define([ 'jquery', 'json.sortify', '/common/common-util.js', '/common/common-hash.js', '/common/hyperscript.js', '/common/common-interface.js', '/common/common-ui-elements.js', '/customize/messages.js' ], function($, Sortify, Util, Hash, h, UI, UIElements, Messages) { var Comments = {}; /* { authors: { "id": { name: "", curvePublic: "", avatar: "", profile: "" } }, data: { "uid": { m: [{ u: id, m: "str", // comment t: +new Date, v: "str", // value of the commented content e: undefined/1, // edited d: undefined/1, // deleted }], d: undefined/1, } } } */ var COMMENTS = { authors: {}, data: {} }; var canonicalize = function(t) { return t.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n'); }; var getAuthorId = function(Env, curve) { return Env.common.getAuthorId(Env.comments.authors, curve); }; // Return the author ID and add/update the data for registered users // Return the username for unregistered users var updateAuthorData = function(Env, onChange) { var userData = Env.metadataMgr.getUserData(); if (!Env.common.isLoggedIn()) { return; } var myAuthorId = getAuthorId(Env, userData.curvePublic); var data = Env.comments.authors[myAuthorId] = Env.comments.authors[myAuthorId] || {}; var old = Sortify(data); =; data.avatar = userData.avatar; data.profile = userData.profile; data.curvePublic = userData.curvePublic; data.notifications = userData.notifications; if (typeof(onChange) === "function" && Sortify(data) !== old) { onChange(); } return myAuthorId; }; var updateMetadata = function(Env) { var md = Util.clone(Env.metadataMgr.getMetadata()); md.comments = Util.clone(Env.comments); Env.metadataMgr.updateMetadata(md); }; var sendReplyNotification = function(Env, uid) { if (!Env.comments || ! || !Env.comments.authors) { return; } if (!Env.common.isLoggedIn()) { return; } var thread =[uid]; if (!thread || !Array.isArray(thread.m)) { return; } var userData = Env.metadataMgr.getUserData(); var privateData = Env.metadataMgr.getPrivateData(); var others = {}; // Get all the other registered users with a mailbox thread.m.forEach(function(obj) { var u = obj.u; if (typeof(u) !== "number") { return; } var author = Env.comments.authors[u]; if (!author || others[u] || !author.notifications || !author.curvePublic) { return; } if (author.curvePublic === userData.curvePublic) { return; } // don't send to yourself others[u] = { curvePublic: author.curvePublic, comment: obj.m, content: obj.v, notifications: author.notifications }; }); // Send the notification Object.keys(others).forEach(function(id) { var data = others[id]; Env.common.mailbox.sendTo("COMMENT_REPLY", { channel:, comment: data.comment.replace(/<[^>]*>/g, ''), content: data.content }, { channel: data.notifications, curvePublic: data.curvePublic }); }); }; var cleanMentions = function($el) { $el.html(''); var el = $el[0]; var allowed = ['data-profile', 'data-name', 'data-avatar', 'class']; // Remove unnecessary/unsafe attributes for (var i = el.attributes.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { var name = el.attributes[i] && el.attributes[i].name; if (allowed.indexOf(name) === -1) { $el.removeAttr(name); } } }; // Seletc all text of a contenteditable element var selectAll = function(element) { var selection = window.getSelection(); var range = document.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents(element); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); }; var getCommentForm = function(Env, reply, _cb, editContent) { var cb = Util.once(_cb); var userData = Env.metadataMgr.getUserData(); var name = Util.fixHTML( || Messages.anonymous); var avatar = h('span.cp-avatar'); var textarea = h('div.cp-textarea', { tabindex: 1, role: 'textbox', 'aria-multiline': true, 'aria-labelledby': 'cp-comments-label', 'aria-required': true, contenteditable: true, }); Env.common.displayAvatar($(avatar), userData.avatar, name); var cancel = h('button.btn.btn-cancel', { tabindex: 1 }, [ h('i.fa.fa-times'), Messages.cancel ]); var submit = h('button.btn.btn-primary', { tabindex: 1 }, [ h('i.fa.fa-paper-plane-o'), Messages.comments_submit ]); // List of allowed attributes in mentions $(submit).click(function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); var clone = textarea.cloneNode(true); var notify = {}; var $clone = $(clone); $clone.find('span.cp-mentions').each(function(i, el) { var $el = $(el); var curve = $el.attr('data-curve'); var notif = $el.attr('data-notifications'); cleanMentions($el, true); if (!curve || !notif) { return; } notify[curve] = notif; }); $clone.find('br').replaceWith("\n"); $clone.find('> *:not(.cp-mentions)').remove(); var content = clone.innerHTML.trim(); if (!content) { return; } // Send notification var privateData = Env.metadataMgr.getPrivateData(); var userData = Env.metadataMgr.getUserData(); Object.keys(notify).forEach(function(curve) { if (curve === userData.curvePublic) { return; } Env.common.mailbox.sendTo("MENTION", { channel:, }, { channel: notify[curve], curvePublic: curve }); }); // Push the content cb(content); }); $(cancel).click(function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); cb(); }); var $text = $(textarea).keydown(function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); if (e.which === 27) { $(cancel).click(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); } if (e.which === 13 && !e.shiftKey) { // Submit form on Enter is the autocompelte menu is not visible try { var visible = $text.autocomplete("instance")':visible'); if (visible) { return; } } catch (err) {} $(submit).click(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); e.preventDefault(); } }).click(function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); if (Env.common.isLoggedIn()) { var authors = {}; Object.keys((Env.comments && Env.comments.authors) || {}).forEach(function(id) { var obj = Util.clone(Env.comments.authors[id]); authors[obj.curvePublic] = obj; }); Env.common.addMentions({ $input: $text, contenteditable: true, type: 'contacts', sources: authors }); } var deleteButton; // Edit? start with the old content // Add a space to make sure we won't end with a mention and a bad cursor if (editContent) { textarea.innerHTML = editContent + " "; deleteButton = h('button.btn.btn-danger', { tabindex: 1 }, [ h('i.fa.fa-times'), Messages.kanban_delete ]); $(deleteButton).click(function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); cb(false); }); } setTimeout(function() { $(textarea).focus(); selectAll(textarea); }); return h('div.cp-comment-form' + (reply ? '.cp-comment-reply' : ''), { 'data-uid': reply || '' }, [ h('div.cp-comment-form-input', [ avatar, textarea ]), h('div.cp-comment-form-actions', [ cancel, deleteButton, submit ]) ]); }; var redrawComments = function(Env) { // Don't redraw if there were no change var str = Sortify(Env.comments || {}); if (str === Env.oldComments) { return; } Env.oldComments = str; // Store the cursor position if it's located in this form var oldSelection = window.getSelection(); var oldRangeObj; if ($(oldSelection.anchorNode).closest('.cp-comment-form').length) { var oldRange = oldSelection.getRangeAt && oldSelection.getRangeAt(0); oldRangeObj = { start: oldRange.startContainer, startO: oldRange.startOffset, end: oldRange.endContainer, endO: oldRange.endOffset }; } // Store existing input form in memory var $oldInput = Env.$container.find('.cp-comment-form').detach(); if ($oldInput.length !== 1) { $oldInput = undefined; } // Remove everything Env.$container.html(''); var hideBtn = h('button.cp-pad-hide.btn.btn-default.fa.fa-chevron-right'); var showBtn = h('button.cp-pad-show.btn.btn-default', { title: Messages.poll_comment_list }, [ h('i.fa.fa-comment') ]); var store = window.cryptpadStore; var key = 'hide-pad-comments'; $(hideBtn).click(function () { Env.$container.addClass('hidden'); Env.localHide = true; if (store) { store.put(key, '1'); } }); var $showBtn = $(showBtn).click(function () { Env.$container.removeClass('hidden'); Env.localHide = false; if (store) { store.put(key, '0'); } }); Env.$container.append([ showBtn, hideBtn, h('h2', Messages.poll_comment_list) ]); // "show" tells us if we need to display the "comments" column or not var show = false; // If we were adding a new comment, redraw our form if ($oldInput && !