define([ '/api/config?cb=' + Math.random().toString(16).substring(2), '/common/messages.js', '/common/crypto.js', '/_socket/realtime-input.js', '/common/convert.js', '/_socket/toolbar.js', '/common/cursor.js', '/common/json-ot.js', '/bower_components/diff-dom/diffDOM.js', '/bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js', '/customize/pad.js' ], function (Config, Messages, Crypto, realtimeInput, Convert, Toolbar, Cursor, JsonOT) { var $ = window.jQuery; var ifrw = $('#pad-iframe')[0].contentWindow; var Ckeditor; // to be initialized later... var DiffDom = window.diffDOM; window.Convert = Convert; window.Toolbar = Toolbar; var userName = Crypto.rand64(8), toolbar; var module = {}; var isNotMagicLine = function (el) { // factor as: // return !(el.tagName === 'SPAN' && el.contentEditable === 'false'); var filter = (el.tagName === 'SPAN' && el.contentEditable === 'false'); if (filter) { console.log("[hyperjson.serializer] prevented an element" + "from being serialized:", el); return false; } return true; }; var setRandomizedInterval = function (func, target, range) { var timeout; var again = function () { timeout = setTimeout(function () { again(); func(); }, target - (range / 2) + Math.random() * range); }; again(); return { cancel: function () { if (timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = undefined; } } }; } var andThen = function (Ckeditor) { $(window).on('hashchange', function() { window.location.reload(); }); if (window.location.href.indexOf('#') === -1) { window.location.href = window.location.href + '#' + Crypto.genKey(); return; } var fixThings = false; var key = Crypto.parseKey(window.location.hash.substring(1)); var editor = window.editor = Ckeditor.replace('editor1', { // needsBrFiller: fixThings, needsNbspFiller: fixThings, removeButtons: 'Source,Maximize', // magicline plugin inserts html crap into the document which is not part of the // document itself and causes problems when it's sent across the wire and reflected back // but we filter it now, so that's ok. removePlugins: 'resize' }); editor.on('instanceReady', function (Ckeditor) { editor.execCommand('maximize'); var documentBody = ifrw.$('iframe')[0].contentDocument.body; documentBody.innerHTML = Messages.initialState; var inner = window.inner = documentBody; var cursor = window.cursor = Cursor(inner); var $textarea = $('#feedback'); var setEditable = function (bool) { = bool? 'unset': 'grey'; inner.setAttribute('contenteditable', bool); }; // don't let the user edit until the pad is ready setEditable(false); var diffOptions = { preDiffApply: function (info) { /* TODO DiffDOM will filter out magicline plugin elements in practice this will make it impossible to use it while someone else is typing, which could be annoying we should check when such an element is going to be removed, and prevent that from happening. */ // no use trying to recover the cursor if it doesn't exist if (!cursor.exists()) { return; } /* frame is either 0, 1, 2, or 3, depending on which cursor frames were affected: none, first, last, or both */ var frame = info.frame = cursor.inNode(info.node); if (!frame) { return; } if (typeof info.diff.oldValue === 'string' && typeof info.diff.newValue === 'string') { var pushes = cursor.pushDelta(info.diff.oldValue, info.diff.newValue); if (frame & 1) { // push cursor start if necessary if (pushes.commonStart < cursor.Range.start.offset) { cursor.Range.start.offset +=; } } if (frame & 2) { // push cursor end if necessary if (pushes.commonStart < cursor.Range.end.offset) { cursor.Range.end.offset +=; } } } }, postDiffApply: function (info) { if (info.frame) { if (info.node) { if (info.frame & 1) { cursor.fixStart(info.node); } if (info.frame & 2) { cursor.fixEnd(info.node); } } else { console.error("info.node did not exist"); } var sel = cursor.makeSelection(); var range = cursor.makeRange(); cursor.fixSelection(sel, range); } } }; var initializing = true; var assertStateMatches = function () { var userDocState = module.realtimeInput.realtime.getUserDoc(); var currentState = $textarea.val(); if (currentState !