define([ 'jquery', '/common/toolbar.js', '/bower_components/nthen/index.js', '/common/sframe-common.js', '/common/common-interface.js', '/common/common-ui-elements.js', '/common/common-util.js', '/common/common-hash.js', '/customize/messages.js', '/common/hyperscript.js', '/common/common-credential.js', '/customize/application_config.js', '/api/config', '/common/make-backup.js', '/common/common-feedback.js', '/common/common-constants.js', '/common/jscolor.js', '/bower_components/file-saver/FileSaver.min.js', 'css!/bower_components/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css', 'css!/bower_components/components-font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css', 'less!/settings/app-settings.less', ], function( $, Toolbar, nThen, SFCommon, UI, UIElements, Util, Hash, Messages, h, Cred, AppConfig, ApiConfig, Backup, Feedback, Constants ) { var saveAs = window.saveAs; var APP = window.APP = {}; var common; var metadataMgr; var privateData; var sframeChan; var categories = { 'account': [ // Msg.settings_cat_account 'cp-settings-own-drive', 'cp-settings-info-block', 'cp-settings-displayname', 'cp-settings-language-selector', 'cp-settings-mediatag-size', 'cp-settings-change-password', 'cp-settings-delete' ], 'security': [ // Msg.settings_cat_security 'cp-settings-logout-everywhere', 'cp-settings-autostore', 'cp-settings-safe-links', 'cp-settings-userfeedback', 'cp-settings-cache', ], 'style': [ // Msg.settings_cat_style 'cp-settings-colortheme', 'cp-settings-custom-theme', ], 'drive': [ 'cp-settings-redirect', 'cp-settings-resettips', 'cp-settings-drive-duplicate', 'cp-settings-thumbnails', 'cp-settings-drive-backup', 'cp-settings-drive-import-local', 'cp-settings-trim-history', //'cp-settings-drive-reset' ], 'cursor': [ // Msg.settings_cat_cursor 'cp-settings-cursor-color', 'cp-settings-cursor-share', 'cp-settings-cursor-show', ], 'pad': [ // Msg.settings_cat_pad 'cp-settings-pad-width', 'cp-settings-pad-spellcheck', 'cp-settings-pad-notif', 'cp-settings-pad-openlink', ], 'code': [ // Msg.settings_cat_code 'cp-settings-code-indent-unit', 'cp-settings-code-indent-type', 'cp-settings-code-brackets', 'cp-settings-code-font-size', 'cp-settings-code-spellcheck', ], 'kanban': [ // Msg.settings_cat_kanban 'cp-settings-kanban-tags', ], 'notifications': [ 'cp-settings-notif-calendar' ], 'subscription': { onClick: function() { var urls = common.getMetadataMgr().getPrivateData().accounts;; Feedback.send('SUBSCRIPTION_BUTTON'); } } }; if (AppConfig.disableFeedback) { var feedbackIdx = categories.account.indexOf('cp-settings-userfeedback'); categories.account.splice(feedbackIdx, 1); } if (AppConfig.disableProfile) { var displaynameIdx = categories.account.indexOf('cp-settings-displayname'); categories.account.splice(displaynameIdx, 1); } if (!ApiConfig.allowSubscriptions) { delete categories.subscription; } var create = {}; var SPECIAL_HINTS_HANDLER = { safeLinks: function() { return $('<span>', { 'class': 'cp-sidebarlayout-description' }) .html(Messages._getKey('settings_safeLinksHint', ['<span class="fa fa-shhare-alt"></span>'])); }, }; var DEFAULT_HINT_HANDLER = function(safeKey) { return $('<span>', { 'class': 'cp-sidebarlayout-description' }) .text(Messages['settings_' + safeKey + 'Hint'] || 'Coming soon...'); }; var makeBlock = function(key, getter, full) { var safeKey = key.replace(/-([a-z])/g, function(g) { return g[1].toUpperCase(); }); create[key] = function() { var $div = $('<div>', { 'class': 'cp-settings-' + key + ' cp-sidebarlayout-element' }); if (full) { $('<label>').text(Messages['settings_' + safeKey + 'Title'] || key).appendTo($div); // if this block's hint needs a special renderer, then create it in SPECIAL_HINTS_HANLDER // otherwise the default will be used var hintFunction = (typeof(SPECIAL_HINTS_HANDLER[safeKey]) === 'function') ? SPECIAL_HINTS_HANDLER[safeKey] : DEFAULT_HINT_HANDLER; hintFunction(safeKey).appendTo($div); } getter(function(content) { if (content === false) { $div.remove(); $div = undefined; return; } $div.append(content); }, $div); return $div; }; }; // Account settings create['info-block'] = function() { var $div = $('<div>', { 'class': 'cp-settings-info-block' }); var $account = $('<div>', { 'class': 'cp-sidebarlayout-element' }).appendTo($div); var accountName = privateData.accountName; var $label = $('<span>', { 'class': 'label' }).text(Messages.user_accountName); var $name = $('<span>').text(accountName || ''); if (!accountName) { $label.text(''); $name.text(Messages.settings_anonymous); } $account.append($label).append($name); var publicKey = privateData.edPublic; if (publicKey) { var $key = $('<div>', { 'class': 'cp-sidebarlayout-element' }).appendTo($div); var userHref = Hash.getPublicSigningKeyString(privateData.origin, accountName, publicKey); var $pubLabel = $('<span>', { 'class': 'label' }) .text(Messages.settings_publicSigningKey); $key.append($pubLabel).append(UI.dialog.selectable(userHref)); } return $div; }; // Create the block containing the display name field create['displayname'] = function() { var $div = $('<div>', { 'class': 'cp-settings-displayname cp-sidebarlayout-element' }); $('<label>', { 'for': 'cp-settings-displayname' }).text(Messages.user_displayName).appendTo($div); var $inputBlock = $('<div>', { 'class': 'cp-sidebarlayout-input-block' }).appendTo($div); var $input = $('<input>', { 'type': 'text', 'id': 'cp-settings-displayname', 'placeholder': Messages.anonymous }).appendTo($inputBlock); var $save = $('<button>', { 'class': 'btn btn-primary' }).text(Messages.settings_save).appendTo($inputBlock); var $ok = $('<span>', { 'class': 'fa fa-check', title: Messages.saved }).hide().appendTo($div); var $spinner = $('<span>', { 'class': 'fa fa-spinner fa-pulse' }).hide().appendTo($div); var displayName = metadataMgr.getUserData().name || ''; $input.val(displayName); // When the display name is changed (enter or button clicked) var todo = function() { displayName = $input.val(); if (displayName === metadataMgr.getUserData().name) { return; } $; common.setDisplayName(displayName, function() { $spinner.hide(); $; }); }; $input.on('keyup', function(e) { if ($input.val() !