define([ 'jquery', '/bower_components/textpatcher/TextPatcher.js', '/bower_components/chainpad-listmap/chainpad-listmap.js', '/bower_components/chainpad-crypto/crypto.js', '/common/cryptpad-common.js', '/common/cryptget.js', '/bower_components/hyperjson/hyperjson.js', 'render.js', '/common/toolbar2.js', '/bower_components/file-saver/FileSaver.min.js' ], function ($, TextPatcher, Listmap, Crypto, Cryptpad, Cryptget, Hyperjson, Renderer, Toolbar) { var Messages = Cryptpad.Messages; $(function () { var unlockHTML = ''; var lockHTML = ''; var HIDE_INTRODUCTION_TEXT = "hide_poll_text"; var defaultName; var secret = Cryptpad.getSecrets(); var readOnly = secret.keys && !secret.keys.editKeyStr; // DEPRECATE_F if (!secret.keys) { secret.keys = secret.key; } var DEBUG = false; var debug = console.log; if (!DEBUG) { debug = function() {}; } var error = console.error; Cryptpad.addLoadingScreen(); var onConnectError = function () { Cryptpad.errorLoadingScreen(Messages.websocketError); }; var Render = Renderer(Cryptpad); var APP = window.APP = { Toolbar: Toolbar, Hyperjson: Hyperjson, Render: Render, $bar: $('#toolbar'), editable: { row: [], col: [] } }; var sortColumns = function (order, firstcol) { var colsOrder = order.slice(); colsOrder.sort(function (a, b) { return (a === firstcol) ? -1 : ((b === firstcol) ? 1 : 0); }); return colsOrder; }; var isOwnColumnCommitted = function () { return APP.proxy && APP.proxy.table.colsOrder.indexOf(APP.userid) !== -1; }; var mergeUncommitted = function (proxy, uncommitted, commit) { var newObj; if (commit) { newObj = proxy; } else { newObj = $.extend(true, {}, proxy); } // We have uncommitted data only if the user's column is not in the proxy // If it is already is the proxy, nothing to merge if (isOwnColumnCommitted()) { return newObj; } // Merge uncommitted into the proxy uncommitted.table.colsOrder.forEach(function (x) { if (newObj.table.colsOrder.indexOf(x) !== -1) { return; } newObj.table.colsOrder.push(x); }); for (var k in uncommitted.table.cols) { if (!newObj.table.cols[k]) { newObj.table.cols[k] = uncommitted.table.cols[k]; } } for (var l in uncommitted.table.cells) { if (!newObj.table.cells[l]) { newObj.table.cells[l] = uncommitted.table.cells[l]; } } return newObj; }; var styleUncommittedColumn = function () { var id = APP.userid; // Enable the checkboxes for the user's column (committed or not) $('input[disabled="disabled"][data-rt-id^="' + id + '"]').removeAttr('disabled'); $('input[type="checkbox"][data-rt-id^="' + id + '"]').addClass('enabled'); $('[data-rt-id="' + id + '"] ~ .edit').css('visibility', 'hidden'); $('.lock[data-rt-id="' + id + '"]').html(unlockHTML); if (isOwnColumnCommitted()) { return; } $('[data-rt-id^="' + id + '"]').closest('td').addClass("uncommitted"); $('td.uncommitted .remove, td.uncommitted .edit').css('visibility', 'hidden'); $('td.uncommitted .cover').addClass("uncommitted"); $('.uncommitted input[type="text"]').attr("placeholder", Messages.poll_userPlaceholder); }; var unlockElements = function () { APP.editable.row.forEach(function (id) { $('input[type="text"][disabled="disabled"][data-rt-id="' + id + '"]').removeAttr('disabled'); $('span.edit[data-rt-id="' + id + '"]').css('visibility', 'hidden'); }); APP.editable.col.forEach(function (id) { $('input[disabled="disabled"][data-rt-id^="' + id + '"]').removeAttr('disabled'); $('input[type="checkbox"][data-rt-id^="' + id + '"]').addClass('enabled'); $('span.edit[data-rt-id="' + id + '"]').css('visibility', 'hidden'); $('.lock[data-rt-id="' + id + '"]').html(unlockHTML); }); }; var updateTableButtons = function () { if (!isOwnColumnCommitted()) { $('#commit').show(); } var $createOption = APP.