define([ '/api/config?cb=' + Math.random().toString(16).substring(2), '/customize/messages.js', '/poll/table.js', '/bower_components/textpatcher/TextPatcher.js', '/bower_components/chainpad-listmap/chainpad-listmap.js', '/bower_components/chainpad-crypto/crypto.js', '/common/cryptpad-common.js', '/common/visible.js', '/common/notify.js', '/bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js', '/customize/pad.js' ], function (Config, Messages, Table, TextPatcher, Listmap, Crypto, Cryptpad, Visible, Notify) { var $ = window.jQuery; /* TODO * set range of dates/times * (pair of date pickers) * hide options within that range * show hidden options * add notes to a particular time slot * check or uncheck options for a particular user * mark preference level? (+1, 0, -1) * delete/hide columns/rows // let users choose what they want the default input to be... * date - ? * ??? */ var secret = Cryptpad.getSecrets(); var module = window.APP = {}; // special UI elements var $title = $('#title').attr('placeholder', Messages.dateTitleHint || 'title'); var $location = $('#location').attr('placeholder', Messages.dateLocationHint || 'location'); var $description = $('#description').attr('placeholder', Messages.dateDescription || 'description'); var items = [$title, $location, $description]; var Uid = function (prefix, f) { f = f || function () { return Number(Math.random() * Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) .toString(32).replace(/\./g, ''); }; return function () { return prefix + '-' + f(); }; }; var xy = function (x, y) { return x + '_' + y; }; var parseXY = function (id) { var p = id.split('_'); return { x: p[0], y: p[1], }; }; var find = function (map, path) { return (map && path.reduce(function (p, n) { return typeof p[n] !== 'undefined' && p[n]; }, map)) || undefined; }; var Input = function (opt) { return $('', opt); }; var Checkbox = function (id) { var p = parseXY(id); var proxy = module.rt.proxy; var $check = Input({ id: id, name: id, type:'checkbox' }).click(function () { console.log("(%s, %s) => %s", p.x, p.y, $check[0].checked); proxy.table.cells[id] = $check[0].checked? 1: 0; }); return $check; }; var Text = function () { return Input({type:'text'}); }; var table = module.table = Table($('table'), xy); var setEditable = function (bool) { module.isEditable = bool; items.forEach(function ($item) { $item.attr('disabled', !bool); }); }; var coluid = Uid('x'); var rowuid = Uid('y'); var makeUser = function (proxy, id, value) { var $user = Input({ id: id, type: 'text', placeholder: 'your name', }).on('keyup', function () { proxy.table.cols[id] = $user.val() || ""; }); proxy.table.cols[id] = value || ""; table.addColumn($user, Checkbox, id); return $user; }; $('#adduser').click(function () { if (!module.isEditable) { return; } var id = coluid(); makeUser(module.rt.proxy, id).focus(); }); var makeOption = function (proxy, id, value) { var $option = Input({ type: 'text', placeholder: 'option', id: id, }).on('keyup change', function () { proxy.table.rows[id] = $option.val(); }); proxy.table.rows[id] = value || ""; table.addRow($option, Checkbox, id); return $option; }; $('#addoption').click(function () { if (!module.isEditable) { return; } var id = rowuid(); makeOption(module.rt.proxy, id).focus(); }); // notifications var unnotify = function () { if (!(module.tabNotification && typeof(module.tabNotification.cancel) === 'function')) { return; } module.tabNotification.cancel(); }; var notify = function () { if (!(Visible.isSupported() && !Visible.currently())) { return; } unnotify(); module.tabNotification =, 1000, 10); }; // don't make changes until the interface is ready setEditable(false); var ready = function (info) { console.log("Your realtime object is ready"); setEditable(true); var proxy = module.rt.proxy; ['info', 'table'].forEach(function (k) { if (typeof(proxy[k]) === 'undefined') { proxy[k] = {}; } }); ['cols', 'rows', 'cells'].forEach(function (k) { if (typeof(proxy.table[k]) === 'undefined') { proxy.table[k] = {}; } }); var each = function (o, f) { Object.keys(o).forEach(f); }; // cols each(proxy.table.cols, function (uid) { var val = proxy.table.cols[uid]; makeUser(proxy, uid, val).val(val); }); // rows each(proxy.table.rows, function (uid) { var val = proxy.table.rows[uid]; makeOption(proxy, uid, val).val(val); }); // cells each(proxy.table.cells, function (uid) { var p = parseXY(uid); document.getElementById(uid).checked = proxy.table.cells[uid] ? true : false; }); items.forEach(function ($item) { var id = $item.attr('id'); $item.on('change keyup', function () { var val = $item.val();[id] = val; }); if (typeof([id]) !== 'undefined') { $item.val([id]); } }); if (Visible.isSupported()) { Visible.onChange(function (yes) { if (yes) { unnotify(); } }); } proxy .on('change', ['info'], function (o, n, p) { var $target = $('#' + p[1]); var el = $target[0]; var selects; var op; if (el && ['textarea', 'text'].indexOf(el.type) !== -1) { op = TextPatcher.diff(o, n); selects = ['selectionStart', 'selectionEnd'].map(function (attr) { var before = el[attr]; var after = TextPatcher.transformCursor(el[attr], op); return after; }); $target.val(n); if (op) { el.selectionStart = selects[0]; el.selectionEnd = selects[1]; } } console.log("change: (%s, %s, [%s])", o, n, p.join(', ')); notify(); }) .on('change', ['table'], function (o, n, p) { var id = p[p.length -1]; var type = p[1]; if (typeof(o) === 'undefined' && ['cols', 'rows', 'cells'].indexOf(type) !== -1) { switch (type) { case 'cols': makeUser(proxy, id, n); break; case 'rows': makeOption(proxy, id, n); break; case 'cells': // break; default: console.log("Unhandled table element creation"); break; } } var el = document.getElementById(id); if (!el) { console.log("Couldn't find the element you wanted!"); return; } switch (p[1]) { case 'cols': console.log("[Table.cols change] %s (%s => %s)@[%s]", id, o, n, p.slice(0, -1).join(', ')); el.value = n; break; case 'rows': console.log("[Table.rows change] %s (%s => %s)@[%s]", id, o, n, p.slice(0, -1).join(', ')); el.value = n; break; case 'cells': console.log("[Table.cell change] %s (%s => %s)@[%s]", id, o, n, p.slice(0, -1).join(', ')); el.checked = proxy.table.cells[id] ? true: false; break; default: console.log("[Table change] (%s => %s)@[%s]", o, n, p.join(', ')); break; } }) .on('remove', [], function (o, p, root) { console.log("remove: (%s, [%s])", o, p.join(', ')); }) .on('disconnect', function (info) { setEditable(false); }); var title = document.title = Cryptpad.getPadTitle(); Cryptpad.rememberPad(title); Cryptpad.styleAlerts(); var $toolbar = $('#toolbar'); $toolbar.find('sub a').text('⇐ back to Cryptpad'); var Button = function (opt) { return $('