== displayName) { $ok.hide(); } if (e.which === 13) { todo(); } }); $; // On remote change var onChange = function() { if (metadataMgr.getUserData().name !== $input.val()) { $input.val(metadataMgr.getUserData().name); $input.focusout(); } }; metadataMgr.onChange(onChange); return $div; }; create['language-selector'] = function() { var $div = $('<div>', { 'class': 'cp-settings-language-selector cp-sidebarlayout-element' }); $('<label>').text(Messages.language).appendTo($div); var $b = common.createLanguageSelector($div); $b.find('button').addClass('btn btn-secondary'); return $div; }; create['logout-everywhere'] = function() { if (!common.isLoggedIn()) { return; } var $div = $('<div>', { 'class': 'cp-settings-logout-everywhere cp-sidebarlayout-element' }); $('<label>').text(Messages.settings_logoutEverywhereTitle).appendTo($div); $('<span>', { 'class': 'cp-sidebarlayout-description' }) .text(Messages.settings_logoutEverywhere).appendTo($div); var $button = $('<button>', { id: 'cp-settings-logout-everywhere', 'class': 'btn btn-primary' }).text(Messages.settings_logoutEverywhereButton) .appendTo($div); var $ok = $('<span>', { 'class': 'fa fa-check', title: Messages.saved }).hide().appendTo($div); var $spinner = $('<span>', { 'class': 'fa fa-spinner fa-pulse' }).hide().appendTo($div); $ { UI.confirm(Messages.settings_logoutEverywhereConfirm, function(yes) { if (!yes) { return; } $; $ok.hide(); Feedback.send('LOGOUT_EVERYWHERE'); sframeChan.query('Q_SETTINGS_LOGOUT', null, function() { $spinner.hide(); $; window.setTimeout(function() { $ok.fadeOut(1500); }, 2500); }); }); }); return $div; }; create['autostore'] = function() { var $div = $('<div>', { 'class': 'cp-settings-autostore cp-sidebarlayout-element' }); $('<span>', { 'class': 'label' }).text(Messages.settings_autostoreTitle).appendTo($div); $('<span>', { 'class': 'cp-sidebarlayout-description' }) .append(Messages.settings_autostoreHint).appendTo($div); var $ok = $('<span>', { 'class': 'fa fa-check', title: Messages.saved }); var $spinner = $('<span>', { 'class': 'fa fa-spinner fa-pulse' }); var opt1 = UI.createRadio('cp-settings-autostore', 'cp-settings-autostore-no', Messages.settings_autostoreNo, false, { input: { value: -1 }, label: { class: 'noTitle' } }); var opt2 = UI.createRadio('cp-settings-autostore', 'cp-settings-autostore-maybe', Messages.settings_autostoreMaybe, true, { input: { value: 0 }, label: { class: 'noTitle' } }); var opt3 = UI.createRadio('cp-settings-autostore', 'cp-settings-autostore-yes', Messages.settings_autostoreYes, false, { input: { value: 1 }, label: { class: 'noTitle' } }); var $div2 = $(h('div.cp-settings-radio-container', [ opt3, opt2, opt1 ])).appendTo($div); $div.find('input[type="radio"]').on('change', function() { $; $ok.hide(); var val = $('input:radio[name="cp-settings-autostore"]:checked').val(); val = Number(val) || 0; common.setAttribute(['general', 'autostore'], val, function() { $spinner.hide(); $; }); }); $ok.hide().appendTo($div2); $spinner.hide().appendTo($div2); common.getAttribute(['general', 'autostore'], function(err, val) { if (val === 1) { return void $('#cp-settings-autostore-yes').prop('checked', true); } if (val === -1) { return void $('#cp-settings-autostore-no').prop('checked', true); } $('#cp-settings-autostore-maybe').prop('checked', true); }); return $div; }; create['userfeedback'] = function() { var $div = $('<div>', { 'class': 'cp-settings-userfeedback cp-sidebarlayout-element' }); $('<span>', { 'class': 'label' }).text(Messages.settings_userFeedbackTitle).appendTo($div); $('<span>', { 'class': 'cp-sidebarlayout-description' }) .append(Messages.settings_userFeedbackHint1) .append(Messages.settings_userFeedbackHint2).appendTo($div); var $ok = $('<span>', { 'class': 'fa fa-check', title: Messages.saved }); var $spinner = $('<span>', { 'class': 'fa fa-spinner fa-pulse' }); var $cbox = $(UI.createCheckbox('cp-settings-userfeedback', Messages.settings_userFeedback, false, { label: { class: 'noTitle' } })); var $checkbox = $cbox.find('input').on('change', function() { $; $ok.hide(); var val = $':checked') || false; common.setAttribute(['general', 'allowUserFeedback'], val, function() { $spinner.hide(); $; }); }); $cbox.appendTo($div); $ok.hide().appendTo($cbox); $spinner.hide().appendTo($cbox); if (privateData.feedbackAllowed) { $checkbox[0].checked = true; } return $div; }; makeBlock('cache', function (cb) { // Msg.settings_cacheHint, .settings_cacheTitle var store = window.cryptpadStore; var $cbox = $(UI.createCheckbox('cp-settings-cache', Messages.settings_cacheCheckbox, false, { label: { class: 'noTitle' } })); var spinner = UI.makeSpinner($cbox); // Checkbox: "Enable safe links" var $checkbox = $cbox.find('input').on('change', function() { spinner.spin(); var val = !$':checked') ? '1' : undefined; store.put('disableCache', val, function () { sframeChan.query('Q_CACHE_DISABLE', { disabled: Boolean(val) }, function () { spinner.done(); }); }); }); store.get('disableCache', function (val) { if (!val) { $checkbox.attr('checked', 'checked'); } }); var button = h('button.btn.btn-danger', [ h('i.fa.fa-trash-o'), h('span', Messages.settings_cacheButton) ]); var buttonContainer = h('div.cp-settings-clear-cache', button); var spinner2 = UI.makeSpinner($(buttonContainer)); UI.confirmButton(button, { classes: 'btn-danger' }, function () { spinner2.spin(); sframeChan.query('Q_CLEAR_CACHE', null, function() { spinner2.done(); }); }); cb([ $cbox[0], buttonContainer ]); }, true); makeBlock('colortheme', function (cb) { // Msg.settings_colorthemeHint .settings_colorthemeTitle var theme =['colortheme'] || 'default'; var os =['colortheme_default'] || 'light'; var values = [ 'default', // Msg.settings_colortheme_default 'light', // Msg.settings_colortheme_light 'dark', // Msg.settings_colortheme_dark /* 'custom'*/ // Msg.settings_colortheme_custom ]; var defaultTheme = Messages['settings_colortheme_'+os]; var opts = h('div.cp-settings-radio-container', [ (key) { return UI.createRadio('cp-colortheme-radio', 'cp-colortheme-radio-'+key, Messages._getKey('settings_colortheme_' + key, [defaultTheme]), key === theme, { input: { value: key }, label: { class: 