define([ 'jquery', '/api/config', '/common/common-util.js', '/common/common-hash.js', '/common/common-language.js', '/common/common-interface.js', '/common/common-constants.js', '/common/common-feedback.js', '/common/hyperscript.js', '/common/clipboard.js', '/customize/messages.js', '/customize/application_config.js', '/customize/pages.js', '/bower_components/nthen/index.js', '/common/inner/invitation.js', '/common/visible.js', 'css!/customize/fonts/cptools/style.css', ], function ($, Config, Util, Hash, Language, UI, Constants, Feedback, h, Clipboard, Messages, AppConfig, Pages, NThen, InviteInner, Visible) { var UIElements = {}; UIElements.getSvgLogo = function () { var svg = (function(){/* <svg width="45" height="50" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:cc="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:rdf=""> <metadata> <rdf:RDF> <cc:Work rdf:about=""> <dc:format>image/svg+xml</dc:format> <dc:type rdf:resource=""/> <dc:title/> </cc:Work> </rdf:RDF> </metadata> <path d="m22.422 1.4356-14.641 2.7035c-0.51734-0.36799-1.1561-0.57696-1.8393-0.57696a3.1356 3.1339 0 0 0-3.1373 3.1355 3.1602 3.1585 0 0 0 1.6227 2.7575v21.103c0 1.9871 0.88906 4.1328 2.6508 6.3801 1.5602 1.9878 3.7668 4.027 6.5635 6.0547 1.9912 1.4389 3.9942 2.6545 5.6782 3.6005a3.1431 3.1413 0 0 0 5.9855 0.12499c1.7264-0.96163 3.8202-2.224 5.8986-3.7254 2.7979-2.0277 5.0033-4.0668 6.5635-6.0547 1.7624-2.2501 2.6508-4.393 2.6508-6.3801v-21.12c0.95814-0.53813 1.622-1.5642 1.622-2.74 0-1.733-1.4213-3.1355-3.1556-3.1355a3.1075 3.1059 0 0 0-1.8028 0.57696zm-0.03584 3.118 13.379 2.4687c0.01952 0.19629 0.03611 0.37448 0.08998 0.55867l-7.8432 5.1004c-1.4028-1.5215-3.4192-2.4877-5.6439-2.4877-2.2404 0-4.2687 0.98212-5.6797 2.5235l-7.7539-5.028c0.071056-0.21736 0.10472-0.44988 0.12659-0.68519zm14.426 4.4869c0.2616 0.22946 0.5738 0.4256 0.90137 0.55867v20.526c0 0.27043-0.02367 0.55955-0.07169 0.84677-0.31548 1.2546-1.0076 2.5682-2.0734 3.9289-1.3362 1.7018-3.231 3.4367-5.6264 5.172-1.9203 1.3873-3.8601 2.5452-5.3983 3.3932a3.1431 3.1413 0 0 0-4.3574-0.06325c-1.5186-0.84169-3.4128-1.979-5.2825-3.3299-2.3934-1.7353-4.2716-3.4702-5.6072-5.172-1.2729-1.6234-2.017-3.1789-2.2176-4.6492v-20.616c0.31859-0.12253 0.60591-0.30939 0.86477-0.52285l9.9357 6.3976a5.0789 5.0761 0 0 1 4.4893-2.685c1.9639 0 3.6499 1.0816 4.4901 2.7027zm-21.812 6.6849c-0.20732 0.69421-0.33324 1.4177-0.33324 2.1767 0 2.1872 0.94799 4.1262 2.4242 5.5287l-2.7125 5.4541c-0.01034-1.35e-4 -0.02017-0.0015-0.03051-0.0015-1.2807 0-2.3266 1.045-2.3266 2.3246 0 1.2799 1.046 2.3063 2.3266 2.3063a2.3009 2.2996 0 0 0 1.7349-0.78198h3.999v-2.6119h-3.3974l3.1938-6.4136c0.27643-0.55529 0.08702-1.2992-0.42094-1.6546-1.3154-0.91704-2.178-2.4154-2.178-4.1499 0-0.22399 0.03023-0.43738 0.05796-0.65318zm14.737 0.01524-2.3518 1.5372c0.02538 0.20682 0.04347 0.40998 0.04347 0.62422 0 1.7288-0.83863 3.2165-2.149 4.1356-0.50796 0.3555-0.69738 1.0994-0.42094 1.6546l3.1655 6.4281h-3.3829v2.6112h4.1363c0.42696 0.47986 1.0501 0.78274 1.744 0.78274a2.3009 2.2996 0 0 0 2.3076-2.3056c0-1.2799-1.0273-2.3253-2.3076-2.3253-0.05792 0-0.1147 0.0049-0.17158 0.0092l-2.7186-5.4769c1.4697-1.401 2.4106-3.3321 2.4106-5.5143 0-0.74898-0.10409-1.475-0.30503-2.1607zm-7.4398 0.2477a2.1129 2.1118 0 0 0-2.078 2.1111 2.1132 2.1119 0 1 0 4.2262 0 2.1129 2.1118 0 0 0-2.1482-2.1111z" style="stroke-width:1.2608"/> </svg> */}).toString().slice(14,-3); return svg; }; UIElements.prettySize = function (bytes) { var kB = Util.bytesToKilobytes(bytes); if (kB < 1024) { return kB + Messages.KB; } var mB = Util.bytesToMegabytes(bytes); return mB + Messages.MB; }; UIElements.updateTags = function (common, hrefs) { var existing, tags; var allTags = {}; if (!hrefs || typeof (hrefs) === "string") { hrefs = [hrefs]; } NThen(function(waitFor) { common.getSframeChannel().query("Q_GET_ALL_TAGS", null, waitFor(function(err, res) { if (err || res.error) { return void console.error(err || res.error); } existing = Object.keys(res.tags).sort(); })); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { var _err; hrefs.forEach(function (href) { common.getPadAttribute('tags', waitFor(function (err, res) { if (err) { if (err === 'NO_ENTRY') { UI.alert(Messages.tags_noentry); } waitFor.abort(); _err = err; return void console.error(err); } allTags[href] = res || []; if (tags) { // Intersect with tags from previous pads tags = (res || []).filter(function (tag) { return tags.indexOf(tag) !== -1; }); } else { tags = res || []; } }), href); }); }).nThen(function () { UI.dialog.tagPrompt(tags, existing, function (newTags) { if (!Array.isArray(newTags)) { return; } var added = []; var removed = []; newTags.forEach(function (tag) { if (tags.indexOf(tag) === -1) { added.push(tag); } }); tags.forEach(function (tag) { if (newTags.indexOf(tag) === -1) { removed.push(tag); } }); var update = function (oldTags) { Array.prototype.push.apply(oldTags, added); removed.forEach(function (tag) { var idx = oldTags.indexOf(tag); oldTags.splice(idx, 1); }); }; hrefs.forEach(function (href) { var oldTags = allTags[href] || []; update(oldTags); common.setPadAttribute('tags', Util.deduplicateString(oldTags), null, href); }); }); }); }; var dcAlert; UIElements.disconnectAlert = function () { if (dcAlert && $(dcAlert.element).length) { return; } dcAlert = UI.alert(Messages.common_connectionLost, undefined, true); }; UIElements.reconnectAlert = function () { if (!dcAlert) { return; } if (!dcAlert.delete) { dcAlert = undefined; return; } dcAlert.delete(); dcAlert = undefined; }; var importContent = function (type, f, cfg) { return function () { var $files = $('<input>', {type:"file"}); if (cfg && cfg.accept) { $files.attr('accept', cfg.accept); } $; $files.on('change', function (e) { var file =[0]; var reader = new FileReader(); var parsed = file && && /.+\.([^.]+)$/.exec(; var ext = parsed && parsed[1]; reader.onload = function (e) { f(, file, ext); }; if (cfg && cfg.binary && cfg.binary.indexOf(ext) !== -1) { reader.readAsArrayBuffer(file, type); } else { reader.readAsText(file, type); } }); }; }; UIElements.getUserGrid = function (label, config, onSelect) { var common = config.common; var users =; if (!users) { return; } var icons = Object.keys(users).map(function (key, i) { var data = users[key]; var name = data.displayName || || Messages.anonymous; var avatar = h('span.cp-usergrid-avatar.cp-avatar'); common.displayAvatar($(avatar), data.avatar, name); var removeBtn, el; if (config.remove) { removeBtn = h('span.fa.fa-times'); $(removeBtn).click(function () { config.remove(el); }); } el = h('div.cp-usergrid-user'+(data.selected?'.cp-selected':'')+(config.large?'.large':''), { 'data-ed': data.edPublic, 'data-teamid': data.teamId, 'data-curve': data.curvePublic || '', 'data-name': name.toLowerCase(), 'data-order': i, style: 'order:'+i+';' },[ avatar, h('span.cp-usergrid-user-name', name), data.notRemovable ? undefined : removeBtn ]); return el; }).filter(function (x) { return x; }); var noOthers = icons.length === 0 ? '.cp-usergrid-empty' : ''; var classes = noOthers + (config.large?'.large':'') + (config.list?'.list':''); var inputFilter = h('input', { placeholder: Messages.share_filterFriend }); var div = h('div.cp-usergrid-container' + classes, [ label ? h('label', label) : undefined, h('div.cp-usergrid-filter', (config.noFilter || config.noSelect) ? undefined : [ inputFilter ]), ]); var $div = $(div); // Hide friends when they are filtered using the text input var redraw = function () { var name = $(inputFilter).val().trim().replace(/"/g, '').toLowerCase(); $div.find('.cp-usergrid-user').show(); if (name) { $div.find('.cp-usergrid-user:not(.cp-selected):not([data-name*="'+name+'"])').hide(); } }; $(inputFilter).on('keydown keyup change', redraw); $(div).append(h('div.cp-usergrid-grid', icons)); if (!config.noSelect) { $div.on('click', '.cp-usergrid-user', function () { var sel = $(this).hasClass('cp-selected'); if (!sel) { $(this).addClass('cp-selected'); } else { var order = $(this).attr('data-order'); order = order ? 'order:'+order : ''; $(this).removeClass('cp-selected').attr('style', order); } onSelect(); }); } return { icons: icons, div: div }; }; UIElements.noContactsMessage = function (common) { var metadataMgr = common.getMetadataMgr(); var data = metadataMgr.getUserData(); var origin = metadataMgr.getPrivateData().origin; if (common.isLoggedIn()) { return { content: h('p', Messages.share_noContactsLoggedIn), buttons: [{ className: 'secondary', name: Messages.share_copyProfileLink, onClick: function () { var profile = data.profile ? (origin + '/profile/#' + data.profile) : ''; var success = Clipboard.copy(profile); if (success) { UI.log(Messages.shareSuccess); } }, keys: [13] }] }; } else { return { content: h('p', Messages.share_noContactsNotLoggedIn), buttons: [{ className: 'secondary', name: Messages.login_register, onClick: function () { common.setLoginRedirect(function () { common.gotoURL('/register/'); }); } }, { className: 'secondary', name: Messages.login_login, onClick: function () { common.setLoginRedirect(function () { common.gotoURL('/login/'); }); } } ] }; } }; UIElements.createInviteTeamModal = function (config) { var common = config.common; var hasFriends = Object.keys(config.friends || {}).length !== 0; var privateData = common.getMetadataMgr().getPrivateData(); var team = privateData.teams[config.teamId]; if (!team) { return void UI.warn(Messages.error); } var origin = privateData.origin; var module = config.module || common.makeUniversal('team'); // Invite contacts var $div; var refreshButton = function () { if (!