define([ 'jquery', '/common/common-interface.js', '/common/hyperscript.js', ], function ($, UI, h) { //var ChainPad = window.ChainPad; var History = {}; History.create = function (common, config) { if (!config.$toolbar) { return void console.error("config.$toolbar is undefined");} if (History.loading) { return void console.error("History is already being loaded..."); } History.loading = true; var $toolbar = config.$toolbar; var sframeChan = common.getSframeChannel(); History.readOnly = common.getMetadataMgr().getPrivateData().readOnly || !common.isLoggedIn(); if (!config.onlyoffice || !config.setHistory || !config.onCheckpoint || !config.onPatch || !config.makeSnapshot) { throw new Error("Missing config element"); } var cpIndex = -1; var msgIndex = -1; var ooMessages = {}; var loading = false; var update = function () {}; var currentTime; // Get an array of the checkpoint IDs sorted their patch index var hashes = config.onlyoffice.hashes; var sortedCp = Object.keys(hashes).map(Number).sort(function (a, b) { return hashes[a].index - hashes[b].index; }); var endWithCp = sortedCp.length && config.onlyoffice.lastHash === hashes[sortedCp[sortedCp.length - 1]].hash; var fillOO = function (id, messages) { if (!id) { return; } if (ooMessages[id]) { return; } ooMessages[id] = messages; update(); }; if (endWithCp) { cpIndex = 0; } var $version, $time, $share; var $hist = $toolbar.find('.cp-toolbar-history'); $hist.addClass('cp-smallpatch'); $hist.addClass('cp-history-oo'); var $bottom = $toolbar.find('.cp-toolbar-bottom'); var getVersion = function () { var major = sortedCp.length - cpIndex; return major + '.' + (msgIndex+1); }; var showVersion = function (initial) { var v = getVersion(); if (initial) { v = Messages.oo_version_latest; } $version.text(Messages.oo_version + v); var $pos = $hist.find('.cp-history-timeline-pos'); var cps = sortedCp.length; var id = sortedCp[cps - cpIndex -1] || -1; if (!ooMessages[id]) { return; } var msgs = ooMessages[id]; var p = 100*((msgIndex+1) / (msgs.length)); $pos.css('margin-left', p+'%'); var time = msgs[msgIndex] && msgs[msgIndex].time; currentTime = time; if (time) { $time.text(new Date(time).toLocaleString()); } else { $time.text(''); } }; // We want to load a checkpoint (or initial state) var loadMoreOOHistory = function () { if (!Array.isArray(sortedCp)) { return void console.error("Wrong type"); } var cp = {}; // Get the checkpoint ID var id = -1; if (cpIndex < sortedCp.length) { id = sortedCp[sortedCp.length - 1 - cpIndex]; cp = hashes[id]; } var nextId = sortedCp[sortedCp.length - cpIndex]; // Get the history between "toHash" and "fromHash". This function is using // "getOlderHistory", that's why we start from the more recent hash // and we go back in time to an older hash // We need to get all the patches between the current cp hash and the next cp hash // Current cp or initial hash (invalid hash ==> initial hash) var toHash = cp.hash || 'NONE'; // Next cp or last hash var fromHash = nextId ? hashes[nextId].hash : config.onlyoffice.lastHash; msgIndex = -1; showVersion(); if (ooMessages[id]) { // Cp already loaded: reload OO loading = false; return void config.onCheckpoint(cp); } sframeChan.query('Q_GET_HISTORY_RANGE', { channel:, lastKnownHash: fromHash, toHash: toHash, }, function (err, data) { if (err) { return void console.error(err); } if (!Array.isArray(data.messages)) { return void console.error('Not an array!'); } // The first "cp" in history is the empty doc. It doesn't include the first patch // of the history var initialCp = cpIndex === sortedCp.length; var messages = (data.messages || []).slice(initialCp ? 0 : 1); if (config.debug) { console.log(data.messages); } fillOO(id, messages); loading = false; config.onCheckpoint(cp); $; }); }; var onClose = function () { config.setHistory(false); }; var onRevert = function () { config.onRevert(); }; config.setHistory(true); var Messages = common.Messages; $hist.html('').css('display', 'flex'); $bottom.hide(); UI.spinner($hist).get().show(); var $fastPrev, $fastNext, $next; var getId = function () { var cps = sortedCp.length; return sortedCp[cps - cpIndex -1] || -1; }; update = function () { var cps = sortedCp.length; $; $; $; $hist.find('.cp-toolbar-history-next, .cp-toolbar-history-previous') .prop('disabled', ''); if (cpIndex >= cps && msgIndex === 0) { $fastPrev.prop('disabled', 'disabled'); } if (cpIndex === 0) { $fastNext.prop('disabled', 'disabled'); } var id = getId(); var msgs = (ooMessages[id] || []).length; if (msgIndex >= (msgs-1)) { $next.prop('disabled', 'disabled'); } }; var next = function () { var id = getId(); if (!ooMessages[id]) { loading = false; return; } var msgs = ooMessages[id]; msgIndex++; var patch = msgs[msgIndex]; if (!patch) { loading = false; return; } config.onPatch(patch); showVersion(); setTimeout(function () { $('iframe').blur(); loading = false; }, 200); }; // Create the history toolbar var display = function () { $hist.html(''); var fastPrev = h('button.cp-toolbar-history-previous', { title: Messages.history_prev }, [ h('i.fa.fa-fast-backward'), ]); var fastNext = h('button.cp-toolbar-history-next', { title: Messages.history_next }, [ h('i.fa.fa-fast-forward'), ]); var _next = h('button.cp-toolbar-history-next', { title: Messages.history_next }, [ h('i.fa.fa-step-forward') ]); $fastPrev = $(fastPrev); $fastNext = $(fastNext).prop('disabled', 'disabled'); $next = $(_next).prop('disabled', 'disabled'); var pos = h('span.cp-history-timeline-pos.fa.fa-caret-down'); var time = h('div.cp-history-timeline-time'); var version = h('div.cp-history-timeline-version'); $time = $(time); $version = $(version); var bar; var timeline = h('div.cp-toolbar-history-timeline', [ h('div.cp-history-timeline-line', [ bar = h('span.cp-history-timeline-container') ]), h('div.cp-history-timeline-actions', [ h('span.cp-history-timeline-prev', [ fastPrev, ]), time, version, h('span.cp-history-timeline-next', [ _next, fastNext ]) ]) ]); var snapshot = h('button', { title: Messages.snapshots_new, }, [ h('i.fa.fa-camera') ]); var share = h('button', { title: Messages.history_shareTitle }, [ h('i.fa.fa-shhare-alt'), h('span', Messages.shareButton) ]); var restore = h('button', { title: Messages.history_restoreTitle, }, [ h('i.fa.fa-check'), h('span', Messages.history_restore) ]); var close = h('button', { title: Messages.history_closeTitle }, [ h('i.fa.fa-times'), h('span', Messages.history_close) ]); var actions = h('div.cp-toolbar-history-actions', [ h('span.cp-history-actions-first', [ snapshot, share ]), h('span.cp-history-actions-last', [ restore, close ]) ]); if (History.readOnly) { snapshot.disabled = true; restore.disabled = true; } $share = $(share); $hist.append([timeline, actions]); $(bar).append(pos); var onKeyDown, onKeyUp; var closeUI = function () { $hist.hide(); $; $(window).trigger('resize'); $(window).off('keydown', onKeyDown); $(window).off('keyup', onKeyUp); }; // Push one patch $ () { if (loading) { return; } loading = true; next(); update(); }); // Go to previous checkpoint $ () { if (loading) { return; } loading = true; cpIndex--; loadMoreOOHistory(); update(); }); // Go to next checkpoint $ () { if (loading) { return; } loading = true; if (msgIndex === -1) { cpIndex++; } loadMoreOOHistory(); update(); }); onKeyDown = function (e) { var p = function () { e.preventDefault(); }; if ([38, 39].indexOf(e.which) >= 0) { p(); return $; } // Right if (e.which === 33) { p(); return $; } // PageUp if (e.which === 34) { p(); return $; } // PageUp if (e.which === 27) { p(); return $(close).click(); } }; onKeyUp = function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }; $(window).on('keydown', onKeyDown).on('keyup', onKeyUp).focus(); // Versioned link $ () { common.getSframeChannel().event('EV_SHARE_OPEN', { versionHash: getVersion() }); }); Messages.snapshots_ooPickVersion = "You must select a version before creating a snapshot"; // XXX $(snapshot).click(function () { if (cpIndex === -1 && msgIndex === -1) { return void UI.warn(Messages.snapshots_ooPickVersion); } var input = h('input', { placeholder: Messages.snapshots_placeholder }); var $input = $(input); var content = h('div', [ h('h5', Messages.snapshots_new), input ]); var buttons = [{ className: 'cancel', name: Messages.filePicker_close, onClick: function () {}, keys: [27], }, { className: 'primary', iconClass: '.fa.fa-camera', name: Messages.snapshots_new, onClick: function () { var val = $input.val(); if (!val) { return true; } config.makeSnapshot(val, function (err) { if (err) { return; } UI.log(Messages.saved); }, { hash: getVersion(), time: currentTime || 0 }); }, keys: [13], }]; UI.openCustomModal(UI.dialog.customModal(content, {buttons: buttons })); setTimeout(function () { $input.focus(); }); }); // Close & restore buttons $(close).click(function () { History.loading = false; onClose(); closeUI(); }); $(restore).click(function () { UI.confirm(Messages.history_restorePrompt, function (yes) { if (!yes) { return; } closeUI(); History.loading = false; onRevert(); UI.log(Messages.history_restoreDone); }); }); }; display(); showVersion(true); //return void loadMoreOOHistory(); }; return History; });