(function () { var factory = function (Util, Hash, CPNetflux, Sortify, nThen, Crypto) { var Roster = {}; /* roster: { state: { user0CurveKey: { role: "OWNER|ADMIN|MEMBER", profile: "", mailbox: "", name: "", title: "" }, user1CurveKey: { ... } }, metadata: { } } */ var canCheckpoint = function (author, state) { // if you're here then you've received a checkpoint message // that you don't necessarily trust. // find the author's role from your knoweldge of the state var role = Util.find(state, ['author', 'role']); // and check if it is 'OWNER' or 'ADMIN' return ['OWNER', 'ADMIN'].indexOf(role) !== -1; }; var isValidRole = function (role) { return ['OWNER', 'ADMIN', 'MEMBER'].indexOf(role) !== -1; }; var canAddRole = function (author, role, state) { var authorRole = Util.find(state, [author, 'role']); if (!authorRole) { return false; } // nobody can add an invalid role if (!isValidRole(role)) { return false; } // owners can add any valid role they want if (authorRole === 'OWNER') { return true; } // admins can add other admins or members if (authorRole === "ADMIN") { return ['ADMIN', 'MEMBER'].indexOf(role) !== -1; } // (MEMBER, other) can't add anyone of any role return false; }; var isValidId = function (id) { return typeof(id) === 'string' && id.length === 44; }; var canDescribeTarget = function (author, curve, state) { // you must be in the group to describe anyone if (!state[curve]) { return false; } // anyone can describe themself if (author === curve && state[curve]) { return true; } var authorRole = Util.find(state, [author, 'role']); var targetRole = Util.find(state, [curve, 'role']); // something is really wrong if there's no authorRole if (!authorRole) { return false; } // owners can do whatever they want if (authorRole === 'OWNER') { return true; } // admins can describe anyone escept owners if (authorRole === 'ADMIN' && targetRole !== 'OWNER') { return true; } // members can't describe others return false; }; var canRemoveRole = function (author, role, state) { var authorRole = Util.find(state, [author, 'role']); if (!authorRole) { return false; } // owners can remove anyone they want if (authorRole === 'OWNER') { return true; } // admins can remove other admins or members if (authorRole === "ADMIN") { return ["ADMIN", "MEMBER"].indexOf(role) !== -1; } // MEMBERS and non-members cannot remove anyone of any role return false; }; var shouldCheckpoint = function (state) { // state = state; }; shouldCheckpoint = shouldCheckpoint; // XXX lint var commands = Roster.commands = {}; /* Commands are functions with the signature (args_any, base46_author_string, roster_map, optional_base64_message_id) => boolean they: * throw if any of their arguments are invalid * return true if their application to previous state results in a change * mutate the local account of the current state changes to the state can be simulated locally before being sent. if the simulation throws or returns false, don't send. */ // the author is trying to add someone to the roster // owners can add any role commands.ADD = function (args, author, roster) { if (!(args && typeof(args) === 'object' && !Array.isArray(args))) { throw new Error("INVALID ARGS"); } if (typeof(roster.state) === 'undefined') { throw new Error("CANNOT_ADD_TO_UNITIALIZED_ROSTER"); } var changed = false; Object.keys(args).forEach(function (curve) { // FIXME only allow valid curve keys, anything else is pollution if (curve.length !== 44) { console.log(curve, curve.length); throw new Error("INVALID_CURVE_KEY"); } var data = args[curve]; // ignore anything that isn't a proper object if (!data || typeof(data) !