define([ '/api/config', 'json.sortify', '/common/userObject.js', '/common/proxy-manager.js', '/common/migrate-user-object.js', '/common/common-hash.js', '/common/common-util.js', '/common/common-constants.js', '/common/common-feedback.js', '/common/common-realtime.js', '/common/common-messaging.js', '/common/pinpad.js', '/common/outer/cache-store.js', '/common/outer/sharedfolder.js', '/common/outer/cursor.js', '/common/outer/onlyoffice.js', '/common/outer/mailbox.js', '/common/outer/profile.js', '/common/outer/team.js', '/common/outer/messenger.js', '/common/outer/history.js', '/common/outer/calendar.js', '/common/outer/network-config.js', '/customize/application_config.js', '/bower_components/chainpad-crypto/crypto.js', '/bower_components/chainpad/chainpad.dist.js', 'chainpad-netflux', 'chainpad-listmap', 'netflux-client', '/bower_components/nthen/index.js', '/bower_components/saferphore/index.js', ], function (ApiConfig, Sortify, UserObject, ProxyManager, Migrate, Hash, Util, Constants, Feedback, Realtime, Messaging, Pinpad, Cache, SF, Cursor, OnlyOffice, Mailbox, Profile, Team, Messenger, History, Calendar, NetConfig, AppConfig, Crypto, ChainPad, CpNetflux, Listmap, Netflux, nThen, Saferphore) { var onReadyEvt = Util.mkEvent(true); var onCacheReadyEvt = Util.mkEvent(true); // Number of days before deleting the cache for a channel or blob var CACHE_MAX_AGE = 90; // DAYS // Default settings for new users var NEW_USER_SETTINGS = { drive: { hideDuplicate: true }, pad: { width: true }, security: { unsafeLinks: false }, general: { allowUserFeedback: true } }; var create = function () { var Store = window.Cryptpad_Store = {}; var postMessage = function () {}; var broadcast = function () {}; var sendDriveEvent = function () {}; var registerProxyEvents = function () {}; var store = window.CryptPad_AsyncStore = { modules: {} }; Store.onReadyEvt = onReadyEvt; var getStore = function (teamId) { if (!teamId) { return store; } try { var teams = store.modules['team']; var team = teams.getTeam(teamId); if (!team) { console.error('Team not found', teamId); return; } return team; } catch (e) { console.error(e); console.error('Team not found', teamId); return; } }; var onSync = Store.onSync = function (teamId, cb) { var s = getStore(teamId); if (!s) { return void cb({ error: 'ENOTFOUND' }); } nThen(function (waitFor) { Realtime.whenRealtimeSyncs(s.realtime, waitFor()); if (s.sharedFolders && typeof (s.sharedFolders) === "object") { for (var k in s.sharedFolders) { if (!s.sharedFolders[k].realtime) { continue; } // Deprecated Realtime.whenRealtimeSyncs(s.sharedFolders[k].realtime, waitFor()); } } }).nThen(function () { cb(); }); }; Store.get = function (clientId, data, cb) { var s = getStore(data.teamId); if (!s) { return void cb({ error: 'ENOTFOUND' }); } if (!s.proxy) { return void cb({ error: 'ENODRIVE' }); } cb(Util.find(s.proxy, data.key)); }; Store.set = function (clientId, data, cb) { var s = getStore(data.teamId); if (!s) { return void cb({ error: 'ENOTFOUND' }); } if (!s.proxy) { return void cb({ error: 'ENODRIVE' }); } var path = data.key.slice(); var key = path.pop(); var obj = Util.find(s.proxy, path); if (!obj || typeof(obj) !== "object") { return void cb({error: 'INVALID_PATH'}); } if (typeof data.value === "undefined") { delete obj[key]; } else { obj[key] = data.value; } if (!data.teamId) { broadcast([clientId], "UPDATE_METADATA"); if (Array.isArray(path) && path[0] === 'profile' && store.messenger) { Messaging.updateMyData(store); } } onSync(data.teamId, cb); }; Store.getSharedFolder = function (clientId, data, cb) { var s = getStore(data.teamId); var id =; var proxy; if (!s || !s.manager) { return void cb({ error: 'ENOTFOUND' }); } if (s.manager.folders[id]) { proxy = Util.clone(s.manager.folders[id].proxy); proxy.offline = Boolean(s.manager.folders[id].offline); // If it is loaded, return the shared folder proxy return void cb(proxy); } else { // Otherwise, check if we know this shared folder var shared = Util.find(s.proxy, ['drive', UserObject.SHARED_FOLDERS]) || {}; if (shared[id]) { // If we know the shared folder, load it and return the proxy return void Store.loadSharedFolder(data.teamId, id, shared[id], function () { cb(s.manager.folders[id].proxy); }); } } cb({}); }; Store.restoreSharedFolder = function (clientId, data, cb) { if (!data.sfId || ! { return void cb({error:'EINVAL'}); } var s = getStore(data.teamId); if (s.sharedFolders[data.sfId]) { Object.keys( (k) { s.sharedFolders[data.sfId].proxy[k] =[k]; }); Object.keys(s.sharedFolders[data.sfId].proxy).forEach(function (k) { if ([k]) { return; } delete s.sharedFolders[data.sfId].proxy[k]; }); } onSync(data.teamId, cb); }; Store.hasSigningKeys = function () { if (!store.proxy) { return; } return typeof(store.proxy.edPrivate) === 'string' && typeof(store.proxy.edPublic) === 'string'; }; Store.hasCurveKeys = function () { if (!store.proxy) { return; } return typeof(store.proxy.curvePrivate) === 'string' && typeof(store.proxy.curvePublic) === 'string'; }; Store.isOwned = function (owners) { var edPublic = store.proxy.edPublic; // Not logged in? false if (!edPublic) { return false; } // No owners? false if (!Array.isArray(owners) || !owners.length) { return false; } if (owners.indexOf(edPublic) !== -1) { return true; } // No team var teams = store.proxy.teams; if (!teams) { return false; } return Object.keys(teams).some(function (id) { var ed = Util.find(teams[id], ['keys', 'drive', 'edPublic']); return ed && owners.indexOf(ed) !== -1; }); }; var getUserChannelList = function () { var userChannel = store.driveChannel; if (!userChannel) { return null; } // Get the list of pads' channel ID in your drive // This list is filtered so that it doesn't include pad owned by other users // It now includes channels from shared folders var list = store.manager.getChannelsList('pin'); // Get the avatar & profile var profile = store.proxy.profile; if (profile) { var profileChan = profile.edit ? Hash.hrefToHexChannelId('/profile/#' + profile.edit, null) : null; if (profileChan) { list.push(profileChan); } var avatarChan = profile.avatar ? Hash.hrefToHexChannelId(profile.avatar, null) : null; if (avatarChan) { list.push(avatarChan); } } if (store.proxy.todo) { list.push(Hash.hrefToHexChannelId('/todo/#' + store.proxy.todo, null)); } if (store.proxy.friends) { var fList = Messaging.getFriendChannelsList(store.proxy); list = list.concat(fList); } if (store.proxy.mailboxes) { var mList = Object.keys(store.proxy.mailboxes).map(function (m) { if (m === "broadcast" && !store.isAdmin) { return; } return store.proxy.mailboxes[m].channel; }).filter(Boolean); list = list.concat(mList); } if (store.proxy.calendars) { var cList = Object.keys(store.proxy.calendars).map(function (c) { return store.proxy.calendars[c].channel; }); list = list.concat(cList); } list.push(userChannel); list.sort(); return list; }; var getExpirableChannelList = function () { return store.manager.getChannelsList('expirable'); }; var getCanonicalChannelList = function (expirable) { var list = expirable ? getExpirableChannelList() : getUserChannelList(); return Util.deduplicateString(list).sort(); }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////// RPC ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // pinPads needs to support the old format where data is an array of channel IDs // and the new format where data is an object with "teamId" and "pads" Store.pinPads = function (clientId, data, cb) { if (!data) { return void cb({error: 'EINVAL'}); } var s = getStore(data && data.teamId); if (!s.rpc) { return void cb({error: 'RPC_NOT_READY'}); } if (typeof(cb) !== 'function') { console.error('expected a callback'); cb = function () {}; } var pads = data.pads || data;, function (e) { if (e) { return void cb({error: e}); } cb({}); }); }; // unpinPads needs to support the old format where data is an array of channel IDs // and the new format where data is an object with "teamId" and "pads" Store.unpinPads = function (clientId, data, cb) { if (!data) { return void cb({error: 'EINVAL'}); } var s = getStore(data && data.teamId); if (!s.rpc) { return void cb({error: 'RPC_NOT_READY'}); } var pads = data.pads || data; s.rpc.unpin(pads, function (e) { if (e) { return void cb({error: e}); } cb({}); }); }; var account = {}; Store.getPinnedUsage = function (clientId, data, cb) { var s = getStore(data && data.teamId); if (!s || !s.rpc) { return void cb({error: 'RPC_NOT_READY'}); } s.rpc.getFileListSize(function (err, bytes) { if (! && typeof(bytes) === 'number') { account.usage = bytes; } cb({bytes: bytes}); }); }; // Update for all users from accounts and return current user limits Store.updatePinLimit = function (clientId, data, cb) { if (!store.rpc) { return void cb({error: 'RPC_NOT_READY'}); } store.rpc.updatePinLimits(function (e, limit, plan, note) { if (e) { return void cb({error: e}); } account.limit = limit; account.plan = plan; account.note = note; cb(account); }); }; // Get current user limits Store.getPinLimit = function (clientId, data, cb) { var s = getStore(data && data.teamId); if (!s.rpc) { return void cb({error: 'RPC_NOT_READY'}); } var ALWAYS_REVALIDATE = true; if (ALWAYS_REVALIDATE || typeof(account.limit) !== 'number' || typeof(account.plan) !== 'string' || typeof(account.note) !== 'string') { return void s.rpc.getLimit(function (e, limit, plan, note) { if (e) { return void cb({error: e}); } var data = ? {} : account; data.limit = limit; data.plan = plan; data.note = note; cb(data); }); } cb(account); }; // clearOwnedChannel is only used for private chat at the moment Store.clearOwnedChannel = function (clientId, data, cb) { if (!store.rpc) { return void cb({error: 'RPC_NOT_READY'}); } store.rpc.clearOwnedChannel(data, function (err) { cb({error:err}); }); }; var myDeletions = {}; Store.removeOwnedChannel = function (clientId, data, cb) { // "data" used to be a string (channelID), now it can also be an object // data.force tells us we can safely remove the drive ID var channel = data; var force = false; var teamId; if (data && typeof(data) === "object") { channel =; force = data.force; teamId = data.teamId; } if (channel === store.driveChannel && !force) { return void cb({error: 'User drive removal blocked!'