define([ 'jquery', '/common/toolbar3.js', '/common/drive-ui.js', '/common/common-util.js', '/common/common-interface.js', '/common/common-feedback.js', '/bower_components/nthen/index.js', '/common/sframe-common.js', '/common/proxy-manager.js', '/common/hyperscript.js', '/customize/application_config.js', '/common/messenger-ui.js', '/customize/messages.js', 'css!/bower_components/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css', 'css!/bower_components/components-font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css', 'less!/team/app-team.less', ], function ( $, Toolbar, DriveUI, Util, UI, Feedback, nThen, SFCommon, ProxyManager, h, AppConfig, MessengerUI, Messages) { var APP = {}; var driveAPP = {}; //var SHARED_FOLDER_NAME = Messages.fm_sharedFolderName; var copyObjectValue = function (objRef, objToCopy) { for (var k in objRef) { delete objRef[k]; } $.extend(true, objRef, objToCopy); }; var updateSharedFolders = function (sframeChan, manager, drive, folders, cb) { if (!drive || !drive.sharedFolders) { return void cb(); } var oldIds = Object.keys(folders); nThen(function (waitFor) { Object.keys(drive.sharedFolders).forEach(function (fId) { sframeChan.query('Q_DRIVE_GETOBJECT', { sharedFolder: fId }, waitFor(function (err, newObj) { folders[fId] = folders[fId] || {}; copyObjectValue(folders[fId], newObj); if (manager && oldIds.indexOf(fId) === -1) { manager.addProxy(fId, folders[fId]); } })); }); }).nThen(function () { cb(); }); }; var updateObject = function (sframeChan, obj, cb) { sframeChan.query('Q_DRIVE_GETOBJECT', null, function (err, newObj) { copyObjectValue(obj, newObj); if (!driveAPP.loggedIn && driveAPP.newSharedFolder) { = || {};[driveAPP.newSharedFolder] = {}; } cb(); }); }; var setEditable = DriveUI.setEditable; var mainCategories = { 'general': [ 'cp-team-info', ], 'list': [ 'cp-team-list', ], 'create': [ 'cp-team-create', ], }; var teamCategories = { 'back': { onClick: function (common) { var sframeChan = common.getSframeChannel(); APP.module.execCommand('SUBSCRIBE', null, function () { sframeChan.query('Q_SET_TEAM', null, function (err) { if (err) { return void console.error(err); } if ( && {; } = null; = null; APP.buildUI(common); }); }); } }, 'drive': [ 'cp-team-drive' ], 'members': [ 'cp-team-roster' ], 'chat': [ 'cp-team-chat' ], }; var create = {}; // Sidebar layout var hideCategories = function () { APP.$rightside.find('> div').hide(); }; var showCategories = function (cat) { hideCategories(); cat.forEach(function (c) { APP.$rightside.find('.'+c).show(); }); }; var createLeftSide = APP.createLeftSide = function (common, team) { APP.$leftside.empty(); var $categories = $('
', {'class': 'cp-sidebarlayout-categories'}) .appendTo(APP.$leftside); var categories = team ? teamCategories : mainCategories; var active = team ? 'drive' : 'list'; Object.keys(categories).forEach(function (key) { var $category = $('
', {'class': 'cp-sidebarlayout-category cp-team-cat-'+key}).appendTo($categories); if (key === 'general') { $category.append($('', {'class': 'fa fa-info-circle'})); } if (key === 'list') { $category.append($('', {'class': 'fa fa-list cp-team-cat-list'})); } if (key === 'create') { $category.append($('', {'class': 'fa fa-plus-circle'})); } if (key === 'back') { $category.append($('', {'class': 'fa fa-arrow-left'})); } if (key === 'members') { $category.append($('', {'class': 'fa fa-users'})); } if (key === 'chat') { $category.append($('', {'class': 'fa fa-comments'})); } if (key === 'drive') { $category.append($('', {'class': 'fa fa-hdd-o'})); } if (key === active) { $category.addClass('cp-leftside-active'); } $ () { if (!Array.isArray(categories[key]) && categories[key].onClick) { categories[key].onClick(common); return; } if (active === key) { return; } active = key; if (key === 'drive' || key === 'chat') { APP.