var Fs = require("fs"); var Path = require("path"); //function will check if a directory exists, and create it if it doesn't var checkDir = function (dir, cb) { Fs.stat(dir, function(err, stats) { //Check if error defined and the error code is "not exists" if (err) { //Create the directory, call the callback. Fs.mkdir(dir, cb); } else { //just in case there was a different error: cb(err); } }); }; var checkFile = function (path, cb) { Fs.stat(path, function (err, stats) { if (err) { if (err.code === 'ENOENT') { return cb(null, false); } else { return cb(err); } } return cb(null, stats.isFile()); }); }; var separate = function (channel) { return { first: channel.slice(0, 2), rest: channel.slice(2), }; }; var Channel = function (env, id, filepath, cb) { if (!env.channels[id]) { return (env.channels[id] = { atime: +new Date(), queue: [], stream: Fs.createWriteStream(filepath, { flags: 'a' }).on('open', function () { cb(null, env.channels[id]); }).on('error', function (err) { cb(err); }) }); } cb(null, env.channels[id]); }; var insert = function (env, channelName, content, cb) { var parts = separate(channelName); var dirpath = Path.join(env.root, parts.first); checkDir(dirpath, function (e) { if (e) { throw new Error(e); } var filepath = Path.join(env.root, parts.first,; checkFile(filepath, function (err, isFile) { Channel(env, channelName, filepath, function (err, channel) { if (err) { console.error(err); return cb(); } var doIt = function () { channel.locked = true; channel.atime = +new Date(); + '\n'); if (!channel.queue.length) { channel.locked = false; cb(); return; } channel.queue.shift()(); cb(); }; if (channel.locked) { channel.queue.push(doIt); } else { doIt(); } }); }); }); }; var getMessages = function (env, channelName, msgHandler, cb) { var parts = separate(channelName); var filepath = Path.join(env.root, parts.first,; var remainder = ''; var newlines = /[\n\r]+/; var stream = Fs.createReadStream(filepath, 'utf-8') .on('data', function (chunk) { var lines = chunk.split(newlines); lines[0] = remainder + lines[0]; remainder = lines.pop(); lines.forEach(function (line) { msgHandler(JSON.parse(line)); }); }) .on('end', function () { cb(); }) .on('error', function (e) { cb(); }); }; module.exports.create = function (conf, cb) { var env = { root: conf.filePath, channels: { }, }; checkDir(env.root, function (e, data) { cb({ message: function (channelName, content, cb) { insert(env, channelName, content, cb); }, getMessages: function (channelName, msgHandler, cb) { getMessages(env, channelName, msgHandler, cb); }, removeChannel: function (channelName, cb) { console.log("[storage/file.removeChannel()] Not implemented"); cb(); }, }); setInterval(function () { var now = +new Date(); Object.keys(env.channels).forEach(function (id) { var channel = env.channels[id]; if (now - channel.atime > (1000 * 60)) { console.log("Cleaning up channel [%s]", id);; delete env.channels[id]; } }); }, 60 * 1000); }); };