<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script data-main="test" src="/bower_components/requirejs/require.js"></script>
        #status { border: 5px solid red; }
        #status.working { border: 5px solid green; }

<p>This page opens up an iframe which connects to beta.cryptpad.fr</p>

<p>the idea is that some other subdomain of cryptpad.fr should be able to use this technique to open up a connection
   to beta.cryptpad.fr and read from its local storage, so that we can make a seamless transition from beta
   to www. or *.cryptpad.fr.</p>

<div id="status">
<p>If this box turns green, you've configured your scripts correctly.</p>

<p>If your scripts are not working correctly, check that:
        <li>/customize/share/respond.js is configured to respond to requests from your domain (see the validDomains variable)</li>
        <li>the script attempting to connect to this endpoint is configured to listen for responses from it (in this case main.js)</li>