$oldInput.attr('data-uid')) { show = true; Env.$container.append($oldInput); } var userData = Env.metadataMgr.getUserData(); // Get all the comment threads in their order in the pad var threads = Env.$inner.find('comment').map(function(i, el) { return el.getAttribute('data-uid'); }).toArray(); // Draw all comment threads Util.deduplicateString(threads).forEach(function(key) { // Get thread data var obj =[key]; if (!obj || obj.d || !Array.isArray(obj.m) || !obj.m.length) { return; } // If at least one thread is visible, display the "comments" column show = true; var content = []; var $div; var $actions; // Draw all messages for this thread (obj.m || []).forEach(function(msg, i) { var replyCls = i === 0 ? '' : '.cp-comment-reply'; if (msg.d) { content.push(h('div.cp-comment.cp-comment-deleted' + replyCls, Messages.comments_deleted)); return; } var author = typeof(msg.u) === "number" ? ((Env.comments.authors || {})[msg.u] || {}) : { name: msg.u }; var name = Util.fixHTML( || Messages.anonymous); var date = new Date(msg.t); var avatar = h('span.cp-avatar'); Env.common.displayAvatar($(avatar), author.avatar, name); if (author.profile) { $(avatar).click(function(e) { Env.common.openURL(Hash.hashToHref(author.profile, 'profile')); e.stopPropagation(); }); } // Build sanitized html with mentions var m = h('div.cp-comment-content'); m.innerHTML = msg.m; var $m = $(m); $m.find('> *:not(span.cp-mentions)').remove(); $m.find('span.cp-mentions').each(function(i, el) { var $el = $(el); var name = $el.attr('data-name'); var avatarUrl = $el.attr('data-avatar'); var profile = $el.attr('data-profile'); if (!name && !avatarUrl && !profile) { $el.remove(); return; } cleanMentions($el); var avatar = h('span.cp-avatar'); Env.common.displayAvatar($(avatar), avatarUrl, name); $el.append([ avatar, h('span.cp-mentions-name', name) ]); if (profile) { $el.attr('tabindex', 1); $el.addClass('cp-mentions-clickable').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); Env.common.openURL(Hash.hashToHref(profile, 'profile')); }).focus(function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); } }); // edited state var edited; if (msg.e) { edited = h('div.cp-comment-edited', Messages.comments_edited); } var container; // Add edit button when applicable (last message of the thread, written by ourselves) var edit; if (i === (obj.m.length - 1) && author.curvePublic === userData.curvePublic) { edit = h('span.cp-comment-edit', { tabindex: 1, title: Messages.clickToEdit }, h('i.fa.fa-pencil')); $(edit).click(function(e) { Env.$container.find('.cp-comment-active').removeClass('cp-comment-active'); $div.addClass('cp-comment-active'); e.stopPropagation(); Env.$container.find('.cp-comment-form').remove(); if ($actions) { $actions.hide(); } var form = getCommentForm(Env, key, function(val) { // Show the "reply" and "resolve" buttons again $(form).closest('.cp-comment-container') .find('.cp-comment-actions').css('display', ''); $(form).remove(); if (typeof(val) === "undefined") { return; } var obj =[key]; if (!obj || !Array.isArray(obj.m)) { return; } var msg = obj.m[i]; if (!msg) { return; } // i is our index if (val === false) { msg.d = 1; if (container) { $(container).addClass('cp-comment-deleted') .html(Messages.comments_deleted); } if (obj.m.length === 1) { delete[key]; } } else { msg.e = 1; msg.m = val; } // Send to chainpad updateMetadata(Env); Env.framework.localChange(); }, m.innerHTML); if (!$div) { return; } $div.append(form); }); } // Add the comment content.push(container = h('div.cp-comment' + replyCls, [ h('div.cp-comment-header', [ avatar, h('span.cp-comment-metadata', [ h('span.cp-comment-author', name), h('span.cp-comment-time', date.toLocaleString()) ]), edit ]), m, edited ])); }); var reply = h('button.btn.btn-secondary', { tabindex: 1 }, [ h('i.fa.fa-reply'), Messages.comments_reply ]); var resolve = h('button.btn.btn-primary', { tabindex: 1 }, [ h('i.fa.fa-check'), Messages.comments_resolve ]); var actions; content.push(actions = h('div.cp-comment-actions', [ reply, resolve ])); $actions = $(actions); var div; Env.