}); } var s = getStore(teamId); if (!s) { return void cb({ error: 'ENOTFOUND' }); } if (!s.rpc) { return void cb({error: 'RPC_NOT_READY'}); } // If this channel is loaded, remember that we deleted it ourselves if (Store.channels[channel]) { myDeletions[channel] = true; } s.rpc.removeOwnedChannel(channel, function (err) { if (err) { delete myDeletions[channel]; } cb({error:err}); }); }; var arePinsSynced = function (cb) { if (!store.rpc) { return void cb({error: 'RPC_NOT_READY'}); } var list = getCanonicalChannelList(false); var local = Hash.hashChannelList(list); store.rpc.getServerHash(function (e, hash) { if (e) { return void cb(e); } cb(null, hash === local); }); }; var resetPins = function (cb) { if (!store.rpc) { return void cb({error: 'RPC_NOT_READY'}); } var list = getCanonicalChannelList(false); store.rpc.reset(list, function (e) { if (e) { return void cb(e); } cb(null); }); }; Store.uploadComplete = function (clientId, data, cb) { var s = getStore(data.teamId); if (!s) { return void cb({ error: 'ENOTFOUND' }); } if (!s.rpc) { return void cb({error: 'RPC_NOT_READY'}); } if (data.owned) { // Owned file s.rpc.ownedUploadComplete(, function (err, res) { if (err) { return void cb({error:err}); } cb(res); }); return; } // Normal upload s.rpc.uploadComplete(, function (err, res) { if (err) { return void cb({error:err}); } cb(res); }); }; Store.uploadStatus = function (clientId, data, cb) { var s = getStore(data.teamId); if (!s) { return void cb({ error: 'ENOTFOUND' }); } if (!s.rpc) { return void cb({error: 'RPC_NOT_READY'}); } s.rpc.uploadStatus(data.size, function (err, res) { if (err) { return void cb({error:err}); } cb(res); }); }; Store.uploadCancel = function (clientId, data, cb) { var s = getStore(data.teamId); if (!s) { return void cb({ error: 'ENOTFOUND' }); } if (!s.rpc) { return void cb({error: 'RPC_NOT_READY'}); } s.rpc.uploadCancel(data.size, function (err, res) { if (err) { return void cb({error:err}); } cb(res); }); }; Store.uploadChunk = function (clientId, data, cb) { var s = getStore(data.teamId); if (!s) { return void cb({ error: 'ENOTFOUND' }); } if (!s.rpc) { return void cb({error: 'RPC_NOT_READY'}); } s.rpc.send.unauthenticated('UPLOAD', data.chunk, function (e, msg) { cb({ error: e, msg: msg }); }); }; Store.writeLoginBlock = function (clientId, data, cb) { Pinpad.create(, data && data.keys, function (err, rpc) { if (err) { return void cb({ error: err, }); } rpc.writeLoginBlock(data && data.content, function (e, res) { cb({ error: e, data: res }); }); }); }; Store.removeLoginBlock = function (clientId, data, cb) { Pinpad.create(, data && data.keys, function (err, rpc) { if (err) { return void cb({ error: err, }); } rpc.removeLoginBlock(data && data.content, function (e, res) { cb({ error: e, data: res }); }); }); }; var initRpc = function (clientId, data, cb) { if (!store.loggedIn) { return cb(); } if (store.rpc) { return void cb(account); } Pinpad.create(, store.proxy, function (e, call) { if (e) { return void cb({error: e}); } store.rpc = call;; Store.getPinLimit(null, null, function (obj) { if (obj.error) { console.error(obj.error); } account.limit = obj.limit; account.plan = obj.plan; account.note = obj.note; cb(obj); }); }, Cache); }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////// ANON RPC ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Store.anonRpcMsg = function (clientId, data, cb) { if (!store.anon_rpc) { return void cb({error: 'ANON_RPC_NOT_READY'}); } store.anon_rpc.send(data.msg,, function (err, res) { if (err) { return void cb({error: err}); } cb(res); }); }; Store.getFileSize = function (clientId, data, _cb) { var cb = Util.once(Util.mkAsync(_cb)); if (!store.anon_rpc) { return void cb({error: 'ANON_RPC_NOT_READY'}); } var channelId = || Hash.hrefToHexChannelId(data.href, data.password); store.anon_rpc.send("GET_FILE_SIZE", channelId, function (e, response) { if (e) { return void cb({error: e}); } if (response && response.length && typeof(response[0]) === 'number') { if (response[0] === 0) { Cache.clearChannel(channelId); } return void cb({size: response[0]}); } else { cb({error: 'INVALID_RESPONSE'}); } }); }; Store.isNewChannel = function (clientId, data, cb) { if (!store.anon_rpc) { return void cb({error: 'ANON_RPC_NOT_READY'}); } var channelId = || Hash.hrefToHexChannelId(data.href, data.password); store.anon_rpc.send("IS_NEW_CHANNEL", channelId, function (e, response) { if (e) { return void cb({error: e}); } if (response && response.length && typeof(response[0]) === 'boolean') { if (response[0]) { Cache.clearChannel(channelId); } return void cb({ isNew: response[0] }); } else { cb({error: 'INVALID_RESPONSE'}); } }); }; Store.getMultipleFileSize = function (clientId, data, cb) { if (!store.anon_rpc) { return void cb({error: 'ANON_RPC_NOT_READY'}); } if (!Array.isArray(data.files)) { return void cb({error: 'INVALID_FILE_LIST'}); } store.anon_rpc.send('GET_MULTIPLE_FILE_SIZE', data.files, function (e, res) { if (e) { return void cb({error: e}); } if (res && res.length && typeof(res[0]) === 'object') { cb({size: res[0]}); } else { cb({error: 'UNEXPECTED_RESPONSE'}); } }); }; Store.getDeletedPads = function (clientId, data, cb) { if (!store.anon_rpc) { return void cb({error: 'ANON_RPC_NOT_READY'}); } var list = (data && data.list) || getCanonicalChannelList(true); if (!Array.isArray(list)) { return void cb({error: 'INVALID_FILE_LIST'}); } store.anon_rpc.send('GET_DELETED_PADS', list, function (e, res) { if (e) { return void cb({error: e}); } if (res && res.length && Array.isArray(res[0])) { cb(res[0]); } else { cb({error: 'UNEXPECTED_RESPONSE'}); } }); }; var initAnonRpc = function (clientId, data, cb) { if (store.anon_rpc) { return void cb(); } require([ '/common/rpc.js', ], function (Rpc) { Rpc.createAnonymous(, function (e, call) { if (e) { return void cb({error: e}); } store.anon_rpc = call; cb(); }); }); }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////// Store //////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var getAllStores = Store.getAllStores = function () { if (!store.proxy) { return []; } var stores = [store]; var teamModule = store.modules['team']; if (teamModule) { var teams = teamModule.getTeams().map(function (id) { return teamModule.getTeam(id); }); Array.prototype.push.apply(stores, teams); } return stores; }; // Get or create the user color for the cursor position Store.getUserColor = function () { var color = Util.find(store, ['proxy', 'settings', 'general', 'cursor', 'color']); if (!color) { color = Util.getRandomColor(true); Store.setAttribute(null, { attr: ['general', 'cursor', 'color'], value: color }, function () {}); } return color; }; // Get the metadata for sframe-common-outer Store.getMetadata = function (clientId, app, cb) { var proxy = store.proxy || {}; var disableThumbnails = Util.find(proxy, ['settings', 'general', 'disableThumbnails']); var teams = (store.modules['team'] && store.modules['team'].getTeamsData(app)) || {}; if (!proxy.uid) { store.noDriveUid = store.noDriveUid || Hash.createChannelId(); } var metadata = { // "user" is shared with everybody via the userlist user: { name: proxy[Constants.displayNameKey] || store.noDriveName || "", uid: proxy.uid || store.noDriveUid, // Random uid in nodrive mode avatar: Util.find(proxy, ['profile', 'avatar']), profile: Util.find(proxy, ['profile', 'view']), color: Store.getUserColor(), notifications: Util.find(proxy, ['mailboxes', 'notifications', 'channel']), curvePublic: proxy.curvePublic, }, // "priv" is not shared with other users but is needed by the apps priv: { clientId: clientId, edPublic: proxy.edPublic, friends: proxy.friends || {}, settings: proxy.settings || NEW_USER_SETTINGS, thumbnails: disableThumbnails === false, isDriveOwned: Boolean(Util.find(store, ['driveMetadata', 'owners'])), support: Util.find(proxy, ['mailboxes', 'support', 'channel']), driveChannel: store.driveChannel, pendingFriends: proxy.friends_pending || {}, supportPrivateKey: Util.find(proxy, ['mailboxes', 'supportadmin', 'keys', 'curvePrivate']), accountName: proxy.login_name || '', offline: store.proxy && store.offline, teams: teams, plan: account.plan, } }; cb(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(metadata))); }; Store.onMaintenanceUpdate = function (uid) { // use uid in /api/broadcast so that all connected users will use the same cached // version on the server require(['/api/broadcast?'+uid], function (Broadcast) { if (!Broadcast) { return; } broadcast([], 'UNIVERSAL_EVENT', { type: 'broadcast', data: { ev: 'MAINTENANCE', data: Broadcast.maintenance } }); setTimeout(function () { try { var ctx = require.s.contexts._; var defined = ctx.defined; Object.keys(defined).forEach(function (href) { if (/^\/api\/broadcast\?[a-z0-9]+/.test(href)) { delete defined[href]; return; } }); } catch (e) {} }); }); }; Store.onSurveyUpdate = function (uid) { // use uid in /api/broadcast so that all connected users will use the same cached // version on the server require(['/api/broadcast?'+uid], function (Broadcast) { broadcast([], 'UNIVERSAL_EVENT', { type: 'broadcast', data: { ev: 'SURVEY', data: Broadcast.surveyURL } }); }); }; var makePad = function (href, roHref, title) { var now = +new Date(); return { href: href, roHref: roHref, atime: now, ctime: now, title: title || UserObject.getDefaultName(Hash.parsePadUrl(href)), }; }; Store.addPad = function (clientId, data, cb) { if (!data.href && !data.roHref) { return void cb({error:'NO_HREF'}); } var secret; if (!data.roHref) { var parsed = Hash.parsePadUrl(data.href); if (parsed.hashData.type === "pad") { secret = Hash.getSecrets(parsed.type, parsed.hash, data.password); data.roHref = '/' + parsed.type + '/#' + Hash.getViewHashFromKeys(secret); } } var pad = makePad(data.href, data.roHref, data.title); if (data.owners) { pad.owners = data.owners; } if (data.expire) { pad.expire = data.expire; } if (data.password) { pad.password = data.password; } if ( || secret) { = ||; } if (data.readme) { pad.readme = 1; } var s = getStore(data.teamId); if (!s || !s.manager) { return void cb({ error: 'ENOTFOUND' }); } s.manager.addPad(data.path, pad, function (e) { if (e) { return void cb({error: e}); } // Send a CHANGE events to all the teams because we may have just // added a pad to a shared folder stored in multiple teams getAllStores().forEach(function (_s) { var send = ? _s.sendEvent : sendDriveEvent; send('DRIVE_CHANGE', { path: ['drive', UserObject.FILES_DATA] }, clientId); }); onSync(data.teamId, cb); }); }; var getOwnedPads = function () { var list = store.manager.getChannelsList('owned'); if (store.proxy.todo) { // No password for todo list.push(Hash.hrefToHexChannelId('/todo/#' + store.proxy.todo, null)); } if (store.proxy.profile && store.proxy.profile.edit) { // No password for profile list.push(Hash.hrefToHexChannelId('/profile/#' + store.proxy.profile.edit, null)); } if (store.proxy.mailboxes) { Object.keys(store.proxy.mailboxes || {}).forEach(function (id) { if (id === 'supportadmin') { return; } var m = store.proxy.mailboxes[id]; list.push(; }); } if (store.proxy.teams) { Object.keys(store.proxy.teams || {}).forEach(function (id) { var t = store.proxy.teams[id]; if (t.owner) { list.push(; list.push(; list.push(; } }); } return list.filter(function (channel) { if (typeof(channel) !