define([ '/common/common-hash.js', '/common/common-util.js', '/common/userObject.js', '/bower_components/nthen/index.js', '/bower_components/chainpad-crypto/crypto.js', '/bower_components/chainpad-listmap/chainpad-listmap.js', '/bower_components/chainpad/chainpad.dist.js', ], function (Hash, Util, UserObject, nThen, Crypto, Listmap, ChainPad) { var SF = {}; /* load create and load a proxy using listmap for a given shared folder - config: network and "manager" (either the user one or a team manager) - id: shared folder id */ var allSharedFolders = {}; // No version: visible edit // Version 2: encrypted edit links SF.checkMigration = function (secondaryKey, proxy, uo, _cb) { var cb = Util.once(Util.mkAsync(_cb)); var drive = || proxy; // View access: can't migrate if (!secondaryKey) { return void cb(); } // Already migrated: nothing to do if (drive.version >= 2) { return void cb(); } // Not yet migrating: migrate if (!drive.migrateRo) { return void uo.migrateReadOnly(cb); } // Already migrating: wait for the end... var done = false; var to; var it = setInterval(function () { if (drive.version >= 2) { done = true; clearTimeout(to); clearInterval(it); return void cb(); } }, 100); to = setTimeout(function () { clearInterval(it); uo.migrateReadOnly(function () { done = true; cb(); }); }, 20000); var path = ? ['drive', 'version'] : ['version']; proxy.on('change', path, function () { if (done) { return; } if (drive.version >= 2) { done = true; clearTimeout(to); clearInterval(it); cb(); } }); }; // SFMIGRATION: only needed if we want a manual migration from the share modal... SF.migrate = function (channel) { var sf = allSharedFolders[channel]; if (!sf) { return; } var clients = sf.teams; if (!Array.isArray(clients) || !clients.length) { return; } var c = clients[0]; // No secondaryKey? ==> already migrated ==> abort if (!c.secondaryKey) { return; } var f = Util.find(c, ['store', 'manager', 'folders',]); // Can't find the folder: abort if (!f) { return; } // Already migrated: abort if (!f.proxy || f.proxy.version) { return; } f.userObject.migrateReadOnly(function () { clients.forEach(function (obj) { var uo = Util.find(obj, ['store', 'manager', 'folders',, 'userObject']); uo.setReadOnly(false, obj.secondarykey); }); }); }; SF.load = function (config, id, data, _cb) { var cb = Util.once(Util.mkAsync(_cb)); var network =; var store =; var isNew = config.isNew; var isNewChannel = config.isNewChannel; var teamId =; var handler = store.handleSharedFolder; var href = store.manager.user.userObject.getHref(data); var parsed = Hash.parsePadUrl(href); var secret = Hash.getSecrets('drive', parsed.hash, data.password); // If we don't have valid keys, abort and remove the proxy to make sure // we don't block the drive permanently if (!secret.keys) { store.manager.deprecateProxy(id); return void cb(null); } var secondaryKey = secret.keys.secondaryKey; // If we try to load an existing shared folder (isNew === false) but this folder // doesn't exist in the database, abort and cb nThen(function (waitFor) { isNewChannel(null, { channel: }, waitFor(function (obj) { if (obj.isNew && !isNew) { store.manager.deprecateProxy(id,; waitFor.abort(); return void cb(null); } })); }).nThen(function () { var sf = allSharedFolders[]; if (sf && sf.readOnly && secondaryKey) { // We were in readOnly mode and now we know the edit keys! SF.upgrade(, secret); } if (sf && sf.ready && sf.rt) { // The shared folder is already loaded, return its data setTimeout(function () { var leave = function () { SF.leave(, teamId); }; /* var uo = store.manager.addProxy(id, sf.rt, leave, secondaryKey); // NOTE: Shared folder migration, disable for now SF.checkMigration(secondaryKey, sf.rt.proxy, uo, function () { cb(sf.rt, sf.metadata); }); */ store.manager.addProxy(id, sf.rt, leave, secondaryKey); cb(sf.rt, sf.metadata); }); sf.teams.push({ cb: cb, store: store, id: id }); if (handler) { handler(id, sf.rt); } return; } if (sf && !sf.ready && sf.rt) { // The shared folder is loading, add our callbacks to the queue sf.teams.push({ cb: cb, store: store, secondaryKey: secondaryKey, id: id }); if (handler) { handler(id, sf.rt); } return; } sf = allSharedFolders[] = { teams: [{ cb: cb, store: store, secondaryKey: secondaryKey, id: id }], readOnly: !Boolean(secondaryKey) }; var owners = data.owners; var listmapConfig = { data: {}, channel:, readOnly: !Boolean(secondaryKey), crypto: Crypto.createEncryptor(secret.keys), userName: 'sharedFolder', logLevel: 1, ChainPad: ChainPad, classic: true, network: network, metadata: { validateKey: secret.keys.validateKey || undefined, owners: owners } }; var rt = sf.rt = Listmap.create(listmapConfig); rt.proxy.on('ready', function (info) { if (isNew && !Object.keys(rt.proxy).length) { // New Shared folder: no migration required rt.proxy.version = 2; } if (!sf.teams) { return; } sf.teams.forEach(function (obj) { var leave = function () { SF.leave(,; }; /* var uo =, rt, leave, obj.secondaryKey); // NOTE: Shared folder migration, disable for now SF.checkMigration(secondaryKey, rt.proxy, uo, function () { obj.cb(sf.rt, info.metadata); }); */, rt, leave, obj.secondaryKey); obj.cb(sf.rt, info.metadata); }); sf.metadata = info.metadata; sf.ready = true; }); rt.proxy.on('error', function (info) { if (info && info.error) { if (info.error === "EDELETED" ) { try { // Deprecate the shared folder from each team // We can only hide it sf.teams.forEach(function (obj) {,; if ( {, null); } }); } catch (e) {} delete allSharedFolders[]; // This shouldn't be called on init because we're calling "isNewChannel" first, // but we can still call "cb" just in case. This wait we make sure we won't block // the initial "waitFor" return void cb(); } if (info.error === "ERESTRICTED" ) { // This shouldn't happen: allow list are disabled for shared folders // but call "cb" to make sure we won't block the initial "waitFor" sf.teams.forEach(function (obj) {,; }); delete allSharedFolders[]; return void cb(); } } }); if (handler) { handler(id, rt); } }); }; SF.upgrade = function (channel, secret) { var sf = allSharedFolders[channel]; if (!sf || !sf.readOnly) { return; } if (!sf.rt.setReadOnly) { return; } if (!secret.keys || !secret.keys.editKeyStr) { return; } var crypto = Crypto.createEncryptor(secret.keys); sf.readOnly = false; sf.rt.setReadOnly(false, crypto); }; SF.leave = function (channel, teamId) { var sf = allSharedFolders[channel]; if (!sf) { return; } var clients = sf.teams; if (!Array.isArray(clients)) { return; } // Remove the shared folder from the client's store and // remove the client/team from our list var idx; clients.some(function (obj, i) { if ( === teamId) { if ( {, null); } idx = i; return true; } }); if (typeof (idx) === "undefined") { return; } // Remove the selected team clients.splice(idx, 1); //If all the teams have closed this shared folder, stop it if (clients.length) { return; } if (sf.rt && sf.rt.stop) { sf.rt.stop(); } }; // Update the password locally SF.updatePassword = function (Store, data, network, cb) { var oldChannel = data.oldChannel; var href = data.href; var password = data.password; var parsed = Hash.parsePadUrl(href); var secret = Hash.getSecrets(parsed.type, parsed.hash, password); var sf = allSharedFolders[oldChannel]; if (!sf) { return void cb({ error: 'ENOTFOUND' }); } if (sf.rt && sf.rt.stop) { try { sf.rt.stop(); } catch (e) {} } var nt = nThen; sf.teams.forEach(function (obj) { nt = nt(function (waitFor) { var s =; var sfId =; var shared = Util.find(s.proxy, ['drive', UserObject.SHARED_FOLDERS]) || {}; if (!sfId || !shared[sfId]) { return; } var sf = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(shared[sfId])); sf.password = password; SF.load({ network: network, store: s, isNewChannel: Store.isNewChannel }, sfId, sf, waitFor()); if (!s.rpc) { return; } s.rpc.unpin([oldChannel], waitFor());[], waitFor()); }).nThen; }); nt(function () { cb(); }); }; /* loadSharedFolders load all shared folder stored in a given drive - store: user or team main store - userObject: userObject associated to the main drive - handler: a function (sfid, rt) called for each shared folder loaded */ SF.loadSharedFolders = function (Store, network, store, userObject, waitFor) { var shared = Util.find(store.proxy, ['drive', UserObject.SHARED_FOLDERS]) || {}; var w = waitFor(); nThen(function (waitFor) { Object.keys(shared).forEach(function (id) { var sf = shared[id]; SF.load({ network: network, store: store, isNewChannel: Store.isNewChannel }, id, sf, waitFor()); }); }).nThen(function () { setTimeout(w); }); }; return SF; });