define(function () { var out = {}; out.errorBox_errorType_disconnected = 'Connection Lost'; out.errorBox_errorExplanation_disconnected = [ 'Lost connection to server, you may reconnect by reloading the page or review your work ', 'by clicking outside of this box.' ].join(''); out.editingAlone = 'Editing alone'; out.editingWithOneOtherPerson = 'Editing with one other person'; out.editingWith = 'Editing with'; out.otherPeople = 'other people'; out.disconnected = 'Disconnected'; out.synchronizing = 'Synchronizing'; out.reconnecting = 'Reconnecting...'; out.lag = 'Lag'; out.importButton = 'IMPORT'; out.importButtonTitle = 'Import a document from a local file'; out.exportButton = 'EXPORT'; out.exportButtonTitle = 'Export this document to a local file'; out.exportPrompt = 'What would you like to name your file?'; out.back = '⇐ Back'; out.changeNameButton = 'Change name'; out.changeNamePrompt = 'Change your name: '; out.renameButton = 'RENAME'; out.renameButtonTitle = 'Change the title under which this document is listed on your home page'; out.renamePrompt = 'How would you like to title this pad?'; out.renameConflict = 'Another pad already has that title'; out.forgetButton = 'FORGET'; out.forgetButtonTitle = 'remove this document from your home page listings'; out.forgetPrompt = 'Clicking OK will remove the URL for this pad from localStorage, are you sure?'; out.disconnectAlert = 'Network connection lost!'; out.tryIt = 'Try it out!'; out.recentPads = 'Your recent pads (stored only in your browser)'; out.okButton = 'OK (enter)'; out.cancelButton = 'Cancel (esc)'; out.initialState = [ '<p>', 'This is <strong>CryptPad</strong>, the zero knowledge realtime collaborative editor.', '<br>', 'What you type here is encrypted so only people who have the link can access it.', '<br>', 'Even the server cannot see what you type.', '</p>', '<p>', '<small>', '<i>What you see here, what you hear here, when you leave here, let it stay here</i>', '</small>', '</p>', ].join(''); out.codeInitialState = [ '/*\n', ' This is CryptPad, the zero knowledge realtime collaborative editor.\n', ' What you type here is encrypted so only people who have the link can access it.\n', ' Even the server cannot see what you type.\n', ' What you see here, what you hear here, when you leave here, let it stay here.\n', '*/' ].join(''); return out; });