define([ '/api/config?cb=' + Math.random().toString(16).substring(2), '/bower_components/chainpad-listmap/chainpad-listmap.js', '/bower_components/chainpad-crypto/crypto.js', '/common/cryptpad-common.js', 'credential.js', '/bower_components/tweetnacl/nacl-fast.min.js', '/bower_components/scrypt-async/scrypt-async.min.js', // better load speed '/bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js', ], function (Config, Listmap, Crypto, Cryptpad, Cred) { var $ = window.jQuery; var Nacl = window.nacl; var USERNAME_KEY = 'cryptpad.username'; var APP = window.APP = { Cryptpad: Cryptpad, Crypto: Crypto, }; var $warning = $('#warning'); // login elements var $loginBox = $('#login-panel'); var $login = $('#login'); var $username = $('#username'); var $password = $('#password'); var $remember = $('#remember'); // hashing elements var $noticeBox = $('#notice-panel'); var $notice = $('#notice'); APP.setNotice = function (s) { $notice.text(s); }; // confirm elements var $confirmBox = $('#confirm-panel'); var $confirm = $('#confirm'); var $cancelRegister = $('#cancel-register'); var $register = $('#register'); // log out elements var $logoutBox = $('#logout-panel'); var $logout = $('#logout'); // user elements var $userBox = $('#user-panel'); var $displayNameLabel = $('#display-name'); var $userNameLabel = $('#user-name'); var revealer = function ($el) { return function (bool, cb) { $el[bool?'slideDown': 'slideUp'](400, cb); }; }; var revealLogin = APP.revealLogin = revealer($loginBox); var revealNotice = APP.revealNotice = revealer($noticeBox); var revealConfirm = APP.revealConfirm = revealer($confirmBox); var revealLogout = APP.revealLogout= revealer($logoutBox); var revealUser = APP.revealUser = revealer($userBox); var getDisplayName = APP.getDisplayName = function (proxy) { return proxy['cryptpad.username']; }; var getAccountName = APP.getAccountName = function (proxy) { return proxy.login_name; }; APP.setAccountName = function (user) { $userNameLabel.text(user || 'unknown'); }; APP.setDisplayName = function (display) { $displayNameLabel.text(display || 'anonymous'); }; var resetUI = APP.resetUI = function () { $username.val(""); $password.val(""); $confirm.val(""); APP.setAccountName(''); APP.setDisplayName(''); }; APP.abort = function () { if (!(APP.realtime && APP.realtime.abort)) { return; } console.log('aborting realtime session'); APP.realtime.abort(); }; APP.logout = function () { Cryptpad.confirm("Are you sure?", function (yes) { if (!yes) { return; } Cryptpad.logout(function () { revealLogout(false); revealLogin(true); revealUser(false); APP.abort(); $username.focus(); }); }); }; $ () { APP.logout(); }); var handleRegisteredUser = function (proxy, opt) { if (!proxy.atime) { console.log("first time visiting!"); } else { console.log("last login was %ss ago", ( - proxy.atime) / 1000); } // welcome back proxy.atime =; APP.setAccountName(getAccountName(proxy)); APP.setDisplayName(getDisplayName(proxy)); Cryptpad.login(opt.userHash, opt.remember); APP.revealLogin(false); APP.revealUser(true); APP.revealLogout(true); }; var abortRegistration = function () { if (!APP.confirming) { return; } APP.abort(); APP.revealConfirm(false); APP.revealLogin(true); }; $ () { abortRegistration(); }); $ () { if (!APP.confirming) { return; } if (typeof(APP.register) === 'function') { APP.register(); } }); var addEnterListener = function ($el, f) { $el.on('keyup', function (e) { if (e.which !== 13) { return; } // enter window.clearTimeout(; = window.setTimeout(function () { f(); window.clearTimeout(; }); }); }; addEnterListener($confirm, function () { $; }); addEnterListener($password, function () { $; }); var confirmPassword = function (proxy, passwd, cb) { APP.confirming = true; revealLogin(false); // reveal confirm box revealConfirm(true); $confirm.focus(); APP.register = function () { if ($confirm.val() === passwd) { return void Cryptpad.alert(Cryptpad.Messages.login_registerSuccess, cb); } Cryptpad.alert(Cryptpad.Messages.login_passwordMismatch, function (e) { e.preventDefault(); window.setTimeout(function () { $confirm.focus(); }, 75); }); }; }; var handleNewUser = function (proxy, opt) { // could not find