$container.append(div = h('div.cp-comment-container', { 'data-uid': key, tabindex: 1 }, content)); $div = $(div); $(reply).click(function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); $actions.hide(); var form = getCommentForm(Env, key, function(val) { // Show the "reply" and "resolve" buttons again $(form).closest('.cp-comment-container') .find('.cp-comment-actions').css('display', ''); $(form).remove(); if (!val) { return; } var obj =[key]; if (!obj || !Array.isArray(obj.m)) { return; } // Get the value of the commented text var res = Env.$inner.find('comment[data-uid="' + key + '"]').toArray(); var value = { return el.innerText; }).join('\n'); // Push the reply var user = updateAuthorData(Env); obj.m.push({ u: user, // id (number) or name (string) t: +new Date(), m: val, v: value }); // Notify other users sendReplyNotification(Env, key); // Send to chainpad updateMetadata(Env); Env.framework.localChange(); }); $div.append(form); // Make sure the submit button is visible: scroll by the height of the form setTimeout(function() { var yContainer = Env.$container[0].getBoundingClientRect().bottom; var yActions = form.getBoundingClientRect().bottom; if (yActions > yContainer) { Env.$container.scrollTop(Env.$container.scrollTop() + 55); } }); }); UI.confirmButton(resolve, { classes: 'btn-danger' }, function() { // Delete the comment delete[key]; // Send to chainpad updateMetadata(Env); Env.framework.localChange(); }); var focusContent = function() { // Add class "active" Env.$inner.find('').removeClass('active'); Env.$inner.find('comment[data-uid="' + key + '"]').addClass('active'); var $last = Env.$inner.find('comment[data-uid="' + key + '"]').last(); // Scroll into view if (!$last.length) { return; } var visible = UIElements.isVisible($last[0], Env.$contentContainer); if (!visible) { $last[0].scrollIntoView(); } }; $div.on('click focus', function(e) { // Prevent the click event to propagate if we're already selected // The propagation to #cp-app-pad-inner would trigger the "unselect" handler e.stopPropagation(); if ($div.hasClass('cp-comment-active')) { return; } Env.$container.find('.cp-comment-active').removeClass('cp-comment-active'); $div.addClass('cp-comment-active'); $actions.css('display', ''); Env.$container.find('.cp-comment-form').remove(); focusContent(); var visible = UIElements.isVisible(div, Env.$container); if (!visible) { div.scrollIntoView(); } }); if ($oldInput && $oldInput.attr('data-uid') === key) { $div.addClass('cp-comment-active'); $actions.hide(); $div.append($oldInput); $oldInput.find('textarea').focus(); focusContent(); } }); // Restore selection if (oldRangeObj) { setTimeout(function() { if (!oldRangeObj) { return; } var range = document.createRange(); range.setStart(oldRangeObj.start, oldRangeObj.startO); range.setEnd(oldRangeObj.end, oldRangeObj.endO); var sel = window.getSelection(); sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.addRange(range); }); } // Hidden or visible? check pad settings first, then browser otherwise hide var md = Util.clone(Env.metadataMgr.getMetadata()); var hide = false; if (typeof(md.defaultComments) === "undefined") { if (typeof([key]) === 'undefined') { hide = !show; // Hide if there are no comments } else { hide =[key] === '1'; } } else { hide = md.defaultComments === 0; } // If we've clicked on the show/hide buttons, always use our latest local value if (typeof(Env.localHide) === "boolean") { hide = Env.localHide; } if ( { hide = false; } Env.$container.removeClass('hidden'); if (hide) { Env.$container.addClass('hidden'); } $showBtn.removeClass('notif'); if (show) { $showBtn.addClass('notif'); } if ( && Env.current) { Env.$container.find('.cp-comment-container[data-uid]').hide(); Env.$container.find('.cp-comment-container[data-uid="' + Env.current + '"]').show(); } Env.