define(function () { var out = {}; out.errorBox_errorType_disconnected = 'Connection Lost'; out.errorBox_errorExplanation_disconnected = [ 'Lost connection to server, you may reconnect by reloading the page or review your work ', 'by clicking outside of this box.' ].join(''); out.editingAlone = 'Editing alone'; out.editingWithOneOtherPerson = 'Editing with one other person'; out.editingWith = 'Editing with'; out.otherPeople = 'other people'; out.disconnected = 'Disconnected'; out.synchronizing = 'Synchronizing'; out.reconnecting = 'Reconnecting...'; out.lag = 'Lag'; out.importButton = 'IMPORT'; out.importButtonTitle = 'Import a document from a local file'; out.exportButton = 'EXPORT'; out.exportButtonTitle = 'Export this document to a local file'; out.exportPrompt = 'What would you like to name your file?'; out.back = '⇐ Back'; out.backToCryptpad = '⇐ Back to Cryptpad'; out.changeNameButton = 'Change name'; out.changeNamePrompt = 'Change your name: '; out.renameButton = 'RENAME'; out.renameButtonTitle = 'Change the title under which this document is listed on your home page'; out.renamePrompt = 'How would you like to title this pad?'; out.renameConflict = 'Another pad already has that title'; out.forgetButton = 'FORGET'; out.forgetButtonTitle = 'remove this document from your home page listings'; out.forgetPrompt = 'Clicking OK will remove the URL for this pad from localStorage, are you sure?'; out.disconnectAlert = 'Network connection lost!'; out.tryIt = 'Try it out!'; out.recentPads = 'Your recent pads (stored only in your browser)'; out.okButton = 'OK (enter)'; out.cancelButton = 'Cancel (esc)'; out.initialState = [ '
'This is CryptPad, the zero knowledge realtime collaborative editor.',
'What you type here is encrypted so only people who have the link can access it.',
'Even the server cannot see what you type.',
', '', 'What you see here, what you hear here, when you leave here, let it stay here', '', '
', ].join(''); out.codeInitialState = [ '/*\n', ' This is CryptPad, the zero knowledge realtime collaborative editor.\n', ' What you type here is encrypted so only people who have the link can access it.\n', ' Even the server cannot see what you type.\n', ' What you see here, what you hear here, when you leave here, let it stay here.\n', '*/' ].join(''); out.loginText = 'Your username and password are used to generate a unique key which is never known by our server.
\n' + 'Be careful not to forget your credentials, as they are impossible to recover
'; return out; });