== 'string') { return; } return [32, 48].indexOf(channel.length) !== -1; }); }; var removeOwnedPads = function (waitFor) { // Delete owned pads var edPublic = Util.find(store, ['proxy', 'edPublic']); var ownedPads = getOwnedPads(); var sem = Saferphore.create(10); ownedPads.forEach(function (c) { var w = waitFor(); sem.take(function (give) { var otherOwners = false; nThen(function (_w) { // Don't check server metadata for blobs if (c.length !== 32) { return; } Store.anonRpcMsg(null, { msg: 'GET_METADATA', data: c }, _w(function (obj) { if (obj && obj.error) { give(); w(); return void _w.abort(); } var md = obj[0]; var isOwner = md && Array.isArray(md.owners) && md.owners.indexOf(edPublic) !== -1; if (!isOwner) { give(); w(); return void _w.abort(); } otherOwners = md.owners.some(function (ed) { return ed !== edPublic; }); })); }).nThen(function (_w) { if (otherOwners) { Store.setPadMetadata(null, { channel: c, command: 'RM_OWNERS', value: [edPublic], }, _w()); return; } // We're the only owner: delete the pad store.rpc.removeOwnedChannel(c, _w(function (err) { if (err) { console.error(err); } })); }).nThen(function () { give(); w(); }); }); }); }; Store.deleteAccount = function (clientId, data, cb) { var edPublic = store.proxy.edPublic; var removeData = data && data.removeData; var rpcKeys = data && data.keys; Store.anonRpcMsg(clientId, { msg: 'GET_METADATA', data: store.driveChannel }, function (data) { var metadata = data[0]; // Owned drive if (metadata && metadata.owners && metadata.owners.length === 1 && metadata.owners.indexOf(edPublic) !== -1) { var token; nThen(function (waitFor) { self.accountDeletion = clientId; // Log out from other workers var token = Math.floor(Math.random()*Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER); store.proxy[Constants.tokenKey] = token; onSync(null, waitFor()); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { removeOwnedPads(waitFor); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { // Delete Pin Store store.rpc.removePins(waitFor(function (err) { if (err) { console.error(err); } })); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { // Delete Drive Store.removeOwnedChannel(clientId, { channel: store.driveChannel, force: true }, waitFor()); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { if (!removeData) { return; } var done = waitFor(); Pinpad.create(, rpcKeys, function (err, rpc) { if (err) { console.error(err); return void done(); } // Delete the block. Don't abort if it fails, it doesn't leak any data. rpc.removeLoginBlock(removeData, done); }); }).nThen(function () { // Log out current worker postMessage(clientId, "DELETE_ACCOUNT", token, function () {});; cb({ state: true }); }); return; } // Not owned drive var toSign = { intent: 'Please delete my account.' }; = store.driveChannel; toSign.edPublic = edPublic; var signKey = Crypto.Nacl.util.decodeBase64(store.proxy.edPrivate); var proof = Crypto.Nacl.sign.detached(Crypto.Nacl.util.decodeUTF8(Sortify(toSign)), signKey); var check = Crypto.Nacl.sign.detached.verify(Crypto.Nacl.util.decodeUTF8(Sortify(toSign)), proof, Crypto.Nacl.util.decodeBase64(edPublic)); if (!check) { console.error('signed message failed verification'); } var proofTxt = Crypto.Nacl.util.encodeBase64(proof); cb({ proof: proofTxt, toSign: JSON.parse(Sortify(toSign)) }); }); }; /** * Merge the anonymous drive into the user drive at registration * data * - anonHash */ Store.migrateAnonDrive = function (clientId, data, cb) { require(['/common/mergeDrive.js'], function (Merge) { var hash = data.anonHash; Merge.anonDriveIntoUser(store, hash, cb); }); }; // Set the display name (username) in the proxy Store.setDisplayName = function (clientId, value, cb) { if (!store.proxy) { store.noDriveName = value; broadcast([clientId], "UPDATE_METADATA"); return void cb(); } if (store.modules['profile']) { store.modules['profile'].setName(value); } store.proxy[Constants.displayNameKey] = value; broadcast([clientId], "UPDATE_METADATA"); Messaging.updateMyData(store); onSync(null, cb); }; // Reset the drive part of the userObject (from settings) Store.resetDrive = function (clientId, data, cb) { nThen(function (waitFor) { removeOwnedPads(waitFor); }).nThen(function () { = store.userObject.getStructure(); sendDriveEvent('DRIVE_CHANGE', { path: ['drive', 'filesData'] }, clientId); onSync(null, cb); }); }; /** * Settings & pad attributes * data * - href (String) * - attr (Array) * - value (String) */ Store.setPadAttribute = function (clientId, data, cb) { nThen(function (waitFor) { getAllStores().forEach(function (s) { s.manager.setPadAttribute(data, waitFor(function () { var send = ? s.sendEvent : sendDriveEvent; send('DRIVE_CHANGE', { path: ['drive', UserObject.FILES_DATA] }, clientId); onSync(, waitFor()); })); }); }).nThen(cb); // cb when all managers are synced }; Store.getPadAttribute = function (clientId, data, cb) { var res = {}; nThen(function (waitFor) { getAllStores().forEach(function (s) { s.manager.getPadAttribute(data, waitFor(function (err, val) { if (err) { return; } if (!val || typeof(val) !== "object") { return void console.error("Not an object!"); } if (!res.value || res.atime < val.atime) { res.atime = val.atime; res.value = val.value; } })); }); }).nThen(function () { cb(res.value); }); }; var getAttributeObject = function (attr) { if (typeof attr === "string") { console.error('DEPRECATED: use setAttribute with an array, not a string'); return { path: ['settings'], obj: store.proxy.settings, key: attr }; } if (!Array.isArray(attr)) { return void console.error("Attribute must be string or array"); } if (attr.length === 0) { return void console.error("Attribute can't be empty"); } var obj = store.proxy.settings; attr.forEach(function (el, i) { if (i === attr.length-1) { return; } if (!obj[el]) { obj[el] = {}; } else if (typeof obj[el] !== "object") { return void console.error("Wrong attribute"); } obj = obj[el]; }); return { path: ['settings'].concat(attr), obj: obj, key: attr[attr.length-1] }; }; Store.setAttribute = function (clientId, data, cb) { try { var object = getAttributeObject(data.attr); object.obj[object.key] = data.value; } catch (e) { return void cb({error: e}); } onSync(null, function () { cb(); broadcast([], "UPDATE_METADATA"); }); }; Store.getAttribute = function (clientId, data, cb) { var object; try { object = getAttributeObject(data.attr); } catch (e) { return void cb({error: e}); } cb(object.obj[object.key]); }; // Tags Store.listAllTags = function (clientId, data, cb) { var tags = {}; getAllStores().forEach(function (s) { var l = s.manager.getTagsList(); Object.keys(l).forEach(function (tag) { tags[tag] = (tags[tag] || 0) + l[tag]; }); }); cb(tags); }; // Templates // Note: maybe we should get templates "per team" to avoid creating a document with a template // from a different team Store.getTemplates = function (clientId, data, cb) { // No templates in shared folders: we don't need the manager here var res = []; var channels = []; getAllStores().forEach(function (s) { var templateFiles = s.userObject.getFiles(['template']); templateFiles.forEach(function (f) { var data = s.userObject.getFileData(f); // Don't push duplicates if (channels.indexOf( !== -1) { return; } channels.push(; // Puhs a copy of the data res.push(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data))); }); }); cb(res); }; Store.incrementTemplateUse = function (clientId, href) { // No templates in shared folders: we don't need the manager here getAllStores().forEach(function (s) { s.userObject.getPadAttribute(href, 'used', function (err, data) { // This is a not critical function, abort in case of error to make sure we won't // create any issue with the user object or the async store if (err) { return; } var used = typeof data === "number" ? ++data : 1; s.userObject.setPadAttribute(href, 'used', used); }); }); }; // Pads Store.isOnlyInSharedFolder = function (clientId, channel, cb) { var res = false; // The main drive doesn't have an fId (folder ID) var isInMainDrive = function (obj) { return !obj.fId; }; // A pad is only in a shared folder if it is in one of our managers // AND if if it not in any "main" drive getAllStores().some(function (s) { var _res = s.manager.findChannel(channel); // Not in this manager: go the the next one if (!_res.length) { return; } // if the pad is in the main drive, cb(false) if (_res.some(isInMainDrive)) { res = false; return true; } // Otherwise the pad is only in a shared folder in this manager: // set the result to true and check the next manager res = true; }); return cb (res); }; Store.moveToTrash = function (clientId, data, cb) { var href = Hash.getRelativeHref(data.href); var allErrors = true; nThen(function (waitFor) { getAllStores().forEach(function (s) { var deleted = s.userObject.forget(href); if (!deleted) { return; } allErrors = false; var send = ? s.sendEvent : sendDriveEvent; send('DRIVE_CHANGE', { path: ['drive', UserObject.FILES_DATA] }, clientId); onSync(, waitFor()); }); }).nThen(function () { cb({ error: allErrors ? 'FORBIDDEN' : undefined }); }); }; Store.setPadTitle = function (clientId, data, cb) { onReadyEvt.reg(function () { var title = data.title; var href = data.href; var channel =; var p = Hash.parsePadUrl(href); var h = p.hashData; if (title.trim() === "") { title = UserObject.getDefaultName(p); } if (AppConfig.disableAnonymousStore && !store.loggedIn) { return void cb({ notStored: true }); } if (p.type === "debug") { return void cb({ notStored: true }); } var channelData = Store.channels && Store.channels[channel]; var owners; if (channelData && channelData.wc && channel === { owners = || undefined; } if (data.owners) { owners = data.owners; } var expire; if (channelData && channelData.wc && channel === { expire = || undefined; } if (data.expire) { expire = data.expire; } var storeLocally = data.teamId === -1; if (data.teamId === -1) { data.teamId = undefined; } // If a teamId is provided, it means we want to store the pad in a specific // team drive. In this case, we just need to check if the pad is already // stored in this team drive. // If no team ID is provided, this may be a pad shared with its URL. // We need to check if the pad is stored in any managers (user or teams). // If it is stored, update its data, otherwise ask the user if they want to store it var allData = []; var sendTo = []; var inMyDrive; getAllStores().forEach(function (s) { if (data.teamId && !