== 'object' || Array.isArray(data)) { return; } // ignore instructions to ADD someone who is already in the roster if (roster.state[curve]) { return; } if (!canAddRole(author, data.role, roster.state)) { return; } // this will result in a change changed = true; roster.state[curve] = data; }); return changed; }; commands.RM = function (args, author, roster) { if (!Array.isArray(args)) { throw new Error("INVALID_ARGS"); } if (typeof(roster.state) === 'undefined') { throw new Error("CANNOT_RM_FROM_UNITIALIZED_ROSTER"); } var changed = false; args.forEach(function (curve) { if (isValidId(curve)) { throw new Error("INVALID_CURVE_KEY"); } // don't try to remove something that isn't there if (!roster.state[curve]) { return; } var role = roster.state[curve].role; if (!canRemoveRole(author, role, roster.state)) { return; } changed = true; delete roster.state[curve]; }); return changed; }; commands.DESCRIBE = function (args, author, roster) { if (!args || typeof(args) !== 'object' || Array.isArray(args)) { throw new Error("INVALID_ARGUMENTS"); } if (typeof(roster.state) === 'undefined') { throw new Error("CANNOT_DESCRIBE_MEMBERS_OF_UNITIALIZED_ROSTER"); } var changed = false; Object.keys(args).forEach(function (curve) { if (!isValidId(curve)) { return; } if (!roster.state[curve]) { return; } if (!canDescribeTarget(author, curve, roster.state)) { return; } var data = args[curve]; if (!data || typeof(data) !== 'object' || Array.isArray(data)) { return; } var current = roster.state[curve]; Object.keys(data).forEach(function (key) { if (current[key] === data[key]) { return; } changed = true; current[key] = data[key]; }); }); return changed; /* args: { userkey: { field: newValue }, } */ // owners can update information about any team member // admins can update information about members // members can update information about themselves // non-members cannot update anything //roster = roster; }; // XXX what about concurrent checkpoints? Let's solve for race conditions... commands.CHECKPOINT = function (args, author, roster) { // args: complete state // args should be a map if (!(args && typeof(args) === 'object' && !Array.isArray(args))) { throw new Error("INVALID_CHECKPOINT_STATE"); } if (typeof(roster.state) === 'undefined') { // either you're connecting from the beginning of the log // or from a trusted lastKnownHash. // Either way, initialize the roster state roster.state = args; return true; } else if (Sortify(args) !== Sortify(roster.state)) { // a checkpoint must reinsert the previous state throw new Error("CHECKPOINT_DOES_NOT_MATCH_PREVIOUS_STATE"); } // otherwise, you're iterating over the log from a previous checkpoint // so you should know everyone's role // owners and admins can checkpoint. members and non-members cannot if (!canCheckpoint(author, roster)) { return false; } // set the state, and indicate that a change was made roster.state = args; return true; }; var handleCommand = function (content, author, roster) { if (!(Array.isArray(content) && typeof(author) === 'string')) { throw new Error("INVALID ARGUMENTS"); } var command = content[0]; if (typeof(commands[command]) !== 'function') { throw new Error('INVALID_COMMAND'); } return commands[command](content[1], author, roster); }; var clone = function (o) { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(o)); }; var simulate = function (content, author, roster) { return handleCommand(content, author, clone(roster)); }; Roster.create = function (config, _cb) { if (typeof(_cb) !== 'function') { throw new Error("EXPECTED_CALLBACK"); } var cb = Util.once(Util.mkAsync(_cb)); if (!config.network) { return void cb("EXPECTED_NETWORK"); } if (!config.channel || typeof(config.channel) !== 'string' || config.channel.length !== 32) { return void cb("EXPECTED_CHANNEL"); } if (!config.owners || !Array.isArray(config.owners)) { return void cb("EXPECTED_OWNERS"); } if (!config.keys || typeof(config.keys) !== 'object') { return void cb("EXPECTED_CRYPTO_KEYS"); } if (!config.anon_rpc) { return void cb("EXPECTED_ANON_RPC"); } var anon_rpc = config.anon_rpc; var keys = config.keys; var me = keys.myCurvePublic; var channel = config.channel; var ref = {}; var roster = {}; var events = { change: Util.mkEvent(), }; roster.on = function (key, handler) { if (typeof(events[key]) !== 'object') { throw new Error("unsupported event"); } events[key].reg(handler); }; roster.off = function (key, handler) { if (typeof(events[key]) !