$div) { return; } var $modal = $div.closest('.alertify'); var $nav = $modal.find('nav'); var $btn = $nav.find('button.primary'); var selected = $div.find('.cp-usergrid-user.cp-selected').length; if (selected) { $btn.prop('disabled', ''); } else { $btn.prop('disabled', 'disabled'); } }; var getContacts = function () { var list = UIElements.getUserGrid(Messages.team_pickFriends, { common: common, data: config.friends, large: true }, refreshButton); var div = h('div.contains-nav'); var $div = $(div); $div.append(list.div); var contactsButtons = [{ className: 'primary', name: Messages.team_inviteModalButton, onClick: function () { var $sel = $div.find('.cp-usergrid-user.cp-selected'); var sel = $sel.toArray(); if (!sel.length) { return; } sel.forEach(function (el) { var curve = $(el).attr('data-curve'); module.execCommand('INVITE_TO_TEAM', { teamId: config.teamId, user: config.friends[curve] }, function (obj) { if (obj && obj.error) { console.error(obj.error); return UI.warn(Messages.error); } }); }); }, keys: [13] }]; return { content: div, buttons: contactsButtons }; }; var friendsObject = hasFriends ? getContacts() : UIElements.noContactsMessage(common); var friendsList = friendsObject.content; var contactsButtons = friendsObject.buttons; contactsButtons.unshift({ className: 'cancel', name: Messages.cancel, onClick: function () {}, keys: [27] }); var contactsContent = h('div.cp-share-modal', [ friendsList ]); var frameContacts = UI.dialog.customModal(contactsContent, { buttons: contactsButtons, }); var linkName, linkPassword, linkMessage, linkError, linkSpinText; var linkForm, linkSpin, linkResult; var linkWarning; // Invite from link var dismissButton = h('span.fa.fa-times'); var linkContent = h('div.cp-share-modal', [ h('p', Messages.team_inviteLinkTitle ), linkError = h('div.alert.alert-danger.cp-teams-invite-alert', {style : 'display: none;'}), linkForm = h('div.cp-teams-invite-form', [ // autofill: 'off' was insufficient // adding these two fake inputs confuses firefox and prevents unwanted form autofill h('input', { type: 'text', style: 'display: none'}), h('input', { type: 'password', style: 'display: none'}), linkName = h('input', { placeholder: Messages.team_inviteLinkTempName }), h('br'), h('div.cp-teams-invite-block', [ h('span', Messages.team_inviteLinkSetPassword), h('a.cp-teams-help.fa.fa-question-circle', { href: origin + '/faq.html#security-pad_password', target: "_blank", 'data-tippy-placement': "right" }) ]), linkPassword = UI.passwordInput({ id: 'cp-teams-invite-password', placeholder: Messages.login_password }), h('div.cp-teams-invite-block', h('span', Messages.team_inviteLinkNote) ), linkMessage = h('textarea.cp-teams-invite-message', { placeholder: Messages.team_inviteLinkNoteMsg, rows: 3 }) ]), linkSpin = h('div.cp-teams-invite-spinner', { style: 'display: none;' }, [ h('i.fa.fa-spinner.fa-spin'), linkSpinText = h('span', Messages.team_inviteLinkLoading) ]), linkResult = h('div', { style: 'display: none;' }, h('textarea', { readonly: 'readonly' })), linkWarning = h('div.cp-teams-invite-alert.alert.alert-warning.dismissable', { style: "display: none;" }, [ h('span.cp-inline-alert-text', Messages.team_inviteLinkWarning), dismissButton ]) ]); $(linkMessage).keydown(function (e) { if (e.which === 13) { e.stopPropagation(); } }); var localStore = window.cryptpadStore; localStore.get('hide-alert-teamInvite', function (val) { if (val === '1') { return; } $(linkWarning).css('display', 'flex'); $(dismissButton).on('click', function () { localStore.put('hide-alert-teamInvite', '1'); $(linkWarning).remove(); }); }); var $linkContent = $(linkContent); var href; var process = function () { var $nav = $linkContent.closest('.alertify').find('nav'); $(linkError).text('').hide(); var name = $(linkName).val(); var pw = $(linkPassword).find('input').val(); var msg = $(linkMessage).val(); var hash = Hash.createRandomHash('invite', pw); var hashData = Hash.parseTypeHash('invite', hash); href = origin + '/teams/#' + hash; if (!name || !name.trim()) { $(linkError).text(Messages.team_inviteLinkErrorName).show(); return true; } var seeds = InviteInner.deriveSeeds(hashData.key); var salt = InviteInner.deriveSalt(pw, AppConfig.loginSalt); var bytes64; NThen(function (waitFor) { $(linkForm).hide(); $(linkSpin).show(); $nav.find('button.cp-teams-invite-create').hide(); $nav.find('button.cp-teams-invite-copy').show(); setTimeout(waitFor(), 150); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { InviteInner.deriveBytes(seeds.scrypt, salt, waitFor(function (_bytes) { bytes64 = _bytes; })); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { module.execCommand('CREATE_INVITE_LINK', { name: name, password: pw, message: msg, bytes64: bytes64, hash: hash, teamId: config.teamId, seeds: seeds, }, waitFor(function (obj) { if (obj && obj.error) { waitFor.abort(); $(linkSpin).hide(); $(linkForm).show(); $nav.find('button.cp-teams-invite-create').show(); $nav.find('button.cp-teams-invite-copy').hide(); return void $(linkError).text(Messages.team_inviteLinkError).show(); } // Display result here $(linkSpin).hide(); $(linkResult).show().find('textarea').text(href); $nav.find('button.cp-teams-invite-copy').prop('disabled', ''); })); }); return true; }; var linkButtons = [{ className: 'cancel', name: Messages.cancel, onClick: function () {}, keys: [27] }, { className: 'primary cp-teams-invite-create', name: Messages.team_inviteLinkCreate, onClick: function () { return process(); }, keys: [] }, { className: 'primary cp-teams-invite-copy', name: Messages.team_inviteLinkCopy, onClick: function () { if (!href) { return; } var success = Clipboard.copy(href); if (success) { UI.log(Messages.shareSuccess); } }, keys: [] }]; var frameLink = UI.dialog.customModal(linkContent, { buttons: linkButtons, }); $(frameLink).find('.cp-teams-invite-copy').prop('disabled', 'disabled').hide(); // Create modal var tabs = [{ title: Messages.share_contactCategory, icon: "fa fa-address-book", content: frameContacts, active: hasFriends }, { title: Messages.share_linkCategory, icon: "fa fa-link", content: frameLink, active: !hasFriends }]; var modal = UI.dialog.tabs(tabs); UI.openCustomModal(modal); }; UIElements.createButton = function (common, type, rightside, data, callback) { var AppConfig = common.getAppConfig(); var button; var sframeChan = common.getSframeChannel(); var appType = (common.getMetadataMgr().getMetadata().type || 'pad').toUpperCase(); switch (type) { case 'export': button = $('<button>', { 'class': 'fa fa-download cp-toolbar-icon-export', title: Messages.exportButtonTitle, }).append($('<span>', {'class': 'cp-toolbar-drawer-element'}).text(Messages.exportButton));; if (callback) {; } break; case 'import': button = $('<button>', { 'class': 'fa fa-upload cp-toolbar-icon-import', title: Messages.importButtonTitle, }).append($('<span>', {'class': 'cp-toolbar-drawer-element'}).text(Messages.importButton)); /*if (data.types) { // New import button in the toolbar var importFunction = { template: function () { UIElements.openTemplatePicker(common, true); }, file: function (cb) { importContent('text/plain', function (content, file) { cb(content, file); }, {accept: data ? data.accept : undefined}) } }; var toImport = []; Object.keys(data.types).forEach(function (importType) { if (!importFunction[importType] || !data.types[importType]) { return; } var option = h('button', importType); $(option).click(function () { importFunction[importType](data.types[importType]); }); toImport.push(options); });; if (toImport.length === 1) { () { $(toImport[0]).click(); }); } else { Cryptpad.alert(h('p.cp-import-container', toImport)); } } else if (callback) {*/ // Old import button, used in settings button .click(common.prepareFeedback(type)) .click(importContent((data && data.binary) ? 'application/octet-stream' : 'text/plain', callback, { accept: data ? data.accept : undefined, binary: data ? data.binary : undefined })); //} break; case 'upload': button = $('<button>', { 'class': 'btn btn-primary new', title: Messages.uploadButtonTitle, }).append($('<span>', {'class':'fa fa-upload'})).append(' '+Messages.uploadButton); if (!data.FM) { return; } var $input = $('<input>', { 'type': 'file', 'style': 'display: none;', 'multiple': 'multiple' }).on('change', function (e) { var files = Util.slice(; files.forEach(function (file) { var ev = { target: }; if (data.filter && !data.filter(file)) { return; } if (data.transformer) { data.transformer(file, function (newFile) { data.FM.handleFile(newFile, ev); }); return; } data.FM.handleFile(file, ev); }); if (callback) { callback(); } }); if (data.accept) { $input.attr('accept', data.accept); } () { $; }); break; case 'copy': button = $('<button>', { 'class': 'fa fa-clone cp-toolbar-icon-import', }).append($('<span>', {'class': 'cp-toolbar-drawer-element'}).text(Messages.makeACopy)); button .click(common.prepareFeedback(type)) .click(function () { sframeChan.query('EV_MAKE_A_COPY'); }); break; case 'importtemplate': if (!AppConfig.enableTemplates) { return; } if (!common.isLoggedIn()) { return; } button = $('<button>', { 'class': 'fa fa-upload cp-toolbar-icon-import', }).append($('<span>', {'class': 'cp-toolbar-drawer-element'}).text(Messages.template_import)); button .click(common.prepareFeedback(type)) .click(function () { UIElements.openTemplatePicker(common, true); }); break; case 'template': if (!AppConfig.enableTemplates) { return; } if (!common.isLoggedIn()) { return; } button = $('<button>', { 'class': 'fa fa-bookmark cp-toolbar-icon-template', }).append($('<span>', {'class': 'cp-toolbar-drawer-element'}).text(Messages.saveTemplateButton)); if (data.rt) { button .click(function () { var title = data.getTitle() || document.title; var todo = function (val) { if (typeof(val) !== "string") { return; } var toSave = data.rt.getUserDoc(); if (val.trim()) { val = val.trim(); title = val; try { var parsed = JSON.parse(toSave); var meta; if (Array.isArray(parsed) && typeof(parsed[3]) === "object") { meta = parsed[3].metadata; // pad } else if ( { meta =; // poll } else { meta = parsed.metadata; } if (typeof(meta) === "object") { meta.title = val; meta.defaultTitle = val; delete meta.users; } toSave = JSON.stringify(parsed); } catch(e) { console.error("Parse error while setting the title", e); } } sframeChan.query('Q_SAVE_AS_TEMPLATE', { toSave: toSave, title: title }, function () { UI.alert(Messages.templateSaved); Feedback.send('TEMPLATE_CREATED'); }); }; UI.prompt(Messages.saveTemplatePrompt, title, todo); }); } break; case 'forget': button = $('<button>', { 'class': "fa fa-trash cp-toolbar-icon-forget" }).append($('<span>', {'class': 'cp-toolbar-drawer-element'}).text(Messages.fc_delete)); callback = typeof callback === "function" ? callback : function () {}; button .click(common.prepareFeedback(type)) .click(function() { common.isPadStored(function (err, data) { if (!data) { return void UI.alert(Messages.autostore_notAvailable); } sframeChan.query('Q_IS_ONLY_IN_SHARED_FOLDER', null, function (err, res) { if (err || res.error) { return void console.log(err || res.error); } var msg = Messages.forgetPrompt; if (res) { UI.alert(Messages.sharedFolders_forget); return; } else if (!common.isLoggedIn()) { msg = Messages.fm_removePermanentlyDialog; } UI.confirm(msg, function (yes) { if (!yes) { return; } sframeChan.query('Q_MOVE_TO_TRASH', null, function (err, obj) { err = err || (obj && obj.error); if (err) { callback(err); return void UI.warn(Messages.fm_forbidden); } var cMsg = common.isLoggedIn() ? Messages.movedToTrash : Messages.deleted; var msg = common.fixLinks($('<div>').html(cMsg)); UI.alert(msg); callback(); return; }); }); }); }); }); break; case 'present': button = $(h('button', { //title: Messages.presentButtonTitle, // TODO display if the label text is collapsed }, [ h('i.fa.fa-play-circle'), h('span.cp-toolbar-name', Messages.share_linkPresent) ])).click(common.prepareFeedback(type)); break; case 'preview': button = $(h('button', { //title: Messages.previewButtonTitle, // TODO display if the label text is collapsed }, [ h('i.fa.fa-eye'), h('span.cp-toolbar-name', Messages.share_linkOpen) ])).click(common.prepareFeedback(type)); break; case 'print': button = $('<button>', { title: Messages.printButtonTitle2, 'class': "fa fa-print cp-toolbar-icon-print", }).append($('<span>', {'class': 'cp-toolbar-drawer-element'}).text(Messages.printText)); break; case 'history': if (!AppConfig.enableHistory) { button = $('<span>'); break; } var active = $(".cp-toolbar-history:visible").length !