== data.teamId) { return; } if (storeLocally && { return; } // If this is an edit link but we don't have edit rights, this entry is not useful if (h.mode === "edit" && && !s.secondaryKey) { return; } var res = s.manager.findChannel(channel, true); if (res.length) { sendTo.push(; } // If we've just accepted ownership for a pad stored in a shared folder, // we need to make a copy of this pad in our drive. We're going to check // if the pad is stored in our MAIN drive. // We only need to check this if the current manager is the target (data.teamId) if (data.teamId === { inMyDrive = res.some(function (obj) { return !obj.fId; }); } Array.prototype.push.apply(allData, res); }); var contains = allData.length !== 0; if (store.offline && !contains) { return void cb({ error: 'OFFLINE' }); } else if (store.offline) { return void cb(); } allData.forEach(function (obj) { var pad =; pad.atime = +new Date(); pad.title = title; if (owners || h.type !== "file") { // OWNED_FILES // Never remove owner for files pad.owners = owners; } pad.expire = expire; if (pad.readme) { delete pad.readme; Feedback.send('OPEN_README'); } if (h.mode === 'view') { return; } // If we only have rohref, it means we have a stronger href if (!pad.href) { // If we have a stronger url, remove the possible weaker from the trash. // If all of the weaker ones were in the trash, add the stronger to ROOT obj.userObject.restoreHref(href); } obj.userObject.setHref(channel, null, href); }); // Add the pad if it does not exist in our drive if (!contains || (data.forceSave && !inMyDrive)) { var autoStore = Util.find(store.proxy, ['settings', 'general', 'autostore']); if (autoStore !== 1 && !data.forceSave && !data.path) { // send event to inner to display the corner popup postMessage(clientId, "AUTOSTORE_DISPLAY_POPUP", { autoStore: autoStore }); return void cb({ notStored: true }); } else { var roHref; if (h.mode === "view") { roHref = href; href = undefined; } Store.addPad(clientId, { teamId: data.teamId, href: href, roHref: roHref, channel: channel, title: title, owners: owners, expire: expire, password: data.password, path: data.path }, cb); // Let inner know that dropped files shouldn't trigger the popup postMessage(clientId, "AUTOSTORE_DISPLAY_POPUP", { stored: true }); return; } } sendTo.forEach(function (teamId) { var send = teamId ? getStore(teamId).sendEvent : sendDriveEvent; send('DRIVE_CHANGE', { path: ['drive', UserObject.FILES_DATA] }, clientId); }); // Let inner know that dropped files shouldn't trigger the popup postMessage(clientId, "AUTOSTORE_DISPLAY_POPUP", { stored: true, inMyDrive: inMyDrive }); nThen(function (waitFor) { sendTo.forEach(function (teamId) { onSync(teamId, waitFor()); }); }).nThen(cb); }); }; // Filepicker app // Get a map of file data corresponding to the given filters. // The keys used in the map represent the ID of the "files" // TODO maybe we shouldn't mix results from teams and from the user? Store.getSecureFilesList = function (clientId, query, cb) { var list = {}; var types = query.types; var where = query.where; var filter = query.filter || {}; var isFiltered = function (type, data) { var filtered; var fType = filter.fileType || []; if (type === 'file' && fType.length) { if (!data.fileType) { return true; } filtered = !fType.some(function (t) { return data.fileType.indexOf(t) === 0; }); } return filtered; }; var channels = []; getAllStores().forEach(function (s) { s.manager.getSecureFilesList(where).forEach(function (obj) { var data =; if (channels.indexOf( || !== -1) { return; } var id =; if ( { channels.push( ||; } // Only include static links if "link" is requested if (data.static) { if (types.indexOf('link') !== -1) { list[id] = data; } return; } var parsed = Hash.parsePadUrl(data.href || data.roHref); if ((!types || types.length === 0 || types.indexOf(parsed.type) !== -1) && !isFiltered(parsed.type, data)) { list[id] = data; } }); }); cb(list); }; // Get the first pad we can find in any of our drives and return its file data // NOTE: This is currently only used for template: this won't search inside shared folders Store.getPadData = function (clientId, id, cb) { var res = {}; getAllStores().some(function (s) { var d = s.userObject.getFileData(id); if (!d.roHref && !d.href) { return; } res = d; return true; }); cb(res); }; Store.getPadDataFromChannel = function (clientId, obj, cb) { var channel =; var edit = obj.edit; var isFile = obj.file; var res; var viewRes; getAllStores().some(function (s) { var chans = s.manager.findChannel(channel); if (!Array.isArray(chans)) { return; } return chans.some(function (pad) { if (!pad || ! { return; } var data =; // We've found a match: return the value and stop the loops if ((edit && data.href) || (!edit && data.roHref) || isFile) { res = data; return true; } // We've found a weaker match: store it for now if (edit && !viewRes && data.roHref) { viewRes = data; } }); }); var result = res || viewRes; // If we're not fully synced yet and we don't have a result, wait for the ready event if (!result && store.offline) { onReadyEvt.reg(function () { Store.getPadDataFromChannel(clientId, obj, cb); }); return; } // Call back with the best value we can get cb(result || {}); }; // Hidden hash: if a pad is deleted, we may have to switch back to full hash // in some tabs Store.checkDeletedPad = function (channel) { if (!channel) { return; } // Check if the pad is still stored in one of our drives Store.getPadDataFromChannel(null, { channel: channel, isFile: true // we don't care if it's view or edit }, function (res) { // If it is stored, abort if (Object.keys(res).length) { return; } // Otherwise, tell all the tabs that this channel was deleted and give them the hrefs broadcast([], "CHANNEL_DELETED", channel); }); }; // Messaging (manage friends from the userlist) Store.answerFriendRequest = function (clientId, obj, cb) { var value = obj.value; var data =; if (data.type !== 'notifications') { return void cb ({error: 'EINVAL'}); } var hash = data.content.hash; var msg = data.content.msg; var dismiss = function (cb) { cb = cb || function () {}; store.mailbox.dismiss({ hash: hash, type: 'notifications' }, cb); }; // If we accept the request, add the friend to the list if (value) { Messaging.acceptFriendRequest(store, msg.content.user, function (obj) { if (obj && obj.error) { return void cb(obj); } Messaging.addToFriendList({ proxy: store.proxy, realtime: store.realtime, pinPads: function (data, cb) { Store.pinPads(null, data, cb); }, }, msg.content.user, function (err) { if (store.messenger) { store.messenger.onFriendAdded(msg.content.user); } broadcast([], "UPDATE_METADATA"); if (err) { return void cb({error: err}); } dismiss(cb); }); }); return; } // Otherwise, just remove the notification Messaging.declineFriendRequest(store, msg.content.user, function (obj) { broadcast([], "UPDATE_METADATA"); cb(obj); }); dismiss(); }; Store.sendFriendRequest = function (clientId, data, cb) { var friend = Messaging.getFriend(store.proxy, data.curvePublic); if (friend) { return void cb({error: 'ALREADY_FRIEND'}); } if (!data.notifications || !data.curvePublic) { return void cb({error: 'INVALID_USER'}); } store.proxy.friends_pending = store.proxy.friends_pending || {}; var p = store.proxy.friends_pending[data.curvePublic]; if (p) { return void cb({error: 'ALREADY_SENT'}); } store.proxy.friends_pending[data.curvePublic] = { time: +new Date(), channel: data.notifications, curvePublic: data.curvePublic }; broadcast([], "UPDATE_METADATA"); store.mailbox.sendTo('FRIEND_REQUEST', { user: Messaging.createData(store.proxy) }, { channel: data.notifications, curvePublic: data.curvePublic }, function (obj) { cb(obj); }); }; Store.cancelFriendRequest = function (data, cb) { if (!data.curvePublic || !data.notifications) { return void cb({error: 'EINVAL'}); } var proxy = store.proxy; var f = Messaging.getFriend(proxy, data.curvePublic); if (f) { // Already friend console.error("You can't cancel an accepted friend request"); return void cb({error: 'ALREADY_FRIEND'}); } var pending = Util.find(store, ['proxy', 'friends_pending']) || {}; if (!pending) { return void cb(); } store.mailbox.sendTo('CANCEL_FRIEND_REQUEST', { user: Messaging.createData(store.proxy) }, { channel: data.notifications, curvePublic: data.curvePublic }, function (obj) { if (obj && obj.error) { return void cb(obj); } delete store.proxy.friends_pending[data.curvePublic]; broadcast([], "UPDATE_METADATA"); onSync(null, function () { cb(obj); }); }); }; Store.anonGetPreviewContent = function (clientId, data, cb) { Team.anonGetPreviewContent({ store: store }, data, cb); }; // Get hashes for the share button // If we can find a stronger hash Store.getStrongerHash = function (clientId, data, _cb) { var cb = Util.once(_cb); var found = getAllStores().some(function (s) { var stronger = s.manager.getEditHash(; if (stronger) { cb(stronger); return true; } }); if (!found) { cb(); } }; // Universal Store.universal = { execCommand: function (clientId, obj, cb) { var todo = function () { var type = obj.type; var data =; if (store.modules[type]) { store.modules[type].execCommand(clientId, data, cb); } else { return void cb({error: type + ' is disabled'}); } }; // Teams support offline/cache mode if (['team', 'calendar'].indexOf(obj.type) !