/* jshint esversion: 6 */ /* global process */ const Util = require("../common-util"); const nThen = require('nthen'); const OS = require("os"); const numCPUs = OS.cpus().length; const { fork } = require('child_process'); const Workers = module.exports; const PID = process.pid; const CRYPTO_PATH = 'lib/workers/crypto-worker'; const DB_PATH = 'lib/workers/db-worker'; Workers.initializeValidationWorkers = function (Env) { if (typeof(Env.validateMessage) !== 'undefined') { return void console.error("validation workers are already initialized"); } // Create our workers const workers = []; for (let i = 0; i < numCPUs; i++) { workers.push(fork(CRYPTO_PATH)); } const response = Util.response(function (errLabel, info) { Env.Log.error('HK_VALIDATE_WORKER__' + errLabel, info); }); var initWorker = function (worker) { worker.on('message', function (res) { if (!res || !res.txid) { return; } //console.log(+new Date(), "Received verification response"); response.handle(res.txid, [res.error, res.value]); }); var substituteWorker = Util.once( function () { Env.Log.info("SUBSTITUTE_VALIDATION_WORKER", ''); var idx = workers.indexOf(worker); if (idx !== -1) { workers.splice(idx, 1); } // Spawn a new one var w = fork(CRYPTO_PATH); workers.push(w); initWorker(w); }); // Spawn a new process in one ends worker.on('exit', substituteWorker); worker.on('close', substituteWorker); worker.on('error', function (err) { substituteWorker(); Env.Log.error('VALIDATION_WORKER_ERROR', { error: err, }); }); }; workers.forEach(initWorker); var nextWorker = 0; const send = function (msg, _cb) { var cb = Util.once(Util.mkAsync(_cb)); // let's be paranoid about asynchrony and only calling back once.. nextWorker = (nextWorker + 1) % workers.length; if (workers.length === 0 || typeof(workers[nextWorker].send) !== 'function') { return void cb("INVALID_WORKERS"); } var txid = msg.txid = Util.uid(); // expect a response within 45s response.expect(txid, cb, 60000); // Send the request workers[nextWorker].send(msg); }; Env.validateMessage = function (signedMsg, key, cb) { send({ msg: signedMsg, key: key, command: 'INLINE', }, cb); }; Env.checkSignature = function (signedMsg, signature, publicKey, cb) { send({ command: 'DETACHED', sig: signature, msg: signedMsg, key: publicKey, }, cb); }; Env.hashChannelList = function (channels, cb) { send({ command: 'HASH_CHANNEL_LIST', channels: channels, }, cb); }; }; Workers.initializeIndexWorkers = function (Env, config, _cb) { var cb = Util.once(Util.mkAsync(_cb)); const workers = []; const response = Util.response(function (errLabel, info) { Env.Log.error('HK_DB_WORKER__' + errLabel, info); }); const Log = Env.Log; const handleLog = function (level, label, info) { if (typeof(Log[level]) !== 'function') { return; } Log[level](label, info); }; var isWorker = function (value) { return value && value.worker && typeof(value.worker.send) === 'function'; }; // pick ids that aren't already in use... const guid = function () { var id = Util.uid(); return response.expected(id)? guid(): id; }; var workerIndex = 0; var sendCommand = function (msg, _cb) { console.log("SEND_COMMAND"); var cb = Util.once(Util.mkAsync(_cb)); workerIndex = (workerIndex + 1) % workers.length; if (!isWorker(workers[workerIndex])) { return void cb("NO_WORKERS"); } var state = workers[workerIndex]; // XXX insert a queue here to prevent timeouts const txid = guid(); msg.txid = txid; msg.pid = PID; // track which worker is doing which jobs state.tasks[txid] = msg; response.expect(txid, function (err, value) { // clean up when you get a response delete state[txid]; cb(err, value); }, 60000); state.worker.send(msg); }; const initWorker = function (worker, cb) { //console.log("initializing index worker"); const txid = guid(); const