/* jshint esversion: 6 */ const WebSocketServer = require('ws').Server; const NetfluxSrv = require('chainpad-server'); module.exports.create = function (config) { // asynchronously create a historyKeeper and RPC together require('./historyKeeper.js').create(config, function (err, historyKeeper) { if (err) { throw err; } var log = config.log; // spawn ws server and attach netflux event handlers NetfluxSrv.create(new WebSocketServer({ server: config.httpServer})) .on('channelClose', historyKeeper.channelClose) .on('channelMessage', historyKeeper.channelMessage) .on('channelOpen', historyKeeper.channelOpen) .on('sessionClose', function (userId, reason) { if (['BAD_MESSAGE', 'SOCKET_ERROR', 'SEND_MESSAGE_FAIL_2'].indexOf(reason) !== -1) { if (reason && reason.code === 'ECONNRESET') { return; } return void log.error('SESSION_CLOSE_WITH_ERROR', { userId: userId, reason: reason, }); } if (['SOCKET_CLOSED', 'SOCKET_ERROR'].indexOf(reason)) { return; } log.verbose('SESSION_CLOSE_ROUTINE', { userId: userId, reason: reason, }); }) .on('error', function (error, label, info) { if (!error) { return; } /* labels: SEND_MESSAGE_FAIL, SEND_MESSAGE_FAIL_2, FAIL_TO_DISCONNECT, FAIL_TO_TERMINATE, HANDLE_CHANNEL_LEAVE, NETFLUX_BAD_MESSAGE, NETFLUX_WEBSOCKET_ERROR */ log.error(label, { code: error.code, message: error.message, stack: error.stack, info: info, }); }) .register(historyKeeper.id, historyKeeper.directMessage); }); };