'noTitle' } }); }) ]); cb(opts); var spinner = UI.makeSpinner($(opts)); $(opts).find('input[name="cp-colortheme-radio"]').change(function () { var val = this.value; if (values.indexOf(val) === -1) { return; } if (val === theme) { return; } spinner.spin(); // Check if we need to flush cache var flush = false; if (val === "default" && os === theme) { // Switch from a theme to default without changing value: nothing to do } else if (theme === "default" && os === val) { // Switch from default to a selected value without any change: nothing to do } else { // The theme is different, flush cache flush = true; } if (val === 'default') { val = ''; } // browsers try to load iframes from cache if they have the same id as was previously seen // this seems to help? window.location.hash = ''; sframeChan.query('Q_COLORTHEME_CHANGE', { theme: val, flush: flush }, function () {['colortheme'] = val; theme = val || 'default'; spinner.done(); }); }); }, true); makeBlock('delete', function(cb) { // Msg.settings_deleteHint, .settings_deleteTitle if (!common.isLoggedIn()) { return cb(false); } var button = h('button.btn.btn-danger', Messages.settings_deleteButton); var form = h('div', [ UI.passwordInput({ id: 'cp-settings-delete-account', placeholder: Messages.settings_changePasswordCurrent }, true), button ]); var $form = $(form); var $button = $(button); var spinner = UI.makeSpinner($form); UI.confirmButton(button, { classes: 'btn-danger', multiple: true }, function() { nThen(function (waitFor) { $button.prop('disabled', 'disabled'); var priv = metadataMgr.getPrivateData(); // Check if subscriptions are enabled and you have a premium plan if (priv.plan && priv.plan !== "custom" && ApiConfig.allowSubscriptions) { // Also make sure upgradeURL is defined var url = priv.accounts && priv.accounts.upgradeURL; if (!url) { return; } url += '#mysubs'; var a = h('a', { href:url }, Messages.settings_deleteSubscription); $(a).click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); common.openUnsafeURL(url); }); UI.confirm(h('div', [ Messages.settings_deleteWarning, h('p', a) ]), waitFor(function (yes) { if (!yes) { $button.prop('disabled', ''); waitFor.abort(); } }), { ok: Messages.settings_deleteContinue, okClass: 'btn.btn-danger', cancelClass: 'btn.btn-primary' }); } }).nThen(function () { var password = $form.find('#cp-settings-delete-account').val(); if (!password) { return void UI.warn(Messages.error); } spinner.spin(); sframeChan.query("Q_SETTINGS_DELETE_ACCOUNT", { password: password }, function(err, data) { if (data && data.error) { spinner.hide(); $button.prop('disabled', ''); if (data.error === 'INVALID_PASSWORD') { return void UI.warn(Messages.drive_sfPasswordError); } console.error(data.error); return void UI.warn(Messages.error); } // Owned drive if (data.state === true) { return void sframeChan.query('Q_SETTINGS_LOGOUT_PROPERLY', null, function() { UI.alert(Messages.settings_deleted, function() { common.gotoURL('/'); }); spinner.done(); }); } // Not owned drive var msg = h('div.cp-app-settings-delete-alert', [ h('p', Messages.settings_deleteModal), h('pre', JSON.stringify(data, 0, 2)) ]); UI.alert(msg); spinner.hide(); $button.prop('disabled', ''); }); }); }); cb(form); }, true); create['change-password'] = function() { if (!common.isLoggedIn()) { return; } var $div = $('<div>', { 'class': 'cp-settings-change-password cp-sidebarlayout-element' }); $('<span>', { 'class': 'label' }).text(Messages.settings_changePasswordTitle).appendTo($div); $('<span>', { 'class': 'cp-sidebarlayout-description' }) .append(Messages.settings_changePasswordHint).appendTo($div); // var publicKey = privateData.edPublic; var form = h('div', [ UI.passwordInput({ id: 'cp-settings-change-password-current', placeholder: Messages.settings_changePasswordCurrent, autocomplete: 'current-password', }, true), h('br'), UI.passwordInput({ id: 'cp-settings-change-password-new', placeholder: Messages.settings_changePasswordNew }, true), UI.passwordInput({ id: 'cp-settings-change-password-new2', placeholder: Messages.settings_changePasswordNewConfirm }, true), h('button.btn.btn-primary', Messages.settings_changePasswordButton) ]); $(form).appendTo($div); var updateBlock = function(data, cb) { sframeChan.query('Q_CHANGE_USER_PASSWORD', data, function(err, obj) { if (err || obj.error) { return void cb({ error: err || obj.error }); } cb(obj); }); }; var todo = function() { var oldPassword = $(form).find('#cp-settings-change-password-current').val(); var newPassword = $(form).find('#cp-settings-change-password-new').val(); var newPasswordConfirm = $(form).find('#cp-settings-change-password-new2').val(); /* basic validation */ if (!Cred.isLongEnoughPassword(newPassword)) { var warning = Messages._getKey('register_passwordTooShort', [ Cred.MINIMUM_PASSWORD_LENGTH ]); return void UI.alert(warning); } if (newPassword !== newPasswordConfirm) { UI.alert(Messages.register_passwordsDontMatch); return; } if (oldPassword === newPassword) { return void UI.alert(Messages.settings_changePasswordNewPasswordSameAsOld); } UI.confirm(Messages.settings_changePasswordConfirm, function(yes) { if (!yes) { return; } UI.addLoadingScreen({ hideTips: true, loadingText: Messages.settings_changePasswordPending, }); updateBlock({ password: oldPassword, newPassword: newPassword }, function(obj) { UI.removeLoadingScreen(); if (obj && obj.error) { // TODO more specific error message? UI.alert(Messages.settings_changePasswordError); } }); }, { ok: Messages.register_writtenPassword, cancel: Messages.register_cancel, okClass: 'btn.btn-danger', reverseOrder: true, done: function($dialog) { $dialog.find('> div').addClass('half'); }, }); }; $(form).find('button').click(function() { todo(); }); $(form).find('input').keydown(function(e) { // Save on Enter if (e.which === 13) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); todo(); } }); return $div; }; makeBlock('own-drive', function(cb, $div) { // Msg.settings_ownDriveHint, .settings_ownDriveTitle if (privateData.isDriveOwned || !common.isLoggedIn()) { return void cb(false); } $div.addClass('alert alert-warning'); var form = h('div', [ UI.passwordInput({ id: 'cp-settings-migrate-password', placeholder: Messages.settings_changePasswordCurrent }, true), h('button.btn.btn-primary', Messages.settings_ownDriveButton) ]); var $form = $(form); var spinner = UI.makeSpinner($form); var todo = function() { var password = $form.find('#cp-settings-migrate-password').val(); if (!password) { return; } spinner.spin(); UI.confirm(Messages.settings_ownDriveConfirm, function(yes) { if (!yes) { return; } var data = { password: password, newPassword: password }; UI.addLoadingScreen({ hideTips: true, loadingText: Messages.settings_ownDrivePending, }); sframeChan.query('Q_CHANGE_USER_PASSWORD', data, function(err, obj) { UI.removeLoadingScreen(); if (err || obj.error) { return UI.alert(Messages.settings_changePasswordError); } spinner.done(); }); }); }; $form.find('button').click(function() { todo(); }); $form.find('input').keydown(function(e) { // Save on Enter if (e.which === 13) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); todo(); } }); cb(form); }, true); makeBlock('mediatag-size', function(cb) { // Msg.settings_mediatagSizeHint, .settings_mediatagSizeTitle var $inputBlock = $('<div>', { 'class': 'cp-sidebarlayout-input-block', }); var spinner; var $input = $('<input>', { 'min': -1, 'max': 1000, type: 'number', }).appendTo($inputBlock); var oldVal; var todo = function () { var val = parseInt($input.val()); if (typeof(val) !== 'number' || isNaN(val)) { return UI.warn(Messages.error); } if (val === oldVal) { return; } spinner.spin(); common.setAttribute(['general', 'mediatag-size'], val, function (err) { if (err) { spinner.hide(); console.error(err); return UI.warn(Messages.error); } oldVal = val; spinner.done(); UI.log(Messages.saved); }); }; var $save = $(h('button.btn.btn-primary', Messages.settings_save)).appendTo($inputBlock); spinner = UI.makeSpinner($inputBlock); $; $input.on('keyup', function(e) { if (e.which === 13) { todo(); } }); common.getAttribute(['general', 'mediatag-size'], function(e, val) { if (e) { return void console.error(e); } if (typeof(val) !== 'number' || isNaN(val)) { oldVal = 5; $input.val(5); } else { oldVal = val; $input.val(val); } }); cb($inputBlock); }, true); // Security makeBlock('safe-links', function(cb) { // Msg.settings_safeLinksTitle var $cbox = $(UI.createCheckbox('cp-settings-safe-links', Messages.settings_safeLinksCheckbox, false, { label: { class: 'noTitle' } })); var spinner = UI.makeSpinner($cbox); // Checkbox: "Enable safe links" var $checkbox = $cbox.find('input').on('change', function() { spinner.spin(); var val = !$':checked'); common.setAttribute(['security', 'unsafeLinks'], val, function() { spinner.done(); }); }); common.getAttribute(['security', 'unsafeLinks'], function(e, val) { if (e) { return void console.error(e); } if (val === false) { $checkbox.attr('checked', 'checked'); } }); cb($cbox); }, true); // Drive settings create['drive-duplicate'] = function() { if (!common.isLoggedIn()) { return; } var $div = $('<div>', { 'class': 'cp-settings-drive-duplicate cp-sidebarlayout-element' }); $('<label>').text(Messages.settings_driveDuplicateTitle).appendTo($div); $('<span>', { 'class': 'cp-sidebarlayout-description' }) .text(Messages.settings_driveDuplicateHint).appendTo($div); var $ok = $('<span>', { 'class': 'fa fa-check', title: Messages.saved }); var $spinner = $('<span>', { 'class': 'fa fa-spinner fa-pulse' }); var $cbox = $(UI.createCheckbox('cp-settings-drive-duplicate', Messages.settings_driveDuplicateLabel, false, { label: { class: 'noTitle' } })); var $checkbox = $cbox.find('input').on('change', function() { $; $ok.hide(); var val = $':checked'); common.setAttribute(['drive', 'hideDuplicate'], val, function() { $spinner.hide(); $; }); }); $cbox.appendTo($div); $ok.hide().appendTo($cbox); $spinner.hide().appendTo($cbox); common.getAttribute(['drive', 'hideDuplicate'], function(e, val) { if (e) { return void console.error(e); } if (val) { $checkbox.attr('checked', 'checked'); } }); return $div; }; create['redirect'] = function () { if (!common.isLoggedIn()) { return; } var $div = $('<div>', { 'class': 'cp-settings-redirect cp-sidebarlayout-element' }); $('<span>', { 'class': 'label' }).text(Messages.settings_driveRedirectTitle).appendTo($div); $('<span>', { 'class': 'cp-sidebarlayout-description' }) .append(Messages.settings_driveRedirectHint) .appendTo($div); var $ok = $('<span>', { 'class': 'fa fa-check', title: Messages.saved }); var $spinner = $('<span>', { 'class': 'fa fa-spinner fa-pulse' }); var $cbox = $(UI.createCheckbox('cp-settings-redirect', Messages.settings_driveRedirect, false, { label: { class: 'noTitle' } })); var $checkbox = $cbox.find('input').on('change', function() { $; $ok.hide(); var val = $':checked') || false; common.setAttribute(['general', Constants.prefersDriveRedirectKey], val, function() { $spinner.hide(); $; sframeChan.query("Q_SET_DRIVE_REDIRECT_PREFERENCE", { value: val, }, console.log); }); }); $cbox.appendTo($div); $ok.hide().appendTo($cbox); $spinner.hide().appendTo($cbox); if (privateData.prefersDriveRedirect === true) { $checkbox[0].checked = true; } return $div; }; create['resettips'] = function() { var $div = $('<div>', { 'class': 'cp-settings-resettips cp-sidebarlayout-element' }); $('<label>').text(Messages.settings_resetTips).appendTo($div); $('<span>', { 'class': 'cp-sidebarlayout-description' }) .text(Messages.settings_resetTipsButton).appendTo($div); var $button = $('<button>', { 'id': 'cp-settings-resettips', 'class': 'btn btn-primary' }) .text(Messages.settings_resetTipsAction).appendTo($div); var localStore = window.cryptpadStore; $ { Object.keys( { if (/^(hide-(info|alert))/.test(k)) { localStore.put(k, null); } }); UI.alert(Messages.settings_resetTipsDone); }); return $div; }; create['thumbnails'] = function() { var $div = $('<div>', { 'class': 'cp-settings-thumbnails cp-sidebarlayout-element' }); $('<label>').text(Messages.settings_thumbnails).appendTo($div); // Disable $('<span>', { 'class': 'cp-sidebarlayout-description' }) .text(Messages.settings_disableThumbnailsDescription).appendTo($div); var $ok = $('<span>', { 'class': 'fa fa-check', title: Messages.saved }); var $spinner = $('<span>', { 'class': 'fa fa-spinner fa-pulse' }); var $cbox = $(UI.createCheckbox('disableThumbnails', Messages.settings_disableThumbnailsAction, false, { label: { class: 'noTitle' } })); var $checkbox = $cbox.find('input').on('change', function() { $; $ok.hide(); var val = $':checked') || false; common.setAttribute(['general', 'disableThumbnails'], val, function() { $spinner.hide(); $; }); }); $cbox.appendTo($div); $ok.hide().appendTo($cbox); $spinner.hide().appendTo($cbox); common.getAttribute(['general', 'disableThumbnails'], function(e, val) { $checkbox[0].checked = typeof(val) === "undefined" || val; }); // Reset $('<span>', { 'class': 'cp-sidebarlayout-description' }) .text(Messages.settings_resetThumbnailsDescription).appendTo($div); var $button = $('<button>', { 'id': 'resetThumbnails', 'class': 'btn btn-primary' }) .text(Messages.settings_resetThumbnailsAction).appendTo($div); $ { sframeChan.query("Q_THUMBNAIL_CLEAR", null, function(err) { if (err) { return void console.error("Cannot clear localForage"); } UI.alert(Messages.settings_resetThumbnailsDone); }); }); return $div; }; create['drive-backup'] = function() { var $div = $('<div>', { 'class': 'cp-settings-drive-backup cp-sidebarlayout-element' }); var accountName = privateData.accountName; var displayName = metadataMgr.getUserData().name || ''; var name = displayName || accountName || Messages.anonymous; var suggestion = name + '-' + new Date().toDateString(); var exportFile = function() { sframeChan.query("Q_SETTINGS_DRIVE_GET", null, function(err, data) { if (err) { return void console.error(err); } var sjson = JSON.stringify(data); UI.prompt(Messages.exportPrompt, Util.fixFileName(suggestion) + '.json', function(filename) { if (!(typeof(filename) === 'string' && filename)) { return; } var blob = new Blob([sjson], { type: "application/json;charset=utf-8" }); saveAs(blob, filename); }); }); }; var importFile = function(content) { var $spinner = $('<span>', { 'class': 'fa fa-spinner fa-pulse' }).appendTo($div); try { var data = JSON.parse(content); sframeChan.query("Q_SETTINGS_DRIVE_SET", data, function(e) { if (e) { console.error(e); } $spinner.remove(); }); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }; $('<label>', { 'for': 'exportDrive' }).text(Messages.settings_backupCategory).appendTo($div); $('<span>', { 'class': 'cp-sidebarlayout-description' }) .text(Messages.settings_backupHint || Messages.settings_backupTitle).appendTo($div); /* add an export button */ var $export = common.createButton('export', true, {}, exportFile); $export.attr('class', 'btn btn-success').text(Messages.settings_backup); $div.append($export); /* add an import button */ var $import = common.createButton('import', true, {}, importFile); $import.attr('class', 'btn btn-success').text(Messages.settings_restore); $div.append($import); // Backup all the pads var exportDrive = function() { Feedback.send('FULL_DRIVE_EXPORT_START'); var todo = function(data, filename) { var ui = Backup.createExportUI(privateData.origin); var bu = Backup.create(data, common.getPad, privateData.fileHost, function(blob, errors) { saveAs(blob, filename); sframeChan.event('EV_CRYPTGET_DISCONNECT'); ui.complete(function() { Feedback.send('FULL_DRIVE_EXPORT_COMPLETE'); saveAs(blob, filename); }, errors); }, ui.update, common.getCache(), common.getSframeChannel()); ui.onCancel(function() { ui.close(); bu.stop(); }); }; sframeChan.query("Q_SETTINGS_DRIVE_GET", "full", function(err, data) { if (err) { return void console.error(err); } if (data.error) { return void console.error(data.error); } UI.prompt(Messages.settings_backup2Confirm, Util.fixFileName(suggestion) + '.zip', function(filename) { if (!(typeof(filename) === 'string' && filename)) { return; } todo(data, filename); }); }); }; $('<span>', { 'class': 'cp-sidebarlayout-description' }) .text(Messages.settings_backupHint2).appendTo($div); var $export2 = common.createButton('export', true, {}, exportDrive); $export2.attr('class', 'btn btn-success').text(Messages.settings_backup2); $div.append($export2); return $div; }; create['drive-import-local'] = function() { if (!common.isLoggedIn()) { return; } var $div = $('<div>', { 'class': 'cp-settings-drive-import-local cp-sidebarlayout-element' }); $('<label>').text(Messages.settings_import).appendTo($div); $('<span>', { 'class': 'cp-sidebarlayout-description' }) .text(Messages.settings_importTitle).appendTo($div); var $button = $('<button>', { 'id': 'cp-settings-import-local-pads', 'class': 'btn btn-primary' }).text(Messages.settings_import).appendTo($div); var $ok = $('<span>', { 'class': 'fa fa-check', title: Messages.saved }).hide().appendTo($div); var $spinner = $('<span>', { 'class': 'fa fa-spinner fa-pulse' }).hide().appendTo($div); $ { UI.confirm(Messages.settings_importConfirm, function(yes) { if (!yes) { return; } $; $ok.hide(); sframeChan.query('Q_SETTINGS_IMPORT_LOCAL', null, function() { $spinner.hide(); $; UI.alert(Messages.settings_importDone); }); }, undefined, true); }); return $div; }; var redrawTrimHistory = function(cb, $div) { var spinner = UI.makeSpinner(); var button = h('button.btn.btn-danger-alt', { disabled: 'disabled' }, Messages.trimHistory_button); var currentSize = h('p', $(spinner.spinner).clone()[0]); var content = h('div#cp-settings-trim-container', [ currentSize, button, spinner.ok, spinner.spinner ]); if (!privateData.isDriveOwned) { var href = privateData.origin + privateData.pathname + '#' + 'account'; $(currentSize).html(Messages.trimHistory_needMigration); $(currentSize).find('a').prop('href', href).click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $('.cp-sidebarlayout-category[data-category="account"]').click(); }); return void cb(content); } var $button = $(button); var size; var channels = []; nThen(function(waitFor) { APP.history.execCommand('GET_HISTORY_SIZE', { account: true, channels: [] }, waitFor(function(obj) { if (obj && obj.error) { waitFor.abort(); var error = h('div.alert.alert-danger', Messages.trimHistory_getSizeError); $(content).empty().append(error); return; } channels = obj.channels; size = Number(obj.size); })); }).nThen(function() { if (!size || size < 