define([ '/customize/DecorateToolbar.js', '/common/cryptpad-common.js', '/bower_components/lil-uri/uri.min.js', '/bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js' ], function (DecorateToolbar, Cryptpad, LilUri) { var $ = window.$; DecorateToolbar.main($('#bottom-bar')); var $table = $('table.scroll'); var $tbody = $table.find('tbody'); var $tryit = $('#tryit'); var now = new Date(); var hasRecent = false; var memorySpan = Cryptpad.timeframe; // thirty days var forgetPad = Cryptpad.forgetPad; var padTypes = { '/pad/': 'Pad', '/code/': 'Code' }; var truncateTitle = function (title, len) { if (typeof(title) === 'string' && title.length > len) { return title.slice(0, len) + '…'; } return title; }; var recentPads = Cryptpad.getRecentPads(); recentPads.sort(Cryptpad.mostRecent); var makeRecentPadsTable = function () { if (!recentPads.length) { return; } recentPads.some(function (pad, index) { if (!pad) { return; } console.log(pad); // don't link to old pads if (now.getTime() - new Date(pad.atime).getTime() > memorySpan) { return true; } hasRecent = true; // split up the uri var uri = LilUri(pad.href); // derive the name var name = padTypes[uri.path()]; var title = pad.title ||,8); var date = new Date(pad.atime).toLocaleDateString(); var created = new Date(pad.ctime).toLocaleDateString(); if (date === now.toLocaleDateString()) { date = new Date(pad.atime).toLocaleTimeString().replace(/ /g, ''); } var id = 'pad-'+index; $tbody.append('