define([ 'jquery', '/customize/messages.js', '/common/common-util.js', '/customize/application_config.js', '/bower_components/alertifyjs/dist/js/alertify.js', '/common/notify.js', '/common/visible.js', '/common/tippy.min.js', 'css!/common/tippy.css', ], function ($, Messages, Util, AppConfig, Alertify, Notify, Visible, Tippy) { var UI = {}; /* * Alertifyjs */ UI.Alertify = Alertify; // set notification timeout Alertify._$$alertify.delay = AppConfig.notificationTimeout || 5000; var findCancelButton = UI.findCancelButton = function () { return $('button.cancel').last(); }; var findOKButton = UI.findOKButton = function () { return $('button.ok').last(); }; var listenForKeys = UI.listenForKeys = function (yes, no) { var handler = function (e) { switch (e.which) { case 27: // cancel if (typeof(no) === 'function') { no(e); } no(); break; case 13: // enter if (typeof(yes) === 'function') { yes(e); } break; } }; $(window).keyup(handler); return handler; }; var stopListening = UI.stopListening = function (handler) { $(window).off('keyup', handler); }; UI.alert = function (msg, cb, force) { cb = cb || function () {}; if (force !== true) { msg = Util.fixHTML(msg); } var close = function () { findOKButton().click(); }; var keyHandler = listenForKeys(close, close); Alertify .okBtn(Messages.okButton || 'OK') .alert(msg, function (ev) { cb(ev); stopListening(keyHandler); }); window.setTimeout(function () { findOKButton().focus(); }); }; UI.prompt = function (msg, def, cb, opt, force) { opt = opt || {}; cb = cb || function () {}; if (force !== true) { msg = Util.fixHTML(msg); } var keyHandler = listenForKeys(function () { // yes findOKButton().click(); }, function () { // no findCancelButton().click(); }); // Make sure we don't call both the "yes" and "no" handlers if we use "findOKButton().click()" // in the callback var isClicked = false; Alertify .defaultValue(def || '') .okBtn(opt.ok || Messages.okButton || 'OK') .cancelBtn(opt.cancel || Messages.cancelButton || 'Cancel') .prompt(msg, function (val, ev) { if (isClicked) { return; } isClicked = true; cb(val, ev); stopListening(keyHandler); }, function (ev) { if (isClicked) { return; } isClicked = true; cb(null, ev); stopListening(keyHandler); }); }; UI.confirm = function (msg, cb, opt, force, styleCB) { opt = opt || {}; cb = cb || function () {}; if (force !== true) { msg = Util.fixHTML(msg); } var keyHandler = listenForKeys(function () { findOKButton().click(); }, function () { findCancelButton().click(); }); // Make sure we don't call both the "yes" and "no" handlers if we use "findOKButton().click()" // in the callback var isClicked = false; Alertify .okBtn(opt.ok || Messages.okButton || 'OK') .cancelBtn(opt.cancel || Messages.cancelButton || 'Cancel') .confirm(msg, function () { if (isClicked) { return; } isClicked = true; cb(true); stopListening(keyHandler); }, function () { if (isClicked) { return; } isClicked = true; cb(false); stopListening(keyHandler); }); window.setTimeout(function () { var $ok = findOKButton(); var $cancel = findCancelButton(); if (opt.okClass) { $ok.addClass(opt.okClass); } if (opt.cancelClass) { $cancel.addClass(opt.cancelClass); } if (opt.reverseOrder) { $ok.insertBefore($ok.prev()); } if (typeof(styleCB) === 'function') { styleCB($ok.closest('.dialog')); } }, 0); }; UI.log = function (msg) { Alertify.success(Util.fixHTML(msg)); }; UI.warn = function (msg) { Alertify.error(Util.fixHTML(msg)); }; /* * spinner */ UI.spinner = function (parent) { var $target = $('<span>', { 'class': 'fa fa-spinner fa-pulse fa-4x fa-fw' }).hide(); $(parent).append($target); return { show: function () { $target.css('display', 'inline'); return this; }, hide: function () { $target.hide(); return this; }, get: function () { return $target; }, }; }; var LOADING = 'loading'; var getRandomTip = function () { if (! || !Object.keys( { return ''; } var keys = Object.keys(; var rdm = Math.floor(Math.random() * keys.length); return[keys[rdm]]; }; UI.addLoadingScreen = function (loadingText, hideTips) { var $loading, $container; if ($('#' + LOADING).length) { $loading = $('#' + LOADING).show(); if (loadingText) { $('#' + LOADING).find('p').text(loadingText); } $container = $loading.find('.loadingContainer'); } else { $loading = $('<div>', {id: LOADING}); $container = $('<div>', {'class': 'loadingContainer'}); $container.append('<img class="cryptofist" src="/customize/cryptofist_small.png" />'); var $spinner = $('<div>', {'class': 'spinnerContainer'}); UI.spinner($spinner).show(); var $text = $('<p>').text(loadingText || Messages.loading); $container.append($spinner).append($text); $loading.append($container); $('body').append($loading); } if ( && !hideTips) { var $loadingTip = $('<div>', {'id': 'loadingTip'}); $('<span>', {'class': 'tips'}).text(getRandomTip()).appendTo($loadingTip); $loadingTip.css({ 'bottom': $('body').height()/2 - $container.height()/2 + 20 + 'px' }); $('body').append($loadingTip); } }; UI.removeLoadingScreen = function (cb) { $('#' + LOADING).fadeOut(750, cb); var $tip = $('#loadingTip').css('top', '') // loading.less sets transition-delay: $wait-time // and transition: opacity $fadeout-time .css({ 'opacity': 0, 'pointer-events': 'none', }); setTimeout(function () { $tip.remove(); }, 3750); // jquery.fadeout can get stuck }; UI.errorLoadingScreen = function (error, transparent) { if (!$('#' + LOADING).is(':visible')) { UI.addLoadingScreen(undefined, true); } $('.spinnerContainer').hide(); if (transparent) { $('#' + LOADING).css('opacity', 0.8); } $('#' + LOADING).find('p').html(error || Messages.error); }; // Notify var notify = {}; UI.unnotify = function () { if (notify.tabNotification && typeof(notify.tabNotification.cancel) === 'function') { notify.tabNotification.cancel(); } }; UI.notify = function () { if (Visible.isSupported() && !Visible.currently()) { UI.unnotify(); notify.tabNotification =, 10); } }; if (Visible.isSupported()) { Visible.onChange(function (yes) { if (yes) { UI.unnotify(); } }); } UI.importContent = function (type, f, cfg) { return function () { var $files = $('<input>', {type:"file"}); if (cfg && cfg.accept) { $files.attr('accept', cfg.accept); } $; $files.on('change', function (e) { var file =[0]; var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function (e) { f(, file); }; reader.readAsText(file, type); }); }; }; var $fileIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa fa-file-text-o file icon"}); var $fileAppIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa fa-file-text-o file icon fileColor"}); var $padIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa fa-file-word-o file icon padColor"}); var $codeIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa fa-file-code-o file icon codeColor"}); var $slideIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa fa-file-powerpoint-o file icon slideColor"}); var $pollIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa fa-calendar file icon pollColor"}); var $whiteboardIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa fa-paint-brush whiteboardColor"}); var $todoIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa fa-tasks todoColor"}); var $contactsIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa fa-users friendsColor"}); UI.getIcon = function (type) { var $icon; switch(type) { case 'pad': $icon = $padIcon.clone(); break; case 'file': $icon = $fileAppIcon.clone(); break; case 'code': $icon = $codeIcon.clone(); break; case 'slide': $icon = $slideIcon.clone(); break; case 'poll': $icon = $pollIcon.clone(); break; case 'whiteboard': $icon = $whiteboardIcon.clone(); break; case 'todo': $icon = $todoIcon.clone(); break; case 'contacts': $icon = $contactsIcon.clone(); break; default: $icon = $fileIcon.clone(); } return $icon; }; // Tooltips UI.clearTooltips = function () { $('.tippy-popper').remove(); }; UI.addTooltips = function () { var MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver; var addTippy = function (el) { if (el.nodeName === 'IFRAME') { return; } var delay = typeof(AppConfig.tooltipDelay) === "number" ? AppConfig.tooltipDelay : 500; Tippy(el, { position: 'bottom', distance: 0, performance: true, delay: [delay, 0] }); }; var $body = $('body'); var $padIframe = $('#pad-iframe').contents().find('body'); $('[title]').each(function (i, el) { addTippy(el); }); $('#pad-iframe').contents().find('[title]').each(function (i, el) { addTippy(el); }); var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) { mutations.forEach(function(mutation) { if (mutation.type === 'childList' && mutation.addedNodes.length) { $body.find('[title]').each(function (i, el) { addTippy(el); }); if (!$padIframe.length) { return; } $padIframe.find('[title]').each(function (i, el) { addTippy(el); }); } }); }); observer.observe($('body')[0], { attributes: false, childList: true, characterData: false, subtree: true }); if ($('#pad-iframe').length) { observer.observe($('#pad-iframe').contents().find('body')[0], { attributes: false, childList: true, characterData: false, subtree: true }); } }; return UI; });