== -1) { return void todo(); } // If we're in "noDrive" mode if (!store.proxy) { return void todo(); } // Other modules should wait for the ready event onReadyEvt.reg(todo); } }; var loadUniversal = function (Module, type, waitFor, clientId) { if (store.modules[type]) { return; } store.modules[type] = Module.init({ Store: Store, store: store, updateLoadingProgress: function (data) { data.type = "team"; postMessage(clientId, 'LOADING_DRIVE', data); }, updateMetadata: function () { broadcast([], "UPDATE_METADATA"); }, pinPads: function (data, cb) { Store.pinPads(null, data, cb); }, unpinPads: function (data, cb) { Store.unpinPads(null, data, cb); }, }, waitFor, function (ev, data, clients) { clients.forEach(function (cId) { postMessage(cId, 'UNIVERSAL_EVENT', { type: type, data: { ev: ev, data: data } }); }); }); }; // OnlyOffice Store.onlyoffice = { execCommand: function (clientId, data, cb) { if (!store.onlyoffice) { return void cb({error: 'OnlyOffice is disabled'}); } store.onlyoffice.execCommand(clientId, data, cb); } }; // Mailbox Store.mailbox = { execCommand: function (clientId, data, cb) { // The mailbox can only be used when the store is ready onReadyEvt.reg(function () { if (!store.mailbox) { return void cb ({error: 'Mailbox is disabled'}); } store.mailbox.execCommand(clientId, data, cb); }); } }; // Admin Store.adminRpc = function (clientId, data, cb) { store.rpc.adminRpc(data, function (err, res) { if (err) { return void cb({error: err}); } cb(res); }); }; Store.addAdminMailbox = function (clientId, data, cb) { var priv = data; var pub = Hash.getBoxPublicFromSecret(priv); if (!priv || !pub) { return void cb({error: 'EINVAL'}); } var channel = Hash.getChannelIdFromKey(pub); var mailboxes = store.proxy.mailboxes = store.proxy.mailboxes || {}; var box = mailboxes.supportadmin = { channel: channel, viewed: [], lastKnownHash: '', keys: { curvePublic: pub, curvePrivate: priv } }; Store.pinPads(null, [channel], function () {});'supportadmin', box, function () { console.log('ready'); }); onSync(null, cb); }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////// PAD ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var channels = Store.channels = store.channels = {}; Store.getSnapshot = function (clientId, data, cb) { Store.getHistoryRange(clientId, { cpCount: 1, channel:, lastKnownHash: data.hash }, cb); }; var getVersionHash = function (clientId, data) { var validateKey; var fakeNetflux = Hash.createChannelId(); nThen(function (waitFor) { Store.getPadMetadata(null, { channel: }, waitFor(function (md) { if (md && md.rejected) { postMessage(clientId, "PAD_ERROR", {type: "ERESTRICTED"}); waitFor.abort(); return; } validateKey = md.validateKey; })); }).nThen(function () { Store.getHistoryRange(clientId, { cpCount: 1, channel:, lastKnownHash: data.versionHash }, function (obj) { if (obj && obj.error) { postMessage(clientId, "PAD_ERROR", obj.error); return; } var msgs = obj.messages || []; if (msgs.length && msgs[msgs.length - 1].serverHash !== data.versionHash) { postMessage(clientId, "PAD_ERROR", {type: "HASH_NOT_FOUND"}); return; } postMessage(clientId, "PAD_CONNECT", { myID: fakeNetflux, id:, members: [fakeNetflux] }); (obj.messages || []).forEach(function (data) { postMessage(clientId, "PAD_MESSAGE", { msg: data.msg, time: data.time, user: fakeNetflux.slice(0,16), // fake history keeper to avoid validate }); }); if (validateKey && store.messenger) { store.messenger.storeValidateKey(, validateKey); } postMessage(clientId, "PAD_READY"); }); }); }; Store.onRejected = function (allowed, _cb) { var cb = Util.once(Util.mkAsync(_cb)); // There is an allow list: check if we can authenticate if (!Array.isArray(allowed)) { return void cb('ERESTRICTED'); } if (!store.loggedIn || !store.proxy.edPublic) { return void cb('ERESTRICTED'); } var teamModule = store.modules['team']; var teams = (teamModule && teamModule.getTeams()) || []; var _store; if (allowed.indexOf(store.proxy.edPublic) !== -1) { // We are allowed: use our own rpc _store = store; } else if (teams.some(function (teamId) { // We're not allowed: check our teams var ed = Util.find(store, ['proxy', 'teams', teamId, 'keys', 'drive', 'edPublic']); var edPrivate = Util.find(store, ['proxy', 'teams', teamId, 'keys', 'drive', 'edPrivate']); if (allowed.indexOf(ed) === -1) { return false; } if (!edPrivate) { return false; } // XXX: Only editors can authenticate... // This team is allowed: use its rpc var t = teamModule.getTeam(teamId); _store = t; return true; })) {} var auth = function () { if (!_store) { return void cb('ERESTRICTED'); } var rpc = _store.rpc; if (!rpc) { return void cb('ERESTRICTED'); } rpc.send('COOKIE', '', function (err) { cb(err); }); }; // Wait for the RPC we need to be ready and then tyr to authenticate if (_store && _store.onRpcReadyEvt) { _store.onRpcReadyEvt.reg(function () { auth(); }); return; } // Fall back to the old system in case onRpcReadyEvt doesn't exist (shouldn't happen) auth(); }; Store.joinPad = function (clientId, data) { if (data.versionHash) { return void getVersionHash(clientId, data); } if (!Hash.isValidChannel( { return void postMessage(clientId, "PAD_ERROR", 'INVALID_CHAN'); } var isNew = typeof channels[] === "undefined"; var channel = channels[] = channels[] || { queue: [], data: {}, clients: [], bcast: function (cmd, data, notMe) { channel.clients.forEach(function (cId) { if (cId === notMe) { return; } postMessage(cId, cmd, data); }); }, history: [], pushHistory: function (msg, isCp) { if (isCp) { // the current message is a checkpoint. // push it to your worker's history, prepending it with cp| // cp| and anything else related to checkpoints has already // been stripped by chainpad-netflux-worker or within async store // when the message was outgoing. channel.history.push('cp|' + msg); // since the latest message is a checkpoint, we are able to drop // some of the older history, but we can't rely on checkpoints being // correct, as they might be checkpoints from different forks var i; for (i = channel.history.length - 101; i > 0; i--) { if (/^cp\|/.test(channel.history[i])) { break; } } channel.history = channel.history.slice(Math.max(i, 0)); return; } channel.history.push(msg); } }; if (channel.clients.indexOf(clientId) === -1) { channel.clients.push(clientId); } if (!isNew && channel.wc) { postMessage(clientId, "PAD_CONNECT", { myID: channel.wc.myID, id:, members: channel.wc.members }); channel.wc.members.forEach(function (m) { postMessage(clientId, "PAD_JOIN", m); }); channel.history.forEach(function (msg) { postMessage(clientId, "PAD_MESSAGE", { msg: CpNetflux.removeCp(msg), user: channel.wc.myID, validateKey: }); }); postMessage(clientId, "PAD_READY"); return; } var onError = function (err) { // If it's a deletion started from this worker, different UI message if (err && err.type === "EDELETED" && myDeletions[]) { delete myDeletions[channel]; err.ownDeletion = true; } channel.bcast("PAD_ERROR", err); if (err && err.type === "EDELETED" && Cache && Cache.clearChannel) { Cache.clearChannel(; } // If this is a DELETED, EXPIRED or RESTRICTED pad, leave the channel if (["EDELETED", "EEXPIRED", "ERESTRICTED"].indexOf(err.type) === -1) { return; } Store.leavePad(null, data, function () {}); }; var conf = { Cache: Cache, // ICE pad cache onCacheStart: function () { postMessage(clientId, "PAD_CACHE"); }, onCacheReady: function () { postMessage(clientId, "PAD_CACHE_READY"); }, onReady: function (pad) { var padData = pad.metadata || {}; = padData; if (padData && padData.validateKey && store.messenger) { store.messenger.storeValidateKey(, padData.validateKey); } if (!store.proxy) { postMessage(clientId, "PAD_READY", pad.noCache); return; } onReadyEvt.reg(function () { postMessage(clientId, "PAD_READY", pad.noCache); }); }, onMessage: function (m, user, validateKey, isCp, hash) { channel.lastHash = hash; channel.pushHistory(m, isCp); channel.bcast("PAD_MESSAGE", { user: user, msg: m, validateKey: validateKey }); }, onJoin: function (m) { channel.bcast("PAD_JOIN", m); }, onLeave: function (m) { channel.bcast("PAD_LEAVE", m); }, onError: onError, onChannelError: onError, onRejected: Store.onRejected, onConnectionChange: function (info) { if (!info.state) { channel.bcast("PAD_DISCONNECT"); } }, onMetadataUpdate: function (metadata) { = metadata || {}; getAllStores().forEach(function (s) { var allData = s.manager.findChannel(, true); allData.forEach(function (obj) { = metadata.owners; = +new Date(); if (metadata.expire) { = +metadata.expire; } }); var send = s.sendEvent || sendDriveEvent; send('DRIVE_CHANGE', { path: ['drive', UserObject.FILES_DATA] }); }); channel.bcast("PAD_METADATA", metadata); }, crypto: { // The encryption and decryption is done in the outer window. // This async-store only deals with already encrypted messages. encrypt: function (m) { return m; }, decrypt: function (m) { return m; } }, noChainPad: true, channel:, metadata: data.metadata, network: || store.networkPromise, websocketURL: NetConfig.getWebsocketURL(), //readOnly: data.readOnly, onConnect: function (wc, sendMessage) { channel.sendMessage = function (msg, cId, cb) { // Send to server sendMessage(msg, function (err) { if (err) { return void cb({ error: err }); } // Broadcast to other tabs channel.lastHash = msg.slice(0,64); channel.pushHistory(CpNetflux.removeCp(msg), /^cp\|/.test(msg)); channel.bcast("PAD_MESSAGE", { user: wc.myID, msg: CpNetflux.removeCp(msg), validateKey: }, cId); cb(); }); }; channel.wc = wc; channel.queue.forEach(function (data) { channel.sendMessage(data.message, clientId); }); channel.queue = []; channel.bcast("PAD_CONNECT", { myID: wc.myID, id:, members: wc.members }); } }; channel.cpNf = CpNetflux.start(conf); }; Store.leavePad = function (clientId, data, cb) { var channel = channels[]; if (!channel || !channel.cpNf) { return void cb ({error: 'EINVAL'}); } Store.dropChannel(; cb(); }; Store.sendPadMsg = function (clientId, data, cb) { var msg = data.msg; var channel = channels[]; if (!channel) { return; } if (!channel.wc) { channel.queue.push(msg); return void cb(); } channel.sendMessage(msg, clientId, cb); }; Store.corruptedCache = function (clientId, channel) { var chan = channels[channel]; if (!chan || !chan.cpNf) { return; } Cache.clearChannel(channel); if (!chan.cpNf.resetCache) { return; } chan.cpNf.resetCache(); }; // Unpin and pin the new channel in all team when changing a pad password Store.changePadPasswordPin = function (clientId, data, cb) { var oldChannel = data.oldChannel; var channel =; nThen(function (waitFor) { getAllStores().forEach(function (s) { var allData = s.manager.findChannel(channel); if (!allData.length) { return; } s.rpc.unpin([oldChannel], waitFor());[channel], waitFor()); }); }).nThen(cb); }; // requestPadAccess is used to check if we have a way to contact the owner // of the pad AND to send the request if we want // data.send === false ==> check if we can contact them // data.send === true ==> send the request Store.requestPadAccess = function (clientId, data, cb) { var owner = data.owner; // If the owner was not is the pad metadata, check if it is a friend. // We'll contact the first owner for whom we know the mailbox /* // TODO decide whether we want to re-enable this feature for our own contacts // communicate the exception to users that 'muting' won't apply to friends check mailbox in our contacts is not compatible with the new "mute pad" feature var owners = data.owners; if (!owner && Array.isArray(owners)) { var friends = store.proxy.friends || {}; // If we have friends, check if an owner is one of them (with a mailbox) if (Object.keys(friends).filter(function (curve) { return curve !