define([ '/customize/share/frame.js', '/bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js', ], function (Frame) { var $ = window.jQuery; var domain = ''; var path = '/customize/share/frame.html'; var acceptResponseFrom = [ /$/ ]; var lock = 0; var unlock = function (i) { lock--; console.log("Test #%s passed", i + 1); if (!lock) { $('#status').addClass('working'); } }; var runTest = function (test, i) { lock++; test(i); }; var randInt = function () { return Math.floor(Math.random() * Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER); }; var handleErr = function (err) { if (err) { console.error(err); return true; } }; var areNull = function (keys, data) { return !keys.some(function (k) { return data[k] !== null; }); }; Frame.create(document.body, domain + path, function (err, iframe, loadEvent) { if (handleErr(err)) { return; } console.log("Created iframe"); // open a channel into the frame, accept messages from (sub)domain(s) var frame = window.Beta =, acceptResponseFrom); /* Run your actual tests */ [function (i) { // test #1 var pew = randInt(); frame.set('pew', pew, function (err, data) { if (handleErr(err)) { return; } frame.get('pew', function (err, num) { if (handleErr(err)) { return; } if (pew === num) { frame.remove('pew', function (err) { if (handleErr(err)) { return; } frame.get('pew', function (err, data) { if (handleErr(err)) { return; } if (data !== null) { return; } unlock(i); }); }); } }); }); }, function (i) { // test #2 var map = { bang: randInt(), pow: randInt(), lol: randInt(), }; var keys = Object.keys(map); frame.batchset(map, function (err, data) { if (handleErr(err)) { return; } frame.batchget(keys, function (err, data) { if (handleErr(err)) { return; } frame.batchremove(Object.keys(map), function (err) { if (handleErr(err)) { return; } frame.batchget(keys, function (err, data) { if (areNull(keys, data)) { unlock(i); } }); }); }); }); }, function (i) { // test #3 var map = { bang2: true, pow2: true, lol2: true, }; var keys = Object.keys(map); // set some keys to arbitrary values frame.batchset(map, function (err) { if (handleErr(err)) { return; } // remove those values frame.batchremove(keys, function (err) { if (handleErr(err)) { return; } // check that they were actually removed frame.batchget(keys, function (err, data) { if (handleErr(err)) { return; } // all keys should be null after you've removed them if (areNull(keys, data)) { unlock(i); return; } console.log("Expected all keys to return null"); }); }); }); }].forEach(runTest); }); });