== 0; button = $('<button>', { title: active ? Messages.history_closeTitle : Messages.historyButton, 'class': "fa fa-history cp-toolbar-icon-history", }).append($('<span>', {'class': 'cp-toolbar-drawer-element'}).text(Messages.historyText)); button.toggleClass("active", active); if (data.histConfig) { if (active) { () { $(".cp-toolbar-history-close").trigger("click"); }); } else { button .click(common.prepareFeedback(type)) .on('click', function () { common.getHistory(data.histConfig); }); } } break; case 'mediatag': button = $(h('button.cp-toolbar-mediatag', { //title: Messages.filePickerButton, // TODO display if the label text is collapsed }, [ h('i.fa.fa-picture-o'), h('span.cp-toolbar-name', Messages.toolbar_insert) ])).click(common.prepareFeedback(type)); break; case 'savetodrive': button = $(h('button.cp-toolbar-savetodrive', { title: Messages.canvas_saveToDrive, }, [ h('i.fa.fa-file-image-o'), h('span.cp-toolbar-name.cp-toolbar-drawer-element', Messages.toolbar_savetodrive) ])).click(common.prepareFeedback(type)); break; case 'hashtag': button = $('<button>', { 'class': 'fa fa-hashtag cp-toolbar-icon-hashtag', title: Messages.tags_title, }).append($('<span>', {'class': 'cp-toolbar-drawer-element'}).text(Messages.fc_hashtag)); .click(function () { common.isPadStored(function (err, data) { if (!data) { return void UI.alert(Messages.autostore_notAvailable); } UIElements.updateTags(common, null); }); }); break; case 'toggle': button = $(h('button.cp-toolbar-tools', { //title: data.title || '', // TODO display if the label text is collapsed }, [ h('i.fa.fa-wrench'), h('span.cp-toolbar-name', Messages.toolbar_tools) ])).click(common.prepareFeedback(type)); /* window.setTimeout(function () { button.attr('title', data.title); }); var updateIcon = function (isVisible) { button.removeClass('fa-caret-down').removeClass('fa-caret-up'); if (!isVisible) { button.addClass('fa-caret-down'); } else { button.addClass('fa-caret-up'); } }; */ (e) { data.element.toggle(); var isVisible =':visible'); if (callback) { callback(isVisible); } if (isVisible) { button.addClass('cp-toolbar-button-active'); if (e.originalEvent) { Feedback.send('TOGGLE_SHOW_' + appType); } } else { button.removeClass('cp-toolbar-button-active'); if (e.originalEvent) { Feedback.send('TOGGLE_HIDE_' + appType); } } //updateIcon(isVisible); }); //updateIcon(':visible')); break; case 'properties': button = $('<button>', { 'class': 'fa fa-info-circle cp-toolbar-icon-properties', title: Messages.propertiesButtonTitle, }).append($('<span>', {'class': 'cp-toolbar-drawer-element'}) .text(Messages.propertiesButton)) .click(common.prepareFeedback(type)) .click(function () { common.isPadStored(function (err, data) { if (!data) { return void UI.alert(Messages.autostore_notAvailable); } sframeChan.event('EV_PROPERTIES_OPEN'); }); }); break; case 'save': // OnlyOffice save button = $('<button>', { 'class': 'fa fa-save', title: Messages.settings_save, }).append($('<span>', {'class': 'cp-toolbar-drawer-element'}) .text(Messages.settings_save)) .click(common.prepareFeedback(type)); if (callback) {; } break; case 'newpad': button = $('<button>', { title: Messages.newButtonTitle, 'class': 'fa fa-plus cp-toolbar-icon-newpad', }).append($('<span>', {'class': 'cp-toolbar-drawer-element'}).text(Messages.newButton)); button .click(common.prepareFeedback(type)) .click(function () { common.createNewPadModal(); }); break; default: data = data || {}; var drawerCls = data.drawer === false ? '' : '.cp-toolbar-drawer-element'; var icon = data.icon || "fa-question"; button = $(h('button', { title: data.tippy || '' //title: data.title || '', }, [ h('i.fa.' + icon), h('span.cp-toolbar-name'+drawerCls, data.text) ])).click(common.prepareFeedback( || 'DEFAULT')); if (callback) {; } if ( { button.attr('style',; } if ( { button.attr('id',; } if (data.hiddenReadOnly) { button.addClass('cp-hidden-if-readonly'); } if ( { button.addClass('cp-toolbar-icon-'; } } if (rightside) { button.addClass('cp-toolbar-rightside-button'); } return button; }; var createMdToolbar = function (common, editor) { var $toolbar = $('<div>', { 'class': 'cp-markdown-toolbar' }); var clean = function (str) { return str.replace(/^(\n)+/, '').replace(/(\n)+$/, ''); }; var actions = { 'bold': { expr: '**{0}**', icon: 'fa-bold' }, 'italic': { expr: '_{0}_', icon: 'fa-italic' }, 'strikethrough': { expr: '~~{0}~~', icon: 'fa-strikethrough' }, 'heading': { apply: function (str) { return '\n'+clean(str).split('\n').map(function (line) { return '# '+line; }).join('\n')+'\n'; }, icon: 'fa-header' }, 'link': { expr: '[{0}](http://)', icon: 'fa-link' }, 'quote': { apply: function (str) { return '\n\n'+str.split('\n').map(function (line) { return '> '+line; }).join('\n')+'\n\n'; }, icon: 'fa-quote-right' }, 'nlist': { apply: function (str) { return '\n'+clean(str).split('\n').map(function (line) { return '1. '+line; }).join('\n')+'\n'; }, icon: 'fa-list-ol' }, 'list': { apply: function (str) { return '\n'+clean(str).split('\n').map(function (line) { return '* '+line; }).join('\n')+'\n'; }, icon: 'fa-list-ul' }, 'check': { apply: function (str) { return '\n' + clean(str).split('\n').map(function (line) { return '* [ ] ' + line; }).join('\n') + '\n'; }, icon: 'fa-check-square-o' }, 'code': { apply: function (str) { if (str.indexOf('\n') !== -1) { return '\n```\n' + clean(str) + '\n```\n'; } return '`' + str + '`'; }, icon: 'fa-code' }, 'toc': { expr: '[TOC]', icon: 'fa-newspaper-o' } }; var onClick = function () { var type = $(this).attr('data-type'); var texts = editor.getSelections(); var newTexts = (str) { str = str || Messages.mdToolbar_defaultText; if (actions[type].apply) { return actions[type].apply(str); } return actions[type].expr.replace('{0}', str); }); editor.replaceSelections(newTexts, 'around'); editor.focus(); }; for (var k in actions) { $('<button>', { 'data-type': k, 'class': 'pure-button fa ' + actions[k].icon, title: Messages['mdToolbar_' + k] || k }).click(onClick).appendTo($toolbar); } $('<button>', { 'class': 'pure-button fa fa-question cp-markdown-help', title: Messages.mdToolbar_help }).click(function () { var href = Messages.mdToolbar_tutorial; common.openUnsafeURL(href); }).appendTo($toolbar); return $toolbar; }; UIElements.createMarkdownToolbar = function (common, editor) { var readOnly = common.getMetadataMgr().getPrivateData().readOnly; if (readOnly) { return { toolbar: $(), button: $(), setState: function () {} }; } var $toolbar = createMdToolbar(common, editor); var cfg = { title: Messages.mdToolbar_button, element: $toolbar }; var onClick = function (visible) { common.setAttribute(['general', 'markdown-help'], visible, function (e) { if (e) { return void console.error(e); } }); }; var $toolbarButton = common.createButton('toggle', true, cfg, onClick); var tbState = true; common.getAttribute(['general', 'markdown-help'], function (e, data) { if (e) { return void console.error(e); } if ($(window).height() < 800 && $(window).width() < 800) { return; } if (data === true && $toolbarButton.length && tbState) { $; } }); // setState provides the ability to disable the toolbar and the button in case we don't // have the markdown editor available (in code we can switch mode, in poll we can publish) var setState = function (state) { tbState = state; if (!state) { $toolbar.hide(); $toolbarButton.hide(); return; } common.getAttribute(['general', 'markdown-help'], function (e, data) { if (e) { return void console.error(e); } if ($(window).height() < 800 && $(window).width() < 800) { return; } if (data === true && $toolbarButton) { // Show the toolbar using the button to make sure the icon in the button is // correct (caret-down / caret-up) $toolbar.hide(); $; return; } $; $; }); $; }; return { toolbar: $toolbar, button: $toolbarButton, setState: setState }; }; var setHTML = UIElements.setHTML = function (e, html) { e.innerHTML = html; return e; }; UIElements.createHelpMenu = function (common, categories) { var type = common.getMetadataMgr().getMetadata().type || 'pad'; var elements = []; if ( && { Object.keys( (el) { elements.push(setHTML(h('li'),[el])); }); } if (categories) { categories.forEach(function (cat) { var msgs =[cat]; if (msgs) { Object.keys(msgs).forEach(function (el) { elements.push(setHTML(h('li'), msgs[el])); }); } }); } var text = h('p.cp-help-text', [ h('h1',, h('ul', elements) ]); common.fixLinks(text); var closeButton = h('span.cp-help-close.fa.fa-times'); var $toolbarButton = common.createButton('', true, { title: Messages.hide_help_button, text: Messages.help_button, name: 'help' }).addClass('cp-toolbar-button-active'); var help = h('div.cp-help-container', [ closeButton, text ]); var toggleHelp = function (forceClose) { if ($(help).hasClass('cp-help-hidden')) { if (forceClose) { return; } common.setAttribute(['hideHelp', type], false); $toolbarButton.addClass('cp-toolbar-button-active'); $toolbarButton.attr('title', Messages.hide_help_button); return void $(help).removeClass('cp-help-hidden'); } $toolbarButton.removeClass('cp-toolbar-button-active'); $toolbarButton.attr('title', Messages.show_help_button); $(help).addClass('cp-help-hidden'); common.setAttribute(['hideHelp', type], true); }; var showMore = function () { $(text).addClass("cp-help-small"); var $dot = $('<span>').text('...').appendTo($(text).find('h1')); $(text).click(function () { $(text).removeClass('cp-help-small'); $(text).off('click'); $dot.remove(); }); }; $(closeButton).click(function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); toggleHelp(true); }); $ () { toggleHelp(); }); common.getAttribute(['hideHelp', type], function (err, val) { //if ($(window).height() < 800 || $(window).width() < 800) { return void toggleHelp(true); } if (val === true) { return void toggleHelp(true); } // Note: Help is always hidden by default now, to avoid displaying to many things in the UI // This is why we have (true || ...) if (!val && (true || $(window).height() < 800 || $(window).width() < 800)) { return void showMore(); } }); return { menu: help, button: $toolbarButton, text: text }; }; /* Create a usage bar which keeps track of how much storage space is used by your CryptDrive. The getPinnedUsage RPC is one of the heavier calls, so we throttle its usage. Clients will not update more than once per LIMIT_REFRESH_RATE. It will be update at least once every three such intervals If changes are made to your drive in the interim, they will trigger an update. */ // NOTE: The callback must stay SYNCHRONOUS var LIMIT_REFRESH_RATE = 30000; // milliseconds UIElements.createUsageBar = function (common, teamId, cb) { if (AppConfig.hideUsageBar) { return cb('USAGE_BAR_HIDDEN'); } if (!common.isLoggedIn()) { return cb("NOT_LOGGED_IN"); } // getPinnedUsage updates common.account.usage, and other values // so we can just use those and only check for errors var $container = $('<span>', {'class':'cp-limit-container'}); var todo = function (err, data) { if (err || !data) { return void console.error(err || 'No data'); } var usage = data.usage; var limit = data.limit; var plan = data.plan; $container.html(''); var unit = Util.magnitudeOfBytes(limit); usage = unit === 'GB'? Util.bytesToGigabytes(usage): Util.bytesToMegabytes(usage); limit = unit === 'GB'? Util.bytesToGigabytes(limit): Util.bytesToMegabytes(limit); var $limit = $('<span>', {'class': 'cp-limit-bar'}).appendTo($container); var quota = usage/limit; var $usage = $('<span>', {'class': 'cp-limit-usage'}).css('width', quota*100+'%'); var $buttons = $(h('span.cp-limit-buttons')).appendTo($container); var urls = common.getMetadataMgr().getPrivateData().accounts; var makeDonateButton = function () { var $a = $('<a>', { 'class': 'cp-limit-upgrade btn btn-primary', href: urls.donateURL, rel: "noreferrer noopener", target: "_blank", }).text(Messages.crowdfunding_button2).appendTo($buttons); $ () { Feedback.send('SUPPORT_CRYPTPAD'); }); }; var makeUpgradeButton = function () { var $a = $('<a>', { 'class': 'cp-limit-upgrade btn btn-success', href: urls.upgradeURL, rel: "noreferrer noopener", target: "_blank", }).text(Messages.upgradeAccount).appendTo($buttons); $ () { Feedback.send('UPGRADE_ACCOUNT'); }); }; if (!Config.removeDonateButton) { if (!common.isLoggedIn() || !Config.allowSubscriptions) { // user is not logged in, or subscriptions are disallowed makeDonateButton(); } else if (!plan) { // user is logged in and subscriptions are allowed // and they don't have one. show upgrades makeDonateButton(); makeUpgradeButton(); } else { // they have a plan. show nothing } } var prettyUsage; var prettyLimit; if (unit === 'GB') { prettyUsage = Messages._getKey('formattedGB', [usage]); prettyLimit = Messages._getKey('formattedGB', [limit]); } else { prettyUsage = Messages._getKey('formattedMB', [usage]); prettyLimit = Messages._getKey('formattedMB', [limit]); } if (quota < 0.8) { $usage.addClass('cp-limit-usage-normal'); } else if (quota < 1) { $usage.addClass('cp-limit-usage-warning'); } else { $usage.addClass('cp-limit-usage-above'); } var $text = $('<span>', {'class': 'cp-limit-usage-text'}); $text.html(Messages._getKey('storageStatus', [prettyUsage, prettyLimit])); $container.prepend($text); $limit.append($usage); }; var updateUsage = Util.notAgainForAnother(function () { common.getPinUsage(teamId, todo); }, LIMIT_REFRESH_RATE); var interval = setInterval(function () { updateUsage(); }, LIMIT_REFRESH_RATE * 3); Visible.onChange(function (state) { if (!state) { clearInterval(interval); return; } interval = setInterval(function () { updateUsage(); }, LIMIT_REFRESH_RATE * 3); updateUsage(); }); updateUsage(); cb(null, $container); return { $container: $container, update: function () { common.getPinUsage(teamId, todo); }, stop: function () { clearInterval(interval); } }; }; // Create a button with a dropdown menu // input is a config object with parameters: // - container (optional): the dropdown container (span) // - text (optional): the button text value // - options: array of {tag: "", attributes: {}, content: "string"} // // allowed options tags: ['a', 'hr', 'p'] UIElements.createDropdown = function (config) { if (typeof config !== "object" || !Array.isArray(config.options)) { return; } if ( && !config.common) { return void console.error("feedback in a dropdown requires sframe-common"); } var isElement = function (o) { return /HTML/.test( && typeof(o.tagName) === 'string'; }; var allowedTags = ['a', 'p', 'hr', 'div']; var isValidOption = function (o) { if (typeof o !== "object") { return false; } if (isElement(o)) { return true; } if (!o.tag || allowedTags.indexOf(o.tag) === -1) { return false; } return true; }; // Container var $container = $(config.container); var containerConfig = { 'class': 'cp-dropdown-container' }; if (config.buttonTitle) { containerConfig.title = config.buttonTitle; } if (!config.container) { $container = $('<span>', containerConfig); } // Button var $button = $('<button>', { 'class': '' }).append($('<span>', {'class': 'cp-dropdown-button-title'}).html(config.text || "")); if (config.caretDown) { $('<span>', { 'class': 'fa fa-caret-down', }).prependTo($button); } if (config.angleDown) { $('<span>', { 'class': 'fa fa-angle-down', }).prependTo($button); } // Menu var $innerblock = $('<div>', {'class': 'cp-dropdown-content'}); if (config.left) { $innerblock.addClass('cp-dropdown-left'); } config.options.forEach(function (o) { if (!isValidOption(o)) { return; } if (isElement(o)) { return $innerblock.append($(o)); } var $el = $('<' + o.tag + '>', o.attributes || {}).html(o.content || ''); $el.appendTo($innerblock); if (typeof(o.action) === 'function') { $; } }); $container.append($button).append($innerblock); var value = config.initialValue || ''; var setActive = function ($el) { if ($el.length !== 1) { return; } $innerblock.find('.cp-dropdown-element-active').removeClass('cp-dropdown-element-active'); $el.addClass('cp-dropdown-element-active'); var scroll = $el.position().top + $innerblock.scrollTop(); if (scroll < $innerblock.scrollTop()) { $innerblock.scrollTop(scroll); } else if (scroll > ($innerblock.scrollTop() + 280)) { $innerblock.scrollTop(scroll-270); } }; var hide = function () { window.setTimeout(function () { $innerblock.hide(); }, 0); }; var show = function () { var wh = $(window).height(); var button = $button[0].getBoundingClientRect(); var topPos = button.bottom; $innerblock.css('bottom', ''); if (config.noscroll) { var h = $innerblock.outerHeight(); if ((topPos + h) > wh) { $innerblock.css('bottom', button.height+'px'); } } else { $innerblock.css('max-height', Math.floor(wh - topPos - 1)+'px'); } $; $innerblock.find('.cp-dropdown-element-active').removeClass('cp-dropdown-element-active'); if (config.isSelect && value) { var $val = $innerblock.find('[data-value="'+value+'"]'); setActive($val); try { $innerblock.scrollTop($val.position().top + $innerblock.scrollTop()); } catch (e) {} } if ( { Feedback.send(; } }; $ (e) { e.stopPropagation(); var state = $':visible'); $('.cp-dropdown-content').hide(); var $c = $container.closest('.cp-toolbar-drawer-content'); $c.removeClass('cp-dropdown-visible'); if (!state) { $c.addClass('cp-dropdown-visible'); } try { $('iframe').each(function (idx, ifrw) { $(ifrw).contents().find('.cp-dropdown-content').hide(); }); } catch (er) { // empty try catch in case this iframe is problematic (cross-origin) } if (state) { hide(); return; } show(); }); if (config.isSelect) { var pressed = ''; var to; $container.on('click', 'a', function () { value = $(this).data('value'); var $val = $(this); var textValue = $val.html() || value; $button.find('.cp-dropdown-button-title').html(textValue); }); $container.keydown(function (e) { var $value = $innerblock.find('[data-value].cp-dropdown-element-active:visible'); if (!$value.length) { $value = $innerblock.find('[data-value]').first(); } if (e.which === 38) { // Up e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); if ($value.length) { $value.mouseleave(); var $prev = $value.prev(); $prev.mouseenter(); setActive($prev); } } if (e.which === 40) { // Down e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); if ($value.length) { $value.mouseleave(); var $next = $; $next.mouseenter(); setActive($next); } } if (e.which === 13) { //Enter e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); if ($value.length) { $; hide(); } } if (e.which === 27) { // Esc e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); $value.mouseleave(); hide(); } }); $container.keypress(function (e) { window.clearTimeout(to); var c = String.fromCharCode(e.which); pressed += c; var $value = $innerblock.find('[data-value^="'+pressed+'"]:first'); if ($value.length) { setActive($value); $innerblock.scrollTop($value.position().top + $innerblock.scrollTop()); } to = window.setTimeout(function () { pressed = ''; }, 1000); }); $container.setValue = function (val, name) { value = val; var $val = $innerblock.find('[data-value="'+val+'"]'); var textValue = name || $val.html() || val; setTimeout(function () { $button.find('.cp-dropdown-button-title').html(textValue); }); }; $container.getValue = function () { return value || ''; }; } return $container; }; UIElements.displayInfoMenu = function (Common, metadataMgr) { //var padType = metadataMgr.getMetadata().type; var priv = metadataMgr.getPrivateData(); var origin = priv.origin; // TODO link to the most recent changelog/release notes // ? var template = function (line, link) { if (!line || !link) { return; } var p = $('<p>').html(line)[0]; var sub = link.cloneNode(true); /* This is a hack to make relative URLs point to the main domain instead of the sandbox domain. It will break if the admins have specified some less common URL formats for their customizable links, such as if they've used a protocal-relative absolute URL. The URL API isn't quite safe to use because of IE (thanks, Bill). */ var href = sub.getAttribute('href'); if (/^\//.test(href)) { sub.setAttribute('href', origin + href); } var a = p.querySelector('a'); if (!a) { return; } sub.innerText = a.innerText; p.replaceChild(sub, a); return p; }; var legalLine = template(Messages.info_imprintFlavour, Pages.imprintLink); var privacyLine = template(Messages.info_privacyFlavour, Pages.privacyLink); var faqLine = template(, Pages.faqLink); var content = h('div.cp-info-menu-container', [ h('h6', Pages.versionString), h('hr'), legalLine, privacyLine, faqLine, ]); var buttons = [ { className: 'primary', name: Messages.filePicker_close, onClick: function () {}, keys: [27], }, ]; var modal = UI.dialog.customModal(content, {buttons: buttons }); UI.openCustomModal(modal); }; UIElements.createUserAdminMenu = function (Common, config) { var metadataMgr = Common.getMetadataMgr(); var displayNameCls = config.displayNameCls || 'cp-toolbar-user-name'; var $displayedName = $('<span>', {'class': displayNameCls}); var priv = metadataMgr.getPrivateData(); var accountName = priv.accountName; var origin = priv.origin; var padType = metadataMgr.getMetadata().type; var $userName = $('<span>'); var options = []; if (config.displayNameCls) { var $userAdminContent = $('<p>'); if (accountName) { var $userAccount = $('<span>').append(Messages.user_accountName + ': '); $userAdminContent.append($userAccount).append(Util.fixHTML(accountName)); $userAdminContent.append($('<br>')); } if (config.displayName && !AppConfig.disableProfile) { // Hide "Display name:" in read only mode $userName.append(Messages.user_displayName + ': '); $userName.append($displayedName); } $userAdminContent.append($userName); options.push({ tag: 'p', attributes: {'class': 'cp-toolbar-account'}, content: $userAdminContent.html() }); } if (accountName && !AppConfig.disableProfile) { options.push({ tag: 'a', attributes: {'class': 'cp-toolbar-menu-profile fa fa-user-circle'}, content: h('span', Messages.profileButton), action: function () { if (padType) {'/profile/'); } else { window.parent.location = origin+'/profile/'; } }, }); } if (padType !== 'drive' || (!accountName && priv.newSharedFolder)) { options.push({ tag: 'a', attributes: { 'target': '_blank', 'href': origin+'/drive/', 'class': 'fa fa-hdd-o' }, content: h('span', }); } if (padType !== 'teams' && accountName) { options.push({ tag: 'a', attributes: { 'target': '_blank', 'href': origin+'/teams/', 'class': 'fa fa-users' }, content: h('span', Messages.type.teams) }); } if (padType !== 'contacts' && accountName) { options.push({ tag: 'a', attributes: { 'target': '_blank', 'href': origin+'/contacts/', 'class': 'fa fa-address-book' }, content: h('span', Messages.type.contacts) }); } if (padType !