$rightside.addClass('cp-rightside-drive'); } else { APP.$rightside.removeClass('cp-rightside-drive'); } $categories.find('.cp-leftside-active').removeClass('cp-leftside-active'); $category.addClass('cp-leftside-active'); showCategories(categories[key]); }); $category.append(Messages['team_cat_'+key] || key); // XXX }); if (active === 'drive') { APP.$rightside.addClass('cp-rightside-drive'); } showCategories(categories[active]); }; var buildUI = APP.buildUI = function (common, team) { var $rightside = APP.$rightside; $rightside.empty(); var addItem = function (cssClass) { var item = cssClass.slice(8); if (typeof (create[item]) === "function") { $rightside.append(create[item](common)); } }; var categories = team ? teamCategories : mainCategories; for (var cat in categories) { if (!Array.isArray(categories[cat])) { continue; } categories[cat].forEach(addItem); } createLeftSide(common, team); }; // Team APP var loadTeam = function (common, id, firstLoad) { var sframeChan = common.getSframeChannel(); var proxy = {}; var folders = {}; if (firstLoad) { buildUI(common, true); } nThen(function (waitFor) { updateObject(sframeChan, proxy, waitFor(function () { updateSharedFolders(sframeChan, null,, folders, waitFor()); })); }).nThen(function () { if (! || typeof( !== 'object') { throw new Error("Corrupted drive"); } = id; var drive = DriveUI.create(common, { proxy: proxy, folders: folders, updateObject: updateObject, updateSharedFolders: updateSharedFolders, APP: driveAPP }); = drive; driveAPP.refresh = drive.refresh; }); }; var loadMain = function (common) { buildUI(common); UI.removeLoadingScreen(); }; // Rightside elements var makeBlock = function (key, getter) { create[key] = function (common) { var $div = $('
', {'class': 'cp-team-' + key + ' cp-sidebarlayout-element'}); getter(common, function (content) { $div.append(content); }, $div); return $div; }; }; makeBlock('info', function (common, cb) { cb([ h('h3', 'Team application'), // XXX h('p', 'From here you can ...') // XXX ]); }); var refreshList = function (common, cb) { var sframeChan = common.getSframeChannel(); var content = []; content.push(h('h3', 'Your teams')); APP.module.execCommand('LIST_TEAMS', null, function (obj) { if (!obj) { return; } if (obj.error) { return void console.error(obj.error); } var lis = []; Object.keys(obj).forEach(function (id) { var team = obj[id]; var a = h('a', 'Open'); lis.push(h('li', h('ul', [ h('li', 'Name: ' +, // XXX h('li', 'ID: ' + id), // XXX h('li', a) // XXX ]))); $(a).click(function () { APP.module.execCommand('SUBSCRIBE', id, function () { sframeChan.query('Q_SET_TEAM', id, function (err) { if (err) { return void console.error(err); } = id; buildUI(common, true); }); }); }); }); content.push(h('ul', lis)); cb(content); }); return content; }; makeBlock('list', function (common, cb) { refreshList(common, cb); }); makeBlock('create', function (common, cb) { var content = []; content.push(h('h3', 'Create a team')); // XXX content.push(h('label', 'Team name')); // XXX var input = h('input', {type:'text'}); content.push(input); var button = h('button.btn.btn-success', 'Create'); // XXX content.push(h('br')); content.push(h('br')); content.push(button); var state = false; $(button).click(function () { if (state) { return; } var name = $(input).val(); if (!name.trim()) { return; } state = true; UI.confirm('Are you sure?', function (yes) { if (!yes) { state = false; return; } APP.module.execCommand('CREATE_TEAM', { name: name }, function () { var $div = $('div.cp-team-list').empty(); refreshList(common, function (content) { state = false; $div.append(content); $('div.cp-team-cat-list').click(); }); }); }); }); cb(content); }); makeBlock('back', function (common, cb) { refreshList(common, cb); }); makeBlock('drive', function (common, cb) { $('div.cp-team-drive').empty(); var content = [ h('div.cp-app-drive-container', {tabindex:0}, [ h('div#cp-app-drive-tree'), h('div#cp-app-drive-content-container', [ h('div#cp-app-drive-toolbar'), h('div#cp-app-drive-content', {tabindex:2}) ]) ]) ]; UI.addLoadingScreen(); cb(content); loadTeam(common,, false); }); makeBlock('chat', function (common, cb) { var container = h('div#cp-app-contacts-container.cp-app-contacts-inapp'); var content = [container]; APP.module.execCommand('OPEN_TEAM_CHAT', { teamId: }, function (obj) { console.warn(obj); common.setTeamChat(; MessengerUI.create($(container), common, true); cb(content); }); }); var onEvent = function (obj) { var ev = obj.ev; var data =; if (ev === 'PEWPEW') { data = data; // Do something return; } }; var main = function () { var common; var readOnly; nThen(function (waitFor) { $(waitFor(function () { UI.addLoadingScreen(); })); window.cryptpadStore.getAll(waitFor(function (val) { = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(val)); })); SFCommon.create(waitFor(function (c) { common = c; })); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { APP.$container = $('#cp-sidebarlayout-container'); APP.$leftside = $('
', {id: 'cp-sidebarlayout-leftside'}).appendTo(APP.$container); APP.$rightside = $('
', {id: 'cp-sidebarlayout-rightside'}).appendTo(APP.$container); var sFrameChan = common.getSframeChannel(); sFrameChan.onReady(waitFor()); }).nThen(function () { var sframeChan = common.getSframeChannel(); var metadataMgr = common.getMetadataMgr(); var privateData = metadataMgr.getPrivateData(); readOnly = driveAPP.readOnly = metadataMgr.getPrivateData().readOnly; driveAPP.loggedIn = common.isLoggedIn(); if (!driveAPP.loggedIn) { throw new Error('NOT_LOGGED_IN'); } common.setTabTitle('TEAMS'); // XXX // Drive data if (privateData.newSharedFolder) { driveAPP.newSharedFolder = privateData.newSharedFolder; } driveAPP.disableSF = !privateData.enableSF && AppConfig.disableSharedFolders; // Toolbar var $bar = $('#cp-toolbar'); var configTb = { displayed: ['useradmin', 'pageTitle', 'newpad', 'limit', 'notifications'], pageTitle: 'TEAMS', // XXX metadataMgr: metadataMgr, readOnly: privateData.readOnly, sfCommon: common, $container: $bar }; var toolbar = Toolbar.create(configTb); toolbar.$rightside.hide(); // hide the bottom part of the toolbar // Update the name in the user menu driveAPP.$displayName = $bar.find('.' + Toolbar.constants.username); metadataMgr.onChange(function () { var name = metadataMgr.getUserData().name || Messages.anonymous; driveAPP.$displayName.text(name); }); /* add the usage */ // XXX Teams if (false) { // Synchronous callback... common.createUsageBar(function (err, $limitContainer) { if (err) { return void DriveUI.logError(err); } driveAPP.$limit = $limitContainer; }, true); } // Load the Team module APP.module = common.makeUniversal('team', { onEvent: onEvent }); $('body').css('display', ''); if (privateData.teamId) { loadTeam(common, privateData.teamId, true); } else { loadMain(common); } var onDisconnect = function (noAlert) { setEditable(false); if (driveAPP.refresh) { driveAPP.refresh(); } toolbar.failed(); if (!noAlert) { UI.alert(Messages.common_connectionLost, undefined, true); } }; var onReconnect = function (info) { setEditable(true); if (driveAPP.refresh) { driveAPP.refresh(); } toolbar.reconnecting(info.myId); UI.findOKButton().click(); }; sframeChan.on('EV_DRIVE_LOG', function (msg) { UI.log(msg); }); sframeChan.on('EV_NETWORK_DISCONNECT', function () { onDisconnect(); }); sframeChan.on('EV_NETWORK_RECONNECT', function (data) { // data.myId; onReconnect(data); }); common.onLogout(function () { setEditable(false); }); }); }; main(); });