$table.find('tfoot tr td:first-child'); var $commitCell = APP.$table.find('tfoot tr td:nth-child(2)'); $createOption.append(APP.$createRow); $commitCell.append(APP.$commit); $('#create-user, #create-option').css('display', 'inline-block'); if (!APP.proxy || !APP.proxy.table.rowsOrder || APP.proxy.table.rowsOrder.length === 0) { $('#create-user').hide(); } var width = $('#table').outerWidth(); if (width) { //$('#create-user').css('left', width + 30 + 'px'); } }; var setTablePublished = function (bool) { if (bool) { if (APP.$publish) { APP.$publish.hide(); } if (APP.$admin) { APP.$; } $('#create-option').hide(); $('.remove[data-rt-id^="y"], .edit[data-rt-id^="y"]').hide(); } else { if (APP.$publish) { APP.$; } if (APP.$admin) { APP.$admin.hide(); } $('#create-option').show(); $('.remove[data-rt-id^="y"], .edit[data-rt-id^="y"]').show(); } }; var updateDisplayedTable = function () { styleUncommittedColumn(); unlockElements(); updateTableButtons(); setTablePublished(APP.proxy.published); /* APP.proxy.table.rowsOrder.forEach(function (rowId) { $('[data-rt-id="' + rowId +'"]').val(APP.proxy.table.rows[rowId] || ''); });*/ }; var unlockColumn = function (id, cb) { if (APP.editable.col.indexOf(id) === -1) { APP.editable.col.push(id); } if (typeof(cb) === "function") { cb(); } }; var unlockRow = function (id, cb) { if (APP.editable.row.indexOf(id) === -1) { APP.editable.row.push(id); } if (typeof(cb) === "function") { cb(); } }; /* Any time the realtime object changes, call this function */ var change = function (o, n, path, throttle, cb) { if (path && !Cryptpad.isArray(path)) { return; } if (path && path.join) { debug("Change from [%s] to [%s] at [%s]", o, n, path.join(', ')); } var table = APP.$table[0]; var displayedObj = mergeUncommitted(APP.proxy, APP.uncommitted); var colsOrder = sortColumns(displayedObj.table.colsOrder, APP.userid); var conf = { cols: colsOrder, readOnly: readOnly }; //Render.updateTable(table, displayedObj, conf); /* FIXME browser autocomplete fills in new fields sometimes calling updateTable twice removes the autofilled in values setting autocomplete="off" is not reliable */ Cryptpad.notify(); var getFocus = function () { var active = document.activeElement; if (!active) { return; } return { el: active, start: active.selectionStart, end: active.selectionEnd }; }; var setFocus = function (obj) { if (obj.el) { obj.el.focus(); } else { return; } if (obj.start) { obj.el.selectionStart = obj.start; } if (obj.end) { obj.el.selectionEnd = obj.end; } }; var updateTable = function () { var displayedObj2 = mergeUncommitted(APP.proxy, APP.uncommitted); var f = getFocus(); Render.updateTable(table, displayedObj2, conf); APP.proxy.table.rowsOrder.forEach(function (rowId) { $('input[data-rt-id="' + rowId +'"]').val(APP.proxy.table.rows[rowId] || ''); }); updateDisplayedTable(); setFocus(f); if (typeof(cb) === "function") { cb(); } }; if (throttle) { if (APP.throttled) { window.clearTimeout(APP.throttled); } updateTable(); APP.throttled = window.setTimeout(function () { updateDisplayedTable(); }, throttle); return; } window.setTimeout(updateTable); }; var getRealtimeId = function (input) { return input.getAttribute && input.getAttribute('data-rt-id'); }; /* Called whenever an event is fired on an input element */ var handleInput = function (input) { var type = input.type.toLowerCase(); var id = getRealtimeId(input); debug(input); var object = APP.proxy; var x = Render.getCoordinates(id)[0]; if (type !