== 'settings') { options.push({ tag: 'a', attributes: {'class': 'cp-toolbar-menu-settings fa fa-cog'}, content: h('span', Messages.settingsButton), action: function () { if (padType) {'/settings/'); } else { window.parent.location = origin+'/settings/'; } }, }); } options.push({ tag: 'hr' }); // Add administration panel link if the user is an admin if (priv.edPublic && Array.isArray(Config.adminKeys) && Config.adminKeys.indexOf(priv.edPublic) !== -1) { options.push({ tag: 'a', attributes: {'class': 'cp-toolbar-menu-admin fa fa-cogs'}, content: h('span', Messages.adminPage || 'Admin'), action: function () { if (padType) {'/admin/'); } else { window.parent.location = origin+'/admin/'; } }, }); } if (padType !== 'support' && accountName && Config.supportMailbox) { options.push({ tag: 'a', attributes: {'class': 'cp-toolbar-menu-support fa fa-life-ring'}, content: h('span', Messages.supportPage || 'Support'), action: function () { if (padType) {'/support/'); } else { window.parent.location = origin+'/support/'; } }, }); } if (AppConfig.surveyURL) { options.push({ tag: 'a', attributes: { 'target': '_blank', 'rel': 'noopener', 'href': AppConfig.surveyURL, 'class': 'cp-toolbar-survey fa fa-graduation-cap' }, content: h('span', Messages.survey), action: function () { Feedback.send('SURVEY_CLICKED'); }, }); } options.push({ tag: 'a', attributes: { 'class': 'cp-toolbar-about fa fa-info', }, content: h('span', Messages.user_about), action: function () { UIElements.displayInfoMenu(Common, metadataMgr); }, }); options.push({ tag: 'a', attributes: { 'target': '_blank', 'href': origin+'/index.html', 'class': 'fa fa-home' }, content: h('span', Messages.homePage) }); // Add the change display name button if not in read only mode /* if (config.changeNameButtonCls && config.displayChangeName && !AppConfig.disableProfile) { options.push({ tag: 'a', attributes: {'class': config.changeNameButtonCls + ' fa fa-user'}, content: h('span', Messages.user_rename) }); }*/ options.push({ tag: 'hr' }); if (Config.allowSubscriptions) { options.push({ tag: 'a', attributes: { 'target': '_blank', 'href': priv.plan ? priv.accounts.upgradeURL : origin+'/features.html', 'class': 'fa fa-star-o' }, content: h('span', priv.plan ? Messages.settings_cat_subscription : Messages.pricing) }); } if (!priv.plan && !Config.removeDonateButton) { options.push({ tag: 'a', attributes: { 'target': '_blank', 'rel': 'noopener', 'href': priv.accounts.donateURL, 'class': 'fa fa-gift' }, content: h('span', Messages.crowdfunding_button2) }); } options.push({ tag: 'hr' }); // Add login or logout button depending on the current status if (priv.loggedIn) { options.push({ tag: 'a', attributes: { 'class': 'cp-toolbar-menu-logout-everywhere fa fa-plug', }, content: h('span', Messages.logoutEverywhere), action: function () { Common.getSframeChannel().query('Q_LOGOUT_EVERYWHERE', null, function () { window.parent.location = origin + '/'; }); }, }); options.push({ tag: 'a', attributes: {'class': 'cp-toolbar-menu-logout fa fa-sign-out'}, content: h('span', Messages.logoutButton), action: function () { Common.logout(function () { window.parent.location = origin+'/'; }); }, }); } else { options.push({ tag: 'a', attributes: {'class': 'cp-toolbar-menu-login fa fa-sign-in'}, content: h('span', Messages.login_login), action: function () { Common.setLoginRedirect(function () { window.parent.location = origin+'/login/'; }); }, }); options.push({ tag: 'a', attributes: {'class': 'cp-toolbar-menu-register fa fa-user-plus'}, content: h('span', Messages.login_register), action: function () { Common.setLoginRedirect(function () { window.parent.location = origin+'/register/'; }); }, }); } var $icon = $('<span>', {'class': 'fa fa-user-secret'}); //var $userbig = $('<span>', {'class': 'big'}).append($displayedName.clone()); var $userButton = $('<div>').append($icon);//.append($userbig); if (accountName) { $userButton = $('<div>').append(accountName); } /*if (account && config.displayNameCls) { $userbig.append($('<span>', {'class': 'account-name'}).text('(' + accountName + ')')); } else if (account) { // If no display name, do not display the parentheses $userbig.append($('<span>', {'class': 'account-name'}).text(accountName)); }*/ var dropdownConfigUser = { text: $userButton.html(), // Button initial text options: options, // Entries displayed in the menu left: true, // Open to the left of the button container: config.$initBlock, // optional feedback: "USER_ADMIN", common: Common }; var $userAdmin = UIElements.createDropdown(dropdownConfigUser); /* // Uncomment these lines to have a language selector in the admin menu // FIXME clicking on the inner menu hides the outer one var $lang = UIElements.createLanguageSelector(Common); $userAdmin.find('.cp-dropdown-content').append($lang); */ var $displayName = $userAdmin.find('.'+displayNameCls); var $avatar = $userAdmin.find('> button .cp-dropdown-button-title'); var loadingAvatar; var to; var oldUrl = ''; var updateButton = function () { var myData = metadataMgr.getUserData(); if (!myData) { return; } if (loadingAvatar) { // Try again in 200ms window.clearTimeout(to); to = window.setTimeout(updateButton, 200); return; } loadingAvatar = true; var newName =; var url = myData.avatar; $displayName.text(newName || Messages.anonymous); if (accountName && oldUrl !== url) { $avatar.html(''); Common.displayAvatar($avatar, url, newName || Messages.anonymous, function ($img) { oldUrl = url; $userAdmin.find('> button').removeClass('cp-avatar'); if ($img) { $userAdmin.find('> button').addClass('cp-avatar'); } loadingAvatar = false; }); return; } loadingAvatar = false; }; metadataMgr.onChange(updateButton); updateButton(); return $userAdmin; }; // Provide $container if you want to put the generated block in another element // Provide $initBlock if you already have the menu block and you want the content inserted in it UIElements.createLanguageSelector = function (common, $container, $initBlock) { var options = []; var languages = Messages._languages; var keys = Object.keys(languages).sort(); keys.forEach(function (l) { options.push({ tag: 'a', attributes: { 'class': 'cp-language-value', 'data-value': l, 'href': '#', }, content: languages[l] // Pretty name of the language value }); }); var dropdownConfig = { text: Messages.language, // Button initial text options: options, // Entries displayed in the menu //left: true, // Open to the left of the button container: $initBlock, // optional isSelect: true, common: common }; var $block = UIElements.createDropdown(dropdownConfig); $block.attr('id', 'cp-language-selector'); if ($container) { $block.appendTo($container); } Language.initSelector($block, common); return $block; }; UIElements.createNewPadModal = function (common) { // if in drive, show new pad modal instead if ($(".cp-app-drive-element-row.cp-app-drive-new-ghost").length !== 0) { return void $(".cp-app-drive-element-row.cp-app-drive-new-ghost").click(); } var modal = UI.createModal({ id: 'cp-app-toolbar-creation-dialog', $body: $('body') }); var $modal = modal.$modal; var $title = $('<h3>').text(Messages.fm_newFile); var $description = $('<p>').html(Messages.creation_newPadModalDescription); $modal.find('.cp-modal').append($title); $modal.find('.cp-modal').append($description); var $advanced; var $container = $('<div>'); var i = 0; var types = AppConfig.availablePadTypes.filter(function (p) { if (p === 'drive') { return; } if (p === 'teams') { return; } if (p === 'contacts') { return; } if (p === 'todo') { return; } if (p === 'file') { return; } if (!common.isLoggedIn() && AppConfig.registeredOnlyTypes && AppConfig.registeredOnlyTypes.indexOf(p) !== -1) { return; } return true; }); types.forEach(function (p) { var $element = $('<li>', { 'class': 'cp-icons-element', 'id': 'cp-newpad-icons-'+ (i++) }).prepend(UI.getIcon(p)).appendTo($container); $element.append($('<span>', {'class': 'cp-icons-name'}) .text(Messages.type[p])); $element.attr('data-type', p); $ () { $modal.hide(); if ($advanced && Util.isChecked($advanced)) { common.sessionStorage.put(Constants.displayPadCreationScreen, true, function (){ common.openURL('/' + p + '/'); }); return; } common.sessionStorage.put(Constants.displayPadCreationScreen, "", function () { common.openURL('/' + p + '/'); }); }); }); var selected = -1; var next = function () { selected = ++selected % types.length; $container.find('.cp-icons-element-selected').removeClass('cp-icons-element-selected'); $container.find('#cp-newpad-icons-'+selected).addClass('cp-icons-element-selected'); }; $'keydown'); $modal.keydown(function (e) { if (e.which === 9) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); next(); return; } if (e.which === 13) { if ($container.find('.cp-icons-element-selected').length === 1) { $container.find('.cp-icons-element-selected').click(); } return; } if (e.which === 32 && $advanced) { $advanced.prop('checked', !$advanced.prop('checked')); $modal.focus(); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); } }); $modal.find('.cp-modal').append($container); window.setTimeout(function () {; $modal.focus(); }); }; UIElements.openFilePicker = function (common, types, cb) { var sframeChan = common.getSframeChannel(); sframeChan.query("Q_FILE_PICKER_OPEN", types, function (err, data) { if (err) { return; } cb(data); }); }; UIElements.openTemplatePicker = function (common, force) { var metadataMgr = common.getMetadataMgr(); var type = metadataMgr.getMetadataLazy().type; var sframeChan = common.getSframeChannel(); var focus; var pickerCfgInit = { types: [type], where: ['template'], hidden: true }; var pickerCfg = { types: [type], where: ['template'], }; var onConfirm = function (yes) { if (!yes) { if (focus) { focus.focus(); } return; } delete pickerCfg.hidden; var first = true; // We can only pick a template once (for a new document) common.openFilePicker(pickerCfg, function (data) { if (data.type === type && first) { UI.addLoadingScreen({hideTips: true}); var chatChan = common.getPadChat(); var cursorChan = common.getCursorChannel(); sframeChan.query('Q_TEMPLATE_USE', { href: data.href, chat: chatChan, cursor: cursorChan }, function () { first = false; UI.removeLoadingScreen(); Feedback.send('TEMPLATE_USED'); }); if (focus) { focus.focus(); } return; } }); }; sframeChan.query("Q_TEMPLATE_EXIST", type, function (err, data) { if (data) { common.openFilePicker(pickerCfgInit); focus = document.activeElement; if (force) { return void onConfirm(true); } UI.confirm(Messages.useTemplate, onConfirm, { ok: Messages.useTemplateOK, cancel: Messages.useTemplateCancel, }); } else if (force) { UI.alert(Messages.template_empty); } }); }; /* UIElements.setExpirationValue = function (val, $expire) { if (val && typeof (val) === "number") { $expire.find('#cp-creation-expire').attr('checked', true).trigger('change'); $expire.find('#cp-creation-expire-true').attr('checked', true); if (val % (3600 * 24 * 30) === 0) { $expire.find('#cp-creation-expire-unit').val("month"); $expire.find('#cp-creation-expire-val').val(val / (3600 * 24 * 30)); return; } if (val % (3600 * 24) === 0) { $expire.find('#cp-creation-expire-unit').val("day"); $expire.find('#cp-creation-expire-val').val(val / (3600 * 24)); return; } if (val % 3600 === 0) { $expire.find('#cp-creation-expire-unit').val("hour"); $expire.find('#cp-creation-expire-val').val(val / 3600); return; } // if we're here, it means we don't have a valid value so we should check unlimited $expire.find('#cp-creation-expire-false').attr('checked', true); } }; */ UIElements.getPadCreationScreen = function (common, cfg, appCfg, cb) { appCfg = appCfg || {}; if (!common.isLoggedIn()) { return void cb(); } var sframeChan = common.getSframeChannel(); var metadataMgr = common.getMetadataMgr(); var privateData = metadataMgr.getPrivateData(); var type = metadataMgr.getMetadataLazy().type; var fromFileData = privateData.fromFileData; var $body = $('body'); var $creationContainer = $('<div>', { id: 'cp-creation-container' }).appendTo($body); var urlArgs = (Config.requireConf && Config.requireConf.urlArgs) || ''; var l = h('div.cp-creation-logo', h('img', { src: '/customize/loading-logo.png?' + urlArgs })); $(l).appendTo($creationContainer); var $creation = $('<div>', { id: 'cp-creation', tabindex: 1 }).appendTo($creationContainer); // Title //var colorClass = 'cp-icon-color-'+type; //$creation.append(h('h2.cp-creation-title', Messages.newButtonTitle)); var newPadH3Title = Messages['button_new' + type]; $creation.append(h('h3.cp-creation-title', newPadH3Title)); //$creation.append(h('h2.cp-creation-title.'