state = { worker: worker, tasks: {}, }; response.expect(txid, function (err) { if (err) { return void cb(err); } //console.log("worker initialized"); workers.push(state); cb(void 0, state); }, 15000); worker.send({ pid: PID, txid: txid, config: config, }); worker.on('message', function (res) { if (!res) { return; } // handle log messages before checking if it was addressed to your PID // it might still be useful to know what happened inside an orphaned worker if (res.log) { return void handleLog(res.log, res.label, res.info); } // but don't bother handling things addressed to other processes // since it's basically guaranteed not to work if (res.pid !== PID) { return void Log.error("WRONG_PID", res); } response.handle(res.txid, [res.error, res.value]); }); var substituteWorker = Util.once(function () { Env.Log.info("SUBSTITUTE_DB_WORKER", ''); var idx = workers.indexOf(state); if (idx !== -1) { workers.splice(idx, 1); } Object.keys(state.tasks).forEach(function (txid) { const cb = response.expectation(txid); if (typeof(cb) !== 'function') { return; } const task = state.tasks[txid]; if (!task && task.msg) { return; } response.clear(txid); Log.info('DB_WORKER_RESEND', task.msg); sendCommand(task.msg, cb); }); var w = fork(DB_PATH); initWorker(w, function (err, state) { if (err) { throw new Error(err); } workers.push(state); }); }); worker.on('exit', substituteWorker); worker.on('close', substituteWorker); worker.on('error', function (err) { substituteWorker(); Env.Log.error("DB_WORKER_ERROR", { error: err, }); }); }; nThen(function (w) { OS.cpus().forEach(function () { initWorker(fork(DB_PATH), w(function (err) { if (!err) { return; } w.abort(); return void cb(err); })); }); }).nThen(function () { Env.computeIndex = function (Env, channel, cb) { Env.store.getWeakLock(channel, function (next) { sendCommand({ channel: channel, command: 'COMPUTE_INDEX', }, function (err, index) { next(); cb(err, index); }); }); }; Env.computeMetadata = function (channel, cb) { Env.store.getWeakLock(channel, function (next) { sendCommand({ channel: channel, command: 'COMPUTE_METADATA', }, function (err, metadata) { next(); cb(err, metadata); }); }); }; Env.getOlderHistory = function (channel, oldestKnownHash, cb) { Env.store.getWeakLock(channel, function (next) { sendCommand({ channel: channel, command: "GET_OLDER_HISTORY", hash: oldestKnownHash, }, Util.both(next, cb)); }); }; Env.getPinState = function (safeKey, cb) { Env.pinStore.getWeakLock(safeKey, function (next) { sendCommand({ key: safeKey, command: 'GET_PIN_STATE', }, Util.both(next, cb)); }); }; Env.getFileSize = function (channel, cb) { sendCommand({ command: 'GET_FILE_SIZE', channel: channel, }, cb); }; Env.getDeletedPads = function (channels, cb) { sendCommand({ command: "GET_DELETED_PADS", channels: channels, }, cb); }; Env.getTotalSize = function (channels, cb) { // we could take out locks for all of these channels, // but it's OK if the size is slightly off sendCommand({ command: 'GET_TOTAL_SIZE', channels: channels, }, cb); }; Env.getMultipleFileSize = function (channels, cb) { sendCommand({ command: "GET_MULTIPLE_FILE_SIZE", channels: channels, }, cb); }; Env.getHashOffset = function (channel, hash, cb) { Env.store.getWeakLock(channel, function (next) { sendCommand({ command: 'GET_HASH_OFFSET', channel: channel, hash: hash, }, Util.both(next, cb)); }); }; Env.removeOwnedBlob = function (blobId, safeKey, cb) { sendCommand({ command: 'REMOVE_OWNED_BLOB', blobId: blobId, safeKey: safeKey, }, cb); }; Env.runTasks = function (cb) { sendCommand({ command: 'RUN_TASKS', }, cb); }; cb(void 0); }); }; Workers.initialize = function (Env, config, cb) { Workers.initializeValidationWorkers(Env); Workers.initializeIndexWorkers(Env, config, cb); };