== 'me'; }).length) { owners.some(function (edPublic) { return Object.keys(friends).some(function (curve) { if (curve === "me") { return; } if (edPublic === friends[curve].edPublic && friends[curve].notifications) { owner = friends[curve]; return true; } }); }); } } */ // If send is true, send the request to the owner. if (owner) { if (data.send) { store.mailbox.sendTo('REQUEST_PAD_ACCESS', { channel: }, { channel: owner.notifications, curvePublic: owner.curvePublic }, function () { cb({state: true}); }); return; } return void cb({state: true}); } cb({state: false}); }; Store.givePadAccess = function (clientId, data, cb) { var edPublic = store.proxy.edPublic; var channel =; var res = store.manager.findChannel(channel); if (!data.user || !data.user.notifications || !data.user.curvePublic) { return void cb({error: 'EINVAL'}); } var href, title; if (!res.some(function (obj) { if ( && Array.isArray( && !== -1 && { href =; title =; return true; } })) { return void cb({error: 'ENOTFOUND'}); } store.mailbox.sendTo("GIVE_PAD_ACCESS", { channel: channel, href: href, title: title }, { channel: data.user.notifications, curvePublic: data.user.curvePublic }); cb(); }; Store.getLastHash = function (clientId, data, cb) { var chan = channels[]; if (!chan) { return void cb({error: 'ENOCHAN'}); } if (!chan.lastHash) { return void cb({error: 'EINVAL'}); } cb({ hash: chan.lastHash }); }; // Delete a pad received with a burn after reading URL var notifyOwnerPadRemoved = function (data, obj) { var channel =; var href = data.href; var parsed = Hash.parsePadUrl(href); var secret = Hash.getSecrets(parsed.type, parsed.hash, data.password); if (obj && obj.error) { return; } if (!obj.mailbox) { return; } // Decrypt the mailbox var crypto = Crypto.createEncryptor(secret.keys); var m = []; try { if (typeof (obj.mailbox) === "string") { m.push(crypto.decrypt(obj.mailbox, true, true)); } else { Object.keys(obj.mailbox).forEach(function (k) { m.push(crypto.decrypt(obj.mailbox[k], true, true)); }); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } // Tell all the owners that the pad was deleted from the server var curvePublic; try { // users in noDrive mode don't have a proxy and // unregistered users don't have a curvePublic curvePublic = store.proxy.curvePublic; } catch (err) { console.error(err); return; } m.forEach(function (obj) { var mb = JSON.parse(obj); if (mb.curvePublic === curvePublic) { return; } store.mailbox.sendTo('OWNED_PAD_REMOVED', { channel: channel }, { channel: mb.notifications, curvePublic: mb.curvePublic }, function () {}); }); }; Store.burnPad = function (clientId, data) { var channel =; var ownerKey = Crypto.b64AddSlashes(data.ownerKey || ''); if (!channel || !ownerKey) { return void console.error("Can't delete BAR pad"); } try { var signKey = Hash.decodeBase64(ownerKey); var pair = Crypto.Nacl.sign.keyPair.fromSecretKey(signKey); Pinpad.create(, { edPublic: Hash.encodeBase64(pair.publicKey), edPrivate: Hash.encodeBase64(pair.secretKey) }, function (e, rpc) { if (e) { return void console.error(e); } Store.getPadMetadata(null, { channel: channel }, function (md) { rpc.removeOwnedChannel(channel, function (err) { if (err) { return void console.error(err); } // Notify owners that the pad was removed notifyOwnerPadRemoved(data, md); }); }); }); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }; // Fetch the latest version of the metadata on the server and return it. // If the pad is stored in our drive, update the local values of "owners" and "expire" Store.getPadMetadata = function (clientId, data, _cb) { var cb = Util.once(Util.mkAsync(_cb)); if (store.offline || !store.anon_rpc) { return void cb({ error: 'OFFLINE' }); } if (! { return void cb({ error: 'ENOTFOUND'}); } if ( !== 32) { return void cb({ error: 'EINVAL'}); } if (!Hash.isValidChannel( { Feedback.send('METADATA_INVALID_CHAN'); return void cb({ error: 'EINVAL' }); } store.anon_rpc.send('GET_METADATA',, function (err, obj) { if (err) { return void cb({error: err}); } var metadata = (obj && obj[0]) || {}; cb(metadata); // If you don't have access to the metadata, stop here // (we can't update the local data) if (metadata.rejected) { return; } // Update owners and expire time in the drive getAllStores().forEach(function (s) { var allData = s.manager.findChannel(, true); var changed = false; allData.forEach(function (obj) { if (Sortify( !== Sortify(metadata.owners)) { changed = true; } = metadata.owners; = +new Date(); if (metadata.expire) { = +metadata.expire; } }); // If we had to change the "owners" field, redraw the drive UI if (!changed) { return; } var send = s.sendEvent || sendDriveEvent; send('DRIVE_CHANGE', { path: ['drive', UserObject.FILES_DATA] }); }); }); }; Store.setPadMetadata = function (clientId, data, cb) { if (! { return void cb({ error: 'ENOTFOUND'}); } if (!data.command) { return void cb({ error: 'EINVAL' }); } var s = getStore(data.teamId); if (!s) { return void cb({ error: 'ENOTFOUND' }); } var otherChannels = data.channels; delete data.channels; s.rpc.setMetadata(data, function (err, res) { if (err) { return void cb({ error: err }); } if (!Array.isArray(res) || !res.length) { return void cb({}); } cb(res[0]); }); // If we have other related channels, send the command for them too if (Array.isArray(otherChannels)) { otherChannels.forEach(function (chan) { var _d = Util.clone(data); = chan; Store.setPadMetadata(clientId, _d, function () { }); }); } }; // GET_FULL_HISTORY from sframe-common-outer Store.getFullHistory = function (clientId, data, cb) { var network =; var hk = network.historyKeeper; //var crypto = Crypto.createEncryptor(data.keys); // Get the history messages and send them to the iframe var parse = function (msg) { try { return JSON.parse(msg); } catch (e) { return null; } }; var msgs = []; var completed = false; var onMsg = function (msg) { if (completed) { return; } var parsed = parse(msg); if (!parsed) { return; } if (parsed[0] === 'FULL_HISTORY_END') { cb(msgs);'message', onMsg); completed = true; return; } if (parsed[0] !== 'FULL_HISTORY') { return; } if (parsed[1] && parsed[1].validateKey) { // First message return; } if (parsed[1][3] !== { return; } msg = parsed[1][4]; if (msg) { msg = msg.replace(/cp\|(([A-Za-z0-9+\/=]+)\|)?/, ''); //var decryptedMsg = crypto.decrypt(msg, true); if (data.debug) { msgs.push({ serverHash: msg.slice(0,64), msg: msg, author: parsed[1][1], time: parsed[1][5] }); } else { msgs.push(msg); } } }; network.on('message', onMsg); network.sendto(hk, JSON.stringify(['GET_FULL_HISTORY',, data.validateKey])); }; Store.getHistory = function (clientId, data, _cb, full) { var cb = Util.once(Util.mkAsync(_cb)); var network =; var hk = network.historyKeeper; var parse = function (msg) { try { return JSON.parse(msg); } catch (e) { return null; } }; var txid = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000); var msgs = []; var completed = false; var onMsg = function (msg, sender) { if (completed) { return; } if (sender !== hk) { return; } var parsed = parse(msg); if (!parsed) { return; } if (parsed.txid && parsed.txid !== txid) { return; } // Ignore the metadata message if (parsed.validateKey && { return; } if (parsed.error && { if ( === {'message', onMsg); completed = true; cb({error: parsed.error}); } return; } // End of history: cb if (parsed.state === 1 && { if ( !== { return; } cb(msgs);'message', onMsg); completed = true; return; } if (Array.isArray(parsed) && parsed[0] && parsed[0] !== txid) { return; } // Keep only the history for our channel if (parsed[3] !== { return; } // If we want the full messages, push the parsed data if (parsed[4] && full) { msgs.push({ msg: msg, hash: parsed[4].slice(0,64) }); return; } // Otherwise, push the messages msg = parsed[4]; if (msg) { msg = msg.replace(/cp\|(([A-Za-z0-9+\/=]+)\|)?/, ''); msgs.push(msg); } }; network.on('message', onMsg); var cfg = { txid: txid, lastKnownHash: data.lastKnownHash }; var msg = ['GET_HISTORY',, cfg]; network.sendto(hk, JSON.stringify(msg)); }; Store.getHistoryRange = function (clientId, data, cb) { var network =; var hk = network.historyKeeper; var parse = function (msg) { try { return JSON.parse(msg); } catch (e) { return null; } }; var msgs = []; var first = true; var fullHistory = false; var completed = false; var lastKnownHash; var txid = Util.uid(); var onMsg = function (msg) { if (completed) { return; } var parsed = parse(msg); if (parsed[1] !== txid) { console.log('bad txid'); return; } if (parsed[0] === 'HISTORY_RANGE_END') { cb({ messages: msgs, isFull: fullHistory, lastKnownHash: lastKnownHash }); completed = true; return; } if (parsed[0] !== 'HISTORY_RANGE') { return; } if (parsed[2] && parsed[1].validateKey) { // Metadata return; } if (parsed[2][3] !== { return; } msg = parsed[2][4]; if (msg) { if (first) { // If the first message if not a checkpoint, it means it is the first // message of the pad, so we have the full history! if (!/^cp\|/.test(msg) && !data.toHash) { fullHistory = true; } lastKnownHash = msg.slice(0,64); first = false; } msg = msg.replace(/cp\|(([A-Za-z0-9+\/=]+)\|)?/, ''); msgs.push({ serverHash: msg.slice(0,64), msg: msg, author: parsed[2][1], time: parsed[2][5] }); } }; network.on('message', onMsg); network.sendto(hk, JSON.stringify(['GET_HISTORY_RANGE',, { from: data.lastKnownHash, to: data.toHash, cpCount: data.cpCount || 2, // Ignored if "to" is provided txid: txid }])); }; // SHARED FOLDERS var addSharedFolderHandler = function () { store.sharedFolders = {}; store.handleSharedFolder = function (id, rt) { if (!rt) { delete store.sharedFolders[id]; return; } store.sharedFolders[id] = rt; if (store.driveEvents) { registerProxyEvents(rt.proxy, id); } }; }; Store.loadSharedFolder = function (teamId, id, data, cb, isNew) { var s = getStore(teamId); if (!s) { return void cb({ error: 'ENOTFOUND' }); } SF.load({ isNew: isNew, network: || store.networkPromise, store: s, Store: Store, isNewChannel: Store.isNewChannel }, id, data, cb); }; var loadSharedFolder = function (id, data, cb, isNew) { Store.loadSharedFolder(null, id, data, cb, isNew); }; Store.loadSharedFolderAnon = function (clientId, data, cb) { Store.loadSharedFolder(null,,, function (rt) { cb({ error: rt ? undefined : 'EDELETED' }); }); }; Store.addSharedFolder = function (clientId, data, cb) { onReadyEvt.reg(function () { var s = getStore(data.teamId); s.manager.addSharedFolder(data, function (id) { if (id && typeof(id) === "object" && id.error) { return void cb(id); } var send = data.teamId ? s.sendEvent : sendDriveEvent; send('DRIVE_CHANGE', { path: ['drive', UserObject.FILES_DATA] }, clientId); cb(id); }); }); }; Store.updateSharedFolderPassword = function (clientId, data, cb) { SF.updatePassword(Store, data,, cb); }; // Drive Store.userObjectCommand = function (clientId, cmdData, cb) { if (!cmdData || !cmdData.cmd) { return; } //var data =; var s = getStore(cmdData.teamId); if (s.offline) { var send = ? s.sendEvent : sendDriveEvent; send('NETWORK_DISCONNECT'); return void cb({ error: 'OFFLINE' }); } var cb2 = function (data2) { // Send the CHANGE event to all the stores because the command may have // affected data from a shared folder used by multiple teams. getAllStores().forEach(function (_s) { var send = ? _s.sendEvent : sendDriveEvent; send('DRIVE_CHANGE', { path: ['drive', UserObject.FILES_DATA] }, clientId); }); onSync(cmdData.teamId, function () { cb(data2); }); }; s.manager.command(cmdData, cb2); }; // Clients management var driveEventClients = []; var dropChannel = Store.dropChannel = function (chanId) { console.error('Drop channel', chanId); try { store.messenger.leavePad(chanId); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } try { store.modules['cursor'].leavePad(chanId); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } try { store.onlyoffice.leavePad(chanId); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } try { Cache.leaveChannel(chanId); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } if (!Store.channels[chanId]) { return; } if (Store.channels[chanId].cpNf) { Store.channels[chanId].cpNf.stop(); } delete Store.channels[chanId]; }; Store._removeClient = function (clientId) { var driveIdx = driveEventClients.indexOf(clientId); if (driveIdx !