var id = Math.floor(Math.random()*100000); var postMsg = function (client, data) { client.postMessage(data); }; var broadcast = function (data, excludes) { // Loop over all available clients clients.matchAll().then(function (clients) { clients.forEach(function (client) { if (excludes.indexOf( === -1) { postMsg(client, data); } }) }) }; var sendTo = function (data, clientId){ clients.matchAll().then(function (clients) { clients.some(function (client) { if ( === clientId) { postMsg(client, data) } }) }) }; var getClients = function () { clients.matchAll().then(function (clients) { var cl = (c) { console.log(JSON.stringify(c)); return; }); console.log(cl); }); }; self.addEventListener('message', function (e) { console.log(clients); console.log('worker received'); console.log(; console.log(e.source); var cId =; if ( === "INIT") { broadcast(cId + ' has joined!', [cId]); postMsg(e.source, {state: 'READY'}); postMsg(e.source, "Welcome to SW " + id + "!"); postMsg(e.source, "You are identified as " + cId); } else { console.log(; postMsg(e.source, 'Yo (Re: '')'); } }); self.addEventListener('install', function (e) { console.log(e); console.log('V1 installing…'); self.skipWaiting(); }); self.addEventListener('activate', function (e) { console.log(e); console.log('V1 now ready to handle fetches!'); });