// bg #e7e7e7
// blue #0087FF
// text #3F4141
], function (Messages) {
var urlArgs = window.location.href.replace(/^.*\?([^\?]*)$/, function (all, x) { return x; });
var elem = document.createElement('div');
elem.setAttribute('id', 'cp-loading');
elem.innerHTML = [

var built = false;
var types = ['less', 'drive', 'migrate', 'sf', 'team', 'pad', 'end']; // Msg.loading_state_0, loading_state_1, loading_state_2, loading_state_3, loading_state_4, loading_state_5
var current, progress;
var makeList = function (data) {
var c = types.indexOf(data.type);
current = c;
var getLi = function (i) {
var check = (i < c || (i === c && data.progress >= 100)) ? 'fa-check-square-o'
: 'fa-square-o';
var percentStr = '';
if (i === c) {
var p = Math.min(Math.floor(data.progress), 100);
percentStr = '('+p+'%)';
return ''+Messages['loading_state_'+i]+'' + percentStr;
var list = '';
types.forEach(function (el, i) {
if (el === "end") { return; }
list += getLi(i);
list += '
return list;
var makeBar = function (data) {
var c = types.indexOf(data.type);
var l = types.length - 1; // don't count "end" as a type
var progress = Math.min(data.progress, 100);
var p = (progress / l) + (100 * c / l);
var bar = '';
return bar;
var hasErrored = false;
var isOffline = false;
var updateLoadingProgress = function (data) {
if (!built || !data) { return; }
// If we receive a "offline" event, show the warning text
if (data.type === "offline") {
try {
isOffline = true;
document.querySelector('#cp-loading-message').setAttribute('style', 'display:block;');
document.querySelector('#cp-loading-message').innerText = Messages.offlineError;
} catch (e) { console.error(e); }
// If we receive a new event and we were offline, remove
// the offline warning text
if (isOffline) {
try {
isOffline = false;
document.querySelector('#cp-loading-message').setAttribute('style', 'display:none;');
} catch (e) { console.error(e); }
// Make sure progress doesn't go backward
var c = types.indexOf(data.type);
if (c < current) { return console.debug(data); }
if (c === current && progress > data.progress) { return console.debug(data); }
progress = data.progress;
try {
var el1 = document.querySelector('.cp-loading-spinner-container');
if (el1) { el1.style.display = 'none'; }
var el2 = document.querySelector('.cp-loading-progress-list');
if (el2) { el2.innerHTML = makeList(data); }
var el3 = document.querySelector('.cp-loading-progress-container');
if (el3) { el3.innerHTML = makeBar(data); }
} catch (e) {
//if (!hasErrored) { console.error(e); }
window.CryptPad_updateLoadingProgress = updateLoadingProgress;
window.CryptPad_loadingError = function (err) {
if (!built) { return; }
if (err === 'Error: XDR encoding failure') {
hasErrored = true;
var err2;
if (err === 'Script error.') {
err2 = Messages.error_unhelpfulScriptError;
try {
var node = document.querySelector('.cp-loading-progress');
if (!node) { return; }
if (node.parentNode) { node.parentNode.removeChild(node); }
document.querySelector('.cp-loading-spinner-container').setAttribute('style', 'display:none;');
document.querySelector('#cp-loading-message').setAttribute('style', 'display:block;');
document.querySelector('#cp-loading-message').innerText = err2 || err;
} catch (e) { console.error(e); }
return function () {
built = true;
var intr;
var append = function () {
if (!document.body) { return; }
intr = setInterval(append, 100);