require.config({ paths: { 'json.sortify': '/bower_components/json.sortify/dist/JSON.sortify' } }); define([ '/api/config?cb=' + Math.random().toString(16).substring(2), '/common/realtime-input.js', '/common/crypto.js', '/bower_components/textpatcher/TextPatcher.amd.js', 'json.sortify', '/common/json-ot.js', '/json/compare.js', '/bower_components/proxy-polyfill/proxy.min.js', // '/bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js', '/customize/pad.js' ], function (Config, Realtime, Crypto, TextPatcher, Sortify, JsonOT, Compare) { // // // var $ = window.jQuery; var Proxy = window.Proxy; var key; var channel = ''; var hash = false; if (!/#/.test(window.location.href)) { key = Crypto.genKey(); } else { hash = window.location.hash.slice(1); channel = hash.slice(0,32); key = hash.slice(32); } var module = window.APP = { TextPatcher: TextPatcher, Sortify: Sortify, }; var $repl = $('[name="repl"]'); var Map = module.Map = {}; var initializing = true; var config = module.config = { initialState: Sortify(Map) || '{}', websocketURL: Config.websocketURL, userName: Crypto.rand64(8), channel: channel, cryptKey: key, crypto: Crypto, transformFunction: JsonOT.validate }; var setEditable = module.setEditable = function (bool) { /* (dis)allow editing */ [$repl].forEach(function ($el) { $el.attr('disabled', !bool); }); }; setEditable(false); var onInit = config.onInit = function (info) { var realtime = module.realtime = info.realtime; window.location.hash = + key; // create your patcher module.patchText = TextPatcher.create({ realtime: realtime, logging: true, }); }; var onLocal = config.onLocal = module.bump = function () { if (initializing) { return; } var strung = Sortify(Map); console.log(strung); /* serialize local changes */ module.patchText(strung); if (module.realtime.getUserDoc !== strung) { module.patchText(strung); } }; var onRemote = config.onRemote = function (info) { if (initializing) { return; } /* integrate remote changes */ var proxy = module.proxy; var userDoc = module.realtime.getUserDoc(); var parsed = JSON.parse(userDoc); if (Compare.isArray(parsed)) { // what's different about arrays? } else if (Compare.type(parsed) === 'object') { /* don't use native typeof because 'null' is an object, but you can't proxy it, so you need to distinguish */ Compare.objects(Map, parsed, function (obj) { console.log("constructing new proxy for type [%s]", Compare.type(obj)); return module.makeProxy(obj); }, []); } else { throw new Error("unsupported realtime datatype"); } }; var onReady = config.onReady = function (info) { console.log("READY"); var userDoc = module.realtime.getUserDoc(); var parsed = JSON.parse(userDoc); //Compare.objects(module.proxy, parsed, module.makeProxy, []); Object.keys(parsed).forEach(function (key) { Map[key] = module.recursiveProxies(parsed[key]); }); setEditable(true); initializing = false; }; var onAbort = config.onAbort = function (info) { window.alert("Network Connection Lost"); }; var rt = Realtime.start(config); var handler = { get: function (obj, prop) { // FIXME magic? if (prop === 'length' && typeof(obj.length) === 'number') { return obj.length; } //console.log("Getting [%s]", prop); return obj[prop]; }, set: function (obj, prop, value) { if (prop === 'on') { throw new Error("'on' is a reserved attribute name for realtime lists and maps"); } if (obj[prop] === value) { return value; } var t_value = Compare.type(value); if (['array', 'object'].indexOf(t_value) !== -1) { console.log("Constructing new proxy for value with type [%s]", t_value); var proxy = obj[prop] = module.makeProxy(value); //onLocal(); //return proxy; } else { console.log("Setting [%s] to [%s]", prop, value); obj[prop] = value; } onLocal(); return obj[prop]; } }; var makeProxy = module.makeProxy = function (obj) { return new Proxy(obj, handler); }; var recursiveProxies = module.recursiveProxies = function (obj) { var t_obj = Compare.type(obj); var proxy; switch (t_obj) { case 'object': proxy = makeProxy({}); Compare.objects(proxy, obj, makeProxy, []); return proxy; case 'array': proxy = makeProxy([]); Compare.arrays(proxy, obj, makeProxy, []); return proxy; default: return obj; } }; var proxy = module.proxy = makeProxy(Map); $repl.on('keyup', function (e) { if (e.which === 13) { var value = $repl.val(); if (!value.trim()) { return; } console.log("evaluating `%s`", value); var x = proxy; console.log('> ', eval(value)); // jshint ignore:line //console.log(Sortify(proxy)); console.log(); $repl.val(''); } }); });