$; }; var onChange = function(Env) { var md = Util.clone(Env.metadataMgr.getMetadata()); Env.comments = md.comments; var changed = false; if (!Env.comments || ! { changed = true; Env.comments = Util.clone(COMMENTS); } if (Env.ready === 0) { Env.ready = true; updateAuthorData(Env, function() { changed = true; }); // On ready, if our user data have changed or if we've added the initial structure // of the comments, push the changes if (changed) { updateMetadata(Env); Env.framework.localChange(); } } else if (Env.ready) { // Everytime there is a metadata change, check if our user data have changed // and push the updates if necessary updateAuthorData(Env, function() { updateMetadata(Env); Env.framework.localChange(); }); } redrawComments(Env); }; // Check if comments have been deleted from the document but not from metadata var checkDeleted = function(Env) { if (!Env.comments || ! { return; } // Don't recheck if there were no change var str = Env.$inner[0].innerHTML; if (str === Env.oldCheck) { return; } Env.oldCheck = str; // If there is no comment stored in the metadata, abort var comments = Object.keys( || {}).filter(function(id) { return ![id].d; }); var changed = false; // Get the comments from the document var toUncomment = {}; var uids = Env.$inner.find('comment').map(function(i, el) { var id = el.getAttribute('data-uid'); // Empty comment: remove from dom if (!el.innerHTML && el.parentElement) { el.parentElement.removeChild(el); changed = true; return; } // Comment not in the metadata: uncomment (probably an undo) var obj =[id]; if (!obj) { toUncomment[id] = toUncomment[id] || []; toUncomment[id].push(el); changed = true; return; } // If this comment was deleted, we're probably using "undo" to restore it: // remove the "deleted" state and continue if (obj.d) { delete obj.d; changed = true; } return id; }).toArray(); if (Object.keys(toUncomment).length) { Object.keys(toUncomment).forEach(function(id) { Env.editor.plugins.comments.uncomment(id, toUncomment[id]); }); } // Check if a comment has been deleted comments.forEach(function(uid) { if (uids.indexOf(uid) !== -1) { return; } // comment has been deleted var data =[uid]; if (!data) { return; } data.d = 1; //delete[uid]; changed = true; }); if (changed) { updateMetadata(Env); } }; var removeCommentBubble = function(Env) { Env.bubble = undefined; Env.$contentContainer.find('.cp-comment-bubble').remove(); }; var updateBubble = function(Env) { if (!Env.bubble) { return; } var pos = Env.bubble.range.getClientRects()[0]; var left = pos.x + pos.width; Env.bubble.button.setAttribute('style', 'top:' + pos.y + 'px; left: '+left+'px'); }; var addCommentBubble = function(Env) { var ranges = Env.editor.getSelectedRanges(); if (!ranges.length) { return; } var button = h('button.btn.btn-secondary', { title: Messages.comments_comment }, h('i.fa.fa-commenting')); Env.bubble = { range: ranges[ranges.length-1], button: button }; $(button).click(function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); Env.editor.execCommand('comment'); Env.bubble = undefined; removeCommentBubble(Env); }); Env.$contentContainer.find('iframe').before(h('div.cp-comment-bubble', button)); updateBubble(Env); }; var isEditable = function (document) { try { return document.body.getAttribute('contenteditable') === 'true'; } catch (err) { return false; } }; var addAddCommentHandler = function(Env) { Env.editor.plugins.comments.addComment = function(uid, addMark) { if (!Env.ready) { return; } if (!Env.comments) { Env.comments = Util.clone(COMMENTS); } // Get all comments ID contained within the selection var applicable = Env.editor.plugins.comments.isApplicable(); if (!applicable || !isEditable(Env.ifrWindow.document)) { // Abort if our selection contains a comment UI.warn(Messages.comments_error); return; } // Remove active class on other comments Env.$container.find('.cp-comment-active').removeClass('cp-comment-active'); Env.$container.find('.cp-comment-form').remove(); Env.$container.removeClass('hidden'); Env.localHide = false; var form = getCommentForm(Env, false, function(val) { $(form).remove(); Env.