define([ 'jquery', '/api/config', '/common/hyperscript.js', '/common/common-feedback.js', '/common/common-interface.js', '/common/common-hash.js', '/common/textFit.min.js', '/customize/messages.js', '/customize/application_config.js', '/common/outer/local-store.js', '/customize/pages.js' ], function ($, Config, h, Feedback, UI, Hash, TextFit, Msg, AppConfig, LocalStore, Pages) { var urlArgs = Config.requireConf.urlArgs; var isAvailableType = function (x) { if (!Array.isArray(AppConfig.availablePadTypes)) { return true; } return AppConfig.availablePadTypes.indexOf(x) !== -1; }; var checkRegisteredType = function (x) { // Return true if we're registered or if the app is not registeredOnly if (LocalStore.isLoggedIn()) { return true; } if (!Array.isArray(AppConfig.registeredOnlyTypes)) { return true; } return AppConfig.registeredOnlyTypes.indexOf(x) === -1; }; return function () { var icons = [ [ 'pad', Msg.type.pad], [ 'code', Msg.type.code], [ 'slide', Msg.type.slide], [ 'sheet', Msg.type.sheet], [ 'poll', Msg.type.poll], [ 'kanban', Msg.type.kanban], [ 'whiteboard', Msg.type.whiteboard], [ 'drive',] ].filter(function (x) { return isAvailableType(x[0]); }) .map(function (x) { var s = '' + x[0]; var isEnabled = checkRegisteredType(x[0]); //if (i > 2) { s += '.cp-more.cp-hidden'; } var icon = AppConfig.applicationsIcon[x[0]]; var font = icon.indexOf('cptools') === 0 ? 'cptools' : 'fa'; var href = '/'+ x[0] +'/'; var attr = isEnabled ? { href: href } : { onclick: function () { var loginURL = Hash.hashToHref('', 'login'); var url = Hash.getNewPadURL(loginURL, { href: href }); window.location.href = url; } }; if (!isEnabled) { s += '.cp-app-disabled'; attr.title = Msg.mustLogin; } return h('a', [ attr, h(s, [ h('i.' + font + '.' + icon, {'aria-hidden': 'true'}), h('div.pad-button-text', [ x[1] ]) ]) ]); }); icons.forEach(function (a) { setTimeout(function () { TextFit($(a).find('.pad-button-text')[0], {minFontSize: 13, maxFontSize: 18}); }); }); UI.addTooltips(); var subscribeButton; /* Display a subscribe button if they are enabled and the button's translation key exists */ if (Config.allowSubscriptions && Msg.subscribe_button) { subscribeButton = Pages.subscribeButton(function () { Feedback.send('HOME_SUBSCRIBE_CRYPTPAD'); }); } var blocks = [ h('div.row.cp-page-section', [ h('div.col-sm-6', h('img.img-fluid.cp-img-invert', { src:'/customize/images/shredder.png', alt:'', 'aria-hidden': 'true' }) ), h('div.col-sm-6', [ h('h2', Msg.home_privacy_title), h('p', Msg.home_privacy_text) ]) ]), h('div.row.cp-page-section', h('div.col-sm-12', [ h('h2', Msg.home_host_title), h('p'), Msg.home_host ]) ), h('div.row.cp-page-section', [ h('div.col-sm-6', [ h('h2', Msg.home_opensource_title), Pages.setHTML(h('p'), Msg.home_opensource), h('img.small-logo.cp-img-invert', { src: '/customize/images/logo_AGPLv3.svg', alt: 'APGL3 License Logo' }) ]), h('div.col-sm-6', [ h('h2', Msg.home_support_title), Pages.setHTML(h('span'), Msg.home_support), subscribeButton, Pages.crowdfundingButton(function () { Feedback.send('HOME_SUPPORT_CRYPTPAD'); }), ]) ]) ]; var notice; if (AppConfig.homeNotice) { notice = h('div.alert.alert-info', h('span', AppConfig.homeNotice)); } return [ h('div#cp-main', [ Pages.infopageTopbar(), h('div.container.cp-container', [ h('div.row.cp-home-hero', [ h('div.cp-title.col-md-7', [ h('img', { src: '/customize/CryptPad_logo.svg?' + urlArgs, 'aria-hidden': 'true', alt: '' }), h('h1', 'CryptPad'), UI.setHTML(h('span.tag-line'), Msg.main_catch_phrase) ]), h('div.col-md-5.cp-app-grid', [ icons, ]) ]), notice, blocks ]), Pages.infopageFooter(), ]), ]; }; });