== 'object') { throw new Error("unsupported event"); } events[key].unreg(handler); }; roster.getState = function () { return ref.state; }; var ready = false; var onReady = function (/* info */) { ready = true; cb(void 0, roster); }; // onError (deleted or expired) // you won't be able to connect // onMetadataUpdate // update owners? // deleted while you are open // emit an event var onChannelError = function (info) { if (!ready) { return void cb(info); } // XXX make sure we don't reconnect console.error("CHANNEL_ERROR", info); }; var onConnect = function (/* wc, sendMessage */) { console.log("ROSTER CONNECTED"); }; var onMessage = function (msg, user, vKey, isCp , hash, author) { //console.log("onMessage"); //console.log(typeof(msg), msg); var parsed = Util.tryParse(msg); if (!parsed) { return void console.error("could not parse"); } var changed; try { changed = handleCommand(parsed, author, ref); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } if (changed) { events.change.fire(); } return void console.log(msg); }; var isReady = function () { return Boolean(ready && me); }; var metadata, crypto; var send = function (msg, cb) { if (!isReady()) { return void cb("NOT_READY"); } var changed = false; try { // simulate the command before you send it changed = simulate(msg, keys.myCurvePublic, ref); } catch (err) { return void cb(err); } if (!changed) { return void cb("NO_CHANGE"); } var ciphertext = crypto.encrypt(Sortify(msg)); anon_rpc.send('WRITE_PRIVATE_MESSAGE', [ channel, ciphertext ], function (err) { if (err) { return void cb(err); } cb(); }); }; roster.init = function (_data, cb) { var data = clone(_data); data.role = 'OWNER'; var state = {}; state[me] = data; send([ 'CHECKPOINT', state ], cb); }; // commands roster.checkpoint = function () { send([ 'CHECKPOINT', ref.state], cb); }; roster.add = function (data, cb) { send([ 'ADD', data ], cb); }; roster.remove = function (data, cb) { send([ 'REMOVE', data ], cb); }; roster.describe = function (data, cb) { send(['DESCRIBE', data], cb); }; nThen(function (w) { // get metadata so we know the owners and validateKey anon_rpc.send('GET_METADATA', channel, function (err, data) { if (err) { w.abort(); return void console.error(err); } metadata = ref.metadata = (data && data[0]) || undefined; console.log("TEAM_METADATA", metadata); }); }).nThen(function (w) { if (!config.keys.teamEdPublic && metadata && metadata.validateKey) { config.keys.teamEdPublic = metadata.validateKey; } try { crypto = Crypto.Team.createEncryptor(config.keys); } catch (err) { w.abort(); return void cb(err); } }).nThen(function () { CPNetflux.start({ // if you don't have a lastKnownHash you will need the full history // passing -1 forces the server to send all messages, otherwise // malicious users with the signing key could send cp| messages // and fool new users into initializing their session incorrectly lastKnownHash: config.lastKnownHash || -1, network: config.network, channel: config.channel, crypto: crypto, validateKey: config.keys.teamEdPublic, owners: config.owners, onChannelError: onChannelError, onReady: onReady, onConnect: onConnect, onConnectionChange: function () {}, onMessage: onMessage, noChainPad: true, }); }); }; return Roster; }; if (typeof(module) !== 'undefined' && module.exports) { module.exports = factory( require("../common-util"), require("../common-hash"), require("../../bower_components/chainpad-netflux/chainpad-netflux.js"), require("../../bower_components/json.sortify"), require("nthen"), require("../../bower_components/chainpad-crypto/crypto") ); } else if ((typeof(define) !== 'undefined' && define !== null) && (define.amd !== null)) { define([ '/common/common-util.js', '/common/common-hash.js', '/bower_components/chainpad-netflux/chainpad-netflux.js', '/bower_compoents/json.sortify/dist/JSON.sortify.js', '/bower_components/nthen/index.js', '/bower_components/chainpad-crypto/crypto.js' //'/bower_components/tweetnacl/nacl-fast.min.js', ], function (Util, Hash, CPNF, Sortify, nThen, Crypto) { return factory.apply(null, [ Util, Hash, CPNF, Sortify, nThen, Crypto ]); }); } else { // I'm not gonna bother supporting any other kind of instanciation } }());