{ "fileExtensions": [".less"], // These rules are almost certainly crap and will not catch bugs (Caleb) "finalNewline": false, "newlineAfterBlock": false, "spaceAroundOperator": false, "hexLength": false, "hexNotation": false, "propertyOrdering": false, "stringQuotes": false, "importPath": false, "qualifyingElement": false, "decimalZero": false, "borderZero": false, // These rules should be discussed, if they're crap then they should be moved up. "zeroUnit": false, "spaceAroundComma": false, "singleLinePerProperty": false, "importantRule": false, "idSelector": false, "singleLinePerSelector": false, "spaceAfterPropertyColon": false, "spaceBetweenParens": false, "spaceBeforeBrace": false, "universalSelector": false, // These rules are really good rules to have around IMO (Caleb) but they're not being honored. "duplicateProperty": false, "maxCharPerLine": false }