== "row" && x === APP.userid && APP.proxy.table.colsOrder.indexOf(x) === -1) { object = APP.uncommitted; } switch (type) { case 'text': debug("text[rt-id='%s'] [%s]", id, input.value); if (!input.value) { return void debug("Hit enter?"); } Render.setValue(object, id, input.value); change(null, null, null, 50); break; case 'checkbox': debug("checkbox[tr-id='%s'] %s", id, input.checked); if (APP.editable.col.indexOf(x) >= 0 || x === APP.userid) { Render.setValue(object, id, input.checked); change(); } else { debug('checkbox locked'); } break; default: debug("Input[type='%s']", type); break; } }; /* Called whenever an event is fired on a span */ var handleSpan = function (span) { var id = span.getAttribute('data-rt-id'); var type = Render.typeofId(id); var isRemove = span.className && span.className.split(' ').indexOf('remove') !== -1; var isEdit = span.className && span.className.split(' ').indexOf('edit') !== -1; if (type === 'row') { if (isRemove) { Cryptpad.confirm(Messages.poll_removeOption, function (res) { if (!res) { return; } Render.removeRow(APP.proxy, id, function () { change(); }); }); } else if (isEdit) { unlockRow(id, function () { change(null, null, null, null, function() { $('input[data-rt-id="' + id + '"]').focus(); }); }); } } else if (type === 'col') { if (isRemove) { Cryptpad.confirm(Messages.poll_removeUser, function (res) { if (!res) { return; } Render.removeColumn(APP.proxy, id, function () { change(); }); }); } else if (isEdit) { unlockColumn(id, function () { change(null, null, null, null, function() { $('input[data-rt-id="' + id + '"]').focus(); }); }); } } else if (type === 'cell') { change(); } else { debug("UNHANDLED"); } }; var hideInputs = function (e, isKeyup) { if (!isKeyup && $('[type="text"]')) { return; } $('.lock[data-rt-id!="' + APP.userid + '"]').html(lockHTML); var $cells = APP.$table.find('thead td:not(.uncommitted), tbody td'); $cells.find('[type="text"][data-rt-id!="' + APP.userid + '"]').attr('disabled', true); $('.edit[data-rt-id!="' + APP.userid + '"]').css('visibility', 'visible'); APP.editable.col = [APP.userid]; APP.editable.row = []; }; $(window).click(hideInputs); var handleClick = function (e, isKeyup) { e.stopPropagation(); if (!APP.ready) { return; } var target = e &&; if (isKeyup) { debug("Keyup!"); } if (!target) { return void debug("NO TARGET"); } var nodeName = target && target.nodeName; if (!$(target).parents('#table tbody').length || $(target).hasClass('edit')) { hideInputs(e); } switch (nodeName) { case 'INPUT': if (isKeyup && (e.keyCode === 13 || e.keyCode === 27)) { hideInputs(e, isKeyup); return; } handleInput(target); break; case 'SPAN': //case 'LABEL': handleSpan(target); break; case undefined: //console.error(new Error("C'est pas possible!")); break; default: debug(target, nodeName); break; } }; /* Make sure that the realtime data structure has all the required fields */ var prepareProxy = function (proxy, schema) { if (proxy && proxy.version === 1) { return; } debug("Configuring proxy schema..."); = ||; Object.keys( (k) { if (![k]) {[k] =[k]; } }); proxy.table = proxy.table || schema.table; Object.keys(schema.table).forEach(function (k) { if (!proxy.table[k]) { proxy.table[k] = schema.table[k]; } }); proxy.version = 1; }; /* */ var publish = APP.publish = function (bool) { if (!APP.ready) { return; } if (APP.proxy.published !