// Load #1, load as little as possible because we are in a race to get the loading screen up. define([ '/bower_components/nthen/index.js', '/api/config', '/common/dom-ready.js', '/common/requireconfig.js', '/common/sframe-common-outer.js', ], function (nThen, ApiConfig, DomReady, RequireConfig, SFCommonO) { var requireConfig = RequireConfig(); // Loaded in load #2 nThen(function (waitFor) { DomReady.onReady(waitFor()); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { var req = { cfg: requireConfig, req: [ '/common/loading.js' ], pfx: window.location.origin }; window.rc = requireConfig; window.apiconf = ApiConfig; document.getElementById('sbox-iframe').setAttribute('src', ApiConfig.httpSafeOrigin + '/teams/inner.html?' + requireConfig.urlArgs + '#' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(req))); // This is a cheap trick to avoid loading sframe-channel in parallel with the // loading screen setup. var done = waitFor(); var onMsg = function (msg) { var data = JSON.parse(msg.data); if (data.q !== 'READY') { return; } window.removeEventListener('message', onMsg); var _done = done; done = function () { }; _done(); }; window.addEventListener('message', onMsg); }).nThen(function (/*waitFor*/) { var teamId; var addRpc = function (sframeChan, Cryptpad) { sframeChan.on('Q_SET_TEAM', function (data, cb) { teamId = data; cb(); }); sframeChan.on('Q_DRIVE_USEROBJECT', function (data, cb) { if (!teamId) { return void cb({error: 'EINVAL'}); } data.teamId = teamId; Cryptpad.userObjectCommand(data, cb); }); sframeChan.on('Q_DRIVE_GETOBJECT', function (data, cb) { if (!teamId) { return void cb({error: 'EINVAL'}); } if (data && data.sharedFolder) { Cryptpad.getSharedFolder({ teamId: teamId, id: data.sharedFolder }, function (obj) { cb(obj); }); return; } Cryptpad.getUserObject(teamId, function (obj) { cb(obj); }); }); sframeChan.on('EV_DRIVE_SET_HASH', function () { return; }); Cryptpad.onNetworkDisconnect.reg(function () { sframeChan.event('EV_NETWORK_DISCONNECT'); }); Cryptpad.onNetworkReconnect.reg(function () { sframeChan.event('EV_NETWORK_RECONNECT'); }); Cryptpad.universal.onEvent.reg(function (obj) { // Intercept events for the team drive and send them the required way if (obj.type !== 'team') { return; } if (['DRIVE_CHANGE', 'DRIVE_LOG', 'DRIVE_REMOVE'].indexOf(obj.data.ev) !== -1) { sframeChan.event('EV_'+obj.data.ev, obj.data.data); } if (obj.data.ev === 'NETWORK_RECONNECT') { sframeChan.event('EV_NETWORK_RECONNECT'); } if (obj.data.ev === 'NETWORK_DISCONNECT') { sframeChan.event('EV_NETWORK_DISCONNECT'); } }); }; SFCommonO.start({ noHash: true, noRealtime: true, //driveEvents: true, addRpc: addRpc, isDrive: true, // Used for history... }); }); });