define([ '/customize/messages.js', '/customize/store.js', '/bower_components/chainpad-crypto/crypto.js', '/bower_components/alertifyjs/dist/js/alertify.js', '/bower_components/spin.js/spin.min.js', '/bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js', ], function (Messages, Store, Crypto, Alertify, Spinner) { /* This file exposes functionality which is specific to Cryptpad, but not to any particular pad type. This includes functions for committing metadata about pads to your local storage for future use and improved usability. Additionally, there is some basic functionality for import/export. */ var $ = window.jQuery; var store; var getStore = function () { if (!store) { throw new Error("Store is not ready!"); } return store; }; Store.ready(function (err, Store) { if (err) { console.error(err); return; } store = Store; }); var common = {}; var isArray = function (o) { return === '[object Array]'; }; common.redirect = function (hash) { var hostname = window.location.hostname; // don't do anything funny unless you're on a cryptpad subdomain if (!/$/i.test(hostname)) { return; } if (hash.length >= 56) { // you're on the right domain return; } // old.cryptpad only supports these apps, so only redirect on a match if (['/pad/', '/p/', '/code/'].indexOf(window.location.pathname) === -1) { return; } // if you make it this far then there's something wrong with your hash // you should probably be on window.location.hostname = ''; }; var getSecrets = common.getSecrets = function () { var secret = {}; if (!/#/.test(window.location.href)) { secret.key = Crypto.genKey(); } else { var hash = window.location.hash.slice(1); common.redirect(hash); = hash.slice(0, 32); secret.key = hash.slice(32); } return secret; }; var storageKey = common.storageKey = 'CryptPad_RECENTPADS'; /* the first time this gets called, your local storage will migrate to a new format. No more indices for values, everything is named now. * href * atime (access time) * title * ??? // what else can we put in here? */ var migrateRecentPads = common.migrateRecentPads = function (pads) { return (pad) { if (isArray(pad)) { var href = pad[0]; var hash; href.replace(/\#(.*)$/, function (a, h) { hash = h; }); return { href: pad[0], atime: pad[1], title: pad[2] || hash && hash.slice(0,8), ctime: pad[1], }; } else if (typeof(pad) === 'object') { if (!pad.ctime) { pad.ctime = pad.atime; } if (!pad.title) { pad.href.replace(/#(.*)$/, function (x, hash) { pad.title = hash.slice(0,8); }); } pad.href = pad.href.replace(/^https:\/\/beta\.cryptpad\.fr/, ''); return pad; } else { console.error("[Cryptpad.migrateRecentPads] pad had unexpected value"); console.log(pad); return {}; } }); }; var getHash = common.getHash = function () { return window.location.hash.slice(1); }; var setPadAttribute = common.setPadAttribute = function (attr, value, cb) { getStore().set([getHash(), attr].join('.'), value, function (err, data) { cb(err, data); }); }; var getPadAttribute = common.getPadAttribute = function (attr, cb) { getStore().get([getHash(), attr].join('.'), function (err, data) { cb(err, data); }); }; /* fetch and migrate your pad history from localStorage */ var getRecentPads = common.getRecentPads = function (cb) { getStore().get(storageKey, function (err, recentPads) { if (isArray(recentPads)) { cb(void 0, migrateRecentPads(recentPads)); return; } cb(void 0, []); }); }; /* commit a list of pads to localStorage */ var setRecentPads = common.setRecentPads = function (pads, cb) { getStore().set(storageKey, pads, function (err, data) { cb(err, data); }); }; /* Sort pads according to how recently they were accessed */ var mostRecent = common.mostRecent = function (a, b) { return new Date(b.atime).getTime() - new Date(a.atime).getTime(); }; var parsePadUrl = common.parsePadUrl = function (href) { var patt = /^https*:\/\/([^\/]*)\/(.*?)\/#(.*)$/i; var ret = {}; href.replace(patt, function (a, domain, type, hash) { ret.domain = domain; ret.type = type; ret.hash = hash; return ''; }); return ret; }; var forgetPad = common.forgetPad = function (href, cb) { var parsed = parsePadUrl(href); getRecentPads(function (err, recentPads) { setRecentPads(recentPads.filter(function (pad) { var p = parsePadUrl(pad.href); // find duplicates if (parsed.hash === p.hash && parsed.type === p.type) { console.log("Found a duplicate"); return; } return true; }), function (err, data) { if (err) { cb(err); return; } getStore().keys(function (err, keys) { if (err) { cb(err); return; } var toRemove = keys.filter(function (k) { return k.indexOf(parsed.hash) === 0; }); if (!toRemove.length) { cb(); return; } getStore().removeBatch(toRemove, function (err, data) { cb(err, data); }); }); }); }); }; var makePad = function (href, title) { var now = new Date(); return { href: href, atime: now, ctime: now, title: title || window.location.hash.slice(1, 9), }; }; var rememberPad = common.rememberPad = window.rememberPad = function (title, cb) { // bail out early if (!