== bool) { APP.proxy.published = bool; } setTablePublished(bool); ['textarea'].forEach(function (sel) { $(sel).attr('disabled', bool); }); }; var Title; var UserList; var copyObject = function (obj) { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)); }; // special UI elements var $description = $('#description').attr('placeholder', Messages.poll_descriptionHint || 'description'); var ready = function (info, userid, readOnly) { debug("READY"); debug('userid: %s', userid); var proxy = APP.proxy; var isNew = false; var userDoc = JSON.stringify(proxy); if (userDoc === "" || userDoc === "{}") { isNew = true; } var uncommitted = APP.uncommitted = {}; prepareProxy(proxy, copyObject(Render.Example)); prepareProxy(uncommitted, copyObject(Render.Example)); if (!readOnly && proxy.table.colsOrder.indexOf(userid) === -1 && uncommitted.table.colsOrder.indexOf(userid) === -1) { uncommitted.table.colsOrder.unshift(userid); } var displayedObj = mergeUncommitted(proxy, uncommitted, false); var colsOrder = sortColumns(displayedObj.table.colsOrder, userid); var $table = APP.$table = $(Render.asHTML(displayedObj, null, colsOrder, readOnly)); APP.$createRow = $('#create-option').click(function () { //console.error("BUTTON CLICKED! LOL"); Render.createRow(proxy, function (empty, id) { change(null, null, null, null, function() { $('.edit[data-rt-id="' + id + '"]').click(); }); }); }); APP.$createCol = $('#create-user').click(function () { Render.createColumn(proxy, function (empty, id) { change(null, null, null, null, function() { $('.edit[data-rt-id="' + id + '"]').click(); }); }); }); // Commit button APP.$commit = $('#commit').click(function () { var uncommittedCopy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(APP.uncommitted)); APP.uncommitted = {}; prepareProxy(APP.uncommitted, copyObject(Render.Example)); mergeUncommitted(proxy, uncommittedCopy, true); APP.$commit.hide(); change(); }); // #publish button is removed in readonly APP.$publish = $('#publish') .click(function () { publish(true); }); // #publish button is removed in readonly APP.$admin = $('#admin') .click(function () { publish(false); }); // Title if ( { Title.updateDefaultTitle(; } else { = Title.defaultTitle; } if (Cryptpad.initialName && ! { = Cryptpad.initialName; Title.updateTitle(Cryptpad.initialName); } else { Title.updateTitle( || Title.defaultTitle); } // Description var resize = function () { var lineCount = $description.val().split('\n').length; $description.css('height', lineCount + 'rem'); }; $description.on('change keyup', function () { var val = $description.val(); = val; resize(); }); resize(); if (typeof( !== 'undefined') { $description.val(; } $('#tableScroll').html('').prepend($table); updateDisplayedTable(); $table .click(handleClick) .on('keyup', function (e) { handleClick(e, true); }); proxy .on('change', ['info'], function (o, n, p) { if (p[1] === 'title') { Title.updateTitle(n); Cryptpad.notify(); } else if (p[1] === "userData") { UserList.addToUserData(; } else if (p[1] === 'description') { var op = TextPatcher.diff(o, n); var el = $description[0]; var selects = ['selectionStart', 'selectionEnd'].map(function (attr) { return TextPatcher.transformCursor(el[attr], op); }); $description.val(n); if (op) { el.selectionStart = selects[0]; el.selectionEnd = selects[1]; } Cryptpad.notify(); } debug("change: (%s, %s, [%s])", o, n, p.join(', ')); }) .on('change', ['table'], change) .on('remove', [], change); UserList.addToUserData(; APP.ready = true; if (!proxy.published) { publish(false); } else { publish(true); } Cryptpad.removeLoadingScreen(); if (readOnly) { return; } UserList.getLastName(APP.toolbar.