== -1) { driveEventClients.splice(driveIdx, 1); } try { store.onlyoffice.removeClient(clientId); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } try { if (store.mailbox) { store.mailbox.removeClient(clientId); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } Object.keys(store.modules).forEach(function (key) { if (!store.modules[key]) { return; } if (!store.modules[key].removeClient) { return; } try { store.modules[key].removeClient(clientId); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }); Object.keys(Store.channels).forEach(function (chanId) { var chanIdx = Store.channels[chanId].clients.indexOf(clientId); if (chanIdx !== -1) { Store.channels[chanId].clients.splice(chanIdx, 1); } if (Store.channels[chanId].clients.length === 0) { dropChannel(chanId); } }); }; // Special events sendDriveEvent = function (q, data, sender) { driveEventClients.forEach(function (cId) { if (cId === sender) { return; } postMessage(cId, q, data); }); }; registerProxyEvents = function (proxy, fId) { if (!proxy) { return; } if (proxy.deprecated || proxy.restricted) { return; } if (!fId) { // Listen for shared folder password change proxy.on('change', ['drive', UserObject.SHARED_FOLDERS], function (o, n, p) { if (p.length > 3 && p[3] === 'password') { var id = p[2]; var data =[UserObject.SHARED_FOLDERS][id]; var href = store.manager.user.userObject.getHref ? store.manager.user.userObject.getHref(data) : data.href; var parsed = Hash.parsePadUrl(href); var secret = Hash.getSecrets(parsed.type, parsed.hash, o); SF.updatePassword(Store, { oldChannel:, password: n, href: href },, function () { console.log('Shared folder password changed'); }); return false; } }); } proxy.on('change', [], function (o, n, p) { if (fId) { // Pin the new pads if (p[0] === UserObject.FILES_DATA && typeof(n) === "object" && && !n.owners) { var toPin = []; // Also pin the onlyoffice channels if they exist if (n.rtChannel) { toPin.push(n.rtChannel); } if (n.lastVersion) { toPin.push(n.lastVersion); } Store.pinPads(null, toPin, function (obj) { console.error(obj); }); } // Unpin the deleted pads (deleted <=> changed to undefined) if (p[0] === UserObject.FILES_DATA && typeof(o) === "object" && && !n) { var toUnpin = []; var c = store.manager.findChannel(; var exists = c.some(function (data) { return data.fId !== fId; }); if (!exists) { // Unpin // Also unpin the onlyoffice channels if they exist if (o.rtChannel) { toUnpin.push(o.rtChannel); } if (o.lastVersion) { toUnpin.push(o.lastVersion); } Store.unpinPads(null, toUnpin, function (obj) { console.error(obj); }); } } } if (o && !n && Array.isArray(p) && (p[0] === UserObject.FILES_DATA || (p[0] === 'drive' && p[1] === UserObject.FILES_DATA))) { setTimeout(function () { Store.checkDeletedPad(o &&; }); } sendDriveEvent('DRIVE_CHANGE', { id: fId, old: o, new: n, path: p }); }); proxy.on('remove', [], function (o, p) { sendDriveEvent('DRIVE_REMOVE', { id: fId, old: o, path: p }); }); }; Store._subscribeToDrive = function (clientId) { if (driveEventClients.indexOf(clientId) === -1) { driveEventClients.push(clientId); } if (!store.driveEvents) { store.driveEvents = true; registerProxyEvents(store.proxy); Object.keys(store.manager.folders).forEach(function (fId) { var proxy = store.manager.folders[fId].proxy; registerProxyEvents(proxy, fId); }); } }; /* var loadProfile = function (waitFor) { store.profile = Profile.init({ store: store, updateMetadata: function () { broadcast([], "UPDATE_METADATA"); }, pinPads: function (data, cb) { Store.pinPads(null, data, cb); }, }, waitFor, function (ev, data, clients) { clients.forEach(function (cId) { postMessage(cId, 'PROFILE_EVENT', { ev: ev, data: data }); }); }); }; */ var loadOnlyOffice = function () { store.onlyoffice = OnlyOffice.init(store, function (ev, data, clients) { clients.forEach(function (cId) { postMessage(cId, 'OO_EVENT', { ev: ev, data: data }); }); }); }; var loadMailbox = function (waitFor) { store.mailbox = Mailbox.init({ Store: Store, store: store, updateMetadata: function () { broadcast([], "UPDATE_METADATA"); }, updateDrive: function () { sendDriveEvent('DRIVE_CHANGE', { path: ['drive', 'filesData'] }); }, pinPads: function (data, cb) { Store.pinPads(null, data, cb); }, }, waitFor, function (ev, data, clients, _cb) { var cb = Util.once(_cb || function () {}); clients.forEach(function (cId) { postMessage(cId, 'MAILBOX_EVENT', { ev: ev, data: data }, cb); }); }); }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////// Init ///////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Store.refreshDriveUI = function () { getAllStores().forEach(function (_s) { var send = ? _s.sendEvent : sendDriveEvent; send('DRIVE_CHANGE', { path: ['drive', UserObject.FILES_DATA] }); }); }; var onCacheReady = function (clientId, cb) { var proxy = store.proxy; if (store.manager) { return void cb(); } var unpin = function (data, cb) { if (!store.loggedIn) { return void cb(); } Store.unpinPads(null, data, cb); }; var pin = function (data, cb) { if (!store.loggedIn) { return void cb(); } Store.pinPads(null, data, cb); }; var manager = store.manager = ProxyManager.create(, { onSync: function (cb) { onSync(null, cb); }, edPublic: proxy.edPublic, pin: pin, unpin: unpin, loadSharedFolder: loadSharedFolder, settings: proxy.settings, removeOwnedChannel: function (channel, cb) { Store.removeOwnedChannel('', channel, cb); }, Store: Store }, { outer: true, edPublic: store.proxy.edPublic, loggedIn: store.loggedIn, log: function (msg) { // broadcast to all drive apps sendDriveEvent("DRIVE_LOG", msg); }, rt: store.realtime }); var userObject = store.userObject = manager.user.userObject; nThen(function (waitFor) { addSharedFolderHandler(); userObject.migrate(waitFor()); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { var network = || store.networkPromise; SF.loadSharedFolders(Store, network, store, userObject, waitFor, function (obj) { var data = { type: 'sf', progress: 100*obj.progress/obj.max }; postMessage(clientId, 'LOADING_DRIVE', data); }, true); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { loadUniversal(Team, 'team', waitFor, clientId); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { loadUniversal(Calendar, 'calendar', waitFor); }).nThen(function () { cb(); }); }; // onReady: called when the drive is synced (not using the cache anymore) // "cb" is wrapped in Util.once() and may have already been called // if we have a local cache var onReady = function (clientId, returned, cb) { store.ready = true; var proxy = store.proxy; var manager = store.manager; var userObject = store.userObject; nThen(function (waitFor) { if (!proxy.settings) { proxy.settings = NEW_USER_SETTINGS; } if (!proxy.forms) { proxy.forms = {}; } if (!proxy.friends_pending) { proxy.friends_pending = {}; } // Form seed is used to generate a box encryption keypair when // answering a form anonymously if (!proxy.form_seed) { proxy.form_seed = Hash.createChannelId(); } // Call onCacheReady if the manager is not yet defined if (!manager) { onCacheReady(clientId, waitFor()); manager = store.manager; userObject = store.userObject; } // Initialize RPC in parallel of onCacheReady in case a shared folder // is RESTRICTED and requires RPC authentication initAnonRpc(null, null, waitFor()); initRpc(null, null, waitFor()); // Update loading progress postMessage(clientId, 'LOADING_DRIVE', { type: 'migrate', progress: 0 }); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { if (typeof(proxy.version) === "undefined") { proxy.version = 11; } Migrate(proxy, waitFor(), function (version, progress) { postMessage(clientId, 'LOADING_DRIVE', { type: 'migrate', progress: progress }); }, store); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { postMessage(clientId, 'LOADING_DRIVE', { type: 'sf', progress: 0 }); userObject.fixFiles(); SF.loadSharedFolders(Store,, store, userObject, waitFor, function (obj) { var data = { type: 'sf', progress: 100*obj.progress/obj.max }; postMessage(clientId, 'LOADING_DRIVE', data); }); loadUniversal(Cursor, 'cursor', waitFor); loadOnlyOffice(); loadUniversal(Messenger, 'messenger', waitFor); store.messenger = store.modules['messenger']; loadUniversal(Profile, 'profile', waitFor); loadUniversal(Calendar, 'calendar', waitFor); if (store.modules['team']) { store.modules['team'].onReady(waitFor); } loadUniversal(History, 'history', waitFor); }).nThen(function () { var requestLogin = function () { broadcast([], "REQUEST_LOGIN"); }; if (store.loggedIn) { arePinsSynced(function (err, yes) { if (!yes) { resetPins(function (err) { if (err) { return console.error(err); } console.log('RESET DONE'); }); } }); /* This isn't truly secure, since anyone who can read the user's object can set their local loginToken to match that in the object. However, it exposes a UI that will work most of the time. */ // every user object should have a persistent, random number if (typeof(proxy.loginToken) !== 'number') { proxy[Constants.tokenKey] = || Math.floor(Math.random()*Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER); } returned[Constants.tokenKey] = proxy[Constants.tokenKey]; if ( && !== proxy[Constants.tokenKey]) { // the local number doesn't match that in // the user object, request that they reauthenticate. return void requestLogin(); } } = Util.find(proxy, ['settings', 'general', 'allowUserFeedback']); Feedback.init(; // "cb" may have already been called by onCacheReady store.returned = returned; if (typeof(cb) === 'function') { cb(returned); } store.offline = false; sendDriveEvent('NETWORK_RECONNECT'); // Tell inner that we're now online broadcast([], "UPDATE_METADATA"); broadcast([], "STORE_READY", returned); if (typeof(proxy.uid) !