define([ '/common/common-util.js', '/common/common-hash.js', '/common/common-constants.js', '/common/common-realtime.js', '/common/outer/sharedfolder.js', '/bower_components/chainpad-listmap/chainpad-listmap.js', '/bower_components/chainpad-crypto/crypto.js', '/bower_components/chainpad/chainpad.dist.js', ], function (Util, Hash, Constants, Realtime, SF, Listmap, Crypto, ChainPad) { var Team = {}; var initializeTeams = function (ctx, cb) { // XXX ? cb(); }; var onready = function (ctx, team, id, cb) { // XXX // load manager // load shared folders }; var openChannel = function (ctx, team, id, cb) { // XXX team password? var secret = Hash.getSecrets('team', team.href); var crypto = Crypto.createEncryptor(secret.keys); var cfg = { data: {}, network:, channel:, crypto: crypto, ChainPad: ChainPad, metadata: { validateKey: secret.keys.validateKey || undefined, }, userName: 'team', classic: true }; var lm = Listmap.create(cfg); lm.proxy.on('create', function () { }).on('ready', function () { ctx.teams[id] = { proxy: lm.proxy, listmap: lm, clients: [] }; onReady(ctx, team, id, function () { // TODO }); if (ctx.onReadyHandlers.length) { ctx.onReadyHandlers.forEach(function (f) { try { f(lm.proxy); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }); ctx.onReadyHandlers = []; } }).on('change', [], function () { // XXX team app event //ctx.emit('UPDATE', lm.proxy, ctx.clients); }); }; var subscribe = function (ctx, id, cId, cb) { // Subscribe to new notifications if (!id || !ctx.teams[id]) { return void cb({error: 'EINVAL'}); } var clients = ctx.teams[id].clients; var idx = clients.indexOf(cId); if (idx === -1) { clients.push(cId); } cb(); }; // Remove a client from all the team they're subscribed to var removeClient = function (ctx, cId) { Object.keys(ctx.teams).forEach(function (id) { var clients = ctx.teams[id].clients; var idx = clients.indexOf(cId); clients.splice(idx, 1); }); }; Team.init = function (cfg, waitFor, emit) { var team = {}; var store =; if (!store.loggedIn || !store.proxy.edPublic) { return; } var ctx = { store: store, pinPads: cfg.pinPads, updateMetadata: cfg.updateMetadata, emit: emit, onReadyHandlers: [], teams: {} }; var teams = store.proxy.teams = store.proxy.teams || {}; initializeTeams(ctx, waitFor(function (err) { if (err) { return; } })); Object.keys(teams).forEach(function (id) { // XXX waitFor? // only if we want to make sure teams are loaded before remore the loading screen openChannel(ctx, teams[id], id, function () { console.error('team '+id+' ready'); }); }); team.getTeam = function (id) { return ctx.teams[id]; }; team.removeClient = function (clientId) { removeClient(ctx, clientId); }; team.execCommand = function (clientId, obj, cb) { console.log(obj); var cmd = obj.cmd; var data =; if (cmd === 'SUBSCRIBE') { // Only the team app will subscribe to events? return void subscribe(ctx, data, clientId, cb); } }; return team; }; return Team; });