define([ '/common/cryptget.js', '/common/userObject.js', '/common/common-hash.js', '/common/outer/local-store.js', ], function (Crypt, FO, Hash, LocalStore) { var exp = {}; var getType = function (el) { if (el === null) { return "null"; } return Array.isArray(el) ? "array" : typeof(el); }; var findAvailableKey = function (obj, key) { if (typeof (obj[key]) === "undefined") { return key; } var i = 1; var nkey = key; while (typeof (obj[nkey]) !== "undefined") { nkey = key + '_' + i; i++; } return nkey; }; var createFromPath = function (proxy, oldFo, path, id) { var root =; if (!oldFo.isFile(id)) { return; } var error = function (msg) { console.error(msg || "Unable to find that path", path); }; if (oldFo.isInTrashRoot(path)) { id = oldFo.find(path.slice(0,3)); path.pop(); } var next, nextRoot; path.forEach(function (p, i) { if (!root) { return; } if (typeof(p) === "string") { if (getType(root) !== "object") { root = undefined; error(); return; } if (i === path.length - 1) { root[Hash.createChannelId()] = id; return; } next = getType(path[i+1]); nextRoot = getType(root[p]); if (nextRoot !== "undefined") { if (next === "string" && nextRoot === "object" || next === "number" && nextRoot === "array") { root = root[p]; return; } p = findAvailableKey(root, p); } if (next === "number") { root[p] = []; root = root[p]; return; } root[p] = {}; root = root[p]; return; } // Path contains a non-string element: it's an array index if (typeof(p) !== "number") { root = undefined; error(); return; } if (getType(root) !== "array") { root = undefined; error(); return; } if (i === path.length - 1) { if (root.indexOf(id) === -1) { root.push(id); } return; } next = getType(path[i+1]); if (next === "number") { error('2 consecutives arrays in the user object'); root = undefined; //root.push([]); //root = root[root.length - 1]; return; } root.push({}); root = root[root.length - 1]; return; }); }; exp.anonDriveIntoUser = function (proxyData, fsHash, cb) { // Make sure we have an FS_hash and we don't use it, otherwise just stop the migration and cb if (!fsHash || !LocalStore.isLoggedIn()) { if (typeof(cb) === "function") { return void cb(); } } // Get the content of FS_hash and then merge the objects, remove the migration key and cb var todo = function (err, doc) { if (err) { console.error("Cannot migrate recent pads", err); return; } var parsed; if (!doc) { if (typeof(cb) === "function") { cb(); } return; } try { parsed = JSON.parse(doc); } catch (e) { if (typeof(cb) === "function") { cb(); } console.error("Cannot parsed recent pads", e); return; } if (parsed) { var proxy = proxyData.proxy; var oldFo = FO.init(, { loggedIn: LocalStore.isLoggedIn() }); var onMigrated = function () { oldFo.fixFiles(); var newFo =; var oldRecentPads =[newFo.FILES_DATA]; var newRecentPads =[newFo.FILES_DATA]; var oldFiles = oldFo.getFiles([newFo.FILES_DATA]); var newHrefs = Object.keys(newRecentPads).map(function (id) { return newRecentPads[id].href; }); oldFiles.forEach(function (id) { var href = oldRecentPads[id].href; // Do not migrate a pad if we already have it, it would create a duplicate in the drive if (newHrefs.indexOf(href) !== -1) { return; } // If we have a stronger version, do not add the current href if (Hash.findStronger(href, newRecentPads)) { return; } // If we have a weaker version, replace the href by the new one // NOTE: if that weaker version is in the trash, the strong one will be put in unsorted var weaker = Hash.findWeaker(href, newRecentPads); if (weaker) { // Update RECENTPADS newRecentPads.some(function (pad) { if (pad.href === weaker) { pad.href = href; return true; } return; }); // Update the file in the drive newFo.replace(weaker, href); return; } // Here it means we have a new href, so we should add it to the drive at its old location var paths = oldFo.findFile(id); if (paths.length === 0) { return; } // Add the file data in our array and use the id to add the file var data = oldFo.getFileData(id); if (data) { newFo.pushData(data, function (err, id) { if (err) { return void console.error("Cannot import file:", data, err); } createFromPath(proxy, oldFo, paths[0], id); }); } }); if (!proxy.FS_hashes || !Array.isArray(proxy.FS_hashes)) { proxy.FS_hashes = []; } proxy.FS_hashes.push(fsHash); if (typeof(cb) === "function") { cb(); } }; oldFo.migrate(onMigrated); return; } if (typeof(cb) === "function") { cb(); } }; Crypt.get(fsHash, todo); }; return exp; });