$userNameButton, isNew); }; var disconnect = function () { //setEditable(false); // TODO APP.toolbar.failed(); Cryptpad.alert(Messages.common_connectionLost, undefined, true); }; var reconnect = function (info) { //setEditable(true); // TODO APP.toolbar.reconnecting(info.myId); Cryptpad.findOKButton().click(); }; var create = function (info) { APP.myID = info.myID; var editHash; if (!readOnly) { editHash = Cryptpad.getEditHashFromKeys(, secret.keys); } if (APP.realtime !== info.realtime) { APP.realtime = info.realtime; APP.patchText = TextPatcher.create({ realtime: info.realtime, logging: true, }); } var onLocal = function () { = UserList.userData; }; UserList = Cryptpad.createUserList(info, onLocal, Cryptget, Cryptpad); var onLocalTitle = function () { = Title.isDefaultTitle() ? "" : Title.title; }; Title = Cryptpad.createTitle({}, onLocalTitle, Cryptpad); var configTb = { displayed: ['title', 'useradmin', 'spinner', 'lag', 'state', 'share', 'userlist', 'newpad', 'limit'], userList: UserList.getToolbarConfig(), share: { secret: secret, channel: }, title: Title.getTitleConfig(), common: Cryptpad, readOnly: readOnly, ifrw: window, realtime: info.realtime, network:, $container: APP.$bar }; APP.toolbar = Toolbar.create(configTb); Title.setToolbar(APP.toolbar); var $rightside = APP.toolbar.$rightside; /* add a forget button */ var forgetCb = function (err) { if (err) { return; } disconnect(); }; var $forgetPad = Cryptpad.createButton('forget', true, {}, forgetCb); $rightside.append($forgetPad); // set the hash if (!readOnly) { Cryptpad.replaceHash(editHash); } /* save as template */ if (!Cryptpad.isTemplate(window.location.href)) { var templateObj = { rt: info.realtime, Crypt: Cryptget, getTitle: function () { return document.title; } }; var $templateButton = Cryptpad.createButton('template', true, templateObj); $rightside.append($templateButton); } }; // don't initialize until the store is ready. Cryptpad.ready(function () { Cryptpad.reportAppUsage(); var config = { websocketURL: Cryptpad.getWebsocketURL(), channel:, readOnly: readOnly, data: {}, // our public key validateKey: secret.keys.validateKey || undefined, //readOnly: readOnly, crypto: Crypto.createEncryptor(secret.keys), userName: 'poll', network: Cryptpad.getNetwork() }; if (readOnly) { $('#commit, #create-user, #create-option, #publish, #admin').remove(); } var parsedHash = Cryptpad.parsePadUrl(window.location.href); defaultName = Cryptpad.getDefaultName(parsedHash); var rt = window.rt = APP.rt = Listmap.create(config); APP.proxy = rt.proxy; rt.proxy .on('create', create) .on('ready', function (info) { Cryptpad.getPadAttribute('userid', function (e, userid) { if (e) { console.error(e); } if (!userid) { userid = Render.coluid(); } APP.userid = userid; Cryptpad.setPadAttribute('userid', userid, function (e) { if (e) { console.error(e); } ready(info, userid, readOnly); }); }); }) .on('disconnect', disconnect) .on('reconnect', reconnect); Cryptpad.getAttribute(HIDE_INTRODUCTION_TEXT, function (e, value) { if (e) { console.error(e); } if (!value) { Cryptpad.setAttribute(HIDE_INTRODUCTION_TEXT, "1", function (e) { if (e) { console.error(e); } }); } else if (value === "1") { $('#howItWorks').hide(); } }); //Cryptpad.onLogout(function () { setEditable(false); }); TODO }); Cryptpad.onError(function (info) { if (info) { onConnectError(); } }); }); });