define([ '/api/config?cb=' + Math.random().toString().slice(2), '/customize/messages.js?app=fs', '/bower_components/chainpad-listmap/chainpad-listmap.js', '/bower_components/chainpad-crypto/crypto.js', '/bower_components/textpatcher/TextPatcher.amd.js', '/file/fileObject.js' ], function (Config, Messages, Listmap, Crypto, TextPatcher, FO) { /* This module uses localStorage, which is synchronous, but exposes an asyncronous API. This is so that we can substitute other storage methods. To override these methods, create another file at: /customize/storage.js */ var Store = {}; var storeObj; var ready = false; var filesOp; var exp = {}; var safeSet = function (key, val) { storeObj[key] = val; }; // Store uses nodebacks... Store.set = function (key, val, cb) { safeSet(key, val); cb(); }; // implement in alternative store Store.setBatch = function (map, cb) { Object.keys(map).forEach(function (key) { safeSet(key, map[key]); }); cb(void 0, map); }; var safeGet = window.safeGet = function (key) { return storeObj[key]; }; Store.get = function (key, cb) { cb(void 0, safeGet(key)); }; // implement in alternative store Store.getBatch = function (keys, cb) { var res = {}; keys.forEach(function (key) { res[key] = safeGet(key); }); cb(void 0, res); }; var safeRemove = function (key) { delete storeObj[key]; }; Store.remove = function (key, cb) { safeRemove(key); cb(); }; // implement in alternative store Store.removeBatch = function (keys, cb) { keys.forEach(function (key) { safeRemove(key); }); cb(); }; Store.keys = function (cb) { cb(void 0, Object.keys(storeObj)); }; Store.addPad = function (href, path, name) { filesOp.addPad(href, path, name); }; Store.forgetPad = function (href, cb) { filesOp.forgetPad(href); cb(); }; Store.addTemplate = function (href) { filesOp.addTemplate(href); }; Store.listTemplates = function () { return filesOp.listTemplates(); }; Store.getProxy = function () { return exp; }; var changeHandlers = Store.changeHandlers = []; Store.change = function (f) { if (typeof(f) !== 'function') { throw new Error('[Store.change] callback must be a function'); } changeHandlers.push(f); if (changeHandlers.length === 1) { // start listening for changes /* TODO: listen for changes in the proxy window.addEventListener('storage', function (e) { changeHandlers.forEach(function (f) { f({ key: e.key, oldValue: e.oldValue, newValue: e.newValue, }); }); }); */ } }; var onReady = function (f, proxy, storageKey) { filesOp = FO.init(proxy, { storageKey: storageKey }); storeObj = proxy; ready = true; if (typeof(f) === 'function') { f(void 0, Store); } }; var initialized = false; var init = function (f, Cryptpad) { if (!Cryptpad || initialized) { return; } initialized = true; var hash = Cryptpad.getUserHash() || localStorage.FS_hash; var secret = Cryptpad.getSecrets(hash); var listmapConfig = { data: {}, websocketURL: Cryptpad.getWebsocketURL(), channel:, readOnly: false, validateKey: secret.keys.validateKey || undefined, crypto: Crypto.createEncryptor(secret.keys), userName: 'fs', logLevel: 1, }; var rt = window.rt = Listmap.create(listmapConfig); exp.proxy = rt.proxy; rt.proxy.on('create', function (info) { = info; var realtime = info.realtime; if (!Cryptpad.getUserHash()) { localStorage.FS_hash = Cryptpad.getEditHashFromKeys(, secret.keys); } }).on('ready', function () { if (!rt.proxy[Cryptpad.storageKey] || !Cryptpad.isArray(rt.proxy[Cryptpad.storageKey])) { var oldStore = Cryptpad.getStore(true); oldStore.get(Cryptpad.storageKey, function (err, s) { rt.proxy[Cryptpad.storageKey] = s; onReady(f, rt.proxy, Cryptpad.storageKey); }); return; } onReady(f, rt.proxy, Cryptpad.storageKey); }) .on('disconnect', function (info) { //setEditable(false); if (info.error) { //Cryptpad.alert(Messages.websocketError); if (typeof Cryptpad.storeError === "function") { Cryptpad.storeError(); } return; } //Cryptpad.alert(Messages.common_connectionLost); }); }; Store.ready = function (f, Cryptpad) { /*if (Cryptpad.parsePadUrl(window.location.href).type === "file") { if (typeof(f) === 'function') { f(void 0, Cryptpad.getStore(true)); } return; }*/ if (ready) { if (typeof(f) === 'function') { f(void 0, Store); } } else { init(f, Cryptpad); } }; return Store; });