a profile for that username/password confirmPassword(proxy, opt.password, function () { APP.confirming = false; APP.setAccountName((proxy.login_name =; APP.setDisplayName(APP.getDisplayName(proxy)); // remember your curve key proxy.curve = Cryptpad.uint8ArrayToHex(opt.curveSeed); // remember your ed seed proxy.ed = Cryptpad.uint8ArrayToHex(opt.edSeed); // remember the first time you visited proxy.ctime =; var next = function () { revealConfirm(false); handleRegisteredUser(proxy, opt); }; Cryptpad.confirm(Cryptpad.Messages.login_migrate, function (yes) { if (!yes) { return next(); } (e, keys) { if (e) { return void console.error(e); }, function (e, map) { if (e) { return void console.error(e); } keys.forEach(function (k) { console.log("migrating %s from existing store", k); proxy[k] = map[k]; }); delete localStorage.FS_hash; if (!proxy[USERNAME_KEY]) { proxy[USERNAME_KEY] =; } next(); }); }); }); }); }; var handleUser = function (proxy, opt) { var proxyKeys = Object.keys(proxy); var now = = +(new Date()); if (!proxyKeys.length) { return handleNewUser(proxy, opt); } handleRegisteredUser(proxy, opt); }; var useBytes = function (bytes, opt) { opt = opt || {}; if (opt.remember) { console.log("user would like to stay logged in"); } else { console.log("user would like to be forgotten"); } var dispense = Cred.dispenser(bytes); // dispense 18 bytes of entropy for your encryption key var encryptionSeed = dispense(18); // 16 bytes for a deterministic channel key var channelSeed = dispense(16); // 32 bytes for a curve key var curveSeed = opt.curveSeed = dispense(32); // 32 more for a signing key var edSeed = opt.edSeed = dispense(32); var keys = opt.keys = Crypto.createEditCryptor(null, encryptionSeed); // 24 bytes of base64 keys.editKeyStr = keys.editKeyStr.replace(/\//g, '-'); // 32 bytes of hex = Cryptpad.uint8ArrayToHex(channelSeed); var channelHex =; if (channelHex.length !== 32) { throw new Error('invalid channel id'); } var channel64 = opt.channel64 = Cryptpad.hexToBase64(channelHex); var userHash = opt.userHash = '/1/edit/' + [opt.channel64, opt.keys.editKeyStr].join('/'); var config = { websocketURL: Cryptpad.getWebsocketURL(), channel: channelHex, data: {}, validateKey: keys.validateKey, // derived validation key crypto: Crypto.createEncryptor(opt.keys), logLevel: 1, }; var rt = APP.rt = Listmap.create(config); rt.proxy.on('create', function (info) { APP.realtime = info.realtime; }) .on('ready', function (info) { console.log('ready'); handleUser(rt.proxy, opt); }) .on('disconnect', function (info) { console.log('disconnected'); console.log(info); }); }; Cryptpad.ready(function () { if (Cryptpad.getUserHash()) { revealLogout(true); var proxy = Cryptpad.getStore().getProxy().proxy; APP.setAccountName(proxy.login_name); APP.setDisplayName(getDisplayName(proxy)); revealUser(true); } else { revealLogin(true); } $username.focus(); $ () { var uname = $username.val().trim(); var passwd = $password.val(); var confirm = $confirm.val(); var remember = $remember[0].checked; if (!Cred.isValidUsername(uname)) { return void Cryptpad.alert('invalid username'); } if (!Cred.isValidPassword(passwd)) { return void Cryptpad.alert('invalid password'); } APP.setNotice(Cryptpad.Messages.login_hashing); revealNotice(true); revealLogin(false, function () { window.setTimeout(function () { resetUI(); // dispense 128 bytes, to be divided later // we can safely increase this size, but we don't need much right now Cred.deriveFromPassphrase(uname, passwd, 128, function (bytes) { revealNotice(false); window.setTimeout(function () { useBytes(bytes, { remember: remember, //register: register, name: uname, password: passwd, }); }, 75); }); }, 75); }); }); if (sessionStorage.login) { $username.val(sessionStorage.login_user); $password.val(sessionStorage.login_pass); $remember.attr('checked', sessionStorage.login_rmb === "true"); $; } if (sessionStorage.register) { $username.val(sessionStorage.login_user); $password.val(sessionStorage.login_pass); $remember.attr('checked', sessionStorage.login_rmb === "true"); } ['login', 'register', 'login_user', 'login_pass', 'login_rmb'].forEach(function (k) { delete sessionStorage[k]; }); }); });