== 'string' || proxy.uid.length !== 32) { // even anonymous users should have a persistent, unique-ish id console.log('generating a persistent identifier'); proxy.uid = Hash.createChannelId(); } // if the user is logged in, but does not have signing keys... if (store.loggedIn && (!Store.hasSigningKeys() || !Store.hasCurveKeys())) { return void requestLogin(); } proxy.on('change', [Constants.displayNameKey], function (o, n) { if (typeof(n) !== "string") { return; } broadcast([], "UPDATE_METADATA"); }); proxy.on('change', ['profile'], function () { // Trigger userlist update when the avatar has changed broadcast([], "UPDATE_METADATA"); }); proxy.on('change', ['friends'], function (o, n, p) { // Trigger userlist update when the friendlist has changed broadcast([], "UPDATE_METADATA"); if (!store.messenger) { return; } if (o !== undefined) { return; } var curvePublic = p.slice(-1)[0]; var friend = proxy.friends && proxy.friends[curvePublic]; store.messenger.onFriendAdded(friend); }); proxy.on('remove', ['friends'], function (o, p) { broadcast([], "UPDATE_METADATA"); if (!store.messenger) { return; } var curvePublic = p[1]; if (!curvePublic) { return; } if (p[2] !== 'channel') { return; } store.messenger.onFriendRemoved(curvePublic, o); }); proxy.on('change', ['friends_pending'], function () { // Trigger userlist update when the friendlist has changed broadcast([], "UPDATE_METADATA"); }); proxy.on('remove', ['friends_pending'], function () { broadcast([], "UPDATE_METADATA"); }); proxy.on('change', ['settings'], function () { broadcast([], "UPDATE_METADATA"); }); proxy.on('change', [Constants.tokenKey], function () { broadcast([], "UPDATE_TOKEN", { token: proxy[Constants.tokenKey] }); }); loadMailbox();; }); }; var connect = function (clientId, data, cb) { var hash = data.userHash || data.anonHash || Hash.createRandomHash('drive'); if (!hash) { return void cb({error: '[Store.init] Unable to find or create a drive hash. Aborting...'}); } var updateProgress = function (data) { data.type = 'drive'; postMessage(clientId, 'LOADING_DRIVE', data); }; // No password for drive var secret = Hash.getSecrets('drive', hash); store.driveChannel =; var listmapConfig = { data: {}, websocketURL: NetConfig.getWebsocketURL(), network:, channel:, readOnly: false, validateKey: secret.keys.validateKey || undefined, crypto: Crypto.createEncryptor(secret.keys), Cache: Cache, // ICE drive cache userName: 'fs', logLevel: 1, ChainPad: ChainPad, updateProgress: updateProgress, classic: true, }; var rt = window.rt = Listmap.create(listmapConfig); store.driveSecret = secret; store.proxy = rt.proxy; store.onRpcReadyEvt = Util.mkEvent(true); store.loggedIn = typeof(data.userHash) !== "undefined"; var returned = { loggedIn: Boolean(data.userHash) }; rt.proxy.on('create', function (info) { store.realtime = info.realtime; =; if (!data.userHash) { returned.anonHash = Hash.getEditHashFromKeys(secret); } }).on('cacheready', function (info) { store.offline = true; store.realtime = info.realtime; store.networkPromise = info.networkPromise; store.cacheReturned = returned; if (store.networkPromise && store.networkPromise.then) { // Check if we can connect var to = setTimeout(function () { store.networkTimeout = true; broadcast([], "LOADING_DRIVE", { type: "offline" }); }, 5000); store.networkPromise.then(function () { clearTimeout(to); }, function (err) { console.error(err); clearTimeout(to); }); } if (!data.cache) { return; } // Make sure we have a valid user object before emitting cacheready if (rt.proxy && ! { return; } onCacheReady(clientId, function () { if (typeof(cb) === "function") { cb(returned); }; }); }).on('ready', function (info) { delete store.networkTimeout; if (store.ready) { return; } // the store is already ready, it is a reconnection store.driveMetadata = info.metadata; if (! || typeof( !== 'object') { = {}; } if (!rt.proxy[Constants.displayNameKey] && store.noDriveName) { rt.proxy[Constants.displayNameKey] = store.noDriveName; } if (!rt.proxy.uid && store.noDriveUid) { rt.proxy.uid = store.noDriveUid; } /* // deprecating localStorage migration as of 4.2.0 var drive =; // Creating a new anon drive: import anon pads from localStorage if ((!drive[Constants.oldStorageKey] || !Array.isArray(drive[Constants.oldStorageKey])) && !drive['filesData']) { drive[Constants.oldStorageKey] = []; } */ // Drive already exist: return the existing drive, don't load data from legacy store if (store.manager) { // If a cache is loading, make sure it is complete before calling onReady return void onCacheReadyEvt.reg(function () { onReady(clientId, returned, cb); }); } if (rt.proxy.edPublic && Array.isArray(ApiConfig.adminKeys) && ApiConfig.adminKeys.indexOf(rt.proxy.edPublic) !== -1) { store.isAdmin = true; } onReady(clientId, returned, cb); }) .on('change', ['drive', 'migrate'], function () { var path = arguments[2]; var value = arguments[1]; if (path[0] === 'drive' && path[1] === "migrate" && value === 1) {; rt.realtime.abort(); sendDriveEvent('NETWORK_DISCONNECT'); } }); // Proxy handlers (reconnect only called when the proxy is ready) rt.proxy.on('disconnect', function () { store.offline = true; sendDriveEvent('NETWORK_DISCONNECT'); broadcast([], "UPDATE_METADATA"); }); rt.proxy.on('reconnect', function () { store.offline = false; sendDriveEvent('NETWORK_RECONNECT'); broadcast([], "UPDATE_METADATA"); }); // Ping clients regularly to make sure one tab was not closed without sending a removeClient() // command. This allow us to avoid phantom viewers in pads. var PING_INTERVAL = 120000; var MAX_PING = 30000; var MAX_FAILED_PING = 2; setInterval(function () { var clients = []; Object.keys(Store.channels).forEach(function (chanId) { var c = Store.channels[chanId].clients; Array.prototype.push.apply(clients, c); }); clients = Util.deduplicateString(clients); clients.forEach(function (cId) { var nb = 0; var ping = function () { if (nb >= MAX_FAILED_PING) { Store._removeClient(cId); postMessage(cId, 'TIMEOUT'); console.error('TIMEOUT', cId); return; } nb++; var to = setTimeout(ping, MAX_PING); postMessage(cId, 'PING', null, function (err) { if (err) { console.error(err); } clearTimeout(to); }); }; ping(); }); }, PING_INTERVAL); }; Store.disableCache = function (clientId, disabled, cb) { if (disabled) { Cache.disable(); } else { Cache.enable(); } cb(); }; /** * Data: * - userHash or anonHash * Todo in cb * - LocalStore.setFSHash if needed * - stuff with tokenKey * Event to outer * - requestLogin */ var initialized = false; // Are we still in noDrive mode? Store.hasDrive = function (clientId, data, cb) { cb({ state: Boolean(store.proxy) }); }; // If we load CryptPad for the first time from an existing pad, don't create a // drive automatically. var onNoDrive = function (clientId, cb) { var andThen = function () { // To be able to use all the features inside the pad, we need to // initialize the chat (messenger) and the cursor modules. loadUniversal(Cursor, 'cursor', function () {}); loadUniversal(Messenger, 'messenger', function () {}); store.messenger = store.modules['messenger']; // And now we're ready initAnonRpc(null, null, function () { cb({}); }); }; // We need an anonymous RPC to be able to check if the pad exists and to get // its metadata, so we have to create a network first. if (! { var wsUrl = NetConfig.getWebsocketURL(); return void Netflux.connect(wsUrl).then(function (network) { // If we already haave a network (race condition), use the // existing one and forget this one if (! { = network; } else { network.disconnect(); network =; } // We need to know the HistoryKeeper ID to initialize the anon RPC // Join a basic ephemeral channel, get the ID and leave it instantly network.join('0000000000000000000000000000000000').then(function (wc) { var hk; wc.members.forEach(function (p) { if (p.length === 16) { hk = p; } }); network.historyKeeper = hk; wc.leave(); andThen(); }, function (err) { console.error(err); cb({error: 'GET_HK'}); }); }, function (err) { console.error(err); cb({error: 'OFFLINE'}); }); } andThen(); }; Store.init = function (clientId, data, _callback) { var callback = Util.once(_callback); // If this is not the first tab and we're offline, callback only if the app // supports offline mode if (initialized && !store.returned && data.cache) { return void onCacheReadyEvt.reg(function () { callback({ state: 'ALREADY_INIT', returned: store.cacheReturned }); }); } // If this is not the first tab (initialized is true), it means either we don't // support offline or we're already online if (initialized) { if (store.networkTimeout) { postMessage(clientId, "LOADING_DRIVE", { type: "offline" }); } return void onReadyEvt.reg(function () { callback({ state: 'ALREADY_INIT', returned: store.returned }); }); } if (data.disableCache) { Cache.disable(); } if (data.query && data.broadcast) { postMessage = function (clientId, cmd, d, cb) { data.query(clientId, cmd, d, cb); }; broadcast = function (excludes, cmd, d, cb) { data.broadcast(excludes, cmd, d, cb); }; } // First tab, no user hash, no anon hash and this app doesn't need a drive // ==> don't create a drive if (data.noDrive && !data.userHash && !data.anonHash) { return void onNoDrive(clientId, function (obj) { if (obj && obj.error) { // if we can't properly initialize the noDrive mode, use normal mode if (obj.error === 'GET_HK') { data.noDrive = false; Store.init(clientId, data, _callback); Feedback.send("NO_DRIVE_ERROR", true); return; } } Feedback.send("NO_DRIVE", true); callback(obj); }); } initialized = true; if (store.noDriveUid) { Feedback.send('NO_DRIVE_CONVERSION', true); } = data; connect(clientId, data, function (ret) { if (Object.keys(store.proxy).length === 1) { Feedback.send("FIRST_APP_USE", true); } if (ret && ret.error) { initialized = false; } var redirect = Constants.prefersDriveRedirectKey; var redirectPreference = Util.find(store, [ 'proxy', 'settings', 'general', redirect, ]); ret[redirect] = redirectPreference; callback(ret); }); // Clear inactive channels from cache onReadyEvt.reg(function () { var inactiveTime = (+new Date()) - CACHE_MAX_AGE * (24 * 3600 * 1000); Cache.getKeys(function (err, keys) { if (err) { return void console.error(err); } var next = function () { if (!keys.length) { return; } var key = keys.pop(); Cache.getTime(key, function (err, atime) { if (err) { return void next(); } if (!atime || atime < inactiveTime) { Cache.clearChannel(key, next()); return; } next(); }); }; next(); }); }); }; Store.disconnect = function () { if (self.accountDeletion) { return; } if (! { return; }; }; return Store; }; return { create: create }; });