/#/.test(window.location.hash)) { return; } getRecentPads(function (err, pads) { if (err) { cb(err); return; } var now = new Date(); var href = window.location.href; var parsed = parsePadUrl(window.location.href); var isUpdate = false; var out = (pad) { var p = parsePadUrl(pad.href); if (p.hash === parsed.hash && p.type === parsed.type) { isUpdate = true; // bump the atime pad.atime = now; pad.title = title; pad.href = href; } return pad; }); if (!isUpdate) { // href, ctime, atime, title out.push(makePad(href, title)); } setRecentPads(out, function (err, data) { cb(err, data); }); }); }; var setPadTitle = common.setPadTitle = function (name, cb) { var href = window.location.href; var parsed = parsePadUrl(href); getRecentPads(function (err, recent) { if (err) { cb(err); return; } var contains; var renamed = (pad) { var p = parsePadUrl(pad.href); if (p.hash === parsed.hash && p.type === parsed.type) { contains = true; // update the atime pad.atime = new Date().toISOString(); // set the name pad.title = name; pad.href = href; } return pad; }); if (!contains) { renamed.push(makePad(href, name)); } setRecentPads(renamed, function (err, data) { cb(err, data); }); }); }; var getPadTitle = common.getPadTitle = function (cb) { var href = window.location.href; var parsed = parsePadUrl(window.location.href); var hashSlice = window.location.hash.slice(1,9); var title = ''; getRecentPads(function (err, pads) { if (err) { cb(err); return; } pads.some(function (pad) { var p = parsePadUrl(pad.href); if (p.hash === parsed.hash && p.type === parsed.type) { title = pad.title || hashSlice; return true; } }); cb(void 0, title); }); }; var causesNamingConflict = common.causesNamingConflict = function (title, cb) { var href = window.location.href; var parsed = parsePadUrl(href); getRecentPads(function (err, pads) { if (err) { cb(err); return; } var conflicts = pads.some(function (pad) { // another pad is already using that title if (pad.title === title) { var p = parsePadUrl(href); if (p.type === parsed.type && p.hash === parsed.hash) { // the duplicate pad has the same type and hash // allow renames } else { // it's an entirely different pad... it conflicts return true; } } }); cb(void 0, conflicts); }); }; // local name? common.ready = function (f) { var state = 0; var env = {}; var cb = function () { state--; if (!state) { f(void 0, env); } }; state++; Store.ready(function (err, store) { = store; cb(); }); }; var fixFileName = common.fixFileName = function (filename) { return filename.replace(/ /g, '-').replace(/[\/\?]/g, '_') .replace(/_+/g, '_'); }; var importContent = common.importContent = function (type, f) { return function () { var $files = $('').click(); $files.on('change', function (e) { var file =[0]; var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function (e) { f(, file); }; reader.readAsText(file, type); }); }; }; var styleAlerts = common.styleAlerts = function (href) { var $link = $('link[href="/customize/alertify.css"]'); if ($link.length) { return; } href = href || '/customize/alertify.css'; $('head').append($('', { rel: 'stylesheet', id: 'alertifyCSS', href: href, })); }; var findCancelButton = common.findCancelButton = function () { return $('button.cancel'); }; var findOKButton = common.findOKButton = function () { return $('button.ok'); }; var listenForKeys = function (yes, no) { var handler = function (e) { switch (e.which) { case 27: // cancel if (typeof(no) === 'function') { no(e); } no(); break; case 13: // enter if (typeof(yes) === 'function') { yes(e); } break; } }; $(window).keyup(handler); return handler; }; var stopListening = function (handler) { $(window).off('keyup', handler); }; common.alert = function (msg, cb) { cb = cb || function () {}; var keyHandler = listenForKeys(function (e) { // yes findOKButton().click(); }); Alertify.alert(msg, function (ev) { cb(ev); stopListening(keyHandler); }); }; common.prompt = function (msg, def, cb, opt) { opt = opt || {}; cb = cb || function () {}; var keyHandler = listenForKeys(function (e) { // yes findOKButton().click(); }, function (e) { // no findCancelButton().click(); }); Alertify .defaultValue(def || '') .okBtn(opt.ok || Messages.okButton || 'OK') .cancelBtn(opt.cancel || Messages.cancelButton || 'Cancel') .prompt(msg, function (val, ev) { cb(val, ev); stopListening(keyHandler); }, function (ev) { cb(null, ev); stopListening(keyHandler); }); }; common.confirm = function (msg, cb, opt) { opt = opt || {}; cb = cb || function () {}; var keyHandler = listenForKeys(function (e) { findOKButton().click(); }, function (e) { findCancelButton().click(); }); Alertify .okBtn(opt.ok || Messages.okButton || 'OK') .cancelBtn(opt.cancel || Messages.cancelButton || 'Cancel') .confirm(msg, function () { cb(true); stopListening(keyHandler); }, function () { cb(false); stopListening(keyHandler); }); }; common.log = function (msg) { Alertify.success(msg); }; common.warn = function (msg) { Alertify.error(msg); }; common.spinner = function (parent) { var $target = $('
', { // }).hide(); $(parent).append($target); var opts = { lines: 9, // The number of lines to draw length: 12, // The length of each line width: 11, // The line thickness radius: 20, // The radius of the inner circle scale: 2, // Scales overall size of the spinner corners: 1, // Corner roundness (0..1) color: '#777', // #rgb or #rrggbb or array of colors opacity: 0.3, // Opacity of the lines rotate: 31, // The rotation offset direction: 1, // 1: clockwise, -1: counterclockwise speed: 0.9, // Rounds per second trail: 49, // Afterglow percentage fps: 20, // Frames per second when using setTimeout() as a fallback for CSS zIndex: 2e9, // The z-index (defaults to 2000000000) className: 'spinner', // The CSS class to assign to the spinner top: '50%', // Top position relative to parent left: '50%', // Left position relative to parent shadow: false, // Whether to render a shadow hwaccel: false, // Whether to use hardware acceleration position: 'absolute', // Element positioning }; var spinner = new Spinner(opts).spin($target[0]); return { show: function () { $; return this; }, hide: function () { $target.hide(); return this; }, get: function () { return spinner; }, }; }; return common; });