$inner.focus(); if (!val) { addCommentBubble(Env); return; } var applicable = Env.editor.plugins.comments.isApplicable(); if (!applicable || !isEditable(Env.ifrWindow.document)) { // text has been deleted by another user while we were typing our comment? return void UI.warn(Messages.error); } // Don't override existing data if ([uid]) { return; } var user = updateAuthorData(Env);[uid] = { m: [{ u: user, // Id or name t: +new Date(), m: val, v: canonicalize(Env.editor.getSelection().getSelectedText()) }] }; Env.current = uid; // There may be a race condition between updateMetadata and addMark that causes // * updateMetadata first: comment not rendered (redrawComments called // before addMark) // * addMark first: comment deleted (checkDeleted called before updateMetadata) // ==> we're going to call updateMetadata first, and we'll invalidate the cache // of rendered comments to display them properly in redrawComments updateMetadata(Env); addMark(); Env.framework.localChange(); Env.oldComments = undefined; }); Env.$; Env.$container.find('> h2').after(form); if (Env.modal) { UI.openCustomModal(Env.modal); Env.current = undefined; Env.$container.find('.cp-comment-container[data-uid]').hide(); } }; Env.$iframe.on('scroll', function() { updateBubble(Env); }); $(Env.ifrWindow.document).on('selectionchange', function() { removeCommentBubble(Env); var comments = Env.editor.plugins.comments; var applicable = comments.isApplicable(); if (!applicable || !isEditable(Env.ifrWindow.document)) { return void comments.command.setState(0); } addCommentBubble(Env); comments.command.setState(2); }); }; var onContentUpdate = function(Env) { if (!Env.ready) { return; } // Check deleted onChange(Env); checkDeleted(Env); }; var ready = function(Env) { Env.ready = 0; onChange(Env); // If you're the only edit user online, clear "deleted" comments if (!Env.common.isLoggedIn()) { return; } var users = Env.metadataMgr.getMetadata().users || {}; var isNotAlone = Object.keys(users).length > 1; if (isNotAlone) { return; } // Clear data var data = (Env.comments && || {}; Object.keys(data).forEach(function(uid) { if (data[uid].d) { delete data[uid]; } }); // Commit updateMetadata(Env); Env.framework.localChange(); }; Comments.create = function(cfg) { var Env = cfg; Env.comments = Util.clone(COMMENTS); // Add invisible label for accessibility tools var label = h('label#cp-comments-label', { style: "display:none;" }, Messages.comments_comment); Env.$container.before(label); var ro = cfg.framework.isReadOnly(); var onEditableChange = function(unlocked) { Env.$container.removeClass('cp-comments-readonly'); if (ro || !unlocked) { Env.$container.addClass('cp-comments-readonly'); } }; cfg.framework.onEditableChange(onEditableChange); onEditableChange(); addAddCommentHandler(Env); // Unselect comment when clicking outside $(window).click(function(e) { var $target = $(; if (!$target.length) { return; } if ($'.cp-comment-container')) { return; } if ($target.closest('.cp-comment-container').length) { return; } if ($target.closest('.ui-autocomplete').length) { return; } // Add comment button? don't remove anything because this handler is called after // the button action if ($'.cke_button__comment')) { return; } if ($target.closest('.cke_button__comment').length) { return; } Env.$container.find('.cp-comment-active').removeClass('cp-comment-active'); Env.$inner.find('').removeClass('active'); Env.$container.find('.cp-comment-form').remove(); }); // Unselect comment when clicking on another part of the doc Env.$inner.on('click', function(e) { if ($('comment').length) { return; } Env.$container.find('.cp-comment-active').removeClass('cp-comment-active'); Env.$inner.find('').removeClass('active'); Env.$container.find('.cp-comment-form').remove(); }); Env.$inner.on('click', 'comment', function(e) { var $comment = $(; var uid = $comment.attr('data-uid'); if (!uid) { return; } if (Env.modal) { UI.openCustomModal(Env.modal); Env.current = uid; Env.$container.find('.cp-comment-container[data-uid]').hide(); setTimeout(function () { Env.$container.find('.cp-comment-container[data-uid="' + uid + '"]').show().click(); }); } else { Env.$container.find('.cp-comment-container[data-uid="' + uid + '"]').click(); } }); var call = function(f) { return function() { try { [], Env); return f.apply(null, arguments); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }; }; Env.metadataMgr.onChange(call(onChange)); return { onContentUpdate: call(onContentUpdate), ready: call(ready) }; }; return Comments; });