1024) { $(currentSize).html(Messages.trimHistory_noHistory); return; } $(currentSize).html(Messages._getKey('trimHistory_currentSize', [UIElements.prettySize(size)])); $button.prop('disabled', ''); UI.confirmButton(button, { classes: 'btn-danger' }, function() { $button.remove(); spinner.spin(); APP.history.execCommand('TRIM_HISTORY', { channels: channels }, function(obj) { if (obj && obj.error) { var error = h('div.alert.alert-danger', Messages.trimHistory_error); $(content).empty().append(error); return; } spinner.hide(); redrawTrimHistory(cb, $div); }); }); }); $div.find('#cp-settings-trim-container').remove(); cb(content); }; makeBlock('trim-history', function(cb, $div) { // Msg.settings_trimHistoryHint, .settings_trimHistoryTitle if (!common.isLoggedIn()) { return void cb(false); } redrawTrimHistory(cb, $div); }, true); /* create['drive-reset'] = function () { var $div = $('<div>', {'class': 'cp-settings-drive-reset cp-sidebarlayout-element'}); $('<label>').text(Messages.settings_resetNewTitle).appendTo($div); $('<span>', {'class': 'cp-sidebarlayout-description'}) .text(Messages.settings_reset).appendTo($div); var $button = $('<button>', {'id': 'cp-settings-reset-drive', 'class': 'btn btn-danger'}) .text(Messages.settings_resetButton).appendTo($div); $ () { UI.prompt(Messages.settings_resetPrompt, "", function (val) { if (val !== "I love CryptPad") { UI.alert(Messages.settings_resetError); return; } sframeChan.query("Q_SETTINGS_DRIVE_RESET", null, function (err) { if (err) { return void console.error(err); } UI.alert(Messages.settings_resetDone); }); }, undefined, true); }); return $div; }; */ // Cursor settings create['cursor-color'] = function() { var $div = $('<div>', { 'class': 'cp-settings-cursor-color cp-sidebarlayout-element' }); $('<label>').text(Messages.settings_cursorColorTitle).appendTo($div); $('<span>', { 'class': 'cp-sidebarlayout-description' }) .text(Messages.settings_cursorColorHint).appendTo($div); var $inputBlock = $('<div>').appendTo($div); var $colorPicker = $("<div>", { class: "cp-settings-cursor-color-picker" }); var $ok = $('<span>', { 'class': 'fa fa-check', title: Messages.saved }); var $spinner = $('<span>', { 'class': 'fa fa-spinner fa-pulse' }); // when jscolor picker value change var _onchange = function(colorL) { var val = "#" + colorL.toString(); if (!/^#[0-9a-fA-F]{6}$/.test(val)) { return; } common.setAttribute(['general', 'cursor', 'color'], val, function() { $spinner.hide(); $; }); }; var to; var onchange = function(colorL) { $; $ok.hide(); if (to) { clearTimeout(to); } to = setTimeout(function() { _onchange(colorL); }, 300); }; // jscolor picker var jscolorL = new window.jscolor($colorPicker[0], { showOnClick: false, onFineChange: onchange, valueElement: undefined }); $ {; }); // set default color common.getAttribute(['general', 'cursor', 'color'], function(e, val) { if (e) { return void console.error(e); } val = val || "#000"; jscolorL.fromString(val); }); $colorPicker.appendTo($inputBlock); $ok.hide().appendTo($inputBlock); $spinner.hide().appendTo($inputBlock); return $div; }; create['cursor-share'] = function() { var $div = $('<div>', { 'class': 'cp-settings-cursor-share cp-sidebarlayout-element' }); $('<label>').text(Messages.settings_cursorShareTitle).appendTo($div); $('<span>', { 'class': 'cp-sidebarlayout-description' }) .text(Messages.settings_cursorShareHint).appendTo($div); var $ok = $('<span>', { 'class': 'fa fa-check', title: Messages.saved }); var $spinner = $('<span>', { 'class': 'fa fa-spinner fa-pulse' }); var $cbox = $(UI.createCheckbox('cp-settings-cursor-share', Messages.settings_cursorShareLabel, false, { label: { class: 'noTitle' } })); var $checkbox = $cbox.find('input').on('change', function() { $; $ok.hide(); var val = $':checked'); common.setAttribute(['general', 'cursor', 'share'], val, function() { $spinner.hide(); $; }); }); $cbox.appendTo($div); $ok.hide().appendTo($cbox); $spinner.hide().appendTo($cbox); common.getAttribute(['general', 'cursor', 'share'], function(e, val) { if (e) { return void console.error(e); } if (val !== false) { $checkbox.attr('checked', 'checked'); } }); return $div; }; create['cursor-show'] = function() { var $div = $('<div>', { 'class': 'cp-settings-cursor-show cp-sidebarlayout-element' }); $('<label>').text(Messages.settings_cursorShowTitle + ' (BETA)').appendTo($div); $('<span>', { 'class': 'cp-sidebarlayout-description' }) .text(Messages.settings_cursorShowHint).appendTo($div); var $ok = $('<span>', { 'class': 'fa fa-check', title: Messages.saved }); var $spinner = $('<span>', { 'class': 'fa fa-spinner fa-pulse' }); var $cbox = $(UI.createCheckbox('cp-settings-cursor-show', Messages.settings_cursorShowLabel, false, { label: { class: 'noTitle' } })); var $checkbox = $cbox.find('input').on('change', function() { $; $ok.hide(); var val = $':checked'); common.setAttribute(['general', 'cursor', 'show'], val, function() { $spinner.hide(); $; }); }); $cbox.appendTo($div); $ok.hide().appendTo($cbox); $spinner.hide().appendTo($cbox); common.getAttribute(['general', 'cursor', 'show'], function(e, val) { if (e) { return void console.error(e); } if (val !== false) { $checkbox.attr('checked', 'checked'); } }); return $div; }; // Rich text pads settings create['pad-width'] = function() { var $div = $('<div>', { 'class': 'cp-settings-pad-width cp-sidebarlayout-element' }); $('<span>', { 'class': 'label' }).text(Messages.settings_padWidth).appendTo($div); $('<span>', { 'class': 'cp-sidebarlayout-description' }) .text(Messages.settings_padWidthHint).appendTo($div); var $ok = $('<span>', { 'class': 'fa fa-check', title: Messages.saved }); var $spinner = $('<span>', { 'class': 'fa fa-spinner fa-pulse' }); var store = window.cryptpadStore; var key = 'pad-small-width'; var isHidden =[key] === '1'; var $cbox = $(UI.createCheckbox('cp-settings-padwidth', Messages.settings_padWidthLabel, isHidden, { label: { class: 'noTitle' } })); var $checkbox = $cbox.find('input').on('change', function() { $; $ok.hide(); var val = $':checked'); store.put(key, val ? '1' : '0', function () { $spinner.hide(); $; }); }); $cbox.appendTo($div); $ok.hide().appendTo($cbox); $spinner.hide().appendTo($cbox); return $div; }; create['pad-spellcheck'] = function() { var $div = $('<div>', { 'class': 'cp-settings-pad-spellcheck cp-sidebarlayout-element' }); $('<label>').text(Messages.settings_padSpellcheckTitle).appendTo($div); $('<span>', { 'class': 'cp-sidebarlayout-description' }) .text(Messages.settings_padSpellcheckHint).appendTo($div); var $ok = $('<span>', { 'class': 'fa fa-check', title: Messages.saved }); var $spinner = $('<span>', { 'class': 'fa fa-spinner fa-pulse' }); var $cbox = $(UI.createCheckbox('cp-settings-pad-spellcheck', Messages.settings_padSpellcheckLabel, false, { label: { class: 'noTitle' } })); var $checkbox = $cbox.find('input').on('change', function() { $; $ok.hide(); var val = $':checked'); common.setAttribute(['pad', 'spellcheck'], val, function() { $spinner.hide(); $; }); }); $cbox.appendTo($div); $ok.hide().appendTo($cbox); $spinner.hide().appendTo($cbox); common.getAttribute(['pad', 'spellcheck'], function(e, val) { if (e) { return void console.error(e); } if (val) { $checkbox.attr('checked', 'checked'); } }); return $div; }; makeBlock('pad-notif', function(cb) { // Msg.settings_padNotifHint, .settings_padNotifTitle var $cbox = $(UI.createCheckbox('cp-settings-pad-notif', Messages.settings_padNotifCheckbox, false, { label: { class: 'noTitle' } })); var spinner = UI.makeSpinner($cbox); // Checkbox: "Enable safe links" var $checkbox = $cbox.find('input').on('change', function() { spinner.spin(); var val = $':checked'); common.setAttribute(['pad', 'disableNotif'], val, function() { spinner.done(); }); }); common.getAttribute(['pad', 'disableNotif'], function(e, val) { if (e) { return void console.error(e); } if (val === true) { $checkbox.attr('checked', 'checked'); } }); cb($cbox); }, true); create['pad-openlink'] = function() { var $div = $('<div>', { 'class': 'cp-settings-pad-openlink cp-sidebarlayout-element' }); $('<label>').text(Messages.settings_padOpenLinkTitle).appendTo($div); $('<span>', { 'class': 'cp-sidebarlayout-description' }) .text(Messages.settings_padOpenLinkHint).appendTo($div); var $ok = $('<span>', { 'class': 'fa fa-check', title: Messages.saved }); var $spinner = $('<span>', { 'class': 'fa fa-spinner fa-pulse' }); var $cbox = $(UI.createCheckbox('cp-settings-pad-openlink', Messages.settings_padOpenLinkLabel, false, { label: { class: 'noTitle' } })); var $checkbox = $cbox.find('input').on('change', function() { $; $ok.hide(); var val = $':checked'); common.setAttribute(['pad', 'openLink'], val, function() { $spinner.hide(); $; }); }); $cbox.appendTo($div); $ok.hide().appendTo($cbox); $spinner.hide().appendTo($cbox); common.getAttribute(['pad', 'openLink'], function(e, val) { if (e) { return void console.error(e); } if (val) { $checkbox.attr('checked', 'checked'); } }); return $div; }; // Code settings create['code-indent-unit'] = function() { var $div = $('<div>', { 'class': 'cp-settings-code-indent-unit cp-sidebarlayout-element' }); $('<label>').text(Messages.settings_codeIndentation).appendTo($div); var $inputBlock = $('<div>', { 'class': 'cp-sidebarlayout-input-block', }).appendTo($div); var $input = $('<input>', { 'min': 1, 'max': 8, type: 'number', }).on('change', function() { var val = parseInt($input.val()); if (typeof(val) !== 'number') { return; } common.setAttribute(['codemirror', 'indentUnit'], val); }).appendTo($inputBlock); common.getAttribute(['codemirror', 'indentUnit'], function(e, val) { if (e) { return void console.error(e); } if (typeof(val) !== 'number') { $input.val(2); } else { $input.val(val); } }); return $div; }; create['code-indent-type'] = function() { var key = 'indentWithTabs'; var $div = $('<div>', { 'class': 'cp-settings-code-indent-type cp-sidebarlayout-element' }); $('<label>').text(Messages.settings_codeUseTabs).appendTo($div); var $inputBlock = $('<div>', { 'class': 'cp-sidebarlayout-input-block', }).css('flex-flow', 'column') .appendTo($div); var $cbox = $(UI.createCheckbox('cp-settings-codeindent')); var $checkbox = $cbox.find('input').on('change', function() { var val = $':checked'); if (typeof(val) !== 'boolean') { return; } common.setAttribute(['codemirror', key], val); }); $cbox.appendTo($inputBlock); /*proxy.on('change', ['settings', 'codemirror', key], function (o, n) { $input[0].checked = !!n; });*/ common.getAttribute(['codemirror', key], function(e, val) { if (e) { return void console.error(e); } $checkbox[0].checked = !!val; }); return $div; }; create['code-brackets'] = function() { var key = 'brackets'; var $div = $('<div>', { 'class': 'cp-settings-code-brackets cp-sidebarlayout-element' }); $('<label>').text(Messages.settings_codeBrackets).appendTo($div); var $inputBlock = $('<div>', { 'class': 'cp-sidebarlayout-input-block', }).css('flex-flow', 'column') .appendTo($div); var $cbox = $(UI.createCheckbox('cp-settings-codebrackets')); var $checkbox = $cbox.find('input').on('change', function() { var val = $':checked'); if (typeof(val) !== 'boolean') { return; } common.setAttribute(['codemirror', key], val); }); $cbox.appendTo($inputBlock); common.getAttribute(['codemirror', key], function(e, val) { if (e) { return void console.error(e); } $checkbox[0].checked = typeof(val) !== "boolean" || val; }); return $div; }; create['code-font-size'] = function() { var key = 'fontSize'; var $div = $('<div>', { 'class': 'cp-settings-code-font-size cp-sidebarlayout-element' }); $('<label>').text(Messages.settings_codeFontSize).appendTo($div); var $inputBlock = $('<div>', { 'class': 'cp-sidebarlayout-input-block', }).appendTo($div); var $input = $('<input>', { 'min': 8, 'max': 30, type: 'number', }).on('change', function() { var val = parseInt($input.val()); if (typeof(val) !== 'number') { return; } common.setAttribute(['codemirror', key], val); }).appendTo($inputBlock); common.getAttribute(['codemirror', key], function(e, val) { if (e) { return void console.error(e); } if (typeof(val) !== 'number') { $input.val(12); } else { $input.val(val); } }); return $div; }; create['code-spellcheck'] = function() { var $div = $('<div>', { 'class': 'cp-settings-code-spellcheck cp-sidebarlayout-element' }); $('<label>').text(Messages.settings_codeSpellcheckTitle).appendTo($div); //$('<span>', {'class': 'cp-sidebarlayout-description'}) // .text(Messages.settings_padSpellcheckHint).appendTo($div); var $ok = $('<span>', { 'class': 'fa fa-check', title: Messages.saved }); var $spinner = $('<span>', { 'class': 'fa fa-spinner fa-pulse' }); var $cbox = $(UI.createCheckbox('cp-settings-code-spellcheck', Messages.settings_codeSpellcheckLabel, false, { label: { class: 'noTitle' } })); var $checkbox = $cbox.find('input').on('change', function() { $; $ok.hide(); var val = $':checked'); common.setAttribute(['codemirror', 'spellcheck'], val, function() { $spinner.hide(); $; }); }); $cbox.appendTo($div); $ok.hide().appendTo($cbox); $spinner.hide().appendTo($cbox); common.getAttribute(['codemirror', 'spellcheck'], function(e, val) { if (e) { return void console.error(e); } if (val) { $checkbox.attr('checked', 'checked'); } }); return $div; }; makeBlock('kanban-tags', function(cb) { // Msg.settings_kanbanTagsHint, .settings_kanbanTagsTitle var opt1 = UI.createRadio('cp-settings-kanban-tags', 'cp-settings-kanban-tags-and', Messages.settings_kanbanTagsAnd, false, { input: { value: 1 }, label: { class: 'noTitle' } }); var opt2 = UI.createRadio('cp-settings-kanban-tags', 'cp-settings-kanban-tags-or', Messages.settings_kanbanTagsOr, true, { input: { value: 0 }, label: { class: 'noTitle' } }); var div = h('div.cp-settings-radio-container', [ opt1, opt2, ]); var $d = $(div); var spinner = UI.makeSpinner($d); $d.find('input[type="radio"]').on('change', function() { spinner.spin(); var val = $('input:radio[name="cp-settings-kanban-tags"]:checked').val(); val = Number(val) || 0; common.setAttribute(['kanban', 'tagsAnd'], val, function() { spinner.done(); }); }); common.getAttribute(['kanban', 'tagsAnd'], function(e, val) { if (e) { return void console.error(e); } if (val) { $(opt1).find('input').attr('checked', 'checked'); } }); cb($d); }, true); makeBlock('notif-calendar', function(cb) { // Msg.settings_notifCalendarHint, .settings_notifCalendarTitle var $cbox = $(UI.createCheckbox('cp-settings-cache', Messages.settings_notifCalendarCheckbox, false, { label: { class: 'noTitle' } })); var spinner = UI.makeSpinner($cbox); var $checkbox = $cbox.find('input').on('change', function() { spinner.spin(); var val = !$':checked'); common.setAttribute(['general', 'calendar', 'hideNotif'], val, function(e) { if (e) { console.error(e); // error: restore previous value if (val) { $checkbox.attr('checked', ''); } else { $checkbox.attr('checked', 'checked'); } spinner.hide(); return void console.error(e); } spinner.done(); }); }); common.getAttribute(['general', 'calendar', 'hideNotif'], function(e, val) { if (e) { return void console.error(e); } if (!val) { $checkbox.attr('checked', 'checked'); } }); cb($cbox[0]); }, true); // Settings app var createUsageButton = function() { common.createUsageBar(null, function(err, $bar) { if (err) { return void console.error(err); } APP.$usage.html('').append($bar); }, true); }; var hideCategories = function() { APP.$rightside.find('> div').hide(); }; var showCategories = function(cat) { hideCategories(); cat.forEach(function(c) { APP.$rightside.find('.' + c).show(); }); }; var SIDEBAR_ICONS = { account: 'fa fa-user-o', drive: 'fa fa-hdd-o', cursor: 'fa fa-i-cursor', code: 'fa fa-file-code-o', pad: 'fa fa-file-word-o', security: 'fa fa-lock', subscription: 'fa fa-star-o', kanban: 'cptools cptools-kanban', style: 'cptools cptools-palette', notifications: 'fa fa-bell' }; Messages.settings_cat_notifications = Messages.notificationsPage; var createLeftside = function() { var $categories = $('<div>', { 'class': 'cp-sidebarlayout-categories' }) .appendTo(APP.$leftside); APP.$usage = $('<div>', { 'class': 'usage' }).appendTo(APP.$leftside); var active = privateData.category || 'account'; if (!categories[active]) { active = 'account'; } Object.keys(categories).forEach(function(key) { var $category = $('<div>', { 'class': 'cp-sidebarlayout-category', 'data-category': key }).appendTo($categories); var iconClass = SIDEBAR_ICONS[key]; if (iconClass) { $category.append($('<span>', { 'class': iconClass })); } if (key === active) { $category.addClass('cp-leftside-active'); } $ { if (!Array.isArray(categories[key]) && categories[key].onClick) { categories[key].onClick(); return; } active = key; common.setHash(key); $categories.find('.cp-leftside-active').removeClass('cp-leftside-active'); $category.addClass('cp-leftside-active'); showCategories(categories[key]); }); $category.append(Messages['settings_cat_' + key] || key); }); showCategories(categories[active]); common.setHash(active); }; nThen(function(waitFor) { $(waitFor(UI.addLoadingScreen)); SFCommon.create(waitFor(function(c) { APP.common = common = c; })); }).nThen(function(waitFor) { APP.$container = $('#cp-sidebarlayout-container'); APP.$toolbar = $('#cp-toolbar'); APP.$leftside = $('<div>', { id: 'cp-sidebarlayout-leftside' }).appendTo(APP.$container); APP.$rightside = $('<div>', { id: 'cp-sidebarlayout-rightside' }).appendTo(APP.$container); sframeChan = common.getSframeChannel(); sframeChan.onReady(waitFor()); }).nThen(function( /*waitFor*/ ) { metadataMgr = common.getMetadataMgr(); privateData = metadataMgr.getPrivateData(); // Toolbar var displayed = ['useradmin', 'newpad', 'limit', 'pageTitle', 'notifications']; var configTb = { displayed: displayed, sfCommon: common, $container: APP.$toolbar, pageTitle: Messages.settings_title, metadataMgr: common.getMetadataMgr(), }; APP.toolbar = Toolbar.create(configTb); APP.toolbar.$rightside.hide(); APP.history = common.makeUniversal('history'); // Content var $rightside = APP.$rightside; /*for (var f in create) { if (typeof create[f] !== "function") { continue; } $rightside.append(create[f]()); }*/ var addItem = function(cssClass) { var item = cssClass.slice(12); // remove 'cp-settings-' if (typeof(create[item]) === "function") { $rightside.append(create[item]()); } }; for (var cat in categories) { if (!Array.isArray(categories[cat])) { continue; } categories[cat].forEach(addItem); } // TODO RPC //obj.proxy.on('change', [], refresh); //obj.proxy.on('remove', [], refresh); //Cryptpad.onDisplayNameChanged(refresh); createLeftside(); createUsageButton(); UI.removeLoadingScreen(); }); });