== userDocState) { console.log({ userDocState: userDocState, currentState: currentState }); throw new Error("currentState !== userDocState"); } }; var updateDebugTextarea = function (shjson) { window.setTimeout(function () { $textarea.val(shjson); }, 0); }; var now = function () { return new Date().getTime() }; var DD = new DiffDom(diffOptions); // apply patches, and try not to lose the cursor in the process! var applyHjson = function (shjson) { //setEditable(false); var userDocStateDom =; userDocStateDom.setAttribute("contenteditable", "true"); // lol wtf //assertStateMatches(); var patch = (DD).diff(inner, userDocStateDom); (DD).apply(inner, patch); // push back to the textarea so we get a userDocState //setEditable(true); }; var onRemote = function (info) { if (initializing) { return; } var shjson = info.realtime.getUserDoc(); // remember where the cursor is cursor.update(); // build a dom from HJSON, diff, and patch the editor applyHjson(shjson); //updateDebugTextarea(shjson); var shjson2 = JSON.stringify(Convert.core.hyperjson.fromDOM(inner)); if (shjson2 !== shjson) { rti.patchText(shjson2); } }; var onInit = function (info) { var $bar = $('#pad-iframe')[0].contentWindow.$('#cke_1_toolbox'); toolbar = info.realtime.toolbar = Toolbar.create($bar, userName, info.realtime); /* TODO handle disconnects and such*/ }; var onReady = function (info) { console.log("Unlocking editor"); initializing = false; setEditable(true); var shjson = info.realtime.getUserDoc(); applyHjson(shjson); }; var onAbort = function (info) { console.log("Aborting the session!"); // stop the user from continuing to edit // by setting the editable to false setEditable(false); toolbar.failed(); }; var realtimeOptions = { // configuration :D doc: inner, // first thing called onInit: onInit, onReady: onReady, // when remote changes occur onRemote: onRemote, // handle aborts onAbort: onAbort, // provide initialstate... initialState: JSON.stringify(Convert.core.hyperjson.fromDOM(inner, isNotMagicLine)), // really basic operational transform // reject patch if it results in invalid JSON transformFunction : JsonOT.validate, websocketURL: Config.websocketURL, // username userName: userName, // communication channel name channel:, // encryption key cryptKey: key.cryptKey }; var rti = module.realtimeInput = realtimeInput.start(realtimeOptions); // FIXME Spaghetti code. realtime-input needs access to this variable.. var propogate = window.cryptpad_propogate = function () { var shjson = JSON.stringify(Convert.core.hyperjson.fromDOM(inner, isNotMagicLine)); if (!rti.patchText(shjson)) { return; } rti.onEvent(shjson); }; var testInput = function (el, offset) { var i = 0, j = offset, input = "The quick red fox jumps over the lazy brown dog. ", l = input.length, errors = 0, max_errors = 15, interval; var cancel = function () { if (interval) { interval.cancel(); } }; interval = setRandomizedInterval(function () { propogate(); try { el.replaceData(j, 0, input.charAt(i)); } catch (err) { errors++; if (errors >= max_errors) { console.log("Max error number exceeded"); cancel(); } console.error(err); var next = document.createTextNode("-"); window.inner.appendChild(next); el = next; j = -1; } i = (i + 1) % l; j++; }, 200, 50); return { cancel: cancel }; }; var easyTest = window.easyTest = function () { cursor.update(); var start = cursor.Range.start; var test = testInput(start.el, start.offset); propogate(); return test; }; editor.on('change', propogate); }); }; var interval = 100; var first = function () { Ckeditor = ifrw.CKEDITOR; if (Ckeditor) { andThen(Ckeditor); } else { console.log("Ckeditor was not defined. Trying again in %sms",interval); setTimeout(first, interval); } }; $(first); });