+colorClass, Messages.newButtonTitle)); // Deleted pad warning if (metadataMgr.getPrivateData().isDeleted) { $creation.append(h('div.cp-creation-deleted-container', h('div.cp-creation-deleted', Messages.creation_404) )); } var origin = privateData.origin; var createHelper = function (href, text) { var q = h('a.cp-creation-help.fa.fa-question-circle', { 'data-cptippy-html': true, title: text, href: origin + href, target: "_blank", 'data-tippy-placement': "right" }); return q; }; // Team pad var team; var teamExists = privateData.teams && Object.keys(privateData.teams).length; var teamValue; // storeInTeam can be // * a team ID ==> store in the team drive, and the team will be the owner // * -1 ==> store in the user drive, and the user will be the owner // * undefined ==> ask if (teamExists) { var teams = Object.keys(privateData.teams).map(function (id) { var data = privateData.teams[id]; var avatar = h('span.cp-creation-team-avatar.cp-avatar'); common.displayAvatar($(avatar), data.avatar,; return h('div.cp-creation-team', { 'data-id': id, title:, },[ avatar, h('span.cp-creation-team-name', ]); }); teams.unshift(h('div.cp-creation-team', { 'data-id': '-1', title: Messages.settings_cat_drive }, [ h('span.cp-creation-team-avatar.fa.fa-hdd-o'), h('span.cp-creation-team-name', Messages.settings_cat_drive) ])); team = h('div.cp-creation-teams', [ Messages.team_pcsSelectLabel, h('div.cp-creation-teams-grid', teams), createHelper('#', Messages.team_pcsSelectHelp) ]); var $team = $(team); $team.find('.cp-creation-team').click(function () { if ($(this).hasClass('cp-selected')) { teamValue = undefined; return void $(this).removeClass('cp-selected'); } $team.find('.cp-creation-team').removeClass('cp-selected'); $(this).addClass('cp-selected'); teamValue = $(this).attr('data-id'); }); if (privateData.storeInTeam) { $team.find('[data-id="'+privateData.storeInTeam+'"]').addClass('cp-selected'); teamValue = privateData.storeInTeam; } } // Owned pads // Default is Owned pad var owned = h('div.cp-creation-owned', [ UI.createCheckbox('cp-creation-owned', Messages.creation_owned, true), createHelper('/faq.html#keywords-owned', Messages.creation_owned1) ]); // Life time var expire = h('div.cp-creation-expire', [ UI.createCheckbox('cp-creation-expire', Messages.creation_expire, false), h('span.cp-creation-expire-picker.cp-creation-slider', [ h('input#cp-creation-expire-val', { type: "number", min: 1, max: 100, value: 3 }), h('select#cp-creation-expire-unit', [ h('option', { value: 'hour' }, Messages.creation_expireHours), h('option', { value: 'day' }, Messages.creation_expireDays), h('option', { value: 'month', selected: 'selected' }, Messages.creation_expireMonths) ]) ]), createHelper('/faq.html#keywords-expiring', Messages.creation_expire2), ]); // Password var password = h('div.cp-creation-password', [ UI.createCheckbox('cp-creation-password', Messages.creation_password, false), h('span.cp-creation-password-picker.cp-creation-slider', [ UI.passwordInput({id: 'cp-creation-password-val'}) /*h('input#cp-creation-password-val', { type: "text" // TODO type password with click to show }),*/ ]), //createHelper('#', "TODO: password protection adds another layer of security ........") // TODO ]); var right = h('span.fa.fa-chevron-right.cp-creation-template-more'); var left = h('span.fa.fa-chevron-left.cp-creation-template-more'); var templates = h('div.cp-creation-template', [ left, h('div.cp-creation-template-container', [ h('span.fa.fa-circle-o-notch.fa-spin.fa-4x.fa-fw') ]), right ]); var createDiv = h('div.cp-creation-create'); var $create = $(createDiv); $(h('div#cp-creation-form', [ team, owned, expire, password, templates, createDiv ])).appendTo($creation); // Display templates var selected = 0; // Selected template in the list (highlighted) var TEMPLATES_DISPLAYED = 4; // Max templates displayed per page var next = function () {}; // Function called when pressing tab to highlight the next template var i = 0; // Index of the first template displayed in the current page sframeChan.query("Q_CREATE_TEMPLATES", type, function (err, res) { if (! || !Array.isArray( { return void console.error("Error: get the templates list"); } var allData = (a, b) { if (a.used === b.used) { // Sort by name if ( === { return 0; } return < ? -1 : 1; } return b.used - a.used; }); if (!appCfg.noTemplates) { allData.unshift({ name: Messages.creation_newTemplate, id: -1, //icon: h('span.fa.fa-bookmark') icon: h('span.cptools.cptools-new-template') }); } allData.unshift({ name: Messages.creation_noTemplate, id: 0, //icon: h('span.fa.fa-file') icon: UI.getFileIcon({type: type}) }); var redraw = function (index) { if (index < 0) { i = 0; } else if (index > allData.length - 1) { return; } else { i = index; } var data = allData.slice(i, i + TEMPLATES_DISPLAYED); var $container = $(templates).find('.cp-creation-template-container').html(''); data.forEach(function (obj, idx) { var name =; var $span = $('<span>', { 'class': 'cp-creation-template-element', 'title': name, }).appendTo($container); $'id',; if (idx === selected) { $span.addClass('cp-creation-template-selected'); } if (!obj.thumbnail) { $span.append(obj.icon || h('span.cptools.cptools-template')); } $('<span>', {'class': 'cp-creation-template-element-name'}).text(name) .appendTo($span); $ () { $container.find('.cp-creation-template-selected') .removeClass('cp-creation-template-selected'); $span.addClass('cp-creation-template-selected'); selected = idx; }); // Add thumbnail if it exists if (obj.thumbnail) { common.addThumbnail(obj.thumbnail, $span, function () {}); } }); $(right).off('click').removeClass('hidden').click(function () { selected = 0; redraw(i + TEMPLATES_DISPLAYED); }); if (i >= allData.length - TEMPLATES_DISPLAYED ) { $(right).addClass('hidden'); } $(left).off('click').removeClass('hidden').click(function () { selected = TEMPLATES_DISPLAYED - 1; redraw(i - TEMPLATES_DISPLAYED); }); if (i < TEMPLATES_DISPLAYED) { $(left).addClass('hidden'); } }; if (fromFileData) { var todo = function (thumbnail) { allData = [{ name: fromFileData.title, id: 0, thumbnail: thumbnail, icon: h('span.cptools.cptools-file'), }]; redraw(0); }; todo(); sframeChan.query("Q_GET_FILE_THUMBNAIL", null, function (err, res) { if (err || (res && res.error)) { return; } todo(; }); } else { redraw(0); } // Change template selection when Tab is pressed next = function (revert) { var max = $creation.find('.cp-creation-template-element').length; if (selected + 1 === max && !revert) { selected = i + TEMPLATES_DISPLAYED < allData.length ? 0 : max; return void redraw(i + TEMPLATES_DISPLAYED); } if (selected === 0 && revert) { selected = i - TEMPLATES_DISPLAYED >= 0 ? TEMPLATES_DISPLAYED - 1 : 0; return void redraw(i - TEMPLATES_DISPLAYED); } selected = revert ? (--selected < 0 ? 0 : selected) : ++selected >= max ? max-1 : selected; $creation.find('.cp-creation-template-element') .removeClass('cp-creation-template-selected'); $($creation.find('.cp-creation-template-element').get(selected)) .addClass('cp-creation-template-selected'); }; }); // Display expiration form when checkbox checked $creation.find('#cp-creation-expire').on('change', function () { if ($(this).is(':checked')) { $creation.find('.cp-creation-expire-picker:not(.active)').addClass('active'); $creation.find('.cp-creation-expire:not(.active)').addClass('active'); $creation.find('#cp-creation-expire-val').focus(); return; } $creation.find('.cp-creation-expire-picker').removeClass('active'); $creation.find('.cp-creation-expire').removeClass('active'); $creation.focus(); }); // Display password form when checkbox checked $creation.find('#cp-creation-password').on('change', function () { if ($(this).is(':checked')) { $creation.find('.cp-creation-password-picker:not(.active)').addClass('active'); $creation.find('.cp-creation-password:not(.active)').addClass('active'); $creation.find('#cp-creation-password-val').focus(); return; } $creation.find('.cp-creation-password-picker').removeClass('active'); $creation.find('.cp-creation-password').removeClass('active'); $creation.focus(); }); // Keyboard shortcuts $creation.find('#cp-creation-expire-val').keydown(function (e) { if (e.which === 9) { e.stopPropagation(); } }); $creation.find('#cp-creation-expire-unit').keydown(function (e) { if (e.which === 9 && e.shiftKey) { e.stopPropagation(); } }); // Initial values /* if (!cfg.owned && typeof cfg.owned !== "undefined") { $creation.find('#cp-creation-owned').prop('checked', false); } UIElements.setExpirationValue(cfg.expire, $creation); */ // Create the pad var getFormValues = function () { // Type of pad var ownedVal = $('#cp-creation-owned').is(':checked') ? 1 : 0; // Life time var expireVal = 0; if($('#cp-creation-expire').is(':checked')) { var unit = 0; switch ($('#cp-creation-expire-unit').val()) { case "hour" : unit = 3600; break; case "day" : unit = 3600 * 24; break; case "month": unit = 3600 * 24 * 30; break; default: unit = 0; } expireVal = ($('#cp-creation-expire-val').val() || 0) * unit; } // Password var passwordVal = $('#cp-creation-password').is(':checked') ? $('#cp-creation-password-val').val() : undefined; var $template = $creation.find('.cp-creation-template-selected'); var templateId = $'id') || undefined; // Team var team; if (teamValue) { team = privateData.teams[teamValue] || {}; = Number(teamValue); } return { owned: ownedVal, password: passwordVal, expire: expireVal, templateId: templateId, team: team }; }; var create = function () { var val = getFormValues(); common.setAttribute(['general', 'creation', 'owned'], val.owned, function (e) { if (e) { return void console.error(e); } }); common.setAttribute(['general', 'creation', 'expire'], val.expire, function (e) { if (e) { return void console.error(e); } }); if (val.expire) { Feedback.send('EXPIRING_PAD-'+val.expire); } $creationContainer.remove(); common.createPad(val, function () { cb(); }); }; var $button = $('<button>').text(Messages.creation_create).appendTo($create); $button.addClass('cp-creation-button-selected'); $ () { create(); }); $creation.keydown(function (e) { if (e.which === 9) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); next(e.shiftKey); return; } if (e.which === 13) { $; return; } }); $creation.focus(); }; UIElements.onServerError = function (common, err, toolbar, cb) { //if (["EDELETED", "EEXPIRED", "ERESTRICTED"].indexOf(err.type) === -1) { return; } var priv = common.getMetadataMgr().getPrivateData(); var msg = err.type; if (err.type === 'EEXPIRED') { msg = Messages.expiredError; if (err.loaded) { msg += Messages.errorCopy; } if (toolbar && typeof toolbar.deleted === "function") { toolbar.deleted(); } } else if (err.type === 'EDELETED') { if (priv.burnAfterReading) { return void cb(); } msg = Messages.deletedError; if (err.loaded) { msg += Messages.errorCopy; } if (toolbar && typeof toolbar.deleted === "function") { toolbar.deleted(); } } else if (err.type === 'ERESTRICTED') { msg = Messages.restrictedError; if (toolbar && typeof toolbar.failed === "function") { toolbar.failed(true); } } var sframeChan = common.getSframeChannel(); sframeChan.event('EV_SHARE_OPEN', {hidden: true}); UI.errorLoadingScreen(msg, Boolean(err.loaded), Boolean(err.loaded)); (cb || function () {})(); }; UIElements.displayPasswordPrompt = function (common, cfg, isError) { var error; if (isError) { error = setHTML(h('p.cp-password-error'), Messages.password_error); } var info = h('p.cp-password-info', Messages.password_info); var password = UI.passwordInput({placeholder: Messages.password_placeholder}); var $password = $(password); var button = h('button', Messages.password_submit); cfg = cfg || {}; if (cfg.value && !isError) { $password.find('.cp-password-input').val(cfg.value); } var submit = function () { var value = $password.find('.cp-password-input').val(); UI.addLoadingScreen(); common.getSframeChannel().query('Q_PAD_PASSWORD_VALUE', value, function (err, data) { if (!data) { UIElements.displayPasswordPrompt(common, cfg, true); } }); }; $password.find('.cp-password-input').on('keydown', function (e) { if (e.which === 13) { submit(); } }); $(button).on('click', function () { submit(); }); var block = h('div#cp-loading-password-prompt', [ error, info, h('p.cp-password-form', [ password, button ]) ]); UI.errorLoadingScreen(block); $password.find('.cp-password-input').focus(); }; UIElements.displayBurnAfterReadingPage = function (common, cb) { var info = h('p.cp-password-info', Messages.burnAfterReading_warningAccess); var button = h('button.primary', Messages.burnAfterReading_proceed); $(button).on('click', function () { cb(); }); var block = h('div#cp-loading-burn-after-reading', [ info, button ]); UI.errorLoadingScreen(block); }; UIElements.getBurnAfterReadingWarning = function (common) { var priv = common.getMetadataMgr().getPrivateData(); if (!priv.burnAfterReading) { return; } return h('div.alert.alert-danger.cp-burn-after-reading', Messages.burnAfterReading_warningDeleted); }; var crowdfundingState = false; UIElements.displayCrowdfunding = function (common, force) { if (crowdfundingState) { return; } var priv = common.getMetadataMgr().getPrivateData(); var todo = function () { crowdfundingState = true; // Display the popup var text = Messages.crowdfunding_popup_text; var yes = h('button.cp-corner-primary', [ h('span.fa.fa-external-link'), 'OpenCollective' ]); var no = h('button.cp-corner-cancel', Messages.crowdfunding_popup_no); var actions = h('div', [no, yes]); var dontShowAgain = function () { common.setAttribute(['general', 'crowdfunding'], false); Feedback.send('CROWDFUNDING_NEVER'); }; var modal = UI.cornerPopup(text, actions, '', { big: true, alt: true, dontShowAgain: dontShowAgain }); $(yes).click(function () { modal.delete(); common.openURL(priv.accounts.donateURL); Feedback.send('CROWDFUNDING_YES'); }); $(modal.popup).find('a').click(function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); modal.delete(); common.openURL(priv.accounts.donateURL); Feedback.send('CROWDFUNDING_LINK'); }); $(no).click(function () { modal.delete(); Feedback.send('CROWDFUNDING_NO'); }); }; if (force) { crowdfundingState = true; return void todo(); } if (AppConfig.disableCrowdfundingMessages) { return; } if (priv.plan) { return; } crowdfundingState = true; common.getAttribute(['general', 'crowdfunding'], function (err, val) { if (err || val === false) { return; } common.getSframeChannel().query('Q_GET_PINNED_USAGE', null, function (err, obj) { var quotaMb = obj.quota / (1024 * 1024); if (quotaMb < 10) { return; } todo(); }); }); }; var storePopupState = false; var autoStoreModal = {}; UIElements.displayStorePadPopup = function (common, data) { if (storePopupState) { return; } storePopupState = true; if (data && data.stored) { return; } // We won't display the popup for dropped files var priv = common.getMetadataMgr().getPrivateData(); // This pad will be deleted automatically, it shouldn't be stored if (priv.burnAfterReading) { return; } var typeMsg = priv.pathname.indexOf('/file/') !== -1 ? Messages.autostore_file : priv.pathname.indexOf('/drive/') !== -1 ? Messages.autostore_sf : Messages.autostore_pad; var text = Messages._getKey('autostore_notstored', [typeMsg]); var footer = Messages.autostore_settings; var hide = h('button.cp-corner-cancel', Messages.autostore_hide); var store = h('button.cp-corner-primary', Messages.autostore_store); var actions = h('div', [hide, store]); var initialHide = data && data.autoStore && data.autoStore === -1; var modal = UI.cornerPopup(text, actions, footer, {hidden: initialHide}); // Once the store pad popup is created, put the crowdfunding one in the queue UIElements.displayCrowdfunding(common); autoStoreModal[] = modal; $(modal.popup).find('.cp-corner-footer a').click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); common.openURL('/settings/'); }); $(hide).click(function () { delete autoStoreModal[]; modal.delete(); }); var waitingForStoringCb = false; $(store).click(function () { if (waitingForStoringCb) { return; } waitingForStoringCb = true; common.getSframeChannel().query("Q_AUTOSTORE_STORE", null, function (err, obj) { waitingForStoringCb = false; var error = err || (obj && obj.error); if (error) { if (error === 'E_OVER_LIMIT') { return void UI.warn(Messages.pinLimitReached); } return void UI.warn(Messages.autostore_error); } $(document).trigger('cpPadStored'); delete autoStoreModal[]; modal.delete(); UI.log(Messages.autostore_saved); }); }); }; UIElements.displayFriendRequestModal = function (common, data) { var msg = data.content.msg; var userData = msg.content.user; var text = Messages._getKey('contacts_request', [Util.fixHTML(userData.displayName)]); var todo = function (yes) { common.getSframeChannel().query("Q_ANSWER_FRIEND_REQUEST", { data: data, value: yes }, function (err, obj) { var error = err || (obj && obj.error); if (error) { return void UI.warn(error); } if (yes) { UI.log(Messages.contacts_added); } else { UI.log(Messages.contacts_rejected); } }); }; var content = h('div.cp-share-modal', [ setHTML(h('p'), text), ]); UI.proposal(content, todo); }; UIElements.displayAddOwnerModal = function (common, data) { var priv = common.getMetadataMgr().getPrivateData(); var sframeChan = common.getSframeChannel(); var msg = data.content.msg; var name = Util.fixHTML(msg.content.user.displayName) || Messages.anonymous; var title = Util.fixHTML(msg.content.title); var text = Messages._getKey('owner_add', [name, title]); var link = h('a', { href: '#' }, Messages.requestEdit_viewPad); $(link).click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); if (msg.content.password) { common.sessionStorage.put('newPadPassword', msg.content.password, function () { common.openURL(msg.content.href); }); return; } common.openURL(msg.content.href); }); var div = h('div', [ UI.setHTML(h('p'), text), link ]); var dismiss = function () { common.mailbox.dismiss(data, function (err) { console.log(err); }); }; var answer = function (yes) { common.mailbox.sendTo("ADD_OWNER_ANSWER", { channel:, href: msg.content.href, password: msg.content.password, title: msg.content.title, answer: yes }, { channel: msg.content.user.notifications, curvePublic: msg.content.user.curvePublic }); dismiss(); }; var todo = function (yes) { if (yes) { // ACCEPT sframeChan.query('Q_SET_PAD_METADATA', { channel:, command: 'ADD_OWNERS', value: [priv.edPublic] }, function (err, res) { err = err || (res && res.error); if (err) { var text = err === "INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS" ? Messages.fm_forbidden : Messages.error; console.error(err); dismiss(); return void UI.warn(text); } UI.log(Messages.saved); // Send notification to the sender answer(true); var data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(msg.content)); data.metadata = res; // Add the pad to your drive // This command will also add your mailbox to the metadata log // The callback is called when the pad is stored, independantly of the metadata command sframeChan.query('Q_ACCEPT_OWNERSHIP', data, function (err, res) { if (err || (res && res.error)) { return void console.error(err | res.error); } UI.log(Messages.saved); if (autoStoreModal[]) { autoStoreModal[].delete(); delete autoStoreModal[]; } }); // Remove yourself from the pending owners sframeChan.query('Q_SET_PAD_METADATA', { channel:, command: 'RM_PENDING_OWNERS', value: [priv.edPublic] }, function (err, res) { err = err || (res && res.error); if (err) { console.error(err); } }); }); return; } // DECLINE // Remove yourself from the pending owners sframeChan.query('Q_SET_PAD_METADATA', { channel:, command: 'RM_PENDING_OWNERS', value: [priv.edPublic] }, function (err, res) { err = err || (res && res.error); if (err) { console.error(err); } // Send notification to the sender answer(false); }); }; UI.proposal(div, todo); }; UIElements.displayAddTeamOwnerModal = function (common, data) { var priv = common.getMetadataMgr().getPrivateData(); var sframeChan = common.getSframeChannel(); var msg = data.content.msg; var name = Util.fixHTML(msg.content.user.displayName) || Messages.anonymous; var title = Util.fixHTML(msg.content.title); var text = Messages._getKey('owner_team_add', [name, title]); var div = h('div', [ UI.setHTML(h('p'), text), ]); var answer = function (yes) { common.mailbox.sendTo("ADD_OWNER_ANSWER", { teamChannel: msg.content.teamChannel, title: msg.content.title, answer: yes }, { channel: msg.content.user.notifications, curvePublic: msg.content.user.curvePublic }); common.mailbox.dismiss(data, function (err) { if (err) { console.log(err); } }); }; var module = common.makeUniversal('team'); var addOwner = function (chan, waitFor, cb) { // Remove yourself from the pending owners sframeChan.query('Q_SET_PAD_METADATA', { channel: chan, command: 'ADD_OWNERS', value: [priv.edPublic] }, function (err, res) { err = err || (res && res.error); if (!err) { return; } waitFor.abort(); cb(err); }); }; var removePending = function (chan, waitFor, cb) { // Remove yourself from the pending owners sframeChan.query('Q_SET_PAD_METADATA', { channel: chan, command: 'RM_PENDING_OWNERS', value: [priv.edPublic] }, waitFor(function (err, res) { err = err || (res && res.error); if (!err) { return; } waitFor.abort(); cb(err); })); }; var changeAll = function (add, _cb) { var f = add ? addOwner : removePending; var cb = Util.once(_cb); NThen(function (waitFor) { f(msg.content.teamChannel, waitFor, cb); f(msg.content.chatChannel, waitFor, cb); f(msg.content.rosterChannel, waitFor, cb); }).nThen(function () { cb(); }); }; var todo = function (yes) { if (yes) { // ACCEPT changeAll(true, function (err) { if (err) { console.error(err); var text = err === "INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS" ? Messages.fm_forbidden : Messages.error; return void UI.warn(text); } UI.log(Messages.saved); // Send notification to the sender answer(true); // Mark ourselves as "owner" in our local team data module.execCommand("ANSWER_OWNERSHIP", { teamChannel: msg.content.teamChannel, answer: true }, function (obj) { if (obj && obj.error) { console.error(obj.error); } }); // Remove yourself from the pending owners changeAll(false, function (err) { if (err) { console.error(err); } }); }); return; } // DECLINE // Remove yourself from the pending owners changeAll(false, function (err) { if (err) { console.error(err); } // Send notification to the sender answer(false); // Set our role back to ADMIN module.execCommand("ANSWER_OWNERSHIP", { teamChannel: msg.content.teamChannel, answer: false }, function (obj) { if (obj && obj.error) { console.error(obj.error); } }); }); }; UI.proposal(div, todo); }; UIElements.getVerifiedFriend = function (common, curve, name) { var priv = common.getMetadataMgr().getPrivateData(); var verified = h('p'); var $verified = $(verified); if (priv.friends && priv.friends[curve]) { $verified.addClass('cp-notifications-requestedit-verified'); var f = priv.friends[curve]; $verified.append(h('span.fa.fa-certificate')); var $avatar = $(h('span.cp-avatar')).appendTo($verified); $verified.append(h('p', Messages._getKey('isContact', [f.displayName]))); common.displayAvatar($avatar, f.avatar, f.displayName); } else { $verified.append(Messages._getKey('isNotContact', [name])); } return verified; }; UIElements.displayInviteTeamModal = function (common, data) { var msg = data.content.msg; var name = Util.fixHTML(msg.content.user.displayName) || Messages.anonymous; var teamName = Util.fixHTML(Util.find(msg, ['content', 'team', 'metadata', 'name']) || ''); var verified = UIElements.getVerifiedFriend(common,, name); var text = Messages._getKey('team_invitedToTeam', [name, teamName]); var div = h('div', [ UI.setHTML(h('p'), text), verified ]); var module = common.makeUniversal('team'); var answer = function (yes) { common.mailbox.sendTo("INVITE_TO_TEAM_ANSWER", { answer: yes, teamChannel:, teamName: teamName }, { channel: msg.content.user.notifications, curvePublic: msg.content.user.curvePublic }); common.mailbox.dismiss(data, function (err) { console.log(err); }); }; var MAX_TEAMS_SLOTS = Constants.MAX_TEAMS_SLOTS; var todo = function (yes) { var priv = common.getMetadataMgr().getPrivateData(); var numberOfTeams = Object.keys(priv.teams || {}).length; if (yes) { if (numberOfTeams >= MAX_TEAMS_SLOTS) { return void UI.alert(Messages._getKey('team_maxTeams', [MAX_TEAMS_SLOTS])); } // ACCEPT module.execCommand('JOIN_TEAM', { team: }, function (obj) { if (obj && obj.error) { if (obj.error === 'ENOENT') { common.mailbox.dismiss(data, function () {}); return void UI.alert(Messages.deletedError); } return void UI.warn(Messages.error); } answer(true); if ( !== 'teams') { common.openURL('/teams/'); } }); return; } // DECLINE answer(false); }; UI.proposal(div, todo); }; var insertTextAtCursor = function (text) { var selection = window.getSelection(); var range = selection.getRangeAt(0); range.deleteContents(); var node = document.createTextNode(text); range.insertNode(node); for (var position = 0; position !== text.length; position++) { selection.modify("move", "right", "character"); } }; var getSource = {}; getSource['contacts'] = function (common, sources) { var priv = common.getMetadataMgr().getPrivateData(); Object.keys(priv.friends || {}).forEach(function (key) { if (key === 'me') { return; } var f = priv.friends[key]; if (!f.curvePublic || sources[f.curvePublic]) { return; } sources[f.curvePublic] = { avatar: f.avatar, name: f.displayName, curvePublic: f.curvePublic, profile: f.profile, notifications: f.notifications }; }); }; UIElements.addMentions = function (common, options) { if (!options.$input) { return; } var $t = options.$input; var getValue = function () { return $t.val(); }; var setValue = function (val) { $t.val(val); }; var div = false; if (options.contenteditable) { div = true; getValue = function () { return $t.html(); }; setValue = function () {}; // Not used, we insert data at the node level $t.on('paste', function (e) { try { insertTextAtCursor(e.originalEvent.clipboardData.getData('text')); e.preventDefault(); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } }); // Fix backspace with "contenteditable false" children $t.on('keydown', function (e) { if (e.which !== 8 && e.which !== 46) { return; } // Backspace or del var sel = document.getSelection(); if (sel.anchorNode.nodeType !== Node.TEXT_NODE) { return; } // text nodes only // Only fix node located after mentions var n = sel.anchorNode; var prev = n && n.previousSibling; // Check if our caret is just after a mention if (!prev || !prev.classList || !prev.classList.contains('cp-mentions')) { return; } // Del: if we're at offset 0, make sure we won't delete the text node if (e.which === 46) { if (!sel.anchorOffset && sel.anchorNode.length === 1) { sel.anchorNode.nodeValue = " "; e.preventDefault(); } return; } // Backspace // If we're not at offset 0, make sure we won't delete the text node if (e.which === 8 && sel.anchorOffset) { if (sel.anchorNode.length === 1) { sel.anchorNode.nodeValue = " "; e.preventDefault(); } return; } // If we're at offset 0, We're just after a mention: delete it prev.parentElement.removeChild(prev); e.preventDefault(); }); } // Add the sources // NOTE: Sources must have a "name". They can have an "avatar". var sources = options.sources || {}; if (!getSource[options.type]) { return; } getSource[options.type](common, sources); // Sort autocomplete result by label var sort = function (a, b) { var _a = a.label.toLowerCase(); var _b = b.label.toLowerCase(); if (_a.label < _b.label) { return -1; } if (_b.label < _a.label) { return 1; } return 0; }; // Get the text between the last @ before the cursor and the cursor var extractLast = function (term, offset) { offset = typeof(offset) !== "undefined" ? offset : $t[0].selectionStart; var startOffset = term.slice(0,offset).lastIndexOf('@'); return term.slice(startOffset+1, offset); }; // Insert the autocomplete value in the input field var insertValue = function (value, offset, content) { offset = typeof(offset) !== "undefined" ? offset : $t[0].selectionStart; content = content || getValue(); var startOffset = content.slice(0,offset).lastIndexOf('@'); var length = offset - startOffset; if (length <= 0) { return; } var result = content.slice(0,startOffset) + value + content.slice(offset); if (content) { return { result: result, startOffset: startOffset }; } setValue(result); }; // Set the value to receive from the autocomplete var toInsert = function (data, key) { var name =[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/g, "-"); return "[@"+name+"|"+key+"]"; }; // Fix the functions when suing a contenteditable div if (div) { var _extractLast = extractLast; // Use getSelection to get the cursor position in contenteditable extractLast = function () { var sel = document.getSelection(); if (sel.anchorNode.nodeType !== Node.TEXT_NODE) { return; } return _extractLast(sel.anchorNode.nodeValue, sel.anchorOffset); }; var _insertValue = insertValue; insertValue = function (value) { // Get the selected node var sel = document.getSelection(); if (sel.anchorNode.nodeType !== Node.TEXT_NODE) { return; } var node = sel.anchorNode; // Remove the "term" var insert =_insertValue("", sel.anchorOffset, node.nodeValue); if (insert) { node.nodeValue = insert.result; } var breakAt = insert ? insert.startOffset : sel.anchorOffset; var el; if (typeof(value) === "string") { el = document.createTextNode(value); } else { el = value; } node.parentNode.insertBefore(el, node.splitText(breakAt)); var next = el.nextSibling; if (!next) { next = document.createTextNode(" "); el.parentNode.appendChild(next); } else if (next.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && !next.nodeValue) { next.nodeValue = " "; } var range = document.createRange(); range.setStart(next, 0); range.setEnd(next, 0); var newSel = window.getSelection(); newSel.removeAllRanges(); newSel.addRange(range); }; // Inserting contacts into contenteditable: use mention UI if (options.type === "contacts") { toInsert = function (data) { var avatar = h('span.cp-avatar', { contenteditable: false }); common.displayAvatar($(avatar), data.avatar,; return h('span.cp-mentions', { 'data-curve': data.curvePublic, 'data-notifications': data.notifications, 'data-profile': data.profile, 'data-name': Util.fixHTML(, 'data-avatar': data.avatar || "", }, [ avatar, h('span.cp-mentions-name', { contenteditable: false }, ]); }; } } // don't navigate away from the field on tab when selecting an item $t.on("keydown", function(e) { // Tab or enter if ((e.which === 13 || e.which === 9)) { try { var visible = $t.autocomplete("instance")':visible'); if (visible) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } } catch (err) { console.error(err, $t); } } }).autocomplete({ minLength: 0, source: function(data, cb) { var term = data.term; var results = []; if (term.indexOf("@") >= 0) { term = extractLast(data.term) || ''; results = Object.keys(sources).filter(function (key) { var data = sources[key]; return !== -1; }).map(function (key) { var data = sources[key]; return { label:, value: key }; }); results.sort(sort); } cb(results); // Set max-height to the autocomplete dropdown try { var max = window.innerHeight; var pos = $t[0].getBoundingClientRect(); var menu = $t.autocomplete("instance").menu.activeMenu; menu.css({ 'overflow-y': 'auto', 'max-height': (max-pos.bottom)+'px' }); } catch (e) {} }, focus: function() { // prevent value inserted on focus return false; }, select: function(event, ui) { // add the selected item var key = ui.item.value; var data = sources[key]; var value = toInsert(data, key); insertValue(value); return false; } }).autocomplete( "instance" )._renderItem = function( ul, item ) { var key = item.value; var obj = sources[key]; if (!obj) { return; } var avatar = h('span.cp-avatar'); common.displayAvatar($(avatar), obj.avatar,; var li = h('li.cp-autocomplete-value', [ avatar, h('span', ]); return $(li).appendTo(ul); }; }; UIElements.isVisible = function (el, $container) { var size = $container.outerHeight(); var pos = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return (pos.bottom < size) && (pos.y > 0); }; return UIElements; });