define([ 'jquery', '/common/toolbar3.js', 'json.sortify', '/bower_components/nthen/index.js', '/common/sframe-common.js', '/common/common-interface.js', '/api/config', '/customize/messages.js', '/customize/application_config.js', '/bower_components/chainpad/chainpad.dist.js', '/bower_components/file-saver/FileSaver.min.js', 'css!/bower_components/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css', 'less!/bower_components/components-font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css', 'less!/customize/src/less2/main.less', ], function ( $, Toolbar, JSONSortify, nThen, SFCommon, UI, ApiConfig, Messages, AppConfig, ChainPad) { var saveAs = window.saveAs; /* var ooReady = window.frames[0] && window.frames[0].frames[0] && window.frames[0].frames[0].editor; window.onOOReady = function () { console.log('ready!'); ooReady = true; }; */ var APP = window.APP = { $: $ }; var stringify = function (obj) { return JSONSortify(obj); }; var toolbar; var andThen = function (common) { var config = {}; var emitResize = APP.emitResize = function () { var cw = $('#ooframe')[0].contentWindow; var evt = cw.document.createEvent('UIEvents'); evt.initUIEvent('resize', true, false, cw, 0); cw.dispatchEvent(evt); }; var saveToServer = APP.saveToServer = function () { config.onLocal(); } var callRemote = APP.callRemote = function() { config.onRemote(); } var saveDocument = APP.saveDocument = function () { var defaultName = "text.oot"; UI.prompt(Messages.exportPrompt, defaultName, function (filename) { if (!(typeof(filename) === 'string' && filename)) { return; } console.log("In saveDocument"); var content = window.frames[0].frames[0].editor.asc_nativeGetFile(); var blob = new Blob([content], {type: "text/plain;charset=utf-8"}); saveAs(blob, filename); }); }; var loadDocument = APP.loadDocument = function (content, file) { console.log("Read " + content); return; /* // TODO: load a document from server here window.frames[0].frames[0].editor.asc_CloseFile(); var openResult = {bSerFormat: true, data: content, url: "http://localhost:3000/onlyoffice/", changes: null}; window.frames[0].frames[0].editor.openDocument(openResult); */ }; var readOnly = false; var initializing = true; var $bar = $('#cp-toolbar'); var Title; var cpNfInner; var metadataMgr = common.getMetadataMgr(); config = { readOnly: readOnly, patchTransformer: ChainPad.NaiveJSONTransformer, // cryptpad debug logging (default is 1) // logLevel: 0, validateContent: function (content) { try { JSON.parse(content); return true; } catch (e) { console.log("Failed to parse, rejecting patch"); return false; } } }; var setEditable = function (state) { console.log(state); }; var stringifyInner = function (textValue) { var obj = { content: textValue, metadata: metadataMgr.getMetadataLazy() }; // stringify the json and send it into chainpad return stringify(obj); }; APP.onLocal = config.onLocal = function () { if (initializing) { return; } if (readOnly) { return; } if (!window.frames[0].frames[0] || !window.frames[0].frames[0].editor) { console.log("Cannot access editor"); return; } var data = window.frames[0].frames[0].editor.asc_nativeGetFile(); console.log('onLocal, data avalable'); data = ''; var content = stringifyInner(data); APP.realtime.contentUpdate(content); }; config.onInit = function (info) { readOnly = metadataMgr.getPrivateData().readOnly; Title = common.createTitle({}); var configTb = { displayed: [ 'userlist', 'title', 'useradmin', 'spinner', 'newpad', 'share', 'limit', 'unpinnedWarning' ], title: Title.getTitleConfig(), metadataMgr: metadataMgr, readOnly: readOnly, realtime: info.realtime, sfCommon: common, $container: $bar, $contentContainer: $('#cp-app-oo-container') }; toolbar = APP.toolbar = Toolbar.create(configTb); Title.setToolbar(toolbar); var $rightside = toolbar.$rightside; /* add an export button */ var $export = common.createButton('export', true, {}, saveDocument); $rightside.append($export); var $import = common.createButton('import', true, {}, loadDocument); $rightside.append($import); var $save = common.createButton('save', true, {}, saveToServer); $rightside.append($save); var $remote = common.createButton('remote', true, {}, callRemote); $remote.attr('title', 'call onRemote'); $rightside.append($remote); if (common.isLoggedIn()) { common.createButton('hashtag', true).appendTo($rightside); } var $forget = common.createButton('forget', true, {}, function (err) { if (err) { return; } setEditable(false); }); $rightside.append($forget); }; config.onReady = function (info) { if (APP.realtime !== info.realtime) { APP.realtime = info.realtime; } if (!window.frames[0].frames[0] || !window.frames[0].frames[0].editor) { console.log("Cannot access editor"); return; } var userDoc = APP.realtime.getUserDoc(); var isNew = false; var newDoc = ''; if (userDoc === "" || userDoc === "{}") { isNew = true; } if (userDoc !== "") { var hjson = JSON.parse(userDoc); if (hjson && hjson.metadata) { metadataMgr.updateMetadata(hjson.metadata); } if (typeof (hjson) !== 'object' || Array.isArray(hjson) || (hjson.metadata && typeof(hjson.metadata.type) !== 'undefined' && hjson.metadata.type !== 'oo')) { var errorText = Messages.typeError; UI.errorLoadingScreen(errorText); throw new Error(errorText); } newDoc = hjson.content; } else { Title.updateTitle(Title.defaultTitle); } loadDocument(newDoc); initializing = false; setEditable(!readOnly); UI.removeLoadingScreen(); }; config.onRemote = function () { if (initializing) { return; } if (!window.frames[0].frames[0] || !window.frames[0].frames[0].editor) { console.log("Cannot access editor"); return; } // force readonly to prevent interlacing readOnly = true; var previousData = window.frames[0].frames[0].editor.asc_nativeGetFile(); var userDoc = APP.realtime.getUserDoc(); var json = JSON.parse(userDoc); if (json.metadata) { metadataMgr.updateMetadata(json.metadata); } var remoteDoc = json.content; if (remoteDoc!=previousData) { console.log("Remote content is different") console.log("Remote content hjson: " + remoteDoc); loadDocument(remoteDoc); common.notify(); } else { console.log("Data is unchanged"); } readOnly = false; }; config.onAbort = function () { // inform of network disconnect setEditable(false); toolbar.failed(); UI.alert(Messages.common_connectionLost, undefined, true); }; config.onConnectionChange = function (info) { setEditable(info.state); if (info.state) { initializing = true; UI.findOKButton().click(); } else { UI.alert(Messages.common_connectionLost, undefined, true); } }; cpNfInner = common.startRealtime(config); cpNfInner.onInfiniteSpinner(function () { setEditable(false); UI.confirm(Messages.realtime_unrecoverableError, function (yes) { if (!yes) { return; } common.gotoURL(); }); }); common.onLogout(function () { setEditable(false); }); }; var main = function () { var common; nThen(function (waitFor) { /* if (!ooReady) { window.onOOReady = waitFor(); } */ $(waitFor(function () { UI.addLoadingScreen(); })); SFCommon.create(waitFor(function (c) { APP.common = common = c; })); }).nThen(function (/*waitFor*/) { andThen(common); }); }; main(); });