = config.onReady || function () { }; var onError = config.onError || function () { }; var userName = config.userName; var initialState = config.initialState; if (config.transformFunction) { throw new Error("transformFunction is nolonger allowed"); } var patchTransformer = config.patchTransformer; var validateContent = config.validateContent; var avgSyncMilliseconds = config.avgSyncMilliseconds; var logLevel = typeof(config.logLevel) !== 'undefined'? config.logLevel : 2; var readOnly = config.readOnly || false; var sframeChan = config.sframeChan; var metadataMgr = config.metadataMgr; config = undefined; var chainpad = ChainPad.create({ userName: userName, initialState: initialState, patchTransformer: patchTransformer, validateContent: validateContent, avgSyncMilliseconds: avgSyncMilliseconds, logLevel: logLevel }); chainpad.onMessage(function(message, cb) { sframeChan.query('Q_RT_MESSAGE', message, cb); }); chainpad.onPatch(function () { onRemote({ realtime: chainpad }); }); var myID; var isReady = false; var evConnected = Util.mkEvent(true); var evInfiniteSpinner = Util.mkEvent(true); window.setInterval(function () { if (!chainpad || !myID) { return; } var l; try { l = chainpad.getLag(); } catch (e) { throw new Error("ChainPad.getLag() does not exist, please `bower update`"); } if (l.lag < badStateTimeout) { return; } evInfiniteSpinner.fire(); }, 2000); sframeChan.on('EV_RT_DISCONNECT', function () { isReady = false; chainpad.abort(); onConnectionChange({ state: false }); }); sframeChan.on('EV_RT_ERROR', function (err) { isReady = false; chainpad.abort(); onError(err); }); sframeChan.on('EV_RT_CONNECT', function (content) { //content.members.forEach(userList.onJoin); isReady = false; if (myID) { // it's a reconnect myID = content.myID; chainpad.start(); onConnectionChange({ state: true, myId: myID }); return; } myID = content.myID; onInit({ myID: myID, realtime: chainpad, readOnly: readOnly }); evConnected.fire(); }); sframeChan.on('Q_RT_MESSAGE', function (content, cb) { if (isReady) { onLocal(true); // should be onBeforeMessage } chainpad.message(content); cb('OK'); }); sframeChan.on('EV_RT_READY', function () { if (isReady) { return; } isReady = true; chainpad.start(); setMyID({ myID: myID }); onReady({ realtime: chainpad }); }); var whenRealtimeSyncs = function (cb) { evConnected.reg(function () { if (chainpad.getAuthDoc() === chainpad.getUserDoc()) { return void cb(); } else { chainpad.onSettle(cb); } }); }; return Object.freeze({ getMyID: function () { return myID; }, metadataMgr: metadataMgr, whenRealtimeSyncs: whenRealtimeSyncs, onInfiniteSpinner: evInfiniteSpinner.reg